998 resultados para Modelling-adsorption


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The research study discussed in the paper investigated the adsorption/desorption behaviour of heavy metals commonly deposited on urban road surfaces, namely, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb for different particle size ranges of solids. The study outcomes, based on field studies and batch experiments confirmed that road deposited solids particles contain a significantly high amount of vacant charge sites with the potential to adsorb additional heavy metals. Kinetic study and adsorption experiments indicated that Cr is the most preferred metal element to associate with solids due to the relatively high electro negativity and high charge density of trivalent cation (Cr3+). However, the relatively low availability of Cr in the urban road environment could influence this behaviour. Comparing total adsorbed metals present in solids particles, it was found that Zn has the highest capacity for adsorption to solids. Desorption experiments confirmed that a low concentration of Cu, Cr and Pb in solids was present in water-soluble and exchangeable form, whilst a significant fraction of adsorbed Zn has a high likelihood of being released back into solution. Among heavy metals, Zn is considered to be the most commonly available metal among road surface pollutants.


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The rheological properties of tin oxide slurries were studied experimentally and theoretically. The deflocculants used were ammonium polyacrilate (PAA) and the copolymer poly(vinyl butyral-co-vinyl alcohol-co-vinyl acetate) (PVB-PVA-PVAc), in water and ethanol, respectively. The amount of deflocculant was optimized for different solid contents by means of viscosity measurements. In spite of the high stability of PVB-dispersed slurries, a high solid concentration was not obtained. On the other hand, a slurry with a 56.4 vol.% of solids was attained when PAA was used. A theoretical study of the adsorption of PAA in its dissociated (basic solution) and non-dissociated (acidic solution) forms on SnO 2 (110) is presented. This analysis was made by means of the PM3 method using a large cluster Sn 15O 28 for the surface model. The calculated adsorption energy is larger for the ionized PAA than for the non-ionized form, indicating that alkaline slurries favor PAA adsorption on the SnO 2 surface. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lesni Potok stream drains a forested headwater catchment in the central Czech Republic. It was artificially acidified with hydrochloric acid (HCl) for four hours to assess the role of stream substrate in acid-neutralisation and recovery. The pH was lowered from 4.7 to 3.2. Desorption of Ca and MP and desorption or solution of Al dominated acid-neutralisation; Al mobilisation was more important later. The stream substrate released 4.542 meq Ca, 1, 184 meq Mg, and 2,329 meq Al over a 45 in long and I in wide stream segment, smaller amounts of Be. Cd, Fe, and Mn were released. Adsorption of SO42- and desorption of F- occurred during the acidification phase of the experiment. The exchange reactions were rapidly reversible for Ca, Mg and SO42- but not symmetric as the substrate resorbed 1083, 790 and 0 meq Ca, Mg, and Al. respectively, in a 4-hour recovery period. Desorption of SO42- occurred during the resorption of Ca and Mg. These exchange and dissolution reactions delay acidification, diminish the pH depression and retard recovery from episodic acidification. The behaviour of the stream substrate-water interaction resembles that for soil-soil water interactions. A mathematical dynamic mass-balance based model, MASS (Modelling Acidification of Stream Sediments), was developed which simulates the adsorption and desorption of base cations during the experiment and was successfully calibrated to the experimental data.


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Searching for efficient solid sorbents for CO2 adsorption and separation is important for developing emergent carbon reduction and natural gas purification technology. This work, for the first time, has investigated the adsorption of CO2 on newly experimentally realized cage-like B40 fullerene (Zhai et al., 2014) based on density functional theory calculations. We find that the adsorption of CO2 on B40 fullerene involves a relatively large energy barrier (1.21 eV), however this can be greatly decreased to 0.35 eV by introducing an extra electron. A practical way to realize negatively charged B40 fullerene is then proposed by encapsulating a Li atom into the B40 fullerene (Li@B40). Li@B40 is found to be highly stable and can significantly enhance both the thermodynamics and kinetics of CO2 adsorption, while the adsorptions of N2, CH4 and H2 on the Li@B40 fullerene remain weak in comparison. Since B40 fullerene has been successfully synthesized in a most recent experiment, our results highlight a new promising material for CO2 capture and separation for future experimental validation.


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A two-state model allowing for size disparity between the solvent and the adsorbate is analysed to derive the adsorption isotherm for electrosorption of organic compounds. Explicity, the organic adsorbate is assumed to occupy "n" lattice sites at the interface as compared to "one" by the solvent. The model parameters are the respective permanent and induced dipole moments apart from the nearest neighbour distance. The coulombic interactions due to permanent and induced dipole moments, discreteness of charge effects, and short-range and specific substrate interactions have all been incorporated. The adsorption isotherm is then derived using mean field approximation (MFA) and is found to be more general than the earlier multi-site versions of Bockris and Swinkels, Mohilner et al., and Bennes, as far as the entropy contributions are concerned. The role of electrostatic forces is explicity reflected in the adsorption isotherm via the Gibbs energy of adsorption term which itself is a quadratic function of the electrode charge-density. The approximation implicit in the adsorption isotherm of Mohilner et al. or Bennes is indicated briefly.


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A simple three-state model permitting two different configurational states for the solvent, together with one for the organic adsorbate, is analysed to derive the adsorption isotherm. The implications of this model regarding pseudo-two-state and pseudo-Frumkin adsorption isotherms are indicated. A critique of the earlier theory of Bockris, Devanathan and Müller is presented in brief.


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The charge at which adsorption of orgamc compounds attains a maximum ( \sigma MAX M) at an electrochenucal interface is analysed using several multi-state models in a hierarchical manner The analysis is based on statistical mechamcal results for the following models (A) two-state site parity, (B) two-state muhl-slte, and (C) three-state site parity The coulombic interactions due to permanent and reduced dipole effects (using mean field approximation), electrostatic field effects and specific substrate interactions have been taken into account. The simplest model in the hierarchy (two-state site parity) yields the exphcit dependence of ( \sigma MAX M) on the permanent dipole moment, polarizability of the solvent and the adsorbate, lattice spacing, effective coordination number, etc Other models in the baerarchy bring to hght the influence of the solvent structure and the role of substrate interactions, etc As a result of this approach, the "composition" of oM.x m terms of the fundamental molecular constants becomes clear. With a view to use these molecular results to maxamum advantage, the derived results for ( \sigma MAX M) have been converted into those involving experimentally observable parameters lake Co, C 1, E N, etc Wherever possible, some of the earlier phenomenologlcal relations reported for ( \sigma MAX M), notably by Parsons, Damaskm and Frumkln, and Trasattl, are shown to have a certain molecular basis, vlz a simple two-state sate panty model.As a corollary to the hxerarcbacal modelling, \sigma MAX M and the potential corresponding to at (Emax) are shown to be constants independent of 0max or Corg for all models The lmphcatlon of our analysis f o r OmMa x with respect to that predicted by the generalized surface layer equation (which postulates Om~ and Ema x varlaUon with 0) is discussed in detail Finally we discuss an passing o M. and the electrosorptlon valency an this context.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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A lattice formahsm using "spin variables" is employed to analyse multi-state models for the adsorption of neutral dipoles.In particular, a spin-1/2 (two-state) model incorporating permanent and reduced dipole moments of the solvent and the organic adsorbate,substrate interactions, and &screteness of charge effects is analysed The resulting Generalized Islng Hamaltonian is solved under mean field approximation (MFA) in order to derive the adsorption isotherm for organic molecules A few spin-1 (three-state) models are also analysed under MFA to describe the competitive adsorption of multi-state solvent and organic dipoles, and the appropriate equilibrium relations are derived The unification and isomorphism existing at the Hamlltonlan level for several diverse realizations, such as adsorption of ions and solvent/orgamc molecules, is indicated The possibility of analysing phase transitions using this generalized approach is briefly indicated.


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Two- and three-state models for the adsorption of organic compounds at the electrodelelectrolyte interface are proposed. Different size requirements, if any, for the neutral molecule and the adsorbing solvent are also considered. It is shown how the empirical, generalised surface layer (GSL) relationship (between the potential difference and the electrode charge) formulated by Damaskin et a / . can be understood at the molecular level.


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The phenomenon of adsorption is governed by the various interactions among the constituents of the interface and the forms of adsorption isotherms hold the clue to the nature of the se in teractions. An understanding of this phenomenon may be said to be complete only when the parameters occurring in such expres - sions for isotherms are interpretable in terms of molecular/electronic interactions.This objective viz. expressing the composition of the isotherm parameters through a microscopic modelling is by no means a simple one. Such a task is particularly made difficult in the case of charged interfaces where idealisation is difficult to make and, when made, not so easy to justify.


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Two- and three-state models for the adsorption of organic compounds at the electrode/electrolyte interface are proposed. Different size requirements, if any, for the neutral molecule and the adsorbing solvent are also considered. It is shown how the empirical, generalised surface layer (GSL) relationship (between the potential difference and the electrode charge) formulated by Damaskin et al. can be understood at the molecular level.


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The adsorption of a C60 monolayer on a graphite substrate was modelled via molecular dynamics simulation covering a significant period of 160 picoseconds. The final configuration of C60s agrees closely with that observed in a scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiment. Clusters of adsorbed molecules were then selected and their STM-like images were computed via the Keldysh Green function method.


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A computer-based numerical modelling of the adsorption process of gas phase metallic particles on the surface of a graphite substrate has been performed via the application of molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation relates to an extensive STM-based experiment performed in this field, and reproduces part of the experimental results. Both two-body and many-body inter-atomic potentials have been employed. A Morse-type potential describing the metal-carbon interactions at the interface was specifically formulated for this modelling. Intercalation of silver in graphite has been observed as well as the correct alignments of monomers, dimers and two-dimensional islands on the surface. PACS numbers: 02.60.Cb, 07.05.Tp, 68.55.-a, 81.05.Tp