945 resultados para Mixed Race Studies
“Multiraciality Enters the University: Mixed Race Identity and Knowledge Production in Higher Education,” explores how the category of “mixed race” has underpinned university politics in California, through student organizing, admissions debates, and the development of a new field of study. By treating the concept of privatization as central to both multiraciality and the neoliberal university, this project asks how and in what capacity has the discourses of multiracialism and the growing recognition of mixed race student populations shaped administrative, social, and academic debates at the state’s flagship universities—the University of California at Berkeley and Los Angeles. This project argues that the mixed race population symbolizing so-called “post-racial societies” is fundamentally attached to the concept of self-authorship, which can work to challenge the rights and resources for college students of color. Through a close reading of texts, including archival materials, policy and media debates, and interviews, I assert that the contemporary deployment of mixed race within the US academy represents a particularly post-civil rights development, undergirded by a genealogy of U.S. liberal individualism. This project ultimately reveals the pressing need to rethink ways to disrupt institutionalized racism in the new millennium.
Like many West Indians, mixed-race Jamaican immigrants enter the United States with fluid notions about race and racial identifications that reflect socio-political events in their home country and that conflict with the more rigid constructions of race they encounter in the U.S. This dissertation explores the experiences of racially mixed Jamaicans in South Florida and the impact of those experiences on their racial self-characterizations through the boundary-work theoretical framework. Specifically, the study examines the impact of participants’ exposure to the one-drop rule in the U.S., by which racial identification has been historically determined by the existence or non-existence of black forebears. Employing qualitative data collected through both focus group and face-to-face semi-structured interviews, the study analyzes mixed-race Jamaicans’ encounters in the U.S. with racial boundaries, and the boundary-work that reinforces them, as well their response to these encounters. Through their stories, the dissertation examines participants’ efforts to navigate racial boundaries through choices of various racial identifications. Further, it discusses the ways in which structural forces and individual agency have interacted in the formation of these identifications. The study finds that in spite of participants’ expressed preference for non-racialism, and despite their objections to rigid racial categories, in seeking to carve out alternative identities, they are participating in the boundary-making of which they are so critical.^
Cross-sectional designs, longitudinal designs in which a single cohort is followed over time, and mixed-longitudinal designs in which several cohorts are followed for a shorter period are compared by their precision, potential for bias due to age, time and cohort effects, and feasibility. Mixed longitudinal studies have two advantages over longitudinal studies: isolation of time and age effects and shorter completion time. Though the advantages of mixed-longitudinal studies are clear, choosing an optimal design is difficult, especially given the number of possible combinations of the number of cohorts and number of overlapping intervals between cohorts. The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimal design for detecting differences in group growth rates.^ The type of mixed-longitudinal study appropriate for modeling both individual and group growth rates is called a "multiple-longitudinal" design. A multiple-longitudinal study typically requires uniform or simultaneous entry of subjects, who are each observed till the end of the study.^ While recommendations for designing pure-longitudinal studies have been made by Schlesselman (1973b), Lefant (1990) and Helms (1991), design recommendations for multiple-longitudinal studies have never been published. It is shown that by using power analyses to determine the minimum number of occasions per cohort and minimum number of overlapping occasions between cohorts, in conjunction with a cost model, an optimal multiple-longitudinal design can be determined. An example of systolic blood pressure values for cohorts of males and cohorts of females, ages 8 to 18 years, is given. ^
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Mixed longitudinal designs are important study designs for many areas of medical research. Mixed longitudinal studies have several advantages over cross-sectional or pure longitudinal studies, including shorter study completion time and ability to separate time and age effects, thus are an attractive choice. Statistical methodology used in general longitudinal studies has been rapidly developing within the last few decades. Common approaches for statistical modeling in studies with mixed longitudinal designs have been the linear mixed-effects model incorporating an age or time effect. The general linear mixed-effects model is considered an appropriate choice to analyze repeated measurements data in longitudinal studies. However, common use of linear mixed-effects model on mixed longitudinal studies often incorporates age as the only random-effect but fails to take into consideration the cohort effect in conducting statistical inferences on age-related trajectories of outcome measurements. We believe special attention should be paid to cohort effects when analyzing data in mixed longitudinal designs with multiple overlapping cohorts. Thus, this has become an important statistical issue to address. ^ This research aims to address statistical issues related to mixed longitudinal studies. The proposed study examined the existing statistical analysis methods for the mixed longitudinal designs and developed an alternative analytic method to incorporate effects from multiple overlapping cohorts as well as from different aged subjects. The proposed study used simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed analytic method by comparing it with the commonly-used model. Finally, the study applied the proposed analytic method to the data collected by an existing study Project HeartBeat!, which had been evaluated using traditional analytic techniques. Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in childhood and adolescence using a mixed longitudinal design. The proposed model was used to evaluate four blood lipids adjusting for age, gender, race/ethnicity, and endocrine hormones. The result of this dissertation suggest the proposed analytic model could be a more flexible and reliable choice than the traditional model in terms of fitting data to provide more accurate estimates in mixed longitudinal studies. Conceptually, the proposed model described in this study has useful features, including consideration of effects from multiple overlapping cohorts, and is an attractive approach for analyzing data in mixed longitudinal design studies.^
This paper argues that postcolonial notions of diaspora are premised on immigrant subjectivities and standpoints which do not fully apprehend the mixed-race / bi-racial experience and the local effect of cultural hybridity in Western settings. The paper was prompted by a recent conversation with Dee, the daughter of a Japanese warbride. As a child Dee recalled being told by her friend's mother that 'nothing good ever came out of Japan'. The significance of constant interpolations into 'Asianness' by statements such as these; by the 'where do you come from?' question and by more blatant discriminations are inadequately addressed by traditional and postcolonial notions of diaspora. 'Roots' and 'routes' imagery feature prominently in discussions of diaspora and hybridity which aim to decolonise culture and identity in deconstructive moves that highlight their flexible, multiple, contractedness. While it has been argued that even these conceptualisations are problematic because they privilege orders of explanation, theory and standpoint that are forced back into line with traditional notions of discrete 'races', cultures, ethnicities and identities, cultural studies and postcolonial theorists do not appear to find this contradiction overly troubling. Lodged in bodies that do not easily conflate to neat either/or cultures, politics and genetics, race-mixing also defies and yet return us to culture and biology. However, I argue that their refractions though the same tired old orders of racial, ethnic, cultural and national differentiation prevent us from disregarding the discursive effects of racism and racialisation.
Mixed methods research involves the combined use of quantitative and qualitative methods in the same research study, and it is becoming increasingly important in several scientific areas. The aim of this paper is to review and compare through a mixed methods multiple-case study the application of this methodology in three reputable behavioural science journals: the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Addictive Behaviors and Psicothema. A quantitative analysis was carried out to review all the papers published in these journals during the period 2003-2008 and classify them into two blocks: theoretical and empirical, with the latter being further subdivided into three subtypes (quantitative, qualitative and mixed). A qualitative analysis determined the main characteristics of the mixed methods studies identified, in order to describe in more detail the ways in which the two methods are combined based on their purpose, priority, implementation and research design. From the journals selected, a total of 1.958 articles were analysed, the majority of which corresponded to empirical studies, with only a small number referring to research that used mixed methods. Nonetheless, mixed methods research does appear in all the behavioural science journals studied within the period selected, showing a range of designs, where the sequential equal weight mixed methods research design seems to stand out.
Mixed methods research is becoming increasingly important in several scientific areas. The analysis of prevalence rates is a new line of research that has emerged in mixed methods research, and this methodological approach has only been applied carefully in a handful of journals. The purpose of this article was to analyse the prevalence of mixed methods research in interdisciplinary educational journals. Moreover, the main characteristics of the mixed methods articles identified were examined. This study used a mixed methods approach to analyse these aspects. Specifically, a partially mixed sequential equal status multiple-case study design was applied with a development mixed methods purpose. Three educational journals in different disciplines were reviewed from 2005 to 2010 (Academy of Management Learning and Education, Educational Psychology Review, Journal of the Learning Sciences). The findings show differences among the journals in the prevalence rates and characteristics of the mixed methods studies
Estudos já feitos nos Estados Unidos mostram que propaganda é mais efetiva, geralmente, quando a raça do modelo é a mesma do que a raça do consumidor. Este estudo mostrou que os consumidores brasileiros não fizeram questão de raça do modelo. Embora, a mais aceito era o modelo mulato. Também nenhuma raça dd consumidor mostrou reação negativo contra dos modelos mulatos ou negros. O Teoria de Identidade Social fornece uma explicação possível. No EUA, a raça é uma característica fixa. No Brasil, a fronteira entre as raças é permeável. Por causa desta flexibilidade, consumidores brasileiros usam estratégias de mobilidade social, e escolham o grupo de referencia preferido dentro de todos as raças, não só de raça deles mesmo.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de série histórica, com os dados coletados do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade, através de relatórios do TABWIN, gerados em Excel, com banco de dados e análise estatística feitas no programa estatístico SPSS. Tem por objetivo determinar a mortalidade por suicídio na população do município de Arapiraca-AL, no período de 2007 a 2013, caracterizar o perfil epidemiológico e verificar a existência da associação entre a exposição a agrotóxicos e o suicídio. Identificamos 76 óbitos por suicidio no periodo, porém 14 óbitos foram eliminados por apresentarem informações ignoradas. Dos 53 óbitos, que apresentou uma média de 7,6 óbitos/ano, 40 foram praticados por homens e 13 por mulheres, a faixa etária inferior a 30 anos teve 45% dos óbitos, concentrados entre 20 a 29 anos, com 32,1%; os solteiros representaram 64,1%; pessoas de cor parda, com 41 mortos, (77,3%); a escolaridade apresentou 50,9% com um a 7 anos de estudos; 73,6% das pessoas residiam na zona urbana; 37,7% eram trabalhadores da agricultura, e o meio mais utilizado foi o enforcamento com 28 dos óbitos, (52,9%), seguido do uso de pesticidas com 16 óbitos, (30,2%). O Teste Exato de Fisher utilizado para avaliar a associação entre os fatores que poderiam influenciar a prática do suicídio, mostrou não existir diferença estatística na prática do suicídio entre os trabalhadores com agrotóxicos (p=0,64), bem como em relação a ocupação (p=0,76). Porém, foram encontradas associações significativas entre o desfecho suicídio e a existência de quadro depressivo (p=0,001) e a utilização de medicamentos (p=0,03). Novos estudos devem ser realizados com o intuíto de melhor explicar a ocorrência de depressão e do suicídio e principalmente determinar a sua relação causal com a exposição aos agrotóxicos. Palavras-chave: Suicídio; Mortalidade; Agrotóxicos.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The diagnosis of mixed genotype hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is rare and information on incidence in the UK, where genotypes 1a and 3 are the most prevalent, is sparse. Considerable variations in the efficacies of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for the HCV genotypes have been documented and the ability of DAAs to treat mixed genotype HCV infections remains unclear, with the possibility that genotype switching may occur. In order to estimate the prevalence of mixed genotype 1a/3 infections in Scotland, a cohort of 512 samples was compiled and then screened using a genotype-specific nested PCR assay. Mixed genotype 1a/3 infections were found in 3.8% of samples tested, with a significantly higher prevalence rate of 6.7% (p<0.05) observed in individuals diagnosed with genotype 3 infections than genotype 1a (0.8%). An analysis of the samples using genotypic-specific qPCR assays found that in two-thirds of samples tested, the minor strain contributed <1% of the total viral load. The potential of deep sequencing methods for the diagnosis of mixed genotype infections was assessed using two pan-genotypic PCR assays compatible with the Illumina MiSeq platform that were developed targeting the E1-E2 and NS5B regions of the virus. The E1-E2 assay detected 75% of the mixed genotype infections, proving to be more sensitive than the NS5B assay which identified only 25% of the mixed infections. Studies of sequence data and linked patient records also identified significantly more neurological disorders in genotype 3 patients. Evidence of distinctive dinucleotide expression within the genotypes was also uncovered. Taken together these findings raise interesting questions about the evolutionary history of the virus and indicate that there is still more to understand about the different genotypes. In an era where clinical medicine is frequently more personalised, the development of diagnostic methods for HCV providing increased patient stratification is increasingly important. This project has shown that sequence-based genotyping methods can be highly discriminatory and informative, and their use should be encouraged in diagnostic laboratories. Mixed genotype infections were challenging to identify and current deep sequencing methods were not as sensitive or cost-effective as Sanger-based approaches in this study. More research is needed to evaluate the clinical prognosis of patients with mixed genotype infection and to develop clinical guidelines on their treatment.
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a prevalência da não realização do exame clínico das mamas e da mamografia segundo variáveis sócio-econômicas, demográficas e de comportamentos relacionados à saúde, em mulheres com 40 anos ou mais, residentes na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo foi do tipo transversal, de base populacional em uma amostra de 290 mulheres. Os fatores associados à não realização da mamografia, encontrados na análise multivariada, foram: ter 70 anos ou mais, ser de raça/cor negra e pertencer ao segmento de menor renda familiar per capita; e para a não realização do exame clínico das mamas foram: não ter companheiro e pertencer ao segmento de menor renda familiar per capita. O SUS foi responsável pela realização de 28,8% das mamografias e 38,2% dos exames clínicos das mamas. Verificou-se que a não realização dos exames preventivos para o câncer de mama está associada à existência de desigualdade racial e social, apontando para a necessidade de implementação de estratégias para a ampliação da cobertura das práticas preventivas para o câncer de mama, especialmente para os segmentos sociais mais vulneráveis.