978 resultados para Mixing time


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Macro and micromixing time represent two extreme mixing time scales,which governs the whole hydrodynamics characteristics of the surface aeration systems. With the help of experimental and numerical analysis, simulation equation governing those times scale has been presented in the present work.


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Rheology has the purpose to study the flux and deformation of materials when submitted to some tension or outer mechanical solicitation. In practice, the effective scientific field broached by rheology is restricted only to the study of homogeneous fluids behavior, in which are included eminent liquids, particles suspensions, and emulsions. The viscosity (η) and the yield stress (τ 0) are the two basic values that define the fluids' behavior. The first one is the proportionality constant that relates the shear rate (γ) with the shear stress (τ) applied, while the second indicates the minimal tension for the flowage beginning. The fluids that obey the Newton's relation - Newtonians fluids - display the constant viscosity and the null yield stress. It's the case of diluted suspensions and grate amount of the pure liquids (water, acetone, alcohol, etc.) in which the viscosity is an intrinsic characteristic that depends on temperature and, in a less significant way, pressure. The suspension, titled Cement Paste, is defined as being a mixture of water and cement with, or without, a superplasticizer additive. The cement paste has a non-Newtonian fluid behavior (pseudoplastic), showing a viscosity that varies in accord to the applied shear stress and significant deformations are obtained from a delimited yield stress. In some cases, systems can also manifest the influence of chemical additives used to modify the interactions fluid/particles, besides the introduced modifications by the presence of incorporated air. To the cement paste the rheometric rehearsals were made using the rheometer R/S Brookfield that controls shear stress and shear rate in accord to the rheological model of Herschel-Bulkley that seems to better adapt to this kind of suspension's behavior. This paper shows the results of rheometrical rehearsals on the cement paste that were produced with cements HOLCIM MC-20 RS and CPV-ARI RS with the addition of superplasticizer additives based of napthaline and polycarboxilate, with and without a constant agitation of the mixture. The obtainment of dosages of superplasticizer additives, as well as the water/cement ratio, at the cement at the fluidify rate determination, was done in a total of 12 different mixtures. It's observed that the rheological parameters seem to vary according to the cement type, the superplasticizer type, and the methodology applied at the fluidity rate determination.


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A dynamical instability is observed in experimental studies on micro-channels of rectangular cross-section with smallest dimension 100 and 160 mu m in which one of the walls is made of soft gel. There is a spontaneous transition from an ordered, laminar flow to a chaotic and highly mixed flow state when the Reynolds number increases beyond a critical value. The critical Reynolds number, which decreases as the elasticity modulus of the soft wall is reduced, is as low as 200 for the softest wall used here (in contrast to 1200 for a rigid-walled channel) The instability onset is observed by the breakup of a dye-stream introduced in the centre of the micro-channel, as well as the onset of wall oscillations due to laser scattering from fluorescent beads embedded in the wall of the channel. The mixing time across a channel of width 1.5 mm, measured by dye-stream and outlet conductance experiments, is smaller by a factor of 10(5) than that for a laminar flow. The increased mixing rate comes at very little cost, because the pressure drop (energy requirement to drive the flow) increases continuously and modestly at transition. The deformed shape is reconstructed numerically, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out to obtain the pressure gradient and the velocity fields for different flow rates. The pressure difference across the channel predicted by simulations is in agreement with the experiments (within experimental errors) for flow rates where the dye stream is laminar, but the experimental pressure difference is higher than the simulation prediction after dye-stream breakup. A linear stability analysis is carried out using the parallel-flow approximation, in which the wall is modelled as a neo-Hookean elastic solid, and the simulation results for the mean velocity and pressure gradient from the CFD simulations are used as inputs. The stability analysis accurately predicts the Reynolds number (based on flow rate) at which an instability is observed in the dye stream, and it also predicts that the instability first takes place at the downstream converging section of the channel, and not at the upstream diverging section. The stability analysis also indicates that the destabilization is due to the modification of the flow and the local pressure gradient due to the wall deformation; if we assume a parabolic velocity profile with the pressure gradient given by the plane Poiseuille law, the flow is always found to be stable.


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Sponge cakes have traditionally been manufactured using multistage mixing methods to enhance potential foam formation by the eggs. Today, use of all-in (single-stage) mixing methods is superseding multistage methods for large-scale batter preparation to reduce costs and production time. In this study, multistage and all-in mixing procedures and three final high-speed mixing times (3, 5, and 15 min) for sponge cake production were tested to optimize a mixing method for pilot-scale research. Mixing for 3 min produced batters with higher relative density values than did longer mixing times. These batters generated well-aerated cakes with high volume and low hardness. In contrast, after 5 and 15 min of high-speed mixing, batters with lower relative density and higher viscosity values were produced. Although higher bubble incorporation and retention were observed, longer mixing times produced better developed gluten networks, which stiffened the batters and inhibited bubble expansion during mixing. As a result, these batters did not expand properly and produced cakes with low volume, dense crumb, and high hardness values. Results for all-in mixing were similar to those for the multistage mixing procedure in terms of the physical properties of batters and cakes (i.e., relative density, elastic moduli, volume, total cell area, hardness, etc.). These results suggest the all-in mixing procedure with a final high-speed mixing time of 3 min is an appropriate mixing method for pilot-scale sponge cake production. The advantages of this method are reduced energy costs and production time.


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Gradient-based approaches to direct policy search in reinforcement learning have received much recent attention as a means to solve problems of partial observability and to avoid some of the problems associated with policy degradation in value-function methods. In this paper we introduce GPOMDP, a simulation-based algorithm for generating a biased estimate of the gradient of the average reward in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) controlled by parameterized stochastic policies. A similar algorithm was proposed by Kimura, Yamamura, and Kobayashi (1995). The algorithm's chief advantages are that it requires storage of only twice the number of policy parameters, uses one free parameter β ∈ [0,1) (which has a natural interpretation in terms of bias-variance trade-off), and requires no knowledge of the underlying state. We prove convergence of GPOMDP, and show how the correct choice of the parameter β is related to the mixing time of the controlled POMDP. We briefly describe extensions of GPOMDP to controlled Markov chains, continuous state, observation and control spaces, multiple-agents, higher-order derivatives, and a version for training stochastic policies with internal states. In a companion paper (Baxter, Bartlett, & Weaver, 2001) we show how the gradient estimates generated by GPOMDP can be used in both a traditional stochastic gradient algorithm and a conjugate-gradient procedure to find local optima of the average reward. ©2001 AI Access Foundation and Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. All rights reserved.


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A pressed-plate Fe electrode for alkalines storage batteries, designed using a statistical method (fractional factorial technique), is described. Parameters such as the configuration of the base grid, electrode compaction temperature and pressure, binder composition, mixing time, etc. have been optimised using this method. The optimised electrodes have a capacity of 300 plus /minus 5 mA h/g of active material (mixture of Fe and magnetite) at 7 h rate to a cut-off voltage of 8.86V vs. Hg/HgO, OH exp 17 ref.


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The use of fractional-factorial methods in the optimization of porous-carbon electrode structure is discussed with respect to weight-loss of carbon during gas treatment, weight and mixing time of binder, compaction temperature, time and pressure, and pressure of feed gas. The experimental optimization of an air electrode in alkaline solution is described.


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We study the interplay between turbulent heating, mixing, and radiative cooling in an idealized model of cool cluster cores. Active galactic nuclei (AGN) jets are expected to drive turbulence and heat cluster cores. Cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) and stirring by AGN jets are tightly coupled in a feedback loop. We impose the feedback loop by balancing radiative cooling with turbulent heating. In addition to heating the plasma, turbulence also mixes it, suppressing the formation of cold gas at small scales. In this regard, the effect of turbulence is analogous to thermal conduction. For uniform plasma in thermal balance (turbulent heating balancing radiative cooling), cold gas condenses only if the cooling time is shorter than the mixing time. This condition requires the turbulent kinetic energy to be a parts per thousand(3) the plasma internal energy; such high velocities in cool cores are ruled out by observations. The results with realistic magnetic fields and thermal conduction are qualitatively similar to the hydrodynamic simulations. Simulations where the runaway cooling of the cool core is prevented due to mixing with the hot ICM show cold gas even with subsonic turbulence, consistent with observations. Thus, turbulent mixing is the likely mechanism via which AGN jets heat cluster cores. The thermal instability growth rates observed in simulations with turbulence are consistent with the local thermal instability interpretation of cold gas in cluster cores.


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We develop a general theory of Markov chains realizable as random walks on R-trivial monoids. It provides explicit and simple formulas for the eigenvalues of the transition matrix, for multiplicities of the eigenvalues via Mobius inversion along a lattice, a condition for diagonalizability of the transition matrix and some techniques for bounding the mixing time. In addition, we discuss several examples, such as Toom-Tsetlin models, an exchange walk for finite Coxeter groups, as well as examples previously studied by the authors, such as nonabelian sandpile models and the promotion Markov chain on posets. Many of these examples can be viewed as random walks on quotients of free tree monoids, a new class of monoids whose combinatorics we develop.


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We report on rheological properties of a dispersion of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in a viscous polymer matrix. Particular attention is paid to the process of nanotubes mixing and dispersion, which we monitor by the rheological signature of the composite. The response of the composite as a function of the dispersion mixing time and conditions indicates that a critical mixing time t* needs to be exceeded to achieve satisfactory dispersion of aggregates, this time being a function of nanotube concentration and the mixing shear stress. At shorter times of shear mixing t< t*, we find a number of nonequilibrium features characteristic of colloidal glass and jamming of clusters. A thoroughly dispersed nanocomposite, at t> t*, has several universal rheological features; at nanotube concentration above a characteristic value nc ∼2-3 wt. % the effective elastic gel network is formed, while the low-concentration composite remains a viscous liquid. We use this rheological approach to determine the effects of aging and reaggregation. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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Mixing and transport processes in surface waters strongly influence the structure of aquatic ecosystems. The impact of mixing on algal growth is species-dependent, affecting the competition among species and acting as a selective factor for the composition of the biocoenose. Were it not for the ever-changing ”aquatic weather”, the composition of pelagic ecosystems would be relatively simple. Probably just a few optimally adapted algal species would survive in a given water-body. In contrast to terrestrial ecosystems, in which the spatial heterogeneity is primarily responsible for the abundance of niches, in aquatic systems (especially in the pelagic zone) the niches are provided by the temporal structure of physical processes. The latter are discussed in terms of the relative sizes of physical versus biological time-scales. The relevant time-scales of mixing and transport cover the range between seconds and years. Correspondingly, their influence on growth of algae is based on different mechanisms: rapid changes are relevant for the fast biological processes such as nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, and the slower changes are relevant for the less dynamic processes such as growth, respiration, mineralization, and settling of algal cells. Mixing time-scales are combined with a dynamic model of photosynthesis to demonstrate their influence on algal growth.


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Partículas nanoestruturadas têm sido amplamente utilizadas como carga de reforço em matrizes elastoméricas, sendo substitutos eficazes das cargas convencionais, já consagradas, como o negro de fumo, mica, sílica. Em especial, as argilas têm mostrado grande potencial ao que se refere a melhor dispersão na matriz polimérica, em função de sua elevada razão de aspecto. Dentro do vasto universo de argilominerais, as argilas aniônicas, também conhecidas hidróxido duplo lamelar (HDL), apresentam como vantagem a possibilidade de ser projetada estruturalmente para as mais diversas finalidades, ao se modificar os ânions ou os cátions, ou até mesmo combiná-los na estrutura lamelar. E dentre os métodos existentes para se preparar compósitos a base de elastômero/argila, a co-coagulação do látex, é uma forma bastante eficaz e economicamente viável, uma vez que a borracha obtida após processo de coagulação já contém a carga incorporada. Este trabalho se dedicou a avaliar o processo de co-coagulação do látex de NBR e HDL, visando a obtenção de nanocompósitos. Para tanto HDL de composição Mg/Al-CO3 foi modificado com ânions DS, DBS e ST e foram preparadas suspensões aquosas, utilizando como ferramentas de dispersão ultraturrax e ultrassom de ponteira. As variáveis de processo avaliadas foram tipo e teor de HDL, tempo de mistura látex/suspensão aquosa de HDL, quantidade de coagulante e velocidade de agitação. Por fim, os coágulos obtidos foram formulados para avaliar a influência dos HDL na cinética de vulcanização e também para determinação das propriedades mecânicas convencionais. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que a metodologia de dispersão de hidrotalcita ao látex nitrílico de modo prévio ao processo de coagulação é uma alternativa viável para a obtenção de nanocompósitos. O uso do ultrassom de ponteira como ferramenta na dispersão aquosa de HDL contribuiu para maior estabilidade da suspensão e o ajuste nos parâmetros do sistema de coagulação, levaram a obtenção de grumos uniformes do ponto de vista macroscópico e microscópico. As micrografias dos coágulos não vulcanizados obtidas por MEV-FEG confirmaram as informações apuradas a partir dos difratogramas de raios-X que apontou a formação de um sistema parcialmente esfoliado, em função da ausência dos picos característicos da hidrotalcita, além de indicarem a coexistência de partículas em dimensões micrométrica a nanométricas em uma mesma estrutura. A composição química do HDL, com a presença de átomos de magnésio e alumínio combinados com grupos hidroxila favoreceu a redução tanto o tempo de indução como de pré-cura. As propriedades mecânicas que se mostraram mais sensíveis ao grau de dispersão da carga foram a dureza, a deformação permanente à compressão (DPC) e o módulo de tração a 300% de deformação (E300), em especial para os compósitos contendo 10% m/m de HDL natural e modificado com estearato. A resistência à chama dos nanocompósitos de NBR-HDL vulcanizados apresentou um ligeiro aumento quando comparados à NBR pura, visto que esta é uma característica própria da hidrotalcita, decorrente da sua composição química


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Coagulation/flocculation process was applied in the polishing treatment of molasses wastewater on a bench-scale. Important operating variables, including coagulant type and dosage, solution pH, rapid mixing conditions as well as the type and dosage of polyeletrolytes were investigated based on the maximum removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color, residual turbidity and settling characteristics of flocs. HPSEC was utilized to evaluate the removal of molecular weight fractions of melanoidins-dominated organic compounds. Experimental results indicate that ferric chloride was the most effective among the conventional coagulants, achieving 89% COD and 98% color eliminations; while aluminum sulfate was the least effective, giving COD and color reductions of 66% and 86%, respectively. In addition to metal cations, counter-ions exert significant influence on the coagulation performance since Cl--based metal salts attained better removal efficiency than SO42--based ones at the optimal coagulant dosages. Coagulation of molasses effluent is a highly pH-dependent process, with better removal efficiency achieved at lower pH levels. Rapid mixing intensity, rather than rapid mixing time, has relatively strong influence on the settling characteristics of flocs formed. Lowering mixing intensity resulted in increasing settling rate but the accumulation of floating flocs. When used as coagulant aids, synthetic polyelectrolytes showed little effects on the improvement in organic removal. On the other hand, cationic polyacrylamide was observed to substantially enhance the settleability of flocs as compared to anionic polyacrylamide. The effects of rapid mixing conditions and polymer flocculants on the coagulation performance were discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to examine the morphology of blends of PA1010 and polypropylene (PP) compatibilized with polypropylene grafted with glycidyl methacrylate (PP-g-GMA). It is found that the morphologies are dependent on the content of glycidyl methacrylate in PP-g-GMA and the mixing time. The size of the dispersed PP particles decreases as the content of GMA in the PP-g-GMA increases for binary blends of PA1010 and PP-g-GMA. Similar results are obtained for changing the mixing time. Ternary blends of PA1010, PP, and PP-g-GMA indicate that morphologies depend on the content of glycidyl metyacrylate in the PP-g-GMA and the miscibility of PP and PP-g-GMA. By changing the content of GMA in PP-g-GMA, it was possible to introduce significant changes of morphology. A matrix removal TEM method is used to investigate the interfacial structure of PA1010/PP blends containing PP-g-GMA as a compatibilizer. This technique shows the reaction product between PA1010 and PP-g-GMA to be located at interface as a surrounding layer around domain particles. SEM observation on the interface shows that the adhesion between PA1010 and pure PP is very weak and their interface boundary is sharp. For the samples of PA1010 and PP-g-GMA, it was found that the interface was not so obvious, and the reaction between PA1010 and PP-g-GMA strengthens the interface significantly. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Binding, David; Couch, M.A., (2003) 'An experimental study of the peeling of dough from solid surfaces', Journal of Food Engineering 58(2) pp.299-309 RAE2008