603 resultados para Modelo digital de terreno
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
This research was developed with the goal of creating a Digital Terrain Model(DTM),through a topo-bathymetric data gathering that allows the monitoring of the fluvial dynamics of part of Guaratinguetá’s creek, where preliminary evaluations identified, in a short period of time, intense changes on its riverbed. Modern topography technics and tools were used for the data gathering, such as the use of geodesic GPS and Total Station. The DTM was primal for the project e execution of the desilting works of the researched part of the creek, being used to estimate the amount of soil to be moved. The comparison between the digital terrain models generated before and after the desilting has showed the efficiency and aplicability of this technique in the monitoring of the fluvial dynamics changes of Guaratinguetá’s creek
El proyecto consiste en la realización de un mapa topográfico a escala 1/500 del histórico parque de San Isidro y la elaboración de un modelo digital del terreno. Se ha elegido este proyecto porque creo que no hay ningún mapa a esta escala que plasme el parque en la actualidad debido a los cambios que ha sufrido en los últimos años (explanada de ampliación, tanatorio, jardines, carril-bici, zonas deportivas, parques infantiles…) y puesto que es uno de los parques más conocidos y con más historia de Madrid, en el que además se celebran las tradicionales fiestas de San Isidro, creo que es apropiado disponer de un mapa topográfico de gran escala, por si en un futuro se quieren realizar: obras de mejora o restauración, jardines, zonas deportivas o de ocio… Para la realización de este proyecto primero generamos una red de puntos mediante técnicas espaciales GNSS y mediante técnicas de topografía clásica y se realiza una radiación mediante técnicas de topografía clásica para dar coordenadas a los puntos necesarios para la realización de la cartografía. Posteriormente a través de los puntos obtenidos en campo se realiza las cartografías a escala 1/500 y el modelo digital del terreno 3D con el cual obtendremos las curvas de nivel que definirán la altimetría de nuestro trabajo.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el análisis de las técnicas de diseño y optimización de redes topográficas, observadas mediante topografía convencional (no satelital) el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema informático capaz de ayudar a la definición de la geometría más fiable y precisa, en función de la orografía del terreno donde se tenga que ubicar. En primer lugar se realizará un estudio de la metodología del ajuste mediante mínimos cuadrados y la propagación de varianzas, para posteriormente analizar su dependencia de la geometría que adopte la red. Será imprescindible determinar la independencia de la matriz de redundancia (R) de las observaciones y su total dependencia de la geometría, así como la influencia de su diagonal principal (rii), números de redundancia, para garantizar la máxima fiabilidad interna de la misma. También se analizará el comportamiento de los números de redundancia (rii) en el diseño de una red topográfica, la variación de dichos valores en función de la geometría, analizando su independencia respecto de las observaciones así como los diferentes niveles de diseño en función de los parámetros y datos conocidos. Ha de señalarse que la optimización de la red, con arreglo a los criterios expuestos, está sujeta a los condicionantes que impone la necesidad de que los vértices sean accesibles, y además sean visibles entre sí, aquellos relacionados por observaciones, situaciones que dependen esencialmente del relieve del terreno y de los obstáculos naturales o artificiales que puedan existir. Esto implica la necesidad de incluir en el análisis y en el diseño, cuando menos de un modelo digital del terreno (MDT), aunque lo más útil sería la inclusión en el estudio del modelo digital de superficie (MDS), pero esta opción no siempre será posible. Aunque el tratamiento del diseño esté basado en un sistema bidimensional se estudiará la posibilidad de incorporar un modelo digital de superficie (MDS); esto permitirá a la hora de diseñar el emplazamiento de los vértices de la red la viabilidad de las observaciones en función de la orografía y los elementos, tanto naturales como artificiales, que sobre ella estén ubicados. Este sistema proporcionaría, en un principio, un diseño óptimo de una red constreñida, atendiendo a la fiabilidad interna y a la precisión final de sus vértices, teniendo en cuenta la orografía, lo que equivaldría a resolver un planteamiento de diseño en dos dimensiones y media1; siempre y cuando se dispusiera de un modelo digital de superficie o del terreno. Dado que la disponibilidad de obtener de manera libre el MDS de las zonas de interés del proyecto, hoy en día es costoso2, se planteará la posibilidad de conjuntar, para el estudio del diseño de la red, de un modelo digital del terreno. Las actividades a desarrollar en el trabajo de esta tesis se describen en esta memoria y se enmarcan dentro de la investigación para la que se plantean los siguientes objetivos globales: 1. Establecer un modelo matemático del proceso de observación de una red topográfica, atendiendo a todos los factores que intervienen en el mismo y a su influencia sobre las estimaciones de las incógnitas que se obtienen como resultado del ajuste de las observaciones. 2. Desarrollar un sistema que permita optimizar una red topográfica en sus resultados, aplicando técnicas de diseño y simulación sobre el modelo anterior. 3. Presentar una formulación explícita y rigurosa de los parámetros que valoran la fiabilidad de una red topográfica y de sus relaciones con el diseño de la misma. El logro de este objetivo se basa, además de en la búsqueda y revisión de las fuentes, en una intensa labor de unificación de notaciones y de construcción de pasos intermedios en los desarrollos matemáticos. 4. Elaborar una visión conjunta de la influencia del diseño de una red, en los seis siguientes factores (precisiones a posteriori, fiabilidad de las observaciones, naturaleza y viabilidad de las mismas, instrumental y metodología de estacionamiento) como criterios de optimización, con la finalidad de enmarcar el tema concreto que aquí se aborda. 5. Elaborar y programar los algoritmos necesarios para poder desarrollar una aplicación que sea capaz de contemplar las variables planteadas en el apartado anterior en el problema del diseño y simulación de redes topográficas, contemplando el modelo digital de superficie. Podrían considerarse como objetivos secundarios, los siguientes apartados: Desarrollar los algoritmos necesarios para interrelacionar el modelo digital del terreno con los propios del diseño. Implementar en la aplicación informática la posibilidad de variación, por parte del usuario, de los criterios de cobertura de los parámetros (distribución normal o t de Student), así como los grados de fiabilidad de los mismos ABSTRACT The overall purpose of this work is the analysis of the techniques of design and optimization for geodetic networks, measured with conventional survey methods (not satellite), the development and implementation of a computational system capable to help on the definition of the most liable and accurate geometry, depending on the land orography where the network has to be located. First of all, a study of the methodology by least squares adjustment and propagation of variances will be held; then, subsequently, analyze its dependency of the geometry that the network will take. It will be essential to determine the independency of redundancy matrix (R) from the observations and its absolute dependency from the network geometry, as well as the influence of the diagonal terms of the R matrix (rii), redundancy numbers, in order to ensure maximum re liability of the network. It will also be analyzed first the behavior of redundancy numbers (rii) in surveying network design, then the variation of these values depending on the geometry with the analysis of its independency from the observations, and finally the different design levels depending on parameters and known data. It should be stated that network optimization, according to exposed criteria, is subject to the accessibility of the network points. In addition, common visibility among network points, which of them are connected with observations, has to be considered. All these situations depends essentially on the terrain relief and the natural or artificial obstacles that should exist. Therefore, it is necessary to include, at least, a digital terrain model (DTM), and better a digital surface model (DSM), not always available. Although design treatment is based on a bidimensional system, the possibility of incorporating a digital surface model (DSM) will be studied; this will allow evaluating the observations feasibility based on the terrain and the elements, both natural and artificial, which are located on it, when selecting network point locations. This system would provide, at first, an optimal design of a constrained network, considering both the internal reliability and the accuracy of its points (including the relief). This approach would amount to solving a “two and a half dimensional”3 design, if a digital surface model is available. As the availability of free DSM4 of the areas of interest of the project today is expensive, the possibility of combining a digital terrain model will arise. The activities to be developed on this PhD thesis are described in this document and are part of the research for which the following overall objectives are posed: 1. To establish a mathematical model for the process of observation of a survey network, considering all the factors involved and its influence on the estimates of the unknowns that are obtained as a result of the observations adjustment. 2. To develop a system to optimize a survey network results, applying design and simulation techniques on the previous model. 3. To present an explicit and rigorous formulation of parameters which assess the reliability of a survey network and its relations with the design. The achievement of this objective is based, besides on the search and review of sources, in an intense work of unification of notation and construction of intermediate steps in the mathematical developments. 4. To develop an overview of the influence on the network design of six major factors (posterior accuracy, observations reliability, viability of observations, instruments and station methodology) as optimization criteria, in order to define the subject approached on this document. 5. To elaborate and program the algorithms needed to develop an application software capable of considering the variables proposed in the previous section, on the problem of design and simulation of surveying networks, considering the digital surface model. It could be considered as secondary objectives, the following paragraphs: To develop the necessary algorithms to interrelate the digital terrain model with the design ones. To implement in the software application the possibility of variation of the coverage criteria parameters (normal distribution or Student t test) and therefore its degree of reliability.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar um modelo digital de terreno (MDT) e delimitar sub-bacias hidrográficas na área de estudo do projeto ?Sustentabilidade, competividade e valoração de serviços ecossistêmicos da heveicultura em São Paulo com uso de geotecnologias? (GeoHevea). O MDT foi gerado em ambiente de sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) a partir de cartas topográficas digitais e de imagens de alta resolução espacial. Os arquivos vetoriais relativos a curvas de nível, pontos cotados, rede hidrográfica e corpos d?água foram obtidos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Os arquivos da rede hidrográfica e dos corpos d?água do IBGE foram editados manualmente no SIG ArcGIS 10.3, tomando como base ortofotos da Empresa Paulista de Planejamento Metropolitano S/A (Emplasa). Na geração do MDT, foi utilizado o interpolador Topo to Raster do ArcGIS. Na delimitação das sub-bacias foi utilizada a extensão ArcHydro Tools no ArcGIS. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a rede hidrográfica digital das folhas topográficas disponibilizadas pelo IBGE necessita de ajustes. O MDT gerado pelo interpolador Topo to Raster apresentou menos rugosidades que o modelo digital de elevação (MDE) do Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). A metodologia empregada neste estudo pode ser aplicada a outras regiões do Estado de São Paulo para a geração de MDTs. A delimitação das bacias hidrográficas da área de estudo do projeto GeoHevea identificou quatro sub-bacias: do Ribeirão Santa Bárbara, do Ribeirão dos Ferreiros ou das Oficinas, do Ribeirão São Jerônimo e do Córrego da Arribada.
The digital elevation model is important to determine the slope and land use capability, therefore, a proposal of methodology for acquisition of elevation data contemplating an efficient algorithm to generate a slope map was developed. Thus, it was aimed to obtain and evaluate a digital elevation model without the vetorization of the contours on planialtimetric charts. The area for acquisition of elevation data was Sao Manuel, SP. The data were collected by two methods: level contour vetorization and the gathering of elevation points on the level contour with maximum elevation points. The elevation data were analyzed by geostatistical techniques. Inspite of wide difference in the number of collected points between two methods, the variograms were adjusted to the exponential model and showed a range of approximately 1500 m, which does not justify the wide difficulty in vetorization of the planialtimetric charts, once the data points collected in the area were appropriately distributed, they represented rightly the terrain surface.
378 p.: il.,graf.
Esta publicação procura fornecer aos profissionais da engenharia florestal, as principais etapas de campo e escritório para construção do modelo digital de exploração e manejo florestal. As etapas foram selecionadas e descritas de modo que um profissional da área com conhecimento básico de sistema de informação geográfica (GIS) possa planejar os trabalhos de campo e obter um mapa de exploração florestal com a apropriação das coordenadas verdadeiras de todas as árvores, detalhes da hidrografia, relevo e curvas de nível e, ainda, executar a exploração florestal com receptores GPS e navegadores veiculares.
Os equipamentos fotográficos digitais têm inovado a aerofotogrametria no que diz respeito à rapidez na coleta de informações geográficas referenciadas bem como o baixo custo da operação em comparação com os sistemas aerofotogramétricos convencionais. Na geração de produtos cartográficos, utilizando sistemas fotográficos digitais ou convencionais, o conhecimento dos parâmetros que definem a geometria interna da câmara é de fundamental importância. Este trabalho descreve uma das principais metodologias utilizadas atualmente para calibração analítica de câmaras. A câmara utilizada nesse trabalho é uma Kodak DCS460, e pertence à Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. O processo de calibração foi realizado na Universidade Federal do Paraná, com apoio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Geodésicas, e o método utilizado foi o Método das Câmaras Convergentes Através do método paramétrico com injunções, o modelo final utilizado computacionalmente recupera os parâmetros intrínsecos como distância focal calibrada, posição do ponto principal, constantes da distorção radial simétrica e descentrada, bem como a matriz variância-covariância dos resultados obtidos no ajustamento. Os resultados da calibração foram analisados na matriz variância-covariância e foram satisfatórios. Para aplicação dos parâmetros em dados reais, uma imagem da região de Porto Alegre foi utilizada como objeto de estudo para geração de uma ortofoto, que é uma imagem corrigida geometricamente das distorções causadas pela variação de posição e altitude da plataforma. O Modelo Digital do Terreno é uma peça fundamental na geração de uma ortofoto e foi gerado a partir das curvas de nível fornecidas pela Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Duas ortofotos foram geradas, a primeira levando em conta apenas o valor nominal da distância focal, e a segunda os parâmetros gerados no processo de calibração. Os resultados obtidos para a focal nominal apresentam resíduos maiores que os determinados com a distância focal calibrada, mostrando a necessidade de aplicação do método de calibração, como queria demonstrar.
One of needs of modern agriculture is the prediction of spatial variability of soil properties at more detailed scales for sustainable management and optimization of management practices. The mathematical model associated with knowledge of variability of soil attributes and mapping of relief forms has helped in agricultural planning. In this regard the aim of this study was to characterize the spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of Oxisols and Ultisols using numerical classification and the digital elevation model. Two distinct landforms: convex for the Oxisol (158 ha) and linear for the Ultisol (172 ha). 53 samples from the Oxisol and 57 samples from the Ultisol were taken. Multivariate analysis of clusters of attributes studied from their euclidean distances was performed. This analysis by dendograms along with digital elevation models for different soils characterized was more homogeneous in Ultisol groups, and less homogeneous for the Oxisol in convex landform. These quantitative methods showed that the landforms conditioned the spatial pattern of soil attributes.
The current work was developed on the dune systems of the Parque das Dunas and Barreira do Inferno. These places are located in the cities of Natal and Parnamirim (RN, Brazil), respectively. This project has the purpose of developing the deterministic model on a specific blowout at Parque das Dunas, based in the geophysical interpretations of the lines gotten with the Ground Penetration Radar and the planialtimetric acquisitions of the topographical surface of the land. Also analyses of the vulnerability/susceptibility of these dune systems had been done in relation to the human pressures. To develop its deterministic model, it is necessary to acquire inner and outer geometries of the cited blowout. In order to depict inner geometries underneath the surface are used the GPR observing the altimetric control for topographical correction of the GPR lines. As for the outer geometries, the geodesic GPS gives us the planialtimetric points (x, y and z points) with milimetric precision, resulting in high-resolution surfaces. Using interpolation methods of the planialtimetric points was possible create Digital Elevations Models (DEM´s) of these surfaces. As a result, 1,161.4 meters of GPR lines were acquired on the blowout at the Parque das Dunas and 3,735.27 meters on the blowout at the Barreira do Inferno. These lines had been acquired with a 200 MHz antenna, except the 7 and 8 lines, for which we had been used a 100 MHz antenna. The gotten data had been processed and interpreted, being possible to identify boundary surfaces of first, second and third order. The first order boundary surface is related with the contact of the rocks of the Barreiras Group with the aeolian deposits. These deposits had been divided in two groups (Group 1 and Group 2) which are related with the geometry of stratum and the dip of its stratifications. Group 1 presented stratum of sigmoidal and irregular geometries and involved bodies where the reflectors had presented dips that had varied of 20 to the 28 degrees for the Parque das Dunas blowout and of 22 to the 29 degrees for the Barreira do Inferno blowout. Usually, it was limited in the base for the first order surface and in the top for the second order surface. Group 2 presented stratum of trough, wedge or lens geometries, limited in the base for the second order vi surface, where the corresponding deposits had more shown smoothed reflectors or with dips of low angle. The Deterministic and Digital Elevation Models had been developed from the integration and interpretation of the 2D data with the GOCAD® program. In Digital Elevations Models it was possible to see, for the localities, corridor or trough-shaped blowouts. In Deterministic Model it was possible to see first and second order boundary surfaces. For the vulnerability/susceptibility of the dune systems it was applied the methodology proposal by Boderè al (1991); however the same one did not show adequate because it evaluates actual coastal dunes. Actual coastal dunes are dunes that are presented in balance with the current environmental conditions. Therefore, a new methodology was proposal which characterizes the supplying and activity sedimentary, as well as the human pressures. For the methodology developed in this work, both the localities had presented a good management. The Parque das Dunas was characterized as a relic dune system and the Barreira do Inferno was characterized as a palimpsestic dune system. Also two Thematic Maps had been elaborated for the environmental characterization of the studied dune systems, with software ArcGis 8.3, and its respective data bases
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT