994 resultados para Mitral valve disease


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This is a report of a nine-year-old boy with both mitral stenosis and regurgitation and extensive endomyocardial fibrosis of the left ventricle. Focus is given to the singularity of the fibrotic process, with an emphasis on the etiopathogenic aspects.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of carvedilol treatment and a regimen of supervised aerobic exercise training on quality of life and other clinical, echocardiographic, and biochemical variables in a group of client-owned dogs with chronic mitral valve disease (CMVD). Ten healthy dogs (control) and 36 CMVD dogs were studied, with the latter group divided into 3 subgroups. In addition to conventional treatment (benazepril, 0.3-0.5 mg/kg once a day, and digoxin, 0.0055 mg/kg twice daily), 13 dogs received exercise training (subgroup I; 10.3±2.1 years), 10 dogs received carvedilol (0.3 mg/kg twice daily) and exercise training (subgroup II; 10.8±1.7 years), and 13 dogs received only carvedilol (subgroup III; 10.9±2.1 years). All drugs were administered orally. Clinical, laboratory, and Doppler echocardiographic variables were evaluated at baseline and after 3 and 6 months. Exercise training was conducted from months 3-6. The mean speed rate during training increased for both subgroups I and II (ANOVA, P>0.001), indicating improvement in physical conditioning at the end of the exercise period. Quality of life and functional class was improved for all subgroups at the end of the study. The N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level increased in subgroup I from baseline to 3 months, but remained stable after training introduction (from 3 to 6 months). For subgroups II and III, NT-proBNP levels remained stable during the entire study. No difference was observed for the other variables between the three evaluation periods. The combination of carvedilol or exercise training with conventional treatment in CMVD dogs led to improvements in quality of life and functional class. Therefore, light walking in CMVD dogs must be encouraged.


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Objective: To report the outcome of partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with congestive heart failure (CHF) due to mitral regurgitation caused by myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD). Animals, materials and methods: Nine client-owned dogs with CHF due to mitral regurgitation caused by MMVD. Surgery consisted of a double row of pledget-butressed continuous suture lines placed into the left ventricle parallel and just ventral to the atrioventricular groove between the subsinuosal branch of the left circumflex coronary artery and the paraconal branch of the left coronary artery. Results: Two dogs died during surgery because of severe hemorrhage. Two dogs died 12 and 36 h after surgery because of acute myocardial infarction. Three dogs were euthanized 2 and 4 weeks after surgery because of progression of CHF, 1 was euthanized 30 days after surgery for non-cardiac disease, and 1 survived for 48 months. In the 5 dogs that survived to discharge there was no significant change in the left atrium to aortic ratio with surgery (3.6 ± 0.56 before surgery; 3.1 ± 0.4 after surgery; p = 0.182), and no significant change in mitral regurgitant fraction in 4 dogs in which this measurement was made (78.7 ± 2.0% before surgery; 68.7 ± 7.5% after surgery; p = 0.09). Conclusions: Partial external mitral annuloplasty in dogs with CHF due to MMVD was associated with high perioperative mortality and most dogs that survived to discharge failed to show clinically relevant palliation from this procedure. Consequently, partial external mitral annuloplasty is not a viable option for dogs with mitral regurgitation due to MMVD that has progressed to the stage of CHF. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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INTRODUCTION: Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the most common valvular disease and has recently become the target of a number of percutaneous approaches. The MitraClip is virtually the only device for which there is considerable experience, with more than 20,000 procedures performed worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To describe our initial experience of the percutaneous treatment of MR with the MitraClip device. METHODS: We describe the first six MitraClip cases performed in this institution (mean age 58.5 ± 13.1 years), with functional MR grade 4+ and New York Heart Association (NYHA) heart failure class III or IV (n=3), with a mean follow-up of 290 ± 145 days. RESULTS: Procedural success (MR ≤ 2+) was 100%. Total procedure time was 115.8 ± 23.7 min, with no in-hospital adverse events and discharge between the fourth and eighth day, and consistent improvement in the six-minute walk test (329.8 ± 98.42 vs. 385.33 ± 106.95 m) and in NYHA class (three patients improved by two NYHA classes). During follow-up there were two deaths, in two of the four patients who had been initially considered for heart transplantation. CONCLUSION: In patients with functional MR the MitraClip procedure is safe, with both a high implantation and immediate in-hospital success rate. A longer follow-up suggests that the clinical benefit decreases or disappears completely in patients with more advanced heart disease, namely those denied transplantation or on the heart transplant waiting list.


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Abstract Background: Isolated cleft mitral valve (ICMV) may occur alone or in association with other congenital heart lesions. The aim of this study was to describe the profile of cardiac lesions associated with ICMV and their potential impact on therapeutic management. Methods: We conducted a descriptive study with data retrieved from the Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) single-center registry of our institution, including patients with ICMV registered between December 2008 and November 2014. Results: Among 2177 patients retrieved from the CHD registry, 22 (1%) had ICMV. Median age at diagnosis was 5 years (6 days to 36 years). Nine patients (40.9%) had Down syndrome. Seventeen patients (77.3%) had associated lesions, including 11 (64.7%) with accessory chordae in the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) with no obstruction, 15 (88.2%) had ventricular septal defect (VSD), three had secundum atrial septal defect, and four had patent ductus arteriosus. Thirteen patients (59.1%) required surgical repair. The decision to proceed with surgery was mainly based on the severity of the associated lesion in eight patients (61.5%) and on the severity of the mitral regurgitation in four patients (30.8%). In one patient, surgery was decided based on the severity of both the associated lesion and mitral regurgitation. Conclusion: Our study shows that ICMV is rare and strongly associated with Down syndrome. The most common associated cardiac abnormalities were VSD and accessory chordae in the LVOT. We conclude that cardiac lesions associated with ICMV are of major interest, since in this study patients with cardiac lesions were diagnosed earlier. The decision to operate on these patients must take into account the severity of both mitral regurgitation and associated cardiac lesions.


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To date, myxoma on a mechanical valve annulus has not been reported. The case is reported of a 74-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital following the identification of an intracardiac tumor mass. Six years previously, the patient had received a mechanical valve implanted in the mitral position. Transesophageal echocardiography revealed a mobile hypoechogenic tumorous mass attached to the anterior annulus of the prosthesis. The tumor was successfully treated by surgical excision, and a diagnosis of myxoma was confirmed both clinically and pathologically.


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In some high-risk patients, standard mitral valve replacement can represent a challenging procedure, requiring a risky extensive decalcification of the annulus. In particular, high-risk redo patients and patients with a previously implanted transcatheter aortic valve, who develop calcific mitral disease, would benefit from the development of new, minimally invasive, transcatheter or hybrid techniques for mitral valve replacement. In particular, mixing transcatheter valve therapies and well-established minimally invasive techniques for mitral replacement or repair can help in decreasing the surgical risk and the technical complexity. Thus, placing transcatheter, balloon-expandable Sapien? XT stent-valves in calcified, degenerated mitral valves through a right thoracotomy, a left atriotomy and on an on-pump fibrillating heart, represents an attractive alternative to standard surgery in redo patients, in patients with concomitant transcatheter aortic stent-valves in place and in patients with a high-risk profile. We describe this hybrid technique in detail.


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Degenerative myxomatous mitral valve (DMMV) is a heart disease of high incidence in small animal clinical medicine, affecting mainly older dogs and small breeds. Thus, a scientific investigation was performed in order to evaluate the clinical use of the medicines furosemide and enalapril maleate in dogs with this disease in CHF functional class Ib before and after the treatment was established. For this purpose 16 dogs with the given valve disease were used, separated into two groups: the first received furosemide (n=8) and the second received enalapril maleate (n=8) throughout 56 days. The dogs were evaluated in four stages (T0, T14, T28 and T56 day) in relation to clinical signs, hematological, biochemical and serum assessment, which included serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone, as well as radiography, electrocardiography, Doppler-echocardiography and blood pressure. The results regarding the clinical, hematological and serum chemistry evaluations revealed no significant changes in both groups, but significant reductions in the values of ACE and aldosterone in the group receiving enalapril maleate were verified. The radiographic examination revealed reductions of VHS values and variable Pms wave of the electrocardiogram in both groups, but no changes in blood pressure values were identified. The echocardiogram showed a significant decrease of the variables LVDd/s in the studied groups and the FS% in animals that received only enalapril. Therefore, analysis of results showed that monotherapy based on enalapril maleate showed better efficiency of symptoms control in patients with CHF functional class Ib.


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A doença degenerativa mixomatosa da válvula mitral (DDMVM) é uma cardiopatia de alta incidência na clínica médica de pequenos animais, acometendo mormente cães idosos e raças de pequeno porte. Desta forma, foi realizada uma investigação científica objetivando avaliar clinicamente a utilização dos fármacos maleato de enalapril e furosemida em cães com a referida enfermidade na classe funcional Ib da ICC, antes e após a terapêutica implantada. Para isso, utilizaram-se 16 cães portadores da valvulopatia supracitada, distribuídos em dois grupos; com o primeiro recebendo furosemida (n=8) e o segundo maleato de enalapril (n=8), durante 56 dias. Os cães foram avaliados em quatro momentos (T0, T14, T28 e T56 dias) quanto aos sinais clínicos e parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímico-séricos, que incluíram concentrações séricas da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA) e aldosterona, como também avaliações radiográficas, eletrocardiográficas, ecodopplercardiográficas e da pressão arterial. Os resultados quanto aos parâmetros clínicos, avaliações hematológicas e bioquímicas séricas não revelaram alterações significativas em ambos os grupos, mas reduções significativas nos valores de ECA e aldosterona no grupo que recebeu o maleato de enalapril foram identificadas. Ao exame radiográfico observou-se reduções nos valores de VHS e na variável onda Pms do eletrocardiograma em ambos os grupos, mas sem alterações nos valores da pressão arterial. Por sua vez, o ecodopplercardiograma evidenciou diminuição significativa das variáveis DIVEd/s nos grupos estudados e na FEC% nos cães que receberam somente enalapril. Portanto, a análise dos resultados encontrados indicou que a monoterapia fundamentada no maleato de enalapril apresentou melhor eficiência no controle do quadro clínico em pacientes da classe funcional Ib da ICC.


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Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) or endocardiosis is a heart valve disease that occurs in many mammalian species, especially in humans, dogs and pigs. Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the MMVD development. NO can be indirectly evaluated by the nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) expression and by the histochemical reaction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d). The aim of this study was to evaluate NOS activity, by NADPH-d reaction, in the anterior leaflet of dogs with regular mitral valves and in those with MMVD, as well as in young swine and old females, comparing the reaction level with the degree of endocardiosis disease and also the histological alterations. Twelve mitral valves of dogs and 22 of swine were used for the research. All the valves were macroscopically analyzed for the occurrence or not of endocardiosis. They were fixed in a 4% paraformaldehyde, exposed to NADPH-d reaction, routinely processed and microscopically evaluated for the detection of mucopolysaccharides (MPS) deposition, collagen degeneration, fibrosis and level of endocardiosis. In dogs, relation was observed between higher intensity of the NADPH-d reaction, higher endocardiosis degree, MPS deposition as well as the collagen degeneration. No alteration in color was observed in pigs ́ valves during NADPH-d reaction. In conclusion, NO works in canine mitral valve remodeling extracellular matrix and plays an important role in endocardiosis disease. In swine, the lack of reaction reinforces the absence of macroscopical endocardiosis lesions, suggesting restrict NO action or major differences in the structures of swine valves.


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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has demonstrated the feasibility of treating valvular heart disease with transcatheter therapy. On the back of this success, various transcatheter concepts are being evaluated to treat other valvular disease, especially mitral regurgitation (MR). The concepts currently approved to treat MR replicate surgical mitral valve repair. However, most of them cannot eliminate MR completely. Similar to TAVI, a transcatheter mitral valve implantation may provide a valuable alternative. The FORTIS transcatheter mitral valve (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) is a self-expanding device implanted via a transapical approach. We describe our experience and early results in the first five patients treated on compassionate grounds. We also describe the details of the device, selection criteria and technical details of implantation.


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The purpose of this study was to elucidate the relationship between mitral valve prolapse and stroke. A population-based historical cohort investigation was conducted among residents of Olmsted County, Minnesota who had an initial echocardiographic diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse from 1975 through 1989. This cohort (N = 1085) was followed for stroke outcomes using the resources of an operational medical record linkage system. There was an overall two-fold increase in the incidence of stroke among individuals with mitral valve prolapse relative to a standard population (standardized morbidity ratio = 2.12, 95% confidence limits = 1.33-3.21). When the data were partitioned by duration of follow-up from the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse, or by the calendar years at echocardiographic diagnosis, respectively, the association between mitral valve prolapse and stroke was not modified. Mitral valve prolapse subjects 85 years and older were at highest increased risk of developing strokes relative to the general population (standardized morbidity ratio = 5.47, 95% confidence limits = 2.20-11.24). Coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, were unlikely to have confounded the association between mitral valve prolapse and stroke.^ The cumulative risk of first stroke among individuals initially diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse age 15 to 64 years, given survival to 15.2 years of follow-up, was 4.0%. The cumulative risk of first stroke among individuals initially diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse age 65 to 74 years, given survival to 11.2 years of follow-up, was 13.2%. The cumulative risk of first stroke among individuals initially diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse age 75 years and older, given survival to 6.7 years of follow-up, was 30.6%.^ Among individuals with mitral valve prolapse, age, diabetes, and atrial fibrillation were associated with an increased risk of stroke. Atrial fibrillation was associated with a four-fold rate of stroke and diabetes associated with a seven-fold rate of stroke.^ Findings from this research support the hypothesis that mitral valvular heart prolapse is linked with a stroke sequela. ^


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BACKGROUND: The appropriateness of rheumatic mitral valve repair remains controversial due to the risks of recurrent mitral dysfunction and need for reoperation. The aims of this study were to determine the overall short- and long-term outcomes of pediatric rheumatic mitral valve surgery in our center. METHODS: Single-center, observational, retrospective study that analyzed the results of rheumatic mitral valve surgery in young patients, consecutively operated by the same team, between 1999 and 2014. RESULTS: We included 116 patients (mean age = 12.6 ± 3.5 years), of which 66 (57%) were females. A total of 116 primary surgical interventions and 22 reoperations were performed. Primary valve repair was possible in 86 (74%) patients and valve replacement occurred in 30 (26%). Sixty percent of the patients were followed up beyond three months after surgery (median follow-up time = 9.2 months [minimum = 10 days; maximum = 15 years]). Long-term clinical outcomes were favorable, with most patients in New York Heart Association functional class I (89.6%) and in sinus rhythm (85%). Freedom from reoperation for primary valve repair at six months, five years, and ten years was 96.4% ± 0.25%, 72% ± 0.72%, and 44.7% ± 1.34%, respectively. Freedom from reoperation for primary valve replacement at six months, five years, and ten years was 100%, 91.7% ± 0.86%, and 91.7% ± 0.86%, respectively. Mitral stenosis as the primary lesion dictated early reintervention. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the greater rate of reoperation, especially when the primary lesion was mitral stenosis, rheumatic mitral valve repair provides similar clinical outcomes as compared with replacement, with the advantage of avoiding anticoagulation.


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Continued assessment of temporal trends in mortality and epidemiology of specific cardiovascular diseases in South America is needed to provide a scientific basis for rational allocation of the limited healthcare resources and introduction of strategies to reduce risk and predict the future burden of cardiovascular disease. The epidemiology of cardiomyopathies, adult valve disease and heart failure (HF) in South America is reviewed here. Diseases of the circulatory system are the main cause of death based on data from about 50% of the South American population. Among the cardiovascular causes of death, cerebrovascular disease is predominant followed by ischaemic heart disease, other heart diseases and hypertensive disease. Of note, cerebrovascular disease is the main cause of death in women, and race also influenced cardiovascular mortality rates. HF is the most important cardiovascular reason for admission to hospital due to cardiovascular disease of ischaemic, idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathic, valvular, hypertensive and chagasic aetiologies. Also, mortality due to HF is high, especially owing to Chagas' disease. HF and aetiologies associated with HF are responsible for 6.3% of deaths. Rheumatic fever is the leading cause of valvular heart disease. The findings have important public health implications because the allocation of healthcare resources, and strategies to reduce the risk of HF should also consider controlling Chagas' disease and rheumatic fever in South American countries.