4 resultados para Mixomicets


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Presentem la descripció i caractéristiques diferencials de tres espècies de mixomicets quionòfils: Comatricba suksdorfii, Lamproderma sauteri i Diderma trevelyanii var. nivale, recol.lectades prop de la neu en fusió i en diferents localitats dels Pirineus catalans. Totes tres espècies són noves citacions per al catàleg micològic dels Països Catalans.


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The fungi of occidental Catalonia after recent prospections I. This work intends to collect the mycological data gathered during the last four years as a result of the project "Fungal biodiversity of Catalonia", in the western and southern, mainly lowland areas of this country. The climate is mainly dry (400-600 mm/year) and warm. The survey, that covers 160 localities, has enabled the identification of 37 species of Myxomycota, 5 of Zygomycora, 159 of Ascomyctra, 101 mitosporic fungi, 8 Teliomycetes, 1 Ustomycetes, 16 Phragmobasidiomycetes and 92 Apliyllopllorates, that are included in this paper. Because of space limitations, the remaining 326 agarics and 44 Gasteromycetes will be published in the next number of this journal. This work is a contribution to a best understanding of the fungal flora, chorology, ecology and phenology of the West-Mediterranean dry lowlands.


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Señalamos la presencia de Calomyxa metallica, Clastoderma debaryanum y Dianema harveyi en diferentes localidades peninsulares. De dichas especies, no indicadas hasta el momento para la flora española, comentamos la corologia, ecologia y caracteres diferenciales.


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Los autores describen y comentan cuatro especies de mixomicetes: Arcyria oerstedtii Rost., Comatricha alta Preuss, Physarum decipiens Curtís, Stemonitis virginiensis Rex, poco mencionadas en el catálogo micològico de la Península Ibérica y Baleares.