892 resultados para Moderated Mediation


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Recently, unethical conduct in the workplace has been a focus of literature and media. Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) refers to unethical conduct that employees engage in to benefit the organization. Given the complexity of UPB, there is an increasing need to understand how and under what conditions this attitude originates within organizations. Based on a sample of 167 employees and seven organizations, results support the moderated mediation model. An ethical leader increases employees’ organizational affective commitment which increases the likelihood to engage in UPB. However, the indirect relationship diminishes when employees feel authentic at work.


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Scholarly interest in callings is growing, but our understanding of how and when callings relate to career outcomes is incomplete. The present study investigated the possibility that the relationship of calling to work engagement is mediated by work meaningfulness, occupational identity, and occupational self-efficacy – and that this mediation depends on the degree of perceived person-job fit. I examined a highly educated sample of German employees (N=529) in diverse occupations and found support for two of the three hypothesized mediators – work meaningfulness and occupational identity – after controlling for the relation of core self-evaluations to work engagement. Contrary to expectations, the mediated relations of callings to work engagement were not conditional upon the degree of person-job fit. The findings are considered in terms of the pathways through which callings may relate to work engagement and other career development outcomes.


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This study examined an integrated model of the antecedents and outcomes of organisational and overall justice using a sample of Indian Call Centre employees (n = 458). Results of structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed that the four organisational justice dimensions relate to overall justice. Further, work group identification mediated the influence of overall justice on counterproductive work behaviors, such as presenteeism and social loafing, while conscientiousness was a significant moderator between work group identification and presenteeism and social loafing. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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Little is known about the developmental processes through which parenting factors may influence clinical depression among youth. This study investigated whether parenting influences the onset of clinical depression through the mediating mechanism of negative attributional style, particularly under conditions of high stress, in a community sample of children and adolescents (N = 289). Results supported a moderated mediation model in which low levels of observed parent positive regard and sensitivity to distress during a youth stressor task were indirectly associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing an episode of depression over an18 month period, through the mediating influence of youth negative attributional style, but only for youth who also experienced a high number of peer stressors. These findings elucidate mechanisms through which parenting may contribute to risk for depression during the transition into and across adolescence.


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Drawing on the perceived organizational membership theoretical framework and the social identity view of dissonance theory, I examined in this study the dynamics of the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational identification. I included group-level transformational and transactional leadership as well as procedural justice in the hypothesized model as key antecedents for organizational membership processes. I further explored the mediating role of psychological contract breach in the relationship between leadership, procedural justice climate, and organizational identification and proposed separateness–connectedness self-schema as an important moderator of the above mediated relationship. Hierarchical linear modeling results from a sample of 864 employees from 162 work units in 10 Greek organizations indicated that employees' perception of psychological contract breach negatively affected their organizational identification. I also found psychological contract breach to mediate the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on organizational identification. Results further provided support for moderated mediation and showed that the indirect effects of transformational and transactional leadership on identification through psychological contract breach were stronger for employees with a low connectedness self-schema.


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Focus on opportunities is a cognitive-motivational facet of occupational future time perspective that describes how many new goals, options, and possibilities individuals expect to have in their personal work-related futures. This study examined focus on opportunities as a mediator of the relationships between age and work performance and between job complexity and work performance. In addition, it was expected that job complexity buffers the negative relationship between age and focus on opportunities and weakens the negative indirect effect of age on work performance. Results of mediation, moderation, and moderated mediation analyses with data collected from 168 employees in 41 organizations (mean age = 40.22 years, SD = 10.43, range = 19-64 years) as well as 168 peers providing work performance ratings supported the assumptions. The findings suggest that future studies on the role of age for work design and performance should take employees' focus on opportunities into account.


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We investigate the extent to which individuals’ global motivation (self-determined and non-self-determined types) influences adjustment (anxiety, positive reappraisal) and engagement (intrinsic motivation, task performance) in reaction to changes to the level of work control available during a work simulation. Participants (N = 156) completed 2 trials of an inbox activity under conditions of low or high work control—with the ordering of these levels varied to create an increase, decrease, or no change in work control. In support of the hypotheses, results revealed that for more self-determined individuals, high work control led to the increased use of positive reappraisal. Follow-up moderated mediation analyses revealed that the increases in positive reappraisal observed for self-determined individuals in the conditions in which work control was high by Trial 2 consequently increased their intrinsic motivation toward the task. For more non-self-determined individuals, high work control (as well as changes in work control) led to elevated anxiety. Follow-up moderated mediation analyses revealed that the increases in anxiety observed for non-self-determined individuals in the high-to-high work control condition consequently reduced their task performance. It is concluded that adjustment to a demanding work task depends on a fit between individuals’ global motivation and the work control available, which has consequences for engagement with demanding work.


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Demographic changes give rise to an increasing number of middle-aged employees providing home-based care to an elderly family member. However, the potentially important role of employees' perceptions of organizational support for eldercare has so far not been investigated. The goal of this study was to examine a stressor–strain–outcome model (Koeske & Koeske, 1993) of eldercare strain as a mediator of the relationship between eldercare demands and caregivers' work engagement. Perceived organizational eldercare support was expected to attenuate the positive relationship between eldercare demands and eldercare strain and to buffer the negative relationship between eldercare strain and work engagement. Results of mediation and moderated mediation analyses with data collected from 147 employees providing eldercare supported the hypotheses. The findings suggest that perceived organizational eldercare support is especially beneficial for employees' work engagement when eldercare demands and strain are high.


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Objectives The current study had two aims. First, to develop a moral disengagement scale contextualized to underage drinking. Second, to investigate Bandura’s (1986) self-regulatory model within the context of underage drinking. Method Two different samples of students participated in the study. The first sample included 619 (362 females) adolescents (Mage = 15.3 years, SD = 1.09 years) and the second sample 636 (386 females) adolescents (Mage = 15.3 years, SD = 1.03 years). Students in the first sample completed the Underage Drinking Disengagement Scale (UDDS), and measures of engagement in underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking. Students in the second sample completed these measures as well as scales of general moral disengagement, personal standards and anticipatory guilt associated with underage drinking. Results For the UDDS, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses verified a single factor structure. The UDDS was more strongly associated with engagement in underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking than a general measure of moral disengagement. A moderated mediation analysis revealed that adolescents who negatively evaluated underage drinking reported more anticipatory guilt, and more anticipatory guilt was associated with less engagement in underage drinking and less heavy episodic drinking. This relationship was weaker at high compared to low levels of underage drinking disengagement. Conclusions/Importance Understanding how adolescents self-regulate their drinking, and ways that such self-regulation may be deactivated or disengaged, may help identify those adolescents at increased risk of drinking underage and of engaging in heavy episodic drinking.


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Malgré que plus de 50 ans nous séparent des premières études empiriques s’attardant à la diversité dans les équipes de travail, il demeure difficile de tirer des conclusions claires et cohérentes quant à la nature et à la direction des relations qu’elle entretient avec la performance groupale. Ce constat a amené de nombreux auteurs à formuler diverses recommandations visant à sortir le domaine de recherche de l’impasse. Dans un contexte où, d’une part, les organisations tendent à s’appuyer de plus en plus sur des équipes afin d’assurer leur efficacité et, d’autre part, la diversité ne cesse de s’accroitre au rythme de l’immigration et de la spécialisation du savoir, il devient particulièrement pertinent de poursuivre les efforts de recherche en fonction de ces recommandations afin de clarifier les impacts de la diversité sur la performance. La présente thèse s’inscrit dans un courant de recherche en pleine croissance qui répond aux appels des chercheurs du domaine et qui vise à évaluer les effets de la structure de la diversité plutôt qu’uniquement ceux de la quantité de diversité dans les équipes. La théorie des vecteurs de failles (Lau & Murnighan, 1998), qui sont des lignes hypothétiques divisant les membres d’une équipe lorsque des caractéristiques de diversité concordent et créent des sous-groupes homogènes, constitue une avancée majeure à cet effet. Toutefois, certains résultats empiriques contradictoires à son sujet mettent en lumière l’importance de prendre en considération l’ensemble des recommandations qui ont été formulés à l’intention des chercheurs du domaine de la diversité. À travers la lentille des vecteurs de failles, la thèse vise à approfondir notre compréhension du rôle de la diversité sur la performance des équipes en mettant en pratique ces diverses recommandations, qui invitent à examiner le rôle des mécanismes médiateurs ainsi que des effets modérateurs pouvant intervenir dans cette relation, à préciser les typologies employées et à prendre en considération l’influence du contexte dans lequel évoluent les équipes de travail. Le premier article constitue un effort de synthèse empirique cherchant à préciser les effets différenciés que peuvent avoir divers types de failles sur divers types de performance et à évaluer le rôle modérateur que joue le type d’équipe étudié dans ces relations. Les résultats de la méta-analyse, menée à l’aide d’un échantillon de 38 études comprenant 3046 équipes, viennent nuancer ceux précédemment rapportés dans la documentation scientifique et montrent que les failles ont un effet négatif sur la performance comportementale mais pas sur la performance de résultats. De plus, le type d’équipe modère cette relation de sorte que celle-ci est plus fortement négative pour les équipes de projet et les équipes de gestion. Le deuxième article évalue empiriquement l’effet des vecteurs de faille informationnels sur une dimension spécifique de la performance, l’adaptabilité d’équipe, en examinant le rôle médiateur de la coordination implicite ainsi que l’effet modérateur de la clarté des rôles et responsabilités. Une analyse de médiation modérée auprès d’un échantillon de 14 équipes de projet révèle que la coordination implicite médie la relation négative entre les vecteurs de faille informationnels et l’adaptabilité d’équipe. De plus, cette relation est plus fortement négative lorsque les rôles et responsabilités des équipiers sont clairs ou très clairs. Les implications théoriques et pratiques des résultats obtenus sont discutées.


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A growing body of literature indicates a modestly positive association between religiosity and spirituality as predictors of psychological health (anxiety and depression), suggesting they serve as personal resiliency factors. The purpose of this study was to expand our understanding of the relationships among these constructs. Using Lazarus's Transactional Model of Stress as a theoretical framework, we examined: (a) the extent to which spirituality and religiosity mediated and/or moderated the association between perceived stress and psychological health and (b) whether there was a moderated (religiosity) mediation (spirituality) between stress and health. The Perceived Stress Scale, Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale, Religious Commitment Inventory, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were administered to measure the following constructs: stress, spirituality, religiosity, and psychological health. This study utilized a nonexperimental, quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, moderated-mediation design, and included a convenience sample of 331 research participants. Both spirituality and religiosity moderated stress and health. However, only spirituality partially mediated the relationship. In addition, religiosity did not moderate the mediating effects of spirituality. Overall, this study confirmed the role of both religiosity and spirituality as effective resiliency resources.


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Individuals differ in their preference for processing information on the basis of taxonomic, feature-based similarity, or thematic, relation-based similarity. These differences, which have been investigated in a recently emerging research stream in cognitive psychology, affect innovative behavior and thus constitute an important antecedent of individual performance in research and development (R&D) that has been overlooked so far in the literature on innovation management. To fill this research gap, survey and test data from the employees of a multinational information technology services firm are used to examine the relationship between thematic thinking and R&D professionals' individual performance. A moderated mediation model is applied to investigate the proposed relationships of thematic thinking and individual-level performance indicators. Results show a positive relationship between thematic thinking and innovativeness, as well as individual job performance. While the results do not support the postulated moderation of the innovativeness–job performance relationship by employees' political skill, they show that the relationship between thematic thinking and job performance is fully mediated by R&D professionals' innovativeness. The present study is thus the first to reveal a positive relationship between thematic thinking and innovative performance.


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This study examines the concept of engagement in samples of volunteers from different non-profit organisations. Study 1 analyzes the psychometric properties of the abbreviated version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006a). Two factorial structures are examined: one-dimensional and three-dimensional structures. Based on the Three-Stage Model of Volunteers’ Duration of Service (Chacón, Vecina, & Dávila, 2007), Study 2 investigates the relationship between engagement, volunteer satisfaction, and intention to remain in a sample of new volunteers and the relationship between engagement, organisational commitment, and intention to remain in a sample of veteran volunteers. Moderated mediation analysis is provided using duration of service as a moderator in order to set a splitting point between new and veteran volunteers. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis suggest that the three-factor model fits better to the data. Regarding the structural models, the first one shows that engagement is crucial to volunteer satisfaction during the first stage, while volunteer satisfaction is the key variable in explaining intention to continue. The second structural model shows that engagement reinforces the participant’s commitment to the organisation, while organizational commitment predicts intention to continue. Both models demonstrate a notable decline when samples are changed.


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Principals who delegate tasks to agents face the perennial challenge of overcoming agency problems. We investigate whether feelings of ownership among senior managers in the absence of formal ownership can align agents' interests with those of principals, thus turning agents into psychological principals. Using a moderated mediation model, we find that psychological ownership is positively related to company performance through the mediating effect of individual-level entrepreneurial behaviour. We also find that the effect of psychological ownership on individual-level entrepreneurial behaviour and, ultimately, company performance is weaker for high levels of monitoring compared to low levels. These findings offer important contributions to agency, psychological ownership, and entrepreneurship literatures.