990 resultados para Mitis-salivarius-bacitracin Agar
Objective: The recovery of mutans streptococci in saliva and dental biofilm samples depends, in part, on the culture medium used. In this study, we compared (i) the culture media Sucrose-Bacitracin agar (SB-20), Modified SB-20 (SB-20M) and Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar (MSB) in the count of colony forming units (cfu) of mutans streptococci and (ii) in the morphological and biochemical differentiation between Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. Design: Samples of non-stimulated saliva from 20 children were plated on SB-20, SB-20M and MSB, and incubated in microaerophilia at 37 °C for 72 h. Identification of microorganisms was based on analysis of colony morphology under stereomicroscopy. The biochemical identification of colonies was done by biochemical tests using sugar fermentation, resistance to bacitracin and hydrogen peroxide production. Results: There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the number of cfu of mutans streptococci recovered on SB-20 and SB-20M agar. Comparing the media, SB-20 and SB-20M yielded a larger number of mutans streptococci colonies (p < 0.05) and were more effective than MSB in the identification of S. sobrinus (p < 0.05), but not of S. mutans (p > 0.05). Conclusion: There was no significant difference between SB-20 and SB-20M culture media in the count of mutans streptococci, demonstrating that the replacement of sucrose by coarse granular cane sugar did not alter the efficacy of the medium. Compared with MSB, SB-20 and SB-20M allowed counting a larger number of mutans streptococci colonies and a more effective morphological identification of S. sobrinus. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
A cárie secundária representa problema de saúde pública e socioeconômico no mundo. A restauração de dentes acometidos por cárie pode criar condições favoráveis à proliferação microbiana na superfície do material restaurador ou na interface dente/restauração, criando ambiente propício para o estabelecimento de cárie secundária. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de retenção de placa bacteriana em cimentos de ionômero de vidro convencionais (Chelon-Fil e Vidrion R) e modificados por resina (Vitremer e Fuji II LC) e de resina composta híbrida (Z100), utilizada como controle. Nos testes de retenção de microrganismos, in situ, 12 voluntários utilizaram, por 7 dias, placa de Hawley contendo corpos-de-prova de todos os materiais. A seguir, os corpos-de-prova foram transferidos para tubos contendo 2,0 ml de Ringer-PRAS e os microrganismos presentes em sua superfície foram cultivados em placa com ágar-sangue e ágar Mitis Salivarius Bacitracina, os quais foram incubados, a 37ºC, em anaerobiose (90% N2, 10% CO2), por 10 e 2 dias, respectivamente. Os ionômeros modificados por resina retiveram quantidade de bactérias similar àquela mostrada pela resina testada. Os ionômeros modificados por resina também apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans do que a resina e os cimentos ionoméricos convencionais. Os ionômeros de vidro convencionais apresentaram menor número de estreptococos do grupo mutans que a resina, sendo que essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Effect of an alcoholic diet on dental caries and on Streptococcus of the mutans group: Study in rats
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an alcohol diet on Streptococcus of the mutans group and on dental caries in the oral cavity of rats. Forty animals were divided into 3 groups according to the following liquid diets: 20% ethanol solution (Alcohol Group, AG), 27% sucrose solution (Isocaloric Group, IG), and water (Control Group, CG). After 56 days, samples were collected and plated on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin agar to assess the number of colony forming units (CFU/mL) of Streptococcus of the mutans group. The animals were sacrificed and the jaws were removed in order to assess the occurrence of dental caries on the smooth and occlusal surfaces using stereomicroscopy. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test. The average numbers of CFU/mL (10 3) were: 8.17 (AG), 9.78 (IG), and 5.63 (CG). There was no significant difference among the groups for the occurrence of occlusal caries. Regarding smooth surface caries, in the upper jaw, the caries number in the IG (1.58) was similar to that in the AG (2.06) and in the CG (1.14), and the number of caries in the AG was higher than in the CG; in the lower jaw there was significant difference among the 3 groups: AG (1.14), IG (2.00) and CG (0.43). The diets with the alcohol and sucrose solutions presented a tendency of increasing the colonization by Streptococcus of the mutans group and of increasing the occurrence of smooth surface dental caries in rat molars when compared to the control diet.
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the antimicrobial effect of mouthwashes containing Calendula officinalis L., Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate on the adherence of microorganisms to suture materials after extraction of unerupted third molars. Material and Methods: Eighteen patients with unerupted maxillary third molars indicated for extraction were selected (n=6 per mouthwash). First, the patients were subjected to extraction of the left tooth and instructed not to use any type of antiseptic solution at the site of surgery (control group). After 15 days, the right tooth was extracted and the patients were instructed to use the Calendula officinalis, Camellia sinensis or chlorhexidine mouthwash during 1 week (experimental group). For each surgery, the sutures were removed on postoperative day 7 and placed in sterile phosphate-buffered saline. Next, serial dilutions were prepared and seeded onto different culture media for the growth of the following microorganisms: blood agar for total microorganism growth; Mitis Salivarius bacitracin sucrose agar for mutans group streptococci; mannitol agar for Staphylococcus spp.; MacConkey agar for enterobacteria and Pseudomonas spp., and Sabouraud dextrose agar containing chloramphenicol for Candida spp. The plates were incubated during 24-48 h at 37 degrees C for microorganism count (CFU/nnL). Results: The three mouthwashes tested reduced the number of microorganisms adhered to the sutures compared to the control group. However, significant differences between the control and experimental groups were only observed for the mouthwash containing 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. Conclusions: Calendula officinalis L. and Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze presented antimicrobial activity against the adherence of microorganisms to sutures but were not as efficient as chlorhexidine digluconate.
Desinfecção de superfície é um procedimento realizado nas áreas externas do equipamento odontológico e demais itens do consultório. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a ação de quatro desinfetantes utilizados em Odontologia: álcool etílico a 77°GL, composto fenólico (Duplofen), iodóforo (PVP-I) e solução de álcool etílico a 77°GL com 5% de clorexidina para desinfecção de superfície. Foram analisados quatro pontos em cada equipamento (carter, pia de lavagem de mãos, encosto de cabeça da cadeira e superfície frontal externa do refletor), utilizando-se a técnica de spray-wipe-spray. de cada ponto, foram coletadas amostras utilizando-se placas de superfície contendo ágar Mitis Salivarius bacitracina sacarose, ágar Sabouraud Dextrose com cloranfenicol, ágar MacConkey e ágar-sangue para contagem de estreptococos do grupo mutans, leveduras do gênero Candida, bactérias gram-negativas e contagem total de microrganismos, respectivamente (ufc/placa). Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando-se teste t de Student para comparação entre as médias de ufc/placa. O desinfetante que demonstrou ser mais efetivo na redução microbiana foi a solução alcoólica de clorexidina, principalmente para bactérias gram-positivas. O iodo e o composto fenólico mostraram ser bastante eficazes na redução microbiana. O álcool etílico a 77°GL foi o menos eficaz dos quatro desinfetantes analisados, mas apesar de não ser indicado como desinfetante de superfície, mostrou, no presente trabalho, redução microbiana estatisticamente significativa após o processo de desinfecção.
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Some studies have evaluated the salivary levels of mutans streptococci (MS) in removable partial denture (RPD) users. Saliva samples (2.0 mL) were obtained from 31 patients in six periods: (T0): immediately before installation of RPD; (T8): 8 days after T0; (T48): 48 days after T0; (T92): 92 days after T0; (T140): 140 days after T0 and (T189): 189 days after T0. The samples were vortexed and serially diluted from 10(-1) to 10(-6) in 0.05 m phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). From each dilution, 0.025 mL was plated on Mitis Salivarius Bacitracin (MSB). The plates were incubated in 5% CO2 at 37 degreesC for 72 h. There was an increase (t -test, P < 0.05) in the number of MS between periods T0 and T48 (mean/s.d., CFU mL(-1) of saliva): T0: 2.26/4.43 x 10(6) and T48: 0.47/1.48 x 10(8) . After this, intensive treatment with CHX was accomplished in 29 patients. Saliva samples were obtained after treatment in four periods: (T24 h): 24 h after T0; (T14): 14 days after T24 h; (T28): 28 days after T24 h, and (T63): 63 days after T24 h. The number of MS in saliva did not decrease (t -test, P > 0.05). A new CHX formulation was applied in 15 patients. Saliva samples were obtained in periods: (T0): before new CHX application; (T24 h): 24 h after T0 and (T82): 82 days after T0. The new CHX reduced MS levels in saliva: (mean/s.d., CFU mL(-1) of saliva): T0: 6.64/8.47 x 10(6) and T24 h: 3.2/4.27 x 10(5) (sign rank, P < 0.05). In conclusion, there was a significant increase in the number of MS in saliva after the installation of RPD. The intensive treatment with a properly formulated CHX was effective in the reduction of MS, between 24 h and 82 days after its application.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Streptococcus mutans is specifically suppressed by intensive treatment with chlorhexidine gel, but the time for recolonization and the effect on other oral bacteria are not totally clear. In this study, recolonization of mutans streptococci was evaluated in nine healthy adult volunteers, who were highly colonized with this microorganism. Stimulated saliva was collected before (baseline) and at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application of 1% chlorhexidine gel on volunteers' teeth for two consecutive days. On each day, the gel was applied using disposable trays for 3 x 5 min with intervals of 5 min between each application. Saliva was plated on blood agar to determine total microorganisms (TM); on mitis salivarius agar to determine total streptococci (TS) and on mitis salivarius agar plus bacitracin to determine mutans streptococci (MS). Chlorhexidine was capable of reducing the counts of MS and the proportion of MS with regard to total microorganisms (%MS/TM) (p<0.05), but these values did not differ statistically from baseline (p>0.05) after 14 days for MS and 21 days for %MS/TM. The counts of TM and TS and the proportion of MS to total streptococci did not differ statistically from baseline (p>0.05) after chlorhexidine treatment. The results suggest that the effect of chlorhexidine gel treatment on suppression of mutans streptococci is limited to less than a month in highly colonized individuals.
The purpose of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of the chitosan at 0.4 with high molecular weight and high deacetylation degree mouthrinse over the total decrease of the streptococci, Streptococcus mutans, lactobaci/li and over the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices. For that, a total of 68 healthy students between 11 and 13 years old, not allergic to crustacean and not users of antibiotics or antimicrobial agent for the last three months or during the treatment, was selected. From those, thirty two individuaIs used the mouthrinse test, and thirty six, the control one. The participants rinsed 10 mL of the solutions twice a day, one during the moming (which was supervised), and another one during the aftemoon (which was not supervised), for fifteen days. The saliva collect for the microbiological analysis, as well as the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices check, were made before the use ofthe mouthrinses (base line), immediately after the last mouthrinse on the day (zero time) and fifteen days after (fifteen time). These data were collected at school and the saliva was carried inside the ice to the laboratory. The samples were diluted, and 0.1 mL ofthe 10 -1 dilution was seeded in Rogosa SL agar, for further analysis of the total of lactobaci/lus~ 0.1 mL of the 10-4 dilution in Mitis Salivarius with bacitracin, for S. mutans analysis; and 0.1 mL of the 10-6 dilution in Mitis Salivarius for the analysis ofthe total of streptococcus. The Rogosa SL agar plates were incubated in aerobic at 37°C for 72 hours and the MSB and the MS were incubated in anaerobic in Gaspak@ jars at 37°C for 48 hours for further count ofColonies Former Units (CFUs). The assay was made in duplicate for each bacterial group analyzed. The number of CFUs transformed in LOGlO was analyzed according to the following tests: ANOV A, t of Paired and Not Paired Student, Friedman, Man-Whitney and square-qui test. On the base line, alI the variables analyzed were similar on both tested groups. On both groups, for the total of streptococcus there was no significant difference along the time and for S. mutans there was a statistic significant increase of the CFUs from the base line to the zero time. For the total of lactobaccilus there was no significant difference on the test group along the time, and on the control there was a significant increase ofthe CFUs ITom the base line to the zero time. For both groups, there was significant decrease ofthe perceptible bacterial film index along the time, and that can be explained by the mechanic effect of the mouthrinse over the bacterial film and by the participation of the students on the research which could have motivated him to a better toothbrushing (Hawthome effect). The gingival bleeding index also showed a decrease along the time, even though it was not significant. Therefore, the conclusion of this study was that the chitosan at 0.4 % mouthrinse was not effective on the CFUs reduction of the three bacterial groups analyzed, as well as on the reduction of the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objective: To compare the efficacy of the mouthwashes 0.12% chlorhexidine, Listerine, and 0.5% and 2% Melaleuca Alternifolia oil against the salivary levels of Streptococcus mutans and total microorganisms. Methods: This study was double-blind controlled and paired clinical assay. Twenty-six volunteers aged 21 to 35 years old were enrolled. At baseline, 1 mL of unstimulated saliva was collected from each subject, 1 and 15 min after mouthrinsing with the following solutions: sterile distilled water, 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, Listerine (©Johnson & Johnson do Brasil), 0.5% and 2% concentrations of Melaleuca Alternifolia (Sigma-Aldrich). The volunteers used all the evaluated mouthrinses with a 15-day interval between the solutions. Immediately after rinsing, saliva was collected and serial dilutions were performed, followed by plating in blood agar culture medium for growth of total microorganisms and SB-20 (Sucrose-Bacitracin agar) for growth of S. mutans, and incubation at 37 °C for 48 h in microaerophilia. After incubation, the number of colonies was counted and expressed as colony forming units (UFC/mL). Results: Chlorhexidine showed antimicrobial action by reducing total microorganisms and S. mutans, while the action of 0.5% Melaleuca Alternifolia was similar to that of distilled water. Listerine and 2% Melaleuca Alternifolia oil reduced total microbial counts by 11% and 9% respectively, and S. mutans by 20% and 11%. Conclusion: A single rinse with 0.12% chlorhexidine is effective in reducing the levels of total microorganisms and S. mutans present in saliva. Under the same testing conditions, Listerine and 0.5% and 2% Melaleuca Alternifolia oil presented lower efficacy than chlorhexidine.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)