985 resultados para ModeI fracture energy


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Refractory castables are composed of fractions of fine to fairly coarse particles. The fine fraction is constituted primarily of raw materials and calcium aluminate cement, which becomes hydrated, forming chemical bonds that stiffen the concrete during the curing process. The present study focused on an evaluation of several characteristics of two refractory castables with similar chemical compositions but containing aggregates of different sizes. The features evaluated were the maximum load, the fracture energy, and the ""relative crack-propagation work"" of the two castables heat-treated at 110, 650, 1100 and 1550 degrees C. The results enabled us to draw the following conclusions: the heat treatment temperature exerts a significant influence on the matrix/aggregate interaction, different microstructures form in the castables with temperature, and a relationship was noted between the maximum load and the fracture energy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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The end-notched flexure (ENF) test calculates the value of mode II fracture energy in adhesive bonding between the substrates of same nature. Traditional methods of calculating fracture energy in the ENF test are not suitable in cases where the thickness of the adhesive is non-negligible compared with adherent thicknesses. To address this issue, a specific methodology for calculating mode II fracture energy has been proposed in this paper. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the fracture energy was calculated by the ENF test for adhesive bonds between aluminium and a composite material, which considered two different types of adhesive (epoxy and polyurethane) and various surface treatments. The proposed calculation model provides higher values of fracture energy than those obtained from the simplified models that consider the adhesive thickness to be zero, supporting the conclusion that the calculation of mode II fracture energy for adhesives with non-negligible thickness relative to their adherents should be based on mathematical models, such as the method proposed in this paper, that incorporate the influence of this thickness.


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Plastic cracking of cement mortar and concrete is primarily attributable to desiccation by evaporation from unprotected surfaces. This causes high suctions (negative pressures) to develop in the pore water adjacent to these surfaces. Dissolved salts in the pore water can also contribute significantly to suctions. Quantitative expressions are available for all of the components of the total suction. The development of suctions over time is illustrated by the results of desiccation tests conducted on cement mortars, supplemented by data from the literature. It is shown that ambient conditions conducive to plastic cracking can arise almost anywhere, but that the extremely high suctions that develop in mature cement mortar and concrete do not imply that compression failures should occur A high value of fracture energy is derived from data from the desiccation tests that implies that plastic cracking is characterized by a significant zone of plastic straining or microcracking.


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Given the need for using more sustainable constructive solutions, an innovative composite material based on a combination of distinct industrial by-products is proposed aiming to reduce waste and energy consumption in the production of construction materials. The raw materials are thermal activated flue-gas desulphurization (FGD) gypsum, which acts as a binder, granulated cork as the aggregate and recycled textile fibres from used tyres intended to reinforce the material. This paper presents the results of the design of the composite mortar mixes, the characterization of the key physical properties (density, porosity and ultrasonic pulse velocity) and the mechanical validation based on uniaxial compressive tests and fracture energy tests. In the experimental campaign, the influence of the percentage of the raw materials in terms of gypsum mass, on the mechanical properties of the composite material was assessed. It was observed that the percentage of granulated cork decreases the compressive strength of the composite material but contributes to the increase in the compressive fracture energy. Besides, the recycled textile fibres play an important role in the mode I fracture process and in the fracture energy of the composite material, resulting in a considerable increase in the mode I fracture energy.


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In this paper, a computational tool concerning the computation of flexural and fracture toughness of cement based composites is presented. Firstly, RILEM`s (Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires d`Essais de Materiaux) recommendations related to the analysis of FRC in three-point bend tests are discussed in their relevant aspects regarding the computational implementations. The determination of other mechanical properties such as the Young modulus has been added to the program. Taking this into account, a new formulation based on displacements is used. In the second part of the paper, the determination of fracture properties of concrete, such as the fracture energy, G(F) , and the fracture toughness, K-IC(S), is discussed regarding the computational strategies used in the implementations. Several features whereby anterior data can be reanalyzed, obtained from other standards and recommendations, have been incorporated into the program, therefore allowing comparative studies and back analysis activities.


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The interlaminar fracture toughness in pure mode II (GIIc) of a Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) composite is characterized experimentally and numerically in this work, using the End-Notched Flexure (ENF) fracture characterization test. The value of GIIc was extracted by a new data reduction scheme avoiding the crack length measurement, named Compliance-Based Beam Method (CBBM). This method eliminates the crack measurement errors, which can be non-negligible, and reflect on the accuracy of the fracture energy calculations. Moreover, it accounts for the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) effects. A numerical study using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and a triangular cohesive damage model, implemented within interface finite elements and based on the indirect use of Fracture Mechanics, was performed to evaluate the suitability of the CBBM to obtain GIIc. This was performed comparing the input values of GIIc in the numerical models with the ones resulting from the application of the CBBM to the numerical load-displacement (P-) curve. In this numerical study, the Compliance Calibration Method (CCM) was also used to extract GIIc, for comparison purposes.


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This paper draws on the basic problems related to the determination of parameters to characterize the structural behavior of concretes using Fracture Mechanics concepts. Experimental procedures and results are discussed.


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The perceived wisdom about thin sheet fracture is that (i) the crack propagates under mixed mode I & III giving rise to a slant through-thickness fracture profile and (ii) the fracture toughness remains constant at low thickness and eventually decreases with increasing thickness. In the present study, fracture tests performed on thin DENT plates of various thicknesses made of stainless steel, mild steel, 6082-O and NS4 aluminium alloys, brass, bronze, lead, and zinc systematically exhibit (i) mode I “bath-tub”, i.e. “cup & cup”, fracture profiles with limited shear lips and significant localized necking (more than 50% thickness reduction), (ii) a fracture toughness that linearly increases with increasing thickness (in the range of 0.5–5 mm). The different contributions to the work expended during fracture of these materials are separated based on dimensional considerations. The paper emphasises the two parts of the work spent in the fracture process zone: the necking work and the “fracture” work. Experiments show that, as expected, the work of necking per unit area linearly increases with thickness. For a typical thickness of 1 mm, both fracture and necking contributions have the same order of magnitude in most of the metals investigated. A model is developed in order to independently evaluate the work of necking, which successfully predicts the experimental values. Furthermore, it enables the fracture energy to be derived from tests performed with only one specimen thickness. In a second modelling step, the work of fracture is computed using an enhanced void growth model valid in the quasi plane stress regime. The fracture energy varies linearly with the yield stress and void spacing and is a strong function of the hardening exponent and initial void volume fraction. The coupling of the two models allows the relative contributions of necking versus fracture to be quantified with respect to (i) the two length scales involved in this problem, i.e. the void spacing and the plate thickness, and (ii) the flow properties of the material. Each term can dominate depending on the properties of the material which explains the different behaviours reported in the literature about thin plate fracture toughness and its dependence with thickness.


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Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) has arisen from the implementation of a variety of concrete engineering and materials science concepts developed over the last century. This material offers superior strength, serviceability, and durability over its conventional counterparts. One of the most important differences for UHPFRC over other concrete materials is its ability to resist fracture through the use of randomly dispersed discontinuous fibers and improvements to the fiber-matrix bond. Of particular interest is the materials ability to achieve higher loads after first crack, as well as its high fracture toughness. In this research, a study of the fracture behavior of UHPFRC with steel fibers was conducted to look at the effect of several parameters related to the fracture behavior and to develop a fracture model based on a non-linear curve fit of the data. To determine this, a series of three-point bending tests were performed on various single edge notched prisms (SENPs). Compression tests were also performed for quality assurance. Testing was conducted on specimens of different cross-sections, span/depth (S/D) ratios, curing regimes, ages, and fiber contents. By comparing the results from prisms of different sizes this study examines the weakening mechanism due to the size effect. Furthermore, by employing the concept of fracture energy it was possible to obtain a comparison of the fracture toughness and ductility. The model was determined based on a fit to P-w fracture curves, which was cross referenced for comparability to the results. Once obtained the model was then compared to the models proposed by the AFGC in the 2003 and to the ACI 544 model for conventional fiber reinforced concretes.


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The fracture of ductile materials, such as metals, is usually explained with the theory of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. Based on this theory, many numerical models have been developed, with a special mention to Gurson-type models. These models simulate mathematically the physical growth of microvoids, leading to a progressive development of the internal damage that takes place during a tensile test. In these models, the damage starts to develop in very early stages of the test. Tests carried out by the authors suggest that, in the case of some eutectoid steels such as those used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, the internal damage that takes place as a result of the growth of microvoids is only noticeable in very late stages of the tensile test. In the authors’ opinion, using a cohesive model as a failure criterion may be interesting in this case; a cohesive model only requires two parameters to be defined, with the fracture energy being one of them, which can be obtained experimentally. In addition to this, given that it is known that the stress triaxiality has a strong influence on the fracture of ductile materials, a cohesive model whose parameters are affected by the value of the stress triaxiality can be considered. This work presents a fracture model for steel specimens in a tensile test, based on a cohesive behaviour and taking into account the effect of stress triaxiality, which is different at each point of the fracture plane.


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In this work, a new methodology is devised to obtain the fracture properties of nuclear fuel cladding in the hoop direction. The proposed method combines ring compression tests and a finite element method that includes a damage model based on cohesive crack theory, applied to unirradiated hydrogen-charged ZIRLOTM nuclear fuel cladding. Samples with hydrogen concentrations from 0 to 2000 ppm were tested at 20 �C. Agreement between the finite element simulations and the experimental results is excellent in all cases. The parameters of the cohesive crack model are obtained from the simulations, with the fracture energy and fracture toughness being calculated in turn. The evolution of fracture toughness in the hoop direction with the hydrogen concentration (up to 2000 ppm) is reported for the first time for ZIRLOTM cladding. Additionally, the fracture micromechanisms are examined as a function of the hydrogen concentration. In the as-received samples, the micromechanism is the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids, whereas in the samples with 2000 ppm, a combination of cuasicleavage and plastic deformation, along with secondary microcracking is observed.


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The fracture process involves converting potential energy from a strained body into surface energy, thermal energy, and the energy needed to create lattice defects. In dynamic fracture, energy is also initially converted into kinetic energy. This paper uses molecular dynamics (MD) to simulate brittle frcture in silicon and determine how energy is converted from potential energy (strain energy) into other forms.


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The objective of this thesis is the investigation of the Mode-I fracture mechanics parameters of quasi-brittle materials to shed light onto the influence of the width and size of the specimen on the fracture response of notched beams. To further the knowledge on the fracture process, 3D digital image correlation (DIC) was employed. A new method is proposed to determine experimentally the critical value of the crack opening, which is then used to determine the size of the fracture process zone (FPZ). In addition, the Mode-I fracture mechanics parameters are compared with the Mode-II interfacial properties of composites materials that feature as matrices the quasi-brittle materials studied in Mode-I conditions. To investigate the Mode II fracture parameters, single-lap direct shear tests are performed. Notched concrete beams with six cross-sections has been tested using a three-point bending (TPB) test set-up (Mode-I fracture mechanics). Two depths and three widths of the beam are considered. In addition to concrete beams, alkali-activated mortar beams (AAMs) that differ by the type and size of the aggregates have been tested using the same TPB set-up. Two dimensions of AAMs are considered. The load-deflection response obtained from DIC is compared with the load-deflection response obtained from the readings of two linear variable displacement transformers (LVDT). Load responses, peak loads, strain profiles along the ligament from DIC, fracture energy and failure modes of TPB tests are discussed. The Mode-II problem is investigated by testing steel reinforced grout (SRG) composites bonded to masonry and concrete elements under single-lap direct shear tests. Two types of anchorage systems are proposed for SRG reinforced masonry and concrete element to study their effectiveness. An indirect method is proposed to find the interfacial properties, compare them with the Mode-I fracture properties of the matrix and to model the effect of the anchorage.


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This study deals with the characterization of masonry mortars produced with different binders and sands. Several properties of the mortars were determined, like consistence, compressive and flexural strengths, shrinkage and fracture energy. By varying the type of binder (Portland cement, hydrated lime and hydraulic lime) and the type of sand (natural or artificial), it was possible to draw some conclusions about the influence of the composition on mortars properties. The results showed that the use of Portland cement makes the achievement of high strength classes easier. This was due to the slower hardening of lime compared with cement. The results of fracture energy tests showed much higher values for artificial sand mortars when compared with natural sand ones. This is due to the higher roughness of artificial sand particles which provided better adhesion between sand and binder.


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Existing masonry structures are usually associated to a high seismic vulnerability, mainly due to the properties of the materials, weak connections between floors and load-bearing walls, high mass of the masonry walls and flexibility of the floors. For these reasons, the seismic performance of existing masonry structures has received much attention in the last decades. This study presents the parametric analysis taking into account the deviations on features of the gaioleiro buildings - Portuguese building typology. The main objective of the parametric analysis is to compare the seismic performance of the structure as a function of the variations of its properties with respect to the response of a reference model. The parametric analysis was carried out for two types of structural analysis, namely for the non-linear dynamic analysis with time integration and for the pushover analysis with distribution of forces proportional to the inertial forces of the structure. The Young's modulus of the masonry walls, Young's modulus of the timber floors, the compressive and tensile non-linear properties (strength and fracture energy) were the properties considered in both type of analysis. Additionally, in the dynamic analysis, the influences of the vis-cous damping and of the vertical component of the earthquake were evaluated. A pushover analysis proportional to the modal displacement of the first mode in each direction was also carried out. The results shows that the Young's modulus of the masonry walls, the Young's modulus of the timber floors and the compressive non-linear properties are the pa-rameters that most influence the seismic performance of this type of tall and weak existing masonry structures. Furthermore, it is concluded that that the stiffness of the floors influences significantly the strength capacity and the collapse mecha-nism of the numerical model. Thus, a study on the strengthening of the floors was also carried out. The increase of the thickness of the timber floors was the strengthening technique that presented the best seismic performance, in which the reduction of the out-of-plane displacements of the masonry walls is highlighted.