992 resultados para Mobile payments


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A limited number of ‘cashless transaction’ studies addressed the issue that the mode of payment affects perceptions of money and purchase behaviour, the majority of the research is in the area of the credit card payment mode. Credit card based research has shown that when a credit card based payment is used, the volume, value and type of products purchased increase. Whether this is due to the credit element or to the ‘cashless or mobile’ element of the transaction is not known. The notion that the tangibility of cash influences perceptions of money is not novel, but it is untested. This discussion paper suggests that under conditions of cash, there is awareness (conscious/unconscious) that a possession of value transferred and this perception may well have a direct impact on people’s perception of money and their spending behaviour.


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With the growing momentum of wireless revolution and mCommerce explosion, it is evident that mobile devices are becoming a critical component of the new digital economy. As mobile markets continue to mature, being able to pay using the mobile handset will be key to the development of next generation services. The current market penetration of mobile phones in conjunction with the expected growth of mCommerce, offers high potential for mPayment growth over the next few years. When mobile phones are equipped with a device to protect personal information, the security level of an entire service, including the network, improves considerably. However, the mobile payments market today is typical of an emergent one, encumbered with an abundance of approaches and concepts that may not interoperate. In this paper, we have explored the broad range of available mPayment methods, emerging issues in standardization, security and some proposed/ existing solutions.


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This paper derives a theoretical framework for consideration of both the technologically driven dimensions of mobile payment solutions, and the associated value proposition for customers. Banks promote traditional payment instruments whose value proposition is the management of risk for both consumers and merchants. These instruments are centralised, costly and lack decision support functionality. The ubiquity of the mobile phone has provided a decentralised platform for managing payment processes in a new way, but the value proposition for customers has yet to be elaborated clearly. This inertia has stalled the design of sustainable revenue models for a mobile payments ecosystem. Merchants and consumers in the meantime are being seduced by the convenience of on-line and mobile payment solutions. Adopting the purchase and payment process as the unit of analysis, the current mobile payment landscape is reviewed with respect to the creation and consumption of customer value. From this analysis, a framework is derived juxtaposing customer value, related to what is being paid for, with payment integration, related to how payments are being made. The framework provides a theoretical and practical basis for considering the contribution of mobile technologies to the payment industry. The framework is then used to describe the components of a mobile payments pilot project being run on a trial population of 250 students on a campus in Ireland. In this manner, weaknesses in the value proposition for consumers and merchants were highlighted. Limitations of the framework as a research tool are also discussed.


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The pervasive use of mobile technologies has provided new opportunities for organisations to achieve competitive advantage by using a value network of partners to create value for multiple users. The delivery of a mobile payment (m-payment) system is an example of a value network as it requires the collaboration of multiple partners from diverse industries, each bringing their own expertise, motivations and expectations. Consequently, managing partnerships has been identified as a core competence required by organisations to form viable partnerships in an m-payment value network and an important factor in determining the sustainability of an m-payment business model. However, there is evidence that organisations lack this competence which has been witnessed in the m-payment domain where it has been attributed as an influencing factor in a number of failed m-payment initiatives since 2000. In response to this organisational deficiency, this research project leverages the use of design thinking and visualisation tools to enhance communication and understanding between managers who are responsible for managing partnerships within the m-payment domain. By adopting a design science research approach, which is a problem solving paradigm, the research builds and evaluates a visualisation tool in the form of a Partnership Management Canvas. In doing so, this study demonstrates that when organisations encourage their managers to adopt design thinking, as a way to balance their analytical thinking and intuitive thinking, communication and understanding between the partners increases. This can lead to a shared understanding and a shared commitment between the partners. In addition, the research identifies a number of key business model design issues that need to be considered by researchers and practitioners when designing an m-payment business model. As an applied research project, the study makes valuable contributions to the knowledge base and to the practice of management.


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Mobile payment and e-Government are emerging topics in the research area of Information Systems. This research addresses the preferred e-Government services for mobile payment, the suitable payment methods of mobile payment, and adoption factors of e-Government services. The research derives the notion of technology adoption and related constructs, however, as no particular Information Systems adoption theory was adequate to study emerging systems of electronic payment, the research did not utilise any specific theory. Rather, the research uses the characteristics of mobile payment as revealed in the contemporary research to develop an adoption model based on user perceptions regarding mobile payments in the context of e-Government services. A survey study on the use of mobile devices to pay for e-Government services was conducted in Western Australia. The findings of this research contribute conceptually and practically by recommending suitable services and mobile payment methods. This paper also addresses the positive and negative factors impacting the adoption of mobile payment for e-Government services.


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O fenômeno de Mobile Banking, emergente no Brasil, poderia ser caracterizado tanto pela magnitude das expectativas associadas a ele quanto por sua complexidade sócio-política e tecnológica. Por um lado, este fenômeno representa uma formidável estratégia para inclusão financeira de uma parcela significativa da população brasileira, bem como um canal potencialmente revolucionário para serviços bancários e financeiros inovadores. Por outro lado, este fenômeno ainda se encontra em uma fase inicial de desenvolvimento no país, contrariando expectativas, e vários eventos críticos são esperados antes de sua possível consolidação. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever e explicar os possíveis eventos críticos, trajetória e cenários relacionados ao fenômeno de Mobile Banking & Payments no contexto brasileiro, considerando-o como uma tecnologia-em-prática resultante da interação entre diversos agentes sociais. Com uma abordagem conceitual multi-nível focada em estudos na área de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação, orientada por uma postura epistemológica interpretativista e também crítica, buscou-se identificar os grupos sociais mais relevantes relacionados ao fenômeno analisado, avaliando as suas perspectivas e expectativas tecnológicas, ao mesmo tempo em que se buscou antecipar os possíveis processos de negociação e interação entre eles. Como resultado, foram construídos uma trajetória de eventos críticos de incerteza e dois cenários futuros considerados mais prováveis. Por conseguinte, foi possível analisar e endereçar propositivamente algumas questões críticas, com contribuições relevantes tanto para a teoria quanto para a prática


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Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar os aspectos que podem promover ou limitar o surgimento de arranjos de pagamentos de mobile payment (pagamentos móveis) que possam ser utilizados nas iniciativas de microcrédito no Brasil. O tema microcrédito foi escolhido em função do enorme potencial para a realização de operações de microcrédito no Brasil, bem como pelo aspecto de integração econômico-social que as operações de microcrédito podem proporcionar. A escolha do tema mobile payment ocorreu em função da versatilidade e inovação desta modalidade de pagamento, com potencial para uma grande transformação dos meios de pagamentos no mercado brasileiro. A análise da utilização do mobile payment nas iniciativas de microcrédito surgiu em função das contribuições que tal modalidade de pagamento pode trazer para a realização de operações de microcrédito. O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo é auxiliar na compreensão dos aspectos limitadores e incentivadores para a utilização do mobile payment nas iniciativas de microcrédito, bem como verificar quais contribuições a utilização do mobile payment pode trazer para a realização de operações de microcrédito. Adicionalmente, por meio das informações obtidas junto aos Grupos Sociais Relevantes (GSR) envolvidos nos arranjos de pagamentos, a presente pesquisa pretende ainda identificar as influências destes agentes para a formação e adaptação desses arranjos. As informações para a realização deste estudo foram coletadas principalmente por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com representantes selecionados dos GSR participantes dos arranjos de pagamentos. As entrevistas realizadas foram transcritas e constam no final do trabalho, representando uma fonte importante de informação aos interessados no tema, em função da riqueza de detalhes apresentados. Para a compreensão e interpretação do objeto de estudo, foi utilizado o referencial teórico apresentado por Coase e Williamson (Teoria dos Custos de Transação), Gannamaneni e Ondrus (Multilevel Framework). Com a publicação da Resolução 4.282 do Banco Central do Brasil em novembro de 2013, instituindo o marco regulatório que disciplina a autorização e o funcionamento de arranjos e instituições de pagamento no Brasil, o objeto de análise em questão torna-se ainda mais relevante para a comunidade acadêmica, participantes do mercado de microcrédito e GSR integrantes dos arranjos de mobile payment. Espera-se com isso contribuir para um melhor entendimento das barreiras e facilitadores para a adoção e desenvolvimento dos arranjos de pagamentos de mobile payment, e, principalmente, que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para uma maior interação destes arranjos com as iniciativas de microcrédito.


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O presente estudo pretende ser uma reflexão exploratória sobre a emergência dos serviços de pagamento através de dispositivos móveis. O tema do pagamento é novo em Portugal, e não obstante a grande adesão a inúmeras outras competências proporcionadas pela adesão aos smartphones. Estando o fenómeno numa fase de implementação embrionária considerámos que uma abordagem qualitativa melhor se adequava ao seu estudo. Assim o presente trabalho consiste numa revisão de literatura descrevendo o estado da arte que articula com uma recolha de entrevistas e e posterior análise. Com este trabalho podemos concluir que o fenómeno de pagamentos móveis requer ainda comunicação e vontade institucional dos vários intervenientes que ajude a sua disseminação e promova uma maior aceitação


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Los sistemas de pago con móvil son una alternativa de pago a los medios de pago electrónicos tradicionales que están siendo cada vez más utilizados en nuestra sociedad. Son varios los factores que han llevado a la utilización de esta forma alternativa de pago. Los terminales móviles se han convertido en una herramienta casi vital para la sociedad, lo cual ha contribuido a una gran aceptación y desarrollo de los terminales móviles que cada vez cuentan con más funcionalidades. Gracias a esto, las comunicaciones móviles también están en constante evolución y ello ha influido notablemente para que se puedan desarrollar nuevos servicios e implementar nuevas funcionalidades en los terminales móviles. Por otro lado, la tendencia de los usuarios a usar cada día más los sistemas de pago electrónicos, intentando en la medida de lo posible prescindir del dinero en efectivo, también es un factor que ha permitido impulsar el desarrollo de este tipo de sistema de pagos emergentes. En el otro lado se encuentra el mundo empresarial, donde por un lado están las empresas de telecomunicaciones que no quieren dejar escapar esta oportunidad de negocio y están invirtiendo dinero para desarrollar nuevas infraestructuras que permitan el pago con móvil, y por otro lado se encuentran las entidades financieras que son necesarias para poder llevar a cabo los pagos a través del móvil, y por tanto tienen que formar parte de la solución llegando a los acuerdos necesarios con los proveedores de servicios. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las diferentes plataformas de pago por móvil existentes en la actualidad, prestando especial atención a los aspectos que tienen que ver con la seguridad y la disponibilidad y acceso de la información bancaria del usuario. Asimismo también se analiza la arquitectura de cada plataforma como su funcionamiento, aclarando la interacción y el papel que juegan las diferentes partes implicadas. Para ello hay un capítulo dedicado a la seguridad donde se presentan conceptos y protocolos que son aplicados en las soluciones de pagos electrónicos, y una descripción de los sistemas de pago electrónicos más usados actualmente, los cuales presentan muchas similitudes con los sistemas de pago con móvil. Por último se recogen diferentes experiencias llevadas a cabo en nuestro país de pagos con móvil, destacando la experiencia de los usuarios así como el método empleado. ABSTRACT. Mobile payment systems are payment methods alternative to traditional electronic payment ones that are being increasingly used in our society. Several factors have led to the use of this alternative form of payment. Mobile terminals have become almost a vital tool for society, which has contributed to a wide acceptance and development of mobile terminals that are getting more features all the time. As a result, mobile communications are also evolving and they have had such a great influence that they have developed new services and implemented new features in mobile terminals. What is more, the growing tendency among users to use electronic payment systems, trying to make their payments whithout cash as often as possible, is also a factor that has allowed the boost the development of such emerging payment systems. The other partner of these systems is the business world, where on one hand, the telecommunication companies that do not want to miss this business opportunity are investing funds to develop new infrastructures which enable the mobile payment, and on the other hand, the financial institutions that are necessary to carry out payments via mobile, and therefore need to be part of the solution reaching the necessary agreements with service providers, want their own saying and their own share of the potential profits. This report is an analysis of the different mobile payment platforms existing today, with particular attention to the aspects that have to do with security and the availability and acces of user’s bank information. Likewise, it also analyzes the architecture of each platform and its operation and interaction procedures, clarifying the role of the different parties involved. Previously there is a chapter that presents security concepts and protocols that are applied in electronic payment solutions, and a description of the electronic trade systems most widely used currently, which have many similarities with mobile payment systems. Finally, it shows different experiments carried out in our country of mobile payments, highlighting the experience of users as well as the method used.


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The need for paying with mobile devices has urged the development of payment systems for mobile electronic commerce. In this paper we have considered two important abuses in electronic payments systems for detection. The fraud, which is an intentional deception accomplished to secure an unfair gain, and an intrusion which are any set of actions that attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or availability of a resource. Most of the available fraud and intrusion detection systems for e-payments are specific to the systems where they have been incorporated. This paper proposes a generic model called as Activity-Event-Symptoms(AES) model for detecting fraud and intrusion attacks which appears during payment process in the mobile commerce environment. The AES model is designed to identify the symptoms of fraud and intrusions by observing various events/transactions occurs during mobile commerce activity. The symptoms identification is followed by computing the suspicion factors for event attributes, and the certainty factor for a fraud and intrusion is generated using these suspicion factors. We have tested the proposed system by conducting various case studies, on the in-house established mobile commerce environment over wired and wire-less networks test bed.


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Payment systems all over the world have grown into a complicated web of solutions. This is more challenging in the case of mobile based payment systems. Mobile based payment systems are many and consist of different technologies providing different services. The diffusion of these various technologies in a market is uncertain. Diffusion theorists, for example Rogers, and Davis suggest how innovation is accepted in markets. In the case of electronic payment systems, the tale of Mondex vs Octopus throws interesting insights on diffusion. Our paper attempts to understand the success potential of various mobile payment technologies. We illustrate what we describe as technology breadth in mobile payment systems using data from payment systems all over the world (n=62). Our data shows an unexpected superiority of SMS technology, over other technologies like NFC, WAP and others. We also used a Delphi based survey (n=5) with experts to address the possibility that SMS will gain superiority in market diffusion. The economic conditions of a country, particularly in developing countries, the services availed and characteristics of the user (for example number of un-banked users in large populated countries) may put SMS in the forefront. This may be true more for micro payments using the mobile.


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This study analyses the access and use of financial services by small business owners in the cities of Mozambique, as an important tool for boosting economic growth and diminishing inequality. It correlates owners’ and business characteristics with the probability of adopting Points-of-Sale (POS), Mobile Banking and Mobile Money in everyday transactions. The main findings highlight that what mostly affects the use of POS is the size of business and the volume of transactions (positively correlated with POS adoption), while using mobile phone technologies for payments predominantly depends on the owner’s age and whether he/she is a frequent cellphone user. Moreover, to increase the use of electronic means of payment it is necessary to increase financial literacy and improve the banking services.