989 resultados para Mobile multimedia
In this work, we will give a detailed tutorial instruction about how to use the Mobile Multi-Media Wireless Sensor Networks (M3WSN) simulation framework. The M3WSN framework has been published as a scientific paper in the 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (2013) [1]. M3WSN framework enables the multimedia transmission of real video se- quence. Therefore, a set of multimedia algorithms, protocols, and services can be evaluated by using QoE metrics. Moreover, key video-related information, such as frame types, GoP length and intra-frame dependency can be used for creating new assessment and optimization solutions. To support mobility, M3WSN utilizes different mobility traces to enable the understanding of how the network behaves under mobile situations. This tutorial will cover how to install and configure the M3WSN framework, setting and running the experiments, creating mobility and video traces, and how to evaluate the performance of different protocols. The tutorial will be given in an environment of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and OMNeT++ 4.2.
The development and evaluation of new algorithms and protocols for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs) are usually supported by means of a discrete event network simulator, where OMNeT++ is one of the most important ones. However, experiments involving multimedia transmission, video flows with different characteristics, genres, group of pictures lengths, and coding techniques must be evaluated based also on Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics to reflect the user's perception. Such experiments require the evaluation of video-related information, i.e., frame type, received/lost, delay, jitter, decoding errors, as well as inter and intra-frame dependency of received/distorted videos. However, existing OMNeT++ frameworks for WMSNs do not support video transmissions with QoE-awareness, neither a large set of mobility traces to enable evaluations under different multimedia/mobile situations. In this paper, we propose a Mobile MultiMedia Wireless Sensor Network OMNeT++ framework (M3WSN) to support transmission, control and evaluation of real video sequences in mobile WMSNs.
This research work deals with the problem of modeling and design of low level speed controller for the mobile robot PRIM. The main objective is to develop an effective educational tool. On one hand, the interests in using the open mobile platform PRIM consist in integrating several highly related subjects to the automatic control theory in an educational context, by embracing the subjects of communications, signal processing, sensor fusion and hardware design, amongst others. On the other hand, the idea is to implement useful navigation strategies such that the robot can be served as a mobile multimedia information point. It is in this context, when navigation strategies are oriented to goal achievement, that a local model predictive control is attained. Hence, such studies are presented as a very interesting control strategy in order to develop the future capabilities of the system
This paper is focused on the robot mobile platform PRIM (platform robot information multimedia). This robot has been made in order to cover two main needs of our group, on one hand the need for a full open mobile robotic platform that is very useful in fulfilling the teaching and research activity of our school community, and on the other hand with the idea of introducing an ethical product which would be useful as mobile multimedia information point as a service tool. This paper introduces exactly how the system is made up and explains just what the philosophy is behind this work. The navigation strategies and sensor fusion, where machine vision system is the most important one, are oriented towards goal achievement and are the key to the behaviour of the robot
This research work deals with the problem of modeling and design of low level speed controller for the mobile robot PRIM. The main objective is to develop an effective educational, and research tool. On one hand, the interests in using the open mobile platform PRIM consist in integrating several highly related subjects to the automatic control theory in an educational context, by embracing the subjects of communications, signal processing, sensor fusion and hardware design, amongst others. On the other hand, the idea is to implement useful navigation strategies such that the robot can be served as a mobile multimedia information point. It is in this context, when navigation strategies are oriented to goal achievement, that a local model predictive control is attained. Hence, such studies are presented as a very interesting control strategy in order to develop the future capabilities of the system. In this context the research developed includes the visual information as a meaningful source that allows detecting the obstacle position coordinates as well as planning the free obstacle trajectory that should be reached by the robot
This research work deals with the problem of modeling and design of low level speed controller for the mobile robot PRIM. The main objective is to develop an effective educational tool. On one hand, the interests in using the open mobile platform PRIM consist in integrating several highly related subjects to the automatic control theory in an educational context, by embracing the subjects of communications, signal processing, sensor fusion and hardware design, amongst others. On the other hand, the idea is to implement useful navigation strategies such that the robot can be served as a mobile multimedia information point. It is in this context, when navigation strategies are oriented to goal achievement, that a local model predictive control is attained. Hence, such studies are presented as a very interesting control strategy in order to develop the future capabilities of the system
This paper is focused on the robot mobile platform PRIM (platform robot information multimedia). This robot has been made in order to cover two main needs of our group, on one hand the need for a full open mobile robotic platform that is very useful in fulfilling the teaching and research activity of our school community, and on the other hand with the idea of introducing an ethical product which would be useful as mobile multimedia information point as a service tool. This paper introduces exactly how the system is made up and explains just what the philosophy is behind this work. The navigation strategies and sensor fusion, where machine vision system is the most important one, are oriented towards goal achievement and are the key to the behaviour of the robot
Wireless mobile sensor networks are enlarging the Internet of Things (IoT) portfolio with a huge number of multimedia services for smart cities. Safety and environmental monitoring multimedia applications will be part of the Smart IoT systems, which aim to reduce emergency response time, while also predicting hazardous events. In these mobile and dynamic (possible disaster) scenarios, opportunistic routing allows routing decisions in a completely distributed manner, by using a hop- by-hop route decision based on protocol-specific characteristics, and a predefined end-to-end path is not a reliable solution. This enables the transmission of video flows of a monitored area/object with Quality of Experience (QoE) support to users, headquarters or IoT platforms. However, existing approaches rely on a single metric to make the candidate selection rule, including link quality or geographic information, which causes a high packet loss rate, and reduces the video perception from the human standpoint. This article proposes a cross-layer Link quality and Geographical-aware Opportunistic routing protocol (LinGO), which is designed for video dissemination in mobile multimedia IoT environments. LinGO improves routing decisions using multiple metrics, including link quality, geographic loca- tion, and energy. The simulation results show the benefits of LinGO compared with well-known routing solutions for video transmission with QoE support in mobile scenarios.
Työ käsittelee multimediatietopankin tietosisällön hallintaa ja kehittämistä. Multimediatietopankki verkossa –projektissa multimediatietopankilla tarkoitetaan vuorovaikutteista ja sisältörikasta liikkuvan ja staattisen kuvan (video, animaatio, valokuvat, 3D, grafiikka), äänten (musiikki ja muut äänet) ja tietokantojen yhdistelmää. Sisällön eri osa-alueet ja vuorovaikutteisuus tukevat kokonaisuutta, jolla on oma viestinnällinen tarkoituksensa. Tätä kokonaistoteutusta levitetään www:n, digitaalitelevision ja mobiililaitteiden välityksellä loppukäyttäjälle. Multimedia- ja matkaviestinteknologioiden nopea kehitys antaa mahdollisuuden kehittää uusia palveluja. Erilaisiin päätelaitteisiin ja vaihteleviin ympäristöihin tarkoitettujen helppokäyttöisten multimedia- ja mobiilipalvelujen kysyntä on jatkuvassa kasvussa. Multimediatietopankkiprojektissa esitetään kuinka multimediapalveluita voidaan toteuttaa integroidussa ympäristössä. Integroidulla ympäristöllä tässä työssä tarkoitetaan Internetin, mobiilien palvelujen, WAP:in, kämmentietokoneen, digitaalisen television sekä uusien multimediakännyköiden käyttöä multimediatietopankin tarjoamien palvelujen välittämisessä. Projekti on jaettu yksittäisiin lukuihin, joissa tarkoituksena on syventää multimediatietopankin yksityiskohtia sisällön tuottamisessa teknologian näkökannalta. Multimediatietokannan toteutuksessa mallinnetaan palvelun sisältö tietokantaan XHTML-muodossa mediaolioiden sisään sekä tallennetaan tietopankin metatietoa multimediarelaatiotietokantaan, josta on mahdollista hakea tietoa minkä tahansa päätelaitteen kyselyjen avulla.Tässä työssä keskitytään multimediatietokannan hallintajärjestelmän tehtäviin ja rakenteeseen, siihen miten multimediadata tallennetaan tietokantaan sekä siihen miten tietokannassa olevaa metatietoa haetaan käyttäen tietokannassa kehitettyjä hakumenetelmiä.
The effect of the ionosphere on the signals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positionig System (GPS) and the proposed European Galileo, is dependent on the ionospheric electron density, given by its Total Electron Content (TEC). Ionospheric time-varying density irregularities may cause scintillations, which are fluctuations in phase and amplitude of the signals. Scintillations occur more often at equatorial and high latitudes. They can degrade navigation and positioning accuracy and may cause loss of signal tracking, disrupting safety-critical applications, such as marine navigation and civil aviation. This paper addresses the results of initial research carried out on two fronts that are relevant to GNSS users if they are to counter ionospheric scintillations, i.e. forecasting and mitigating their effects. On the forecasting front, the dynamics of scintillation occurrence were analysed during the severe ionospheric storm that took place on the evening of 30 October 2003, using data from a network of GPS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitor (GISTM) receivers set up in Northern Europe. Previous results [1] indicated that GPS scintillations in that region can originate from ionospheric plasma structures from the American sector. In this paper we describe experiments that enabled confirmation of those findings. On the mitigation front we used the variance of the output error of the GPS receiver DLL (Delay Locked Loop) to modify the least squares stochastic model applied by an ordinary receiver to compute position. This error was modelled according to [2], as a function of the S4 amplitude scintillation index measured by the GISTM receivers. An improvement of up to 21% in relative positioning accuracy was achieved with this technnique.
Mobile multimedia ad hoc services run on dynamic topologies due to node mobility or failures and wireless channel impairments. A robust routing service must adapt to topology changes with the aim of recovering or maintaining the video quality level and reducing the impact of the user's experience. In those scenarios, beacon-less Opportunistic Routing (OR) increases the robustness by supporting routing decisions in a completely distributed manner based on protocol-specific characteristics. However, the existing beacon-less OR approaches do not efficiently combine multiple metrics for forwarding selection, which cause higher packet loss rate, and consequently reduce the video quality level. In this paper, we assess the robustness and reliability of our recently developed OR protocol under node failures, called cross-layer Link quality and Geographical-aware OR protocol (LinGO). Simulation results show that LinGO achieves multimedia dissemination with QoE support and robustness in scenarios with dynamic topologies.
The award of the digital dividend can consolidate auctions as the preferred mechanism for spectrum allocation. Knowing in advance an estimate of what the results of an auction with these characteristics could be would be unquestionably useful for those in charge of designing the process, even if at the end another method such as a beauty contest is chosen. This article provides a simulation of a digital dividend auction in a major-type European country. In one of the scenarios, the spectrum is not pre-allocated to any service in particular (service neutrality) while in the remaining four, blocks of spectrum are pre-allocated to DTT, mobile multimedia and mobile broadband communications. The results of the simulations reveal that the service neutrality scenario maximizes revenues for the seller and that, in general, DTT operators would seem to have fewer opportunities as the spectrum packaging is less protective for them.
Este proyecto se encuentra adscrito a la línea de investigación de optimización de consumo en terminales multimedia móviles que el Grupo de Diseño Electrónico y Microelectrónico (GDEM) de la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) está llevando a cabo. Los sistemas empotrados móviles (Smartphone, Tablet,...) están alimentados con baterías. En este tipo de sistemas, una de las aplicaciones que más rápidamente consume energía es la descodificación de secuencias de vídeo. En este trabajo, queremos medir el consumo de energía de distintos descodificadores de vídeo para distintas secuencias, con el objetivo de entender mejor cómo se consume esta energía y poder encontrar diferentes métodos que lo reduzcan. Para ello comenzaremos describiendo nuestro entorno de trabajo, tanto el hardware como el software utilizado. Respeto al hardware cabe destacar el uso de una PandaBoard y un Smart Power de Odroid, entre otros muchos elementos utilizados, los cuales serán debidamente explicados en las siguientes páginas de este proyecto. Mientras que para el software destaca el uso de dos tipos de descodificadores uno CBP y otro PHP, los cuales serán descritos en profundidad en los siguientes capítulos de este documento. Este entorno de trabajo nos servirá para el estudio de las diferentes secuencias de vídeo, cuya codificación ha sido llevada en paralelo con otro proyecto que se está realizando en el grupo de GDEM de la UPM, y cuyo objetivo es el estudio de la calidad subjetiva durante la descodificación del mismo conjunto de secuencias de vídeo. Todas estas secuencias de vídeo han sido codificadas con diferentes parámetros de calidad y diversas estructuras de imágenes, para obtener así un banco de pruebas lo más amplio posible. Gracias a la obtención de estas secuencias de vídeo y utilizando nuestro entorno de trabajo, pasaremos a estudiar el consumo de energía que se produce al descodificar una a una todas las posibles secuencias de vídeo, dependiendo todo esto de su estructura de imágenes, su calidad y por supuesto, el descodificador utilizado en cada caso. Para terminar, se mostrará una comparativa entre los diferentes resultados obtenidos y se hará una discusión de estos, obteniendo en este caso, un resumen de los datos más significativos, así como las conclusiones más importantes obtenidas durante todo este trabajo. Al término de este proyecto y en unión con el estudio que se está llevando a cabo en paralelo sobre la calidad subjetiva, queda como línea futura de investigación encontrar el compromiso entre el consumo de energía de diferentes secuencias de vídeo y la calidad subjetiva de dichas secuencias. ABSTRACT. This project is assigned to the research line on consumption optimization in mobile multimedia terminals carried out by the Group of Electronic Design and Microelectronics (GDEM) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Embedded mobile systems (smartphones, tablets...) are powered by batteries. In such systems, one of the applications that more rapidly consumes power is the decoding of video streams. In this work, we measure the power consumption of different video decoders for different streams, in order to better understand how this energy is consumed and to find different methods to reduce it. To this end, we start by describing our working environment, both hardware and software used. As for the hardware, it is worth mentioning the use of PandaBoard and Smart Power Odroid, among many other elements, which will be duly explained in the following pages of this project. As for the software, we highlight the use of two types of decoders, CBP and PHP, which will be described in detail in the following chapters of this document. This working environment will help us to study different video streams, whose coding has been perfor-med in parallel under another project that is being carried out in the GDEM group of the UPM, and whose objective is the study of subjective quality for decoding the same set of video streams. All these video streams have been encoded with different quality parameters and image structures in order to obtain the widest set of samples. Thanks to the production of these video streams and the use of our working environment, we study the power consumption that occurs when decoding one by one all possible video streams, depending on the image structure, their quality and, of course, the decoder used in each case. Finally, we show a comparison between the different results and a discussion of these, obtaining a sum-mary of the most significant data and the main conclusions obtained during this project. Upon completion of this project and in conjunction with the project on the study of subjective quality that is being carried out in parallel, a future line of research could consist in finding the compromise between power consumption of different video streams and the subjective quality of these.