918 resultados para Modellazione 3D,Blender,Leap Motion,Leap Aided Modelling,NURBS,Computer Grafica


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L'evoluzione tecnologica e l'utilizzo crescente della computer grafica in diversi settori stanno suscitando l'interesse di sempre più persone verso il mondo della modellazione 3D. I software di modellazione, tuttavia, si presentano spesso inadeguati all'utilizzo da parte di utenti senza esperienza, soprattutto a causa dei comandi di navigazione e modellazione poco intuitivi. Dal punto di vista dell'interazione uomo-computer, questi software devono infatti affrontare un grande ostacolo: il rapporto tra dispositivi di input 2D (come il mouse) e la manipolazione di una scena 3D. Il progetto presentato in questa tesi è un addon per Blender che consente di utilizzare il dispositivo Leap Motion come ausilio alla modellazione di superfici in computer grafica. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è stato quello di progettare e realizzare un'interfaccia user-friendly tra Leap e Blender, in modo da potere utilizzare i sensori del primo per facilitare ed estendere i comandi di navigazione e modellazione del secondo. L'addon realizzato per Blender implementa il concetto di LAM (Leap Aided Modelling: modellazione assistita da Leap), consentendo quindi di estendere le feature di Blender riguardanti la selezione, lo spostamento e la modifica degli oggetti in scena, la manipolazione della vista utente e la modellazione di curve e superfici Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). Queste estensioni sono state create per rendere più veloci e semplici le operazioni altrimenti guidate esclusivamente da mouse e tastiera.


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Il caso studio del vestibolo ottagonale di Villa Adriana ha dato la possibilità di applicare ad un edificio di notevole valore storico e artistico tecniche di restituzione digitale e di modellazione tridimensionale basate su applicativi di modellazione geometrica, con lo scopo di generarne il modello 3D digitale fotorealistico e polifunzionale. Nel caso specifico del vestibolo, un modello tridimensionale di questo tipo risulta utile a fini documentativi, a sostegno di ipotesi costruttive e come strumento per la valutazione di interventi di restauro. Il percorso intrapreso ha permesso di valutare le criticità nelle tecniche di acquisizione, modellazione e foto-modellazione tridimensionale applicate in ambito archeologico, tecniche usate abitualmente anche in settori quali l’architettura, il design industriale ma anche nel cinema (effetti speciali e film d’animazione) e in ambito videoludico, con obiettivi differenti: nel settore del design e della progettazione industriale il Reverse Modeling viene impiegato per eseguire controlli di qualità e rispetto delle tolleranze sul prodotto finale, mentre in ambito cinematografico e videoludico (in combinazione con altri software) permette la creazione di modelli realistici da inserire all’interno di film o videogiochi, (modelli non solo di oggetti ma anche di persone). La generazione di un modello tridimensionale ottenuto tramite Reverse Modeling è frutto di un processo opposto alla progettazione e può avvenire secondo diverse strategie, ognuna delle quali presenta vantaggi e svantaggi specifici che la rendono più indicata in alcuni casi piuttosto che in altri. In questo studio sono state analizzate acquisizioni tridimensionali effettuate tramite Laser Scan e tramite applicazioni Structure from Motion/Dense Stereo View.


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Moving through a stable, three-dimensional world is a hallmark of our motor and perceptual experience. This stability is constantly being challenged by movements of the eyes and head, inducing retinal blur and retino-spatial misalignments for which the brain must compensate. To do so, the brain must account for eye and head kinematics to transform two-dimensional retinal input into the reference frame necessary for movement or perception. The four studies in this thesis used both computational and psychophysical approaches to investigate several aspects of this reference frame transformation. In the first study, we examined the neural mechanism underlying the visuomotor transformation for smooth pursuit using a feedforward neural network model. After training, the model performed the general, three-dimensional transformation using gain modulation. This gave mechanistic significance to gain modulation observed in cortical pursuit areas while also providing several testable hypotheses for future electrophysiological work. In the second study, we asked how anticipatory pursuit, which is driven by memorized signals, accounts for eye and head geometry using a novel head-roll updating paradigm. We showed that the velocity memory driving anticipatory smooth pursuit relies on retinal signals, but is updated for the current head orientation. In the third study, we asked how forcing retinal motion to undergo a reference frame transformation influences perceptual decision making. We found that simply rolling one's head impairs perceptual decision making in a way captured by stochastic reference frame transformations. In the final study, we asked how torsional shifts of the retinal projection occurring with almost every eye movement influence orientation perception across saccades. We found a pre-saccadic, predictive remapping consistent with maintaining a purely retinal (but spatially inaccurate) orientation perception throughout the movement. Together these studies suggest that, despite their spatial inaccuracy, retinal signals play a surprisingly large role in our seamless visual experience. This work therefore represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the brain performs one of its most fundamental functions.


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Il lavoro di indagine che è stato sviluppato nella presente tesi è volto a valutare, attraverso metodi FEM, ossia tecniche numeriche computazionali, le sollecitazioni e le deformazioni che agiscono sul telaio di uno "Stampo", macchina che realizza l'operazione di calandratura della lamiera nella produzione di tubi di acciaio a saldatura elicoidale. In particolare l’analisi riportata in questo documento può ritenersi uno studio preliminare che ha lo scopo di creare un simulatore tenso-deformativo che permetta di realizzare un futuro lavoro di validazione del modello, quindi esso è stato realizzato nel modo più flessibile possibile, in modo che sia agevole, anche in un secondo tempo, introdurvi delle modifiche. Il Software utilizzato per la realizzazione dell'analisi FEM è Salomé-Meca accompagnato dal risolutore Code Aster. Oltre all'analisi sul Telaio dello Stampo si è effettuato uno studio preliminare, di validità generale, in cui si riportano in dettaglio le operazioni da effettuare per lo studio degli Assembly. In particolare è stato utilizzato il software Efficient per la creazione del file di comando.


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In order to understand the translational and rotational motion in dense molecular liquids, detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out for three different values of the aspect ratio kappa. For ellipsoids with an aspect ratio equal to 2, the product of the translational diffusion coefficient (D-T) and the average orientational correlation time of the l-th rank harmonics (tau(lR)), converges to a nearly constant value at high density. Surprisingly, this density independent value of D-T tau(lR) is within 5% of the hydrodynamic prediction with the slip boundary condition. This is despite the fact that both D-T and tau(lR) themselves change nearly by an order of magnitude in the density range considered, and the rotational correlation function itself is strongly nonexponential. For small aspect ratios (kappa less than or equal to 1.5), the rotational correlation function remains largely Gaussian even at a very large density, while for a large aspect ratio (kappa greater than or equal to 3), the transition to the nematic liquid-crystalline phase precludes the hydrodynamic regime. Thus, the rotational dynamics of ellipsoids show great sensitivity to the aspect ratio. At low density, tau(lR) goes through a minimum value, indicating the role of interactions in enhancing the rate of orientational relaxation. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(97)50142-5].


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Tabletop computers featuring multi-touch input and object tracking are a common platform for research on Tangible User Interfaces (also known as Tangible Interaction). However, such systems are confined to sensing activity on the tabletop surface, disregarding the rich and relatively unexplored interaction canvas above the tabletop. This dissertation contributes with tCAD, a 3D modeling tool combining fiducial marker tracking, finger tracking and depth sensing in a single system. This dissertation presents the technical details of how these features were integrated, attesting to its viability through the design, development and early evaluation of the tCAD application. A key aspect of this work is a description of the interaction techniques enabled by merging tracked objects with direct user input on and above a table surface.


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OBJECTIVES Optical scanners combined with computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology provide high accuracy in the fabrication of titanium (TIT) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO) bars. The aim of this study was to compare the precision of fit of CAD/CAM TIT bars produced with a photogrammetric and a laser scanner. METHODS Twenty rigid CAD/CAM bars were fabricated on one single edentulous master cast with 6 implants in the positions of the second premolars, canines and central incisors. A photogrammetric scanner (P) provided digitized data for TIT-P (n=5) while a laser scanner (L) was used for TIT-L (n=5). The control groups consisted of soldered gold bars (gold, n=5) and ZrO-P with similar bar design. Median vertical distance between implant and bar platforms from non-tightened implants (one-screw test) was calculated from mesial, buccal and distal scanning electron microscope measurements. RESULTS Vertical microgaps were not significantly different between TIT-P (median 16μm; 95% CI 10-27μm) and TIT-L (25μm; 13-32μm). Gold (49μm; 12-69μm) had higher values than TIT-P (p=0.001) and TIT-L (p=0.008), while ZrO-P (35μm; 17-55μm) exhibited higher values than TIT-P (p=0.023). Misfit values increased in all groups from implant position 23 (3 units) to 15 (10 units), while in gold and TIT-P values decreased from implant 11 toward the most distal implant 15. SIGNIFICANCE CAD/CAM titanium bars showed high precision of fit using photogrammetric and laser scanners. In comparison, the misfit of ZrO bars (CAM/CAM, photogrammetric scanner) and soldered gold bars was statistically higher but values were clinically acceptable.


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OBJECTIVE To compare the precision of fit of full-arch implant-supported screw-retained computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured (CAD/CAM) titanium-fixed dental prostheses (FDP) before and after veneering. The null-hypothesis was that there is no difference in vertical microgap values between pure titanium frameworks and FDPs after porcelain firing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five CAD/CAM titanium grade IV frameworks for a screw-retained 10-unit implant-supported reconstruction on six implants (FDI tooth positions 15, 13, 11, 21, 23, 25) were fabricated after digitizing the implant platforms and the cuspid-supporting framework resin pattern with a laser scanner (CARES(®) Scan CS2; Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland). A bonder, an opaquer, three layers of porcelain, and one layer of glaze were applied (Vita Titankeramik) and fired according to the manufacturer's preheating and fire cycle instructions at 400-800°C. The one-screw test (implant 25 screw-retained) was applied before and after veneering of the FDPs to assess the vertical microgap between implant and framework platform with a scanning electron microscope. The mean microgap was calculated from interproximal and buccal values. Statistical comparison was performed with non-parametric tests. RESULTS All vertical microgaps were clinically acceptable with values <90 μm. No statistically significant pairwise difference (P = 0.98) was observed between the relative effects of vertical microgap of unveneered (median 19 μm; 95% CI 13-35 μm) and veneered FDPs (20 μm; 13-31 μm), providing support for the null-hypothesis. Analysis within the groups showed significantly different values between the five implants of the FDPs before (P = 0.044) and after veneering (P = 0.020), while a monotonous trend of increasing values from implant 23 (closest position to screw-retained implant 25) to 15 (most distant implant) could not be observed (P = 0.169, P = 0.270). CONCLUSIONS Full-arch CAD/CAM titanium screw-retained frameworks have a high accuracy. Porcelain firing procedure had no impact on the precision of fit of the final FDPs. All implant microgap measurements of each FDP showed clinically acceptable vertical misfit values before and after veneering. Thus, the results do not only show accurate performance of the milling and firing but show also a reproducible scanning and designing process.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the precision of fit of implant-supported screw-retained computer-aided-designed and computer-aided-manufactured (CAD/CAM) zirconium dioxide (ZrO) frameworks. MATERIALS AND METHODS Computer-aided-designed and computer-aided-manufactured ZrO frameworks (NobelProcera) for a screw-retained 10-unit implant-supported reconstruction on six implants (FDI positions 15, 13, 11, 21, 23, 25) were fabricated using a laser (ZrO-L, N = 6) and a mechanical scanner (ZrO-M, N = 5) for digitizing the implant platform and the cuspid-supporting framework resin pattern. Laser-scanned CAD/CAM titanium (TIT-L, N = 6) and cast CoCrW-alloy frameworks (Cast, N = 5) fabricated on the same model and designed similar to the ZrO frameworks were the control. The one-screw test (implant 25 screw-retained) was applied to assess the vertical microgap between implant and framework platform with a scanning electron microscope. The mean microgap was calculated from approximal and buccal values. Statistical comparison was performed with non-parametric tests. RESULTS No statistically significant pairwise difference was observed between the relative effects of vertical microgap between ZrO-L (median 14 μm; 95% CI 10-26 μm), ZrO-M (18 μm; 12-27 μm) and TIT-L (15 μm; 6-18 μm), whereas the values of Cast (236 μm; 181-301 μm) were significantly higher (P < 0.001) than the three CAD/CAM groups. A monotonous trend of increasing values from implant 23 to 15 was observed in all groups (ZrO-L, ZrO-M and Cast P < 0.001, TIT-L P = 0.044). CONCLUSIONS Optical and tactile scanners with CAD/CAM technology allow for the fabrication of highly accurate long-span screw-retained ZrO implant-reconstructions. Titanium frameworks showed the most consistent precision. Fit of the cast alloy frameworks was clinically inacceptable.