932 resultados para Moderate pressures
Glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose: oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor catalyses the oxidation of D-glucose at carbon 2 in the presence of molecular O(2) producing D-glucosone (2-keto-glucose and D-arabino-2-hexosulose) and H(2)O(2). It was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures (i.e. up to 150 bar) with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, [enzyme], [glucose], pH, temperature, nature of fluid and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose increased with the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air resulted in higher rates of conversion. On the other hand, the presence of catalase increased the rate of reaction which strongly suggests that H(2)O(2) acted as inhibitor for this reaction. The rate of bioconversion of D-glucose by glucose 2-oxidase in the presence of either nitrogen or supercritical CO(2) at 110 bar was very low compared with the use of compressed air at the same pressure. The optimum temperature (55 degrees C) and pH (5.0) of D-glucose bioconversion as well as kinetic parameters for this enzyme were determined under moderate pressure. The activation energy (E(a)) was 32.08 kJmol(-1) and kinetic parameters (V(max), K(m), K(cat) and K(cat)/K(m)) for this bioconversion were 8.8 Umg(-1) protein, 2.95 mM, 30.81 s(-1) and 10,444.06 s(-1)M(-1), respectively. The biomass of C. versicolor as well as the cell-free extract containing glucose 2-oxidase activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at moderate pressures. The enzyme was apparently stable at moderate pressures since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity.
The immobilized glucose 2-oxidase (pyranose oxidase, pyranose:oxygen-2-oxidoreductase, EC from Coriolus versicolor was used to convert D-glucose into D-glucosone at moderate pressures, up to 150 bar, with compressed air in a modified commercial batch reactor. Several parameters affecting biocatalysis at moderate pressures were investigated as follows: pressure, different forms of immobilized biocatalysts, glucose concentration, pH, temperature and the presence of catalase. Glucose 2-oxidase (GOX2) was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography on epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B-IDA-Cu(II) column at pH 6.0. Purified enzyme and catalase were immobilized into a polyethersulfone (PES) membrane in the presence of glutaraldehyde and gelatin. Enhancement of the bioconversion of D-glucose was done by the pressure since an increase in the pressure with compressed air increases the conversion rates. The optimum temperature and pH for bioconversion of D-glucose were found to be 62 degrees C and pH 6.0, respectively and the activation energy (E(a)) was 28.01 kJ mol(-1). The apparent kinetic constants (V(max)' K(m)', K(cat)' and K(cat)/K(m)') for this bioconversion were 2.27 U mg(-1) protein, 11.15 mM, 8.33 s(-1) and 747.38 s(-1) M(-1), respectively. The immobilized biomass of C. versicolor as well as crude extract containing GOX2 activity were also useful for bioconversion of D-glucose at 65 bar with a yield of 69.9 +/- 3.8% and 91.3 +/- 1.2%, respectively. The immobilized enzyme was apparently stable for several months without any significant loss of enzyme activity. On the other hand, this immobilized enzyme was also stable at moderate pressures, since such pressures did not affect significantly the enzyme activity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A study of vapour-liquid equilibria is presented together with current developments. The theory of vapour-liquid equilibria is discussed. Both experimental and prediction methods for obtaining vapour-liquid equilibria data are critically reviewed. The development of a new family of equilibrium stills to measure experimental VLE data from sub-atmosphere to 35 bar pressure is described. Existing experimental techniques are reviewed, to highlight the needs for these new apparati and their major attributes. Details are provided of how apparatus may be further improved and how computer control may be implemented. To provide a rigorous test of the apparatus the stills have been commissioned using acetic acid-water mixture at one atmosphere pressure. A Barker-type consistency test computer program, which allows for association in both phases has been applied to the data generated and clearly shows that the stills produce data of a very high quality. Two high quality data sets, for the mixture acetone-chloroform, have been generated at one atmosphere and 64.3oC. These data are used to investigate the ability of the new novel technique, based on molecular parameters, to predict VLE data for highly polar mixtures. Eight, vapour-liquid equilibrium data sets have been produced for the cyclohexane-ethanol mixture at one atmosphere, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 11 bar, 90.9oC and 132.8oC. These data sets have been tested for thermodynamic consistency using a Barker-type fitting package and shown to be of high quality. The data have been used to investigate the dependence of UNIQUAC parameters with temperature. The data have in addition been used to compare directly the performance of the predictive methods - Original UNIFAC, a modified version of UNIFAC, and the new novel technique, based on molecular parameters developed from generalised London's potential (GLP) theory.
The theory of vapour-liquid equilibria is reviewed, as is the present status or prediction methods in this field. After discussion of the experimental methods available, development of a recirculating equilibrium still based on a previously successful design (the modified Raal, Code and Best still of O'Donnell and Jenkins) is described. This novel still is designed to work at pressures up to 35 bar and for the measurement of both isothermal and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data. The equilibrium still was first commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of pure ethanol and cyclohexane in the temperature range 77-124°C and 80-142°C respectively. The data obtained were compared with available literature experimental values and with values derived from an extended form of the Antoine equation for which parameters were given in the literature. Commissioning continued with the study of the phase behaviour of mixtures of the two pure components as such mixtures are strongly non-ideal, showing azeotopic behaviour. Existing data did not exist above one atmosphere pressure. Isothermal measurements were made at 83.29°C and 106.54°C, whilst isobaric measurements were made at pressures of 1 bar, 3 bar and 5 bar respectively. The experimental vapour-liquid equilibrium data obtained are assessed by a standard literature method incorporating a themodynamic consistency test that minimises the errors in all the measured variables. This assessment showed that reasonable x-P-T data-sets had been measured, from which y-values could be deduced, but that the experimental y-values indicated the need for improvements in the design of the still. The final discussion sets out the improvements required and outlines how they might be attained.
OBJECTIVE:To verify the influence of moderate- or high-pressure balloon inflation during primary coronary stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction. METHODS: After successful coronary stent implantation, 82 patients were divided into 2 groups according to the last balloon inflation pressure: group 1 (³12 to <16 atm) and group 2 (³16 to 20 atm), each with 41 cases. All patients underwent late coronary angiography. RESULTS: In group 1, the mean stent deployment pressure was 13.58±0.92 atm, and in the group 2 it was 18.15±1.66 atm. Stents implanted with moderate pressures (³12 to <16 atm) had a significantly smaller postprocedural minimal lumen diameter, compared to with those with higher pressure, with lesser acute gain (2.7± 0.4 mm vs 2.9±04 mm; p=0.004), but the late lumen loss (0,9±0,8 mm vs 0,9±0,6 mm) and the restenosis (22% vs. 17.1%) and target-vessel revascularization rates (9.8% vs 7.3%) were similar between the groups. CONCLUSION: During AMI stenting, the use of high pressures (³16 atm) did not cause a measurable improvement in late outcome, either in the late loss, its index, and the net gain, or in clinical and angiographic restenosis rates.
This study investigates the effects of temperature and pressure on inactivation of myrosinase extracted from black, brown and yellow mustard seeds. Brown mustard had higher myrosinase activity (2.75 un/mL) than black (1.50 un/mL) and yellow mustard (0.63 un/mL). The extent of enzyme inactivation increased with pressure (600-800 MPa) and temperature (30-70 °C) for all the mustard seeds. However, at combinations of lower pressures (200-400 MPa) and high temperatures (60-80 °C), there was less inactivation. For example, application of 300 MPa and 70 °C for 10 minutes retained 20%, 80% and 65% activity in yellow, black and brown mustard, respectively, whereas the corresponding activity retentions when applying only heat (70 °C, 10min) were 0%, 59% and 35%. Thus, application of moderate pressures (200-400 MPa) can potentially be used to retain myrosinase activity needed for subsequent glucosinolate hydrolysis.
Novel carbon nanostructures can serve as effective storage media for methane, a source of clean energy for the future. We have used Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation for the modeling of methane storage at 293 K and pressures up to 80 MPa in idealized bundles of (10,10) armchair-type single-walled carbon nanotubes and wormlike carbon pores. We have found that these carbon nanomaterials can be treated as the world's smallest high-capacity methane storage vessels. Our simulation results indicate that such novel carbon nanostructures can reach a high volumetric energy storage, exceeding the US FreedomCAR Partnership target of 2010 (5.4 MJ dm(-3)), at low to moderate pressures ranging from 1 to 7 MPa at 293 K. On the contrary, in the absence of these nanomaterials, methane needs to be compressed to approximately 13 MPa at 293 K to achieve the same target. The light carbon membranes composed of bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes or wormlike pores efficiently physisorb methane at low to moderate pressures at 293 K, which we believe should be particularly important for automobiles and stationary devices. However, above 15-20 MPa at 293 K, all investigated samples of novel carbon nanomaterials are not as effective when compared with compression alone since the stored volumetric energy and power saturate at values below those of the bulk, compressed fluid.
A recent method for phase equilibria, the AGAPE method, has been used to predict activity coefficients and excess Gibbs energy for binary mixtures with good accuracy. The theory, based on a generalised London potential (GLP), accounts for intermolecular attractive forces. Unlike existing prediction methods, for example UNIFAC, the AGAPE method uses only information derived from accessible experimental data and molecular information for pure components. Presently, the AGAPE method has some limitations, namely that the mixtures must consist of small, non-polar compounds with no hydrogen bonding, at low moderate pressures and at conditions below the critical conditions of the components. Distinction between vapour-liquid equilibria and gas-liquid solubility is rather arbitrary and it seems reasonable to extend these ideas to solubility. The AGAPE model uses a molecular lattice-based mixing rule. By judicious use of computer programs a methodology was created to examine a body of experimental gas-liquid solubility data for gases such as carbon dioxide, propane, n-butane or sulphur hexafluoride which all have critical temperatures a little above 298 K dissolved in benzene, cyclo-hexane and methanol. Within this methodology the value of the GLP as an ab initio combining rule for such solutes in very dilute solutions in a variety of liquids has been tested. Using the GLP as a mixing rule involves the computation of rotationally averaged interactions between the constituent atoms, and new calculations have had to be made to discover the magnitude of the unlike pair interactions. These numbers have been seen as significant in their own right in the context of the behaviour of infinitely-dilute solutions. A method for extending this treatment to "permanent" gases has also been developed. The findings from the GLP method and from the more general AGAPE approach have been examined in the context of other models for gas-liquid solubility, both "classical" and contemporary, in particular those derived from equations-of-state methods and from reference solvent methods.
OBJECTIVE: A double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study involving 34 centers from different Brazilian regions was performed to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril, an angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitor, in the treatment of mild-to-moderate systemic arterial hypertension. METHODS: Of 262 patients enrolled in this study, 127 were treated with trandolapril 2 mg/day for 8 consecutive weeks, and the remaining 135 patients received placebo for the same period of time. Reduction in blood pressure (BP) and the occurrence of adverse events during this period were evaluated in both groups. RESULTS: Significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic pressures were observed in patients treated with trandolapril when compared with those on placebo. Antihypertensive efficacy was achieved in 57.5% of the patients on trandolapril and in 42% of these normal values of BP were obtained. The efficacy of trandolapril was similar in all centers, regardless of the area of the country. In a subset of 30 patients who underwent ABPM, responders showed a significant hypotensive effect to trandolapril throughout the 24 hour day. The adverse event profile was similar in both trandolapril and placebo groups. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate, for the first time in a large group of hypertensive patients from different regions in Brazil, good efficacy and tolerability of trandolapril during treatment of mild-to-moderate essential systemic hypertension.
The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a better understanding of how global seafood trade interacts with the governance of small-scale fisheries (SSFs). As global seafood trade expands, SSFs have the potential to experience significant economic, social, and political benefits from participation in export markets. At the same time, market connections that place increasing pressures on resources pose risks to both the ecological and social integrity of SSFs. This dissertation seeks to explore the factors that mediate between the potential benefits and risks of global seafood markets for SSFs, with the goal of developing hypotheses regarding these relationships.
The empirical investigation consists of a series of case studies from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This is a particularly rich context in which to study global market connections with SSFs because the SSFs in this region engage in a variety of market-oriented harvests, most notably for octopus, groupers and snappers, lobster, and sea cucumber. Variation in market forms and the institutional diversity of local-level governance arrangements allows the dissertation to explore a number of examples.
The analysis is guided primarily by common-pool resource (CPR) theory because of the insights it provides regarding the conditions that facilitate collective action and the factors that promote long-lasting resource governance arrangements. Theory from institutional economics and political ecology contribute to the elaboration of a multi-faceted conceptualization of markets for CPR theory, with the aim of facilitating the identification of mechanisms through which markets and CPR governance actually interact. This dissertation conceptualizes markets as sets of institutions that structure the exchange of property rights over fisheries resources, affect the material incentives to harvest resources, and transmit ideas and values about fisheries resources and governance.
The case studies explore four different mechanisms through which markets potentially influence resource governance: 1) Markets can contribute to costly resource governance activities by offsetting costs through profits, 2) markets can undermine resource governance by generating incentives for noncompliance and lead to overharvesting resources, 3) markets can increase the costs of resource governance, for example by augmenting monitoring and enforcement burdens, and 4) markets can alter values and norms underpinning resource governance by transmitting ideas between local resource users and a variety of market actors.
Data collected using participant observation, survey, informal and structured interviews contributed to the elaboration of the following hypotheses relevant to interactions between global seafood trade and SSFs governance. 1) Roll-back neoliberalization of fisheries policies has undermined cooperatives’ ability to achieve financial success through engagement with markets and thus their potential role as key actors in resource governance (chapter two). 2) Different relations of production influence whether local governance institutions will erode or strengthen when faced with market pressures. In particular, relations of production in which fishers own their own means of production and share the collective costs of governance are more likely to strengthen resource governance while relations of production in which a single entrepreneur controls capital and access to the fishery are more likely to contribute to the erosion of resource governance institutions in the face of market pressures (chapter three). 3) By serving as a new discursive framework within which to conceive of and talk about fisheries resources, markets can influence norms and values that shape and constitute governance arrangements.
In sum, the dissertation demonstrates that global seafood trade manifests in a diversity of local forms and effects. Whether SSFs moderate risks and take advantage of benefits depends on a variety of factors, and resource users themselves have the potential to influence the outcomes of seafood market connections through local forms of collective action.
Background: The effects of chronic aerobic exercise upon lipid profile has been previously demonstrated, but few studies showed this effect under resistance exercise conditions. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different resistance exercise loads on blood lipids. Methods: Thirty healthy, untrained male volunteers were allocated randomly into four groups based at different percentages of one repetition maximum (1 RM); 50%-1 RM, 75%-1 RM, 90%-1 RM, and 110%-1 RM. The total volume (sets x reps x load) of the exercise was equalized. The lipid profile (Triglycerides [TG], HDL-cholesterol [HDL-c], LDL-cholesterol, and Total cholesterol) was determined at rest and after 1, 24, 48 and 72 h of resistance exercise. Results: The 75%-1 RM group demonstrated greater TG reduction when compared to other groups (p < 0.05). Additionally, the 110%-1 RM group presented an increased TG concentration when compared to 50% and 75% groups (p = 0.01, p = 0.01, respectively). HDL-c concentration was significantly greater after resistance exercise in 50%-1 RM and 75%-1 RM when compared to 110%-1 RM group (p = 0.004 and p = 0.03, respectively). Accordingly, the 50%-1 RM group had greater HDL-c concentration than 110%-1 RM group after 48 h (p = 0.05) and 72 h (p = 0.004), respectively. Finally, The 50% group has showed lesser LDL-c concentration than 110% group after 24 h (p = 0.007). No significant difference was found in Total Cholesterol concentrations. Conclusion: These results indicate that the acute resistance exercise may induce changes in lipid profile in a specific-intensity manner. Overall, low and moderate exercise intensities appear to be promoting more benefits on lipid profile than high intensity. Long term studies should confirm these findings.
Background: Diabetic neuropathy leads to progressive loss of sensation, lower-limb distal muscle atrophy, autonomic impairment, and gait alterations that overload feet. This overload has been associated with plantar ulcers even with consistent daily use of shoes. We sought to investigate and compare the influence of diabetic neuropathy and plantar ulcers in the clinical history of diabetic neuropathic patients on plantar sensitivity, symptoms, and plantar pressure distribution during gait while patients wore their everyday shoes. Methods: Patients were categorized into three groups: a control group (CG; n = 15), diabetic patients with a history of neuropathic ulceration (DUG; n = 8), and diabetic patients without a history of ulceration (DG; n = 10). Plantar pressure variables were measured by Pedar System shoe insoles in five plantar regions during gait while patients wore their own shoes. Results: No statistical difference between neuropathic patients with and without a history of plantar ulcers was found in relation to symptoms, tactile sensitivity, and duration of diabetes. Diabetic patients without ulceration presented the lowest pressure-time integral under the heel (72.1 +/- 16.1 kPa x sec; P=.0456). Diabetic patients with a history of ulceration presented a higher pressure-time integral at the midfoot compared to patients in the control group (59.6 +/- 23.6 kPa x sec x 45.8 +/- 10.4 kPa x sec; P = .099), and at the lateral forefoot compared to diabetic patients without ulceration (70.9 +/- 17.7 kPa sec x 113.2 +/- 61.1 kPa x sec, P = .0193). Diabetic patients with ulceration also presented the lowest weight load under the hallux (0.06 +/- 0.02%, P = .0042). Conclusions: Although presenting a larger midfoot area, diabetic neuropathic patients presented greater pressure-time integrals and relative loads over this region. Diabetic patients with ulceration presented an altered dynamic plantar pressure pattern characterized by overload even when wearing daily shoes. Overload associated with a clinical history of plantar ulcers indicates future appearance of plantar ulcers. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 99(4): 285-294, 2009)
Secondary neurodegeneration takes place in the surrounding tissue of spinal cord trauma and modifies substantially the prognosis, considering the small diameter of its transversal axis. We analyzed neuronal and glial responses in rat spinal cord after different degree of contusion promoted by the NYU Impactor. Rats were submitted to vertebrae laminectomy and received moderate or severe contusions. Control animals were sham operated. After 7 and 30 days post surgery, stereological analysis of Nissl staining cellular profiles showed a time progression of the lesion volume after moderate injury, but not after severe injury. The number of neurons was not altered cranial to injury. However, same degree of diminution was seen in the caudal cord 30 days after both severe and moderate injuries. Microdensitometric image analysis demonstrated a microglial reaction in the white matter 30 days after a moderate contusion and showed a widespread astroglial reaction in the white and gray matters 7 days after both severities. Astroglial activation lasted close to lesion and in areas related to Wallerian degeneration. Data showed a more protracted secondary degeneration in rat spinal cord after mild contusion, which offered an opportunity for neuroprotective approaches. Temporal and regional glial responses corroborated to diverse glial cell function in lesioned spinal cord. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Myocardial infarction (MI) has been associated with increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS). Exercise training (ET) has been shown to exert positive modulations on vascular function and the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of moderate ET on the aortic superoxide production index, NAD(P)H oxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity and vasomotor response in MI rats. Aerobic ET was performed during 11 weeks. Myocardial infarction significantly diminished maximal exercise capacity, and increased vasoconstrictory response to norepinephrine, which was related to the increased activity of NAD(P)H oxidase and basal superoxide production. On the other hand, ET normalized the superoxide production mostly due to decreased NAD(P)H oxidase activity, although a minor SOD effect may also be present. These adaptations were paralleled by normalization in the vasoconstrictory response to norepinephrine. Thus, diminished ROS production seems to be an important mechanism by which ET mediates its beneficial vascular effects in the MI condition.
The present study investigated the effects of 8 week of resistance training (RT) on hemodynamic and ventricular function on cardiac myosin ATPase activity, and on contractility of papillary muscles of rats. Groups: control (CO), electrically stimulated (ES), trained at 60% (TR 60%) and 75% of one repetition maximum (1RM) (TR 75%). Exercise protocol: 5 sets of 12 repetitions at 60 and 75% of 1RM, 5 times per week. The CO and ES groups had similar values for parameters analyzed (P > 0.05). Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (13%), left ventricle systolic pressure (LVSP 13%) decreased and cardiac myosin ATPase activity increased in the TR 75% group (90%, P < 0.05). The contractile performance of papillary muscles increased in trained rats (P < 0.05). Eight weeks of RT was associated with lowering of resting BP, heart rate and LVSP, improvements in contractility of the papillary muscle and an increase of cardiac myosin ATPase activity in rats.