947 resultados para Modal flexibility


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kaupallisen dynamiikansimulointiohjelmiston soveltuvuus roottoridynamiikan analysointiin. Työssä keskityttiin erityisesti roottorin dynamiikkaan vaikuttavien epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointitulosten tarkkuutta selvitettiin mittauksilla. Lisäksi vertailtiin yleiskäyttöisen dynamiikan simulointiohjelmiston ja roottoridynamiikan erikoisohjelmiston teoriaa. Tutkittava roottori oli paperikoneen putkitela. Telan joustavuus kuvattiin elementtimenetelmällä ratkaistujen moodien avulla. Elementtimallissa huomioitiin telan vaipan seinämänpaksuusvaihtelu, joka vaikuttaa telan massa- ja jäykkyysjakaumaan. Dynamiikkaohjelmistossa mallinnettiin telan tuennasta tulevat herätteet. Dynamiikkaohjelmistona käytettiin ADAMS:ia ja FEM-ohjelmana ANSYS:stä. Tuloksista havaittiin käytetyn menetelmän soveltuvan roottoridynamiikan analysointiin ja roottorin epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointimallilla saatiin esille murtolukukriittiset pyörimisnopeudet ja telan kriittinen pyörimisnopeus vastasi hyvin mittaustuloksia.


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Työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa simulointimalli, jolla pystytään tutkimaan kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen aiheuttaman vääntömomenttivärähtelyn vaikutuksia sähkömoottoriin liitetyssä mekaniikassa. Tarkoitus oli lisäksi selvittää kuinka kyseinen simulointimalli voidaan toteuttaa nykyaikaisia simulointiohjelmia käyttäen. Saatujen simulointitulosten oikeellisuus varmistettiin tätä työtä varten rakennetulla verifiointilaitteistolla. Tutkittava rakenne koostui akselista, johon kiinnitettiin epäkeskotanko. Epäkeskotankoon kiinnitettiin massa, jonka sijaintia voitiin muunnella. Massan asemaa muuttamalla saatiin rakenteelle erilaisia ominaistaajuuksia. Epäkeskotanko mallinnettiin joustavana elementtimenetelmää apuna käyttäen. Mekaniikka mallinnettiin dynamiikan simulointiin tarkoitetussa ADAMS –ohjelmistossa, johon joustavana mallinnettu epäkeskotanko tuotiin ANSYS –elementtimenetelmäohjelmasta. Mekaniikan malli siirrettiin SIMULINK –ohjelmistoon, jossa mallinnettiin myös sähkökäyttö. SIMULINK –ohjelmassa mallinnettiin sähkökäyttö, joka kuvaa kestomagnetoitua tahtikonetta. Kestomagnetoidun tahtikoneen yhtälöt perustuvat lineaarisiin differentiaaliyhtälöihin, joihin hammasvääntömomentin vaikutus on lisätty häiriösignaalina. Sähkökäytön malli tuottaa vääntömomenttia, joka syötetään ADAMS –ohjelmistolla mallinnettuun mekaniikkaan. Mekaniikan mallista otetaan roottorin kulmakiihtyvyyden arvo takaisinkytkentänä sähkömoottorin malliin. Näin saadaan aikaiseksi yhdistetty simulointi, joka koostuu sähkötoimilaitekäytöstä ja mekaniikasta. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että sähkökäyttöjen ja mekaniikan yhdistetty simulointi on mahdollista toteuttaa valituilla menetelmillä. Simuloimalla saadut tulokset vastaavat hyvin mitattuja tuloksia.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää kaupallisen dynamiikansimulointiohjelmiston so-veltuvuus roottoridynamiikan analysointiin. Työssä keskityttiin erityisesti rootto-rin dynamiikkaan vaikuttavien epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointitu-losten tarkkuutta selvitettiin mittauksilla. Lisäksi vertailtiin yleiskäyttöisen dyna-miikan simulointiohjelmiston ja roottoridynamiikan erikoisohjelmiston teoriaa. Tutkittava roottori oli paperikoneen putkitela. Telan joustavuus kuvattiin ele-menttimenetelmällä ratkaistujen moodien avulla. Elementtimallissa huomioitiin telan vaipan seinämänpaksuusvaihtelu, joka vaikuttaa telan massa- ja jäykkyysja-kaumaan. Dynamiikkaohjelmistossa mallinnettiin telan tuennasta tulevat herätteet. Dynamiikkaohjelmistona käytettiin ADAMS:ia ja FEM-ohjelmana ANSYS:stä. Tuloksista havaittiin käytetyn menetelmän soveltuvan roottoridynamiikan ana-lysointiin ja roottorin epäideaalisuuksien mallintamiseen. Simulointimallilla saa-tiin esille murtolukukriittiset pyörimisnopeudet ja telan kriittinen pyörimisnopeus vastasi hyvin mittaustuloksia.


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In this paper is presented a multilayer perceptron neural network combined with the Nelder-Mead Simplex method to detect damage in multiple support beams. The input parameters are based on natural frequencies and modal flexibility. It was considered that only a number of modes were available and that only vertical degrees of freedom were measured. The reliability of the proposed methodology is assessed from the generation of random damages scenarios and the definition of three types of errors, which can be found during the damage identification process. Results show that the methodology can reliably determine the damage scenarios. However, its application to large beams may be limited by the high computational cost of training the neural network.


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Sustainable computer systems require some flexibility to adapt to environmental unpredictable changes. A solution lies in autonomous software agents which can adapt autonomously to their environments. Though autonomy allows agents to decide which behavior to adopt, a disadvantage is a lack of control, and as a side effect even untrustworthiness: we want to keep some control over such autonomous agents. How to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy? A solution is to regulate agents’ behavior by norms. The normative paradigm makes it possible to control autonomous agents while respecting their autonomy, limiting untrustworthiness and augmenting system compliance. It can also facilitate the design of the system, for example, by regulating the coordination among agents. However, an autonomous agent will follow norms or violate them in some conditions. What are the conditions in which a norm is binding upon an agent? While autonomy is regarded as the driving force behind the normative paradigm, cognitive agents provide a basis for modeling the bindingness of norms. In order to cope with the complexity of the modeling of cognitive agents and normative bindingness, we adopt an intentional stance. Since agents are embedded into a dynamic environment, things may not pass at the same instant. Accordingly, our cognitive model is extended to account for some temporal aspects. Special attention is given to the temporal peculiarities of the legal domain such as, among others, the time in force and the time in efficacy of provisions. Some types of normative modifications are also discussed in the framework. It is noteworthy that our temporal account of legal reasoning is integrated to our commonsense temporal account of cognition. As our intention is to build sustainable reasoning systems running unpredictable environment, we adopt a declarative representation of knowledge. A declarative representation of norms will make it easier to update their system representation, thus facilitating system maintenance; and to improve system transparency, thus easing system governance. Since agents are bounded and are embedded into unpredictable environments, and since conflicts may appear amongst mental states and norms, agent reasoning has to be defeasible, i.e. new pieces of information can invalidate formerly derivable conclusions. In this dissertation, our model is formalized into a non-monotonic logic, namely into a temporal modal defeasible logic, in order to account for the interactions between normative systems and software cognitive agents.


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Bacurau, RFP, Monteiro, GA, Ugrinowitsch C, Tricoli, V, Cabral, LF, Aoki, MS. Acute effect of a ballistic and a static stretching exercise bout on flexibility and maximal strength. J Strength Cond Res 23(1): 304-308, 2009-Different stretching techniques have been used during warm-up routines. However, these routines may decrease force production. The purpose of this study was to compare the acute effect of a ballistic and a static stretching protocol on lower-limb maximal strength. Fourteen physically active women (169.3 +/- 8.2 cm; 64.9 +/- 5.9 kg; 23.1 +/- 3.6 years) performed three experimental sessions: a control session (estimation of 45 degrees leg press one-repetition maximum [1RM]), a ballistic session (20 minutes of ballistic stretch and 45 degrees leg press 1RM), and a static session (20 minutes of static stretch and 45 degrees leg press 1RM). Maximal strength decreased after static stretching (213.2 +/- 36.1 to 184.6 +/- 28.9 kg), but it was unaffected by ballistic stretching (208.4 +/- 34.8 kg). In addition, static stretching exercises produce a greater acute improvement in flexibility compared with ballistic stretching exercises. Consequently, static stretching may not be recommended before athletic events or physical activities that require high levels of force. On the other hand, ballistic stretching could be more appropriate because it seems less likely to decrease maximal strength.


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Modal filters may be obtained by a properly designed weighted sum of the output signals of an array of sensors distributed on the host structure. Although several research groups have been interested in techniques for designing and implementing modal filters based on a given array of sensors, the effect of the array topology on the effectiveness of the modal filter has received much less attention. In particular, it is known that some parameters, such as size, shape and location of a sensor, are very important in determining the observability of a vibration mode. Hence, this paper presents a methodology for the topological optimization of an array of sensors in order to maximize the effectiveness of a set of selected modal filters. This is done using a genetic algorithm optimization technique for the selection of 12 piezoceramic sensors from an array of 36 piezoceramic sensors regularly distributed on an aluminum plate, which maximize the filtering performance, over a given frequency range, of a set of modal filters, each one aiming to isolate one of the first vibration modes. The vectors of the weighting coefficients for each modal filter are evaluated using QR decomposition of the complex frequency response function matrix. Results show that the array topology is not very important for lower frequencies but it greatly affects the filter effectiveness for higher frequencies. Therefore, it is possible to improve the effectiveness and frequency range of a set of modal filters by optimizing the topology of an array of sensors. Indeed, using 12 properly located piezoceramic sensors bonded on an aluminum plate it is shown that the frequency range of a set of modal filters may be enlarged by 25-50%.


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The exact vibration modes and natural frequencies of planar structures and mechanisms, comprised Euler-Bernoulli beams, are obtained by solving a transcendental. nonlinear, eigenvalue problem stated by the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM). To solve this kind of problem, the most employed technique is the Wittrick-Williams algorithm, developed in the early seventies. By formulating a new type of eigenvalue problem, which preserves the internal degrees-of-freedom for all members in the model, the present study offers an alternative to the use of this algorithm. The new proposed eigenvalue problem presents no poles, so the roots of the problem can be found by any suitable iterative numerical method. By avoiding a standard formulation for the DSM, the local mode shapes are directly calculated and any extension to the beam theory can be easily incorporated. It is shown that the method here adopted leads to exact solutions, as confirmed by various examples. Extensions of the formulation are also given, where rotary inertia, end release, skewed edges and rigid offsets are all included. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rigorous derivation of non-linear equations governing the dynamics of an axially loaded beam is given with a clear focus to develop robust low-dimensional models. Two important loading scenarios were considered, where a structure is subjected to a uniformly distributed axial and a thrust force. These loads are to mimic the main forces acting on an offshore riser, for which an analytical methodology has been developed and applied. In particular, non-linear normal modes (NNMs) and non-linear multi-modes (NMMs) have been constructed by using the method of multiple scales. This is to effectively analyse the transversal vibration responses by monitoring the modal responses and mode interactions. The developed analytical models have been crosschecked against the results from FEM simulation. The FEM model having 26 elements and 77 degrees-of-freedom gave similar results as the low-dimensional (one degree-of-freedom) non-linear oscillator, which was developed by constructing a so-called invariant manifold. The comparisons of the dynamical responses were made in terms of time histories, phase portraits and mode shapes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper disputes two influential claims in the Romance Linguistics literature. The first is that the synthetic future tenses in spoken Western Romance are now rivalled, if not supplanted, as temporal functors by the more recently developed GO futures. The second is that these synthetic futures now have modal rather than temporal meanings in spoken Romance. These claims are seen as reflecting a universal cycle of diachronic change, in which verb forms originally expressing modal (or aspectual) values take on future temporal reference, becoming tenses. The new modal meanings supplant the temporal, which are then taken up by new forms. Challenges to this theory for French are raised on the basis of empirical evidence of two sorts. Positively, future tenses in spoken Romance continue to be used with temporal meaning. Negatively, evidence of modal meaning for these forms is lacking. The evidence comes froma corpora of spoken French, native speaker judgements and verb data from a daily broadsheet. Cumulatively, it points to the reverse of the claims noted above: the synthetic future in spoken French has temporal but little modal meaning.


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In previous works we showed how to combine propositional multimodal logics using Gabbay's \emph{fibring} methodology. In this paper we extend the above mentioned works by providing a tableau-based proof technique for the combined/fibred logics. To achieve this end we first make a comparison between two types of tableau proof systems, (\emph{graph} $\&$ \emph{path}), with the help of a scenario (The Friend's Puzzle). Having done that we show how to uniformly construct a tableau calculus for the combined logic using Governatori's labelled tableau system \KEM. We conclude with a discussion on \KEM's features.


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While some recent frameworks on cognitive agents addressed the combination of mental attitudes with deontic concepts, they commonly ignore the representation of time. An exception is [1]that manages also some temporal aspects both with respect to cognition and normative provisions. We propose in this paper an extension of the logic presented in [1]with temporal intervals.


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In this paper we show how to extend KEM, a tableau-like proof system for normal modal logic, in order to deal with classes of non-normal modal logics, such as monotonic and regular, in a uniform and modular way.


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Solution conformation and calcium binding properties have been investigated for the two cyclic octapeptides cyclo(-D-Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile-)(2) (4) and cyclo(-Thr-Gly(Thz)-Ile-Ser-Gly(Thz)-Ile-)(5) and the results are compared to those for the cyclic octapeptides previously studied; ascidiacyclamide (1), patellamide D (2), cyclo(-Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile-)(2) (3), and cyclo(-Thr-D-Val-alphaAbu-Ile-)2 (6). Both 4 and 5 contain two heterocyclic thiazole ring constraints but the latter has a larger degree of flexibility as a consequence of the glycine residues within the cyclic framework. The solution conformation of 4 and 5 was determined from H-1 NMR spectra and found to be a twisted figure of eight similar to that for 2. Complexation studies using H-1 NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1 : 1 calcium-peptide binding constants (logK) for the two peptides (2.3 (4) and 5.7 (5)). For 5 the magnitude of the binding constant was verified by a competition titration using CD. The different calcium-binding affinities of 3 (logK = 4.0) and 4 is attributed to the stereochemistry of the threonine residue. The magnitude of the binding constant for 5 compared to 3 and 4 (all peptides containing two thiazole ring constrains) demonstrates that the increase in flexibility of the cyclic peptide has a dramatic effect on the Ca2+ binding ability. The affinity for Ca2+ thus decreases in the order (6 similar to 5 > 3 > 2 similar to 1 > 4). The number of carbonyl donors available on each peptide has only a limited effect on calcium binding. The most important factor is the flexibility, which allows for a conformation of the peptide capable of binding calcium efficiently.


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The beta subunit of the Escherichia coli replicative DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is the sliding clamp that interacts with the alpha (polymerase) subunit to maintain the high processivity of the enzyme. The beta protein is a ring-shaped dimer of 40.6 kDa subunits whose structure has previously been determined at a resolution of 2.5 Angstrom [Kong et al. (1992), Cell, 69, 425-437]. Here, the construction of a new plasmid that directs overproduction of beta to very high levels and a simple procedure for large-scale purification of the protein are described. Crystals grown under slightly modified conditions diffracted to beyond 1.9 Angstrom at 100 K at a synchrotron source. The structure of the beta dimer solved at 1.85 Angstrom resolution shows some differences from that reported previously. In particular, it was possible at this resolution to identify residues that differed in position between the two subunits in the unit cell; side chains of these and some other residues were found to occupy alternate conformations. This suggests that these residues are likely to be relatively mobile in solution. Some implications of this flexibility for the function of beta are discussed.