997 resultados para Mobile TV


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The growth of powerful entertainment functions of mobile devices, in particular mobile video, has recently attracted much attention. Studies on mobile TV, one form of mobile video, have been conducted in many countries. However, little research focuses on the holistic usage of mobile video. To understand the features of such usage, we conducted an online survey in Brisbane, Australia, during the first half of 2010. Our findings reveal similarities and diversities between usage of mobile TV in particular and mobile video on the whole. The results could aid in improving the design of future studies, with a view to ultimately increase user satisfaction.


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By 2015, with the proliferation of wireless multimedia applications and services (e.g., mobile TV, video on demand, online video repositories, immersive video interaction, peer to peer video streaming, and interactive video gaming), and any-time anywhere communication, the number of smartphones and tablets will exceed 6.5 billion as the most common web access devices. Data volumes in wireless multimedia data-intensive applications and mobile web services are projected to increase by a factor of 10 every five years, associated with a 20 percent increase in energy consumption, 80 percent of which is multimedia traffic related. In turn, multimedia energy consumption is rising at 16 percent per year, doubling every six years. It is estimated that energy costs alone account for as much as half of the annual operating expenditure. This has prompted concerted efforts by major operators to drastically reduce carbon emissions by up to 50 percent over the next 10 years. Clearly, there is an urgent need for new disruptive paradigms of green media to bridge the gap between wireless technologies and multimedia applications.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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O telefone celular teve uma grande evolução nos últimos anos, o que antes era utilizado exclusivamente para transmissão de voz, hoje tem características avançadíssimas incluindo várias evoluções tecnológicas. Dentro deste aspecto, a inovação que o LTE (Long Term Evolution) vem demonstrando em suas características realmente se destacam em relação as tecnologias que a antecederam e representa grande evolução se comparada com as outras. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto 3GPP e (3rd Generation Partners Project) promovido pelo Instituto Europeu de Normalização na área de Telecomunicações ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). As operadoras que demonstram interesse em disponibilizar esta tecnologia buscam introduzir a flexibilidade do LTE para ir ao encontro dos objetivos de suas redes existentes, espectro e negócios para banda larga móvel e serviços multimídia. O LTE promete taxas de download de 326,4Mbps, taxas de upload de 86,4Mbps, RTT ( ROUND TRIP TIME ) menos de 10 mile segundos e raio das células podendo atingir até 100km. O sistema 4G (LTE) é um sistema integrado completamente baseado em IP, que é resultado de tecnologias conectadas por fios e sem fios disponibilizando um custo acessível, atendendo as exigências de uma rede de comunicação (Wireless), serviços de transferência de mensagens multimídias, conversa com vídeo, televisão móvel de alta definição, serviços mínimos como voz e dados entre outras vantagens. Desta forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar quais são as oportunidades e os desafios no mercado de telefonia móvel de Telecomunicações ao implantar o sistema de tecnologia LTE demonstrando o benefício dos fabricantes e operadoras no sentido econômico e tecnológico.


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Despite its rising success, interactive TV (iTV) has found very little attention in the field of HCI. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the usability of iTV services. It presents the results of a usability test and discusses the implications for further developments. The results show, that prior knowledge of Internet and mobile phones supports the usability of iTV services regarding navigation and text input, while the lack of it leads to great difficulties. Difficult tasks, such as writing a text message, had a success rate of only 20%, while guided tours proofed to be more usable with a success rate of 70%.


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Within the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.


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Mobile devices can enhance undergraduate research projects and students’ research capabilities. The use of mobile devices such as tablet computers will not automatically make undergraduates better researchers, but their use should make investigations, writing, and publishing more effective and may even save students time. We have explored some of the possibilities of using “tablets” and “smartphones” to aid the research and inquiry process in geography and bioscience fieldwork. We provide two case studies as illustration of how students working in small research groups use mobile devices to gather and analyze primary data in field-based inquiry. Since April 2010, Apple’s iPad has changed the way people behave in the digital world and how they access their music, watch videos, or read their email much as the entrepreneurs Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive intended. Now with “apps” and “the cloud” and the ubiquitous references to them appearing in the press and on TV, academics’ use of tablets is also having an impact on education and research. In our discussion we will refer to use of smartphones such as the iPhone, iPod, and Android devices under the term “tablet”. Android and Microsoft devices may not offer the same facilities as the iPad/iphone, but many app producers now provide versions for several operating systems. Smartphones are becoming more affordable and ubiquitous (Melhuish and Falloon 2010), but a recent study of undergraduate students (Woodcock et al. 2012, 1) found that many students who own smartphones are “largely unaware of their potential to support learning”. Importantly, however, students were found to be “interested in and open to the potential as they become familiar with the possibilities” (Woodcock et al. 2012). Smartphones and iPads could be better utilized than laptops when conducting research in the field because of their portability (Welsh and France 2012). It is imperative for faculty to provide their students with opportunities to discover and employ the potential uses of mobile devices in their learning. However, it is not only the convenience of the iPad or tablet devices or smartphones we wish to promote, but also a way of thinking and behaving digitally. We essentially suggest that making a tablet the center of research increases the connections between related research activities.


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Denna rapport är resultatet av kursen Examensarbete i Informatik på Högskolan Dalarna. Examensarbetet är uppdelat i två delar. Ena delen har som syfte att ge en förstagångsanvändare en introduktion i Mobile.NET. Här beskrivs även vissa skillnader mot traditionell ASP. Andra delen, som uppfyller målet har varit att utveckla en tjänst som gör det möjligt att spela in tv-program på en dator från olika mobila enheter samt pc. Det arbete som föranlett rapporten har bestått av en egenhändigt framtagen metod som hämtat inspiration från Direct-modellen samt Polyas generella metod.Slutsatserna som framkommit är att det idag inte finns tillräckligt bra wap-tjänster som lockar allmänheten att wappa. Mobiltelefonen kommer till sin fulla rätt som en förlängd fjärr-kontroll, som kan integrera människan med hemmet på långa avstånd. För att utvecklingen av wap-tjänster ska ta fart krävs högre prestanda och nya idéer om tjänster. En tanke är att fler tjänster och nya idéer kommer ta fart nu när Microsoft släppt sitt utvecklingsverktyg Mobile Internet Toolkit. Nu behöver utvecklaren inte göra en tillämpning för varje mobilenhet. Kanske kommer denna rapport väcka en ny tanke om vad wap-tjänster kan göra.


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Novos processos de produção de conteúdo estão reconfigurando os organogramas e os fluxogramas de setores ligados à criação de programas informativos e de entretenimento nas emissoras de televisão. A elaboração de conteúdos centrados em um modo de Comunicação que procura contemplar a participação e a colaboração da audiência nas construções discursivas impõe a existência de estruturas capazes de responder às demandas de uma plataforma multimídia, engendrada por tecnologias que possibilitem a conectividade entre os diversos dispositivos móveis e portáteis. Além de evidenciar os desafios de caráter organizacional, o presente trabalho, baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, tem como objetivo discutir as implicações estéticas dos conteúdos gerados para o consumo multimídia. Assim, toma como objeto de análise a estrutura e a programação da Televisão Universitária Unesp, da Universidade Estadual Paulista, em fase de implantação no campus de Bauru-SP.


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC