22 resultados para Misreading


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In this paper, I investigate the (mis)performance of ‘passing’ in the context of bodies with disabilities. The desire to conceal, control or contain a body’s idiosyncrasies can be a deceitful act, complicit with dominant cultural assumptions about the benefits of fitting in. Passing, and the performative tricks, techniques and prostheses that support the ‘lie’ of passing, upholding a social contract in which a closeting-as-cure approach accommodates discomfort with difference. In this paper, I consider moments of non-passing, where people are caught out by mistakes or deliberate misperformances of the daily social drama of ability and disability. I reference the work of disabled artists Bill Shannon, Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araniello, who re-perform their daily personal interactions in the public sphere as a sort of guerilla theatre. Their work brings hidden assumptions about how disabled people should act and interact to the brink of visibility. It challenges passers-by to confront their complicity in these discourses by pressing them to re-perform their own spontaneous reactions to bodies that misperform the ‘lie’ of normalcy.


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Purpose This study aims to test service providers’ ability to recognise non-verbal emotions in complaining customers of same and different cultures. Design/methodology/approach In a laboratory study, using a between-subjects experimental design (n = 153), we tested the accuracy of service providers’ perceptions of the emotional expressions of anger, fear, shame and happiness of customers from varying cultural backgrounds. After viewing video vignettes of customers complaining (with the audio removed), participants (in the role of service providers) assessed the emotional state of the customers portrayed in the video. Findings Service providers in culturally mismatched dyads were prone to misreading anger, happiness and shame expressed by dissatisfied customers. Happiness was misread in the displayed emotions of both dyads. Anger was recognisable in the Anglo customers but not Confucian Asian, while Anglo service providers misread both shame and happiness in Confucian Asian customers. Research limitations/implications The study was conducted in the laboratory and was based solely on participant’s perceptions of actors’ non-verbal facial expressions in a single encounter. Practical implications Given the level of ethnic differences in developed nations, a culturally sensitive workplace is needed to foster effective functioning of service employee teams. Ability to understand cultural display rules and to recognise and interpret emotions is an important skill for people working in direct contact with customers. Originality/value This research addresses the lack of empirical evidence for the recognition of customer emotions by service providers and the impact of cross-cultural differences.


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Methylated guanine damage at O6 position (i.e. O6MG) is dangerous due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic character that often gives rise to G:C-A:T mutation. However, the reason for this mutagenicity is not known precisely and has been a matter of controversy. Further, although it is known that O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) repairs O6MG paired with cytosine in DNA, the complete mechanism of target recognition and repair is not known completely. All these aspects of DNA damage and repair have been addressed here by employing high level density functional theory in gas phase and aqueous medium. It is found that the actual cause of O6MG mediated mutation may arise due to the fact that DNA polymerases incorporate thymine opposite to O6MG, misreading the resulting O6MG:T complex as an A:T base pair due to their analogous binding energies and structural alignments. It is further revealed that AGT mediated nucleotide flipping occurs in two successive steps. The intercalation of the finger residue Arg 128 into the DNA double helix and its interaction with the O6MG: C base pair followed by rotation of the O6MG nucleotide are found to be crucial for the damage recognition and nucleotide flipping.


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O trabalho tem por objetivo identificar eventuais marcas da poética de João Cabral de Melo Neto na obra de Ana Cristina Cesar. Pertencente ao grupo de poetas que ficou conhecido, em meados da década de 1970, como geração mimeógrafo ou grupo da poesia marginal, a autora de A teus pés, assim como seus demais companheiros, afirmava, publicamente, que fazia uma poesia anticabralina por excelência. No entanto, sua obra parece desmentir essas afirmações, por meio de um diálogo tenso e desviante embora de incorporação e recusa simultâneas com a poesia cabralina, o que motivou a poeta carioca a, inclusive, reescrever, à sua maneira, diversos poemas de João Cabral. A presente dissertação investiga e analisa essas questões, revisa parte da fortuna crítica dos dois autores e realiza um histórico do panorama cultural carioca da época. No plano teórico, são utilizados, principalmente, conceitos da teoria da influência e do mapa da desleitura, formulados por Harold Bloom, bem como as ideias da verneinung freudiana e do movimento de absorção/destruição textual, descrito por Julia Kristeva. Adotou-se como metodologia a análise comparativa de determinados textos dos poetas estudados


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As proteínas existentes nas células são produzidas pelo mecanismo de tradução do mRNA, no qual a informação genética contida nos genes é descodificada em cadeias polipeptídicas. O código genético, que define as regras de descodificação do genoma, minimiza os erros de tradução do mRNA, garantindo a síntese de proteínas com elevada fidelidade. Esta é essencial para a estabilidade do proteoma e para a manutenção e funcionamento dos processos celulares. Em condições fisiológicas normais, os erros da tradução do mRNA ocorrem com frequências que variam de 10-3 a 10-5 erros por codão descodificado. Situações que aumentam este erro basal geralmente estão associadas ao envelhecimento, stresse e a doenças; no entanto, em certos organismos o código genético é traduzido naturalmente com elevado erro, indicando que a síntese de proteínas aberrantes pode de algum modo ser vantajosa. A fim de estudar a resposta celular aos erros de tradução do mRNA, construímos leveduras que incorporam serina no proteoma em resposta a um codão de leucina, usando a expressão constitutiva de um tRNASer mutante. Este fenómeno genético artificial provocou uma forte diminuição da esporulação, da viabilidade e da eficiência de mating, afectando imensamente a reprodução sexual da levedura. Observou-se também uma grande heterogeneidade no tamanho e na forma das células e elevada instabilidade genómica, com o aparecimento de populações poliplóides e aneuplóides. No sentido de clarificar as bases celulares e moleculares daqueles fenótipos e compreender melhor a biologia do erro de tradução do mRNA, construímos também células de levedura que inserem serina em resposta a um codão de leucina de modo indutível e controlado. Utilizaram-se perfis de mRNA total e de mRNA associado a polissomas para elucidar a resposta celular ao erro de tradução do mRNA. Observou-se a indução de genes envolvidos na resposta ao stresse geral, stresse oxidativo e na unfolded protein response (UPR). Um aumento significativo de espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS) e um forte impacto negativo na capacidade das células pós-mitóticas re-iniciarem o crescimento foram também observados. Este fenótipo de perda de viabilidade celular foi resgatado por scavangers de ROS, indicando que o stresse oxidativo é a principal causa de morte celular causada pelos erros de tradução. Este estudo levanta a hipótese de que o stresse oxidativo e a acumulação de ROS, ao invés do colapso súbito do proteoma, são as principais causas da degeneração celular e das doenças humanas associadas aos erros de tradução do genoma. ABSTRACT: Proteins are synthesized through the mechanism of translation, which uses the genetic code to transform the nucleic acids based information of the genome into the amino acids based information of the proteome. The genetic code evolved in such a manner that translational errors are kept to a minimum and even when they occur their impact is minimized by similar chemical properties of the amino acids. Protein synthesis fidelity is essential for proteome stability and for functional maintenance of cellular processes. Indeed, under normal physiological conditions, mistranslation occurs at frequencies that range from 10-3 to 10-5 errors per codon decoded. Situations where this basal error frequency increases are usually associated to aging and disease. However, there are some organisms where genetic code errors occur naturally at high level, suggesting that mRNA mistranslation can somehow be beneficial. In order to study the cellular response to mRNA mistranslation, we have engineered single codon mistranslation in yeast cells, using constitutive expression of mutant tRNASer genes. These mistranslating strains inserted serines at leucine-CUG sites on a proteome wide scale due to competition between the wild type tRNALeu with the mutant tRNASer. Such mistranslation event decreased yeast sporulation, viability and mating efficiencies sharply and affected sexual reproduction strongly. High heterogeneity in cell size and shape and high instability in the genome were also observed, with the appearance of some polyploid or aneuploid cell populations. To further study the cellular and molecular basis of those phenotypes and the biology of mRNA mistranslation, we have also engineered inducible mRNA misreading in yeast and used total mRNA and polysome associated mRNA profiling to determine whether codon misreading affects gene expression. Induced mistranslation up-regulated genes involved in the general stress response, oxidative stress and in the unfolded protein response (UPR). A significant increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a strong negative impact on the capacity of post-mitotic cells to re-initiate growth in fresh media were also observed. This cell viability phenotype was rescued by scavengers of ROS, indicating that oxidative stress is the main cause of cell death caused by mRNA mistranslation. This study provides strong support for the hypothesis that oxidative stress and ROS accumulation, rather than sudden proteome collapse or major proteome disruption, are the main cause of the cellular degeneration observed in human diseases associated mRNA mistranslation.


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Low level protein synthesis errors can have profound effects on normal cell physiology and disease development, namely neurodegeneration, cancer and aging. The biology of errors introduced into proteins during mRNA translation, herein referred as mistranslation, is not yet fully understood. In order to shed new light into this biological phenomenon, we have engineered constitutive codon misreading in S. cerevisiae, using a mutant tRNA that misreads leucine CUG codons as serine, representing a 240 fold increase in mRNA translational error relative to typical physiological error (0.0001%). Our studies show that mistranslation induces autophagic activity, increases accumulation of insoluble proteins, production of reactive oxygen species, and morphological disruption of the mitochondrial network. Mistranslation also up-regulates the expression of the longevity gene PNC1, which is a regulator of Sir2p deacetylase activity. We show here that both PNC1 and SIR2 are involved in the regulation of autophagy induced by mistranslation, but not by starvation-induced autophagy. Mistranslation leads to P-body but not stress-granule assembly, down-regulates the expression of ribosomal protein genes and increases slightly the selective degradation of ribosomes (ribophagy). The study also indicates that yeast cells are much more resistant to mistranslation than expected and highlights the importance of autophagy in the cellular response to mistranslation. Morpho-functional alterations of the mitochondrial network are the most visible phenotype of mistranslation. Since most of the basic cellular processes are conserved between yeast and humans, this study reinforces the importance of yeast as a model system to study mistranslation and suggests that oxidative stress and accumulation of misfolded proteins arising from aberrant protein synthesis are important causes of the cellular degeneration observed in human diseases associated to mRNA mistranslation.


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Estudos recentes estabelecem uma ligação entre erros na tradução do mRNA e cancro, envelhecimento e neurodegeneração. RNAs de transferência mutantes que introduzem aminoácidos em locais errados nas proteínas aumentam a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio e a expressão de genes que regulam autofagia, ribofagia, degradação de proteínas não-funcionais e protecção contra o stress oxidativo. Erros na tradução do mRNA estão portanto relacionados com stress proteotóxico. Sabe-se agora que o mecanismo de toxicidade do crómio está associado à diminuição da fidelidade de tradução e à agregação de proteínas com malformações que destabilizam a sua estrutura terciária. Desta forma, é possível que os efeitos do stress ambiental ao nível da degeneração celular possam estar relacionados com a alteração da integridade da maquinaria da tradução. Neste estudo procedeu-se a uma avaliação alargada do impacto do stress ambiental na fidelidade da síntese de proteínas, utilizando S. cerevisiae como um sistema modelo. Para isso recorreu-se a repórteres policistrónicos de luciferase que permitiram quantificar especificamente a supressão de codões de terminação e o erro na leitura do codão AUG em células exposta a concentações não letais de metais pesados, etanol, cafeína e H2O2. Os resultados sugerem que a maquinaria de tradução é na generalidade muito resistente ao stress ambiental, devido a uma conjugação de mecanismos de homeostase que muito eficientemente antagonizam o impacto negativo dos erros de tradução. A nossa abordagem quantitativa permitiu-nos a identificar genes regulados por uma resposta programada ao stress ambiental que são também essenciais para mitigar a ocorrência de erros de tradução, nomeadamente, HSP12, HSP104 e RPN4. A exposição prolongada ao stress ambiental conduz à saturação dos mecanismos de homeostase, contribuindo para a acumulação de proteínas contendo erros de tradução e diminuindo a disponibilidade de proteínas funcionais directamente envolvidas na manutenção da fidelidade de tradução e integridade celular. Ao contrário de outras Hsps, a Hsp12p adopta normalmente uma localização membranar em condições de stress, que pode modular a fluidez e estabilidade membranar, sugerindo que a membrana plasmática é um alvo preferencial da perda de fidelidade da tradução. Para melhor compreender as respostas celulares aos erros de tradução, células contendo deleções em genes codificadores das Hsps foram transformadas com tRNAs mutantes que introduzem alterações no proteoma. Os nossos resultados demonstram que para além da resposta geral ao stress, estes tRNAs induzem alterações a nível do metabolismo celular e um aumento de aminoacilação com Metionina em vários tRNAs, sugerindo um mecanismo de protecção contra espécies reactivas de oxigénio. Em conclusão, este estudo sugere um papel para os erros de tradução na gestão de recursos energéticos e na adaptação das células a ambientes desfavoráveis.


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A fidelidade da síntese proteica é fundamental para a estabilidade do proteoma e para a homeostasia celular. Em condições fisiológicas normais as células têm uma taxa de erro basal associada e esta muitas vezes aumenta com o envelhecimento e doença. Problemas na síntese das proteínas estão associados a várias doenças humanas e aos processos de envelhecimento. De facto, a incorporação de erros nas proteínas devido a tRNAs carregados pelas aminoacil-tRNA sintetases com o amino ácido errado causa doenças neurodegenerativas em humanos e ratos. Ainda não é claro como é que estas doenças se desenvolvem e se são uma consequência directa da disrupção do proteoma ou se são o resultado da toxicidade produzida pela acúmulação de proteínas mal traduzidas ao nível do ribossoma. Para elucidar como é que as células eucarióticas lidam com proteínas aberrantes e agregados proteicos (stress proteotóxico) desenvolvemos uma estratégia para destabilizar o proteoma. Para isso estabelecemos um sistema de erros de tradução em embriões de peixe zebra que assenta em tRNAs mutantes capazes de incorporar erradamente serina nas proteínas. As proteínas produzidas neste sistema despoletam as vias de resposta ao stress, nomeadamente a via da ubiquitina-proteassoma (UPP – “ubiquitin protesome pathway”) e a via do retículo endoplasmático (UPR – “unfolded protein response”). O stress proteotóxico gerado pelos erros de tradução altera a expressão génica e perfis de expressão de miRNAs, o desenvolvimento embrionário e viabilidade, aumenta a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS), leva ainda à acumulação de agregados proteicos e à disfunção mitocondrial. As malformações embrionárias e fenótipos de viabilidade que observámos foram revertidos por antioxidantes, o que sugere que os ROS desempenham papéis importantes nos fenótipos degenerativos celulares induzidos pela produção de proteínas aberrantes e agregação proteica. Estabelecemos ainda uma linha de peixe zebra transgénica para o estudo do stress proteotóxico. Este trabalho mostra que a destabilização do proteoma em embriões de peixe zebra com tRNAs mutantes é uma boa metodologia para estudar a biologia do stress proteotóxico visto que permite a agregação controlada do proteoma, mimetizando os processos de agregação de proteínas que ocorrem naturalmente durante o envelhecimento e em doenças conformacionais humanas.


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All life is suffering. Life is the pursuit ofhappiness. These are two foundational Buddhist dictums that, in their simplicity, I have entirely misunderstood regarding their depth, misreading them as contradictory. Indeed, my superficial interpretations led me to Thoreau's life ofquiet desperation and deep depression. We come to know and bring understanding to our lives by storying them. My own Hero's Journey, the path from my egoic selftoward the universal Self, can be understood as the resultant translations and transformations. Inevitably each of us is involved in such a story, though most are unaware of the stages along our own Hero's journey. ' Narrative honours writing as a means of knowing. The contemplative reflection allows insight into our imprisoning paradigms, beliefs, behaviours, and blind spots. My research revisits and explores nodal experiences along my Hero's Journey through 4 categories: self, society, soil, and Self. While the value of this process of narrative inquiry lay in its ability to come to know and understand one's self, perhaps its greater value is of a more universal nature. My inquiry, while adding to the body of academic educational narrative literature, may also illuminate a path to educators, students, and all interested, encouraging a response to the call of their own Hero's journey. I am a teacher/learner in a jail setting, working with youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who have committed crimes such as armed robbery, assault, rape, and murder. As this thesis follows my continual development from egoic self/teacher/learner to universal Self/Teacher/Learner, it also enables me to both consciously and unconsciously open the ways in which I expand my care, compassion, and love to work with at-risk youth.


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Despite having been published over three hundred years ago, Spinoza's Ethics is a text that is still, even today, widely misunderstood. Two of the more common and persistent misunderstandings revolve around the accusations of some who have labeled his philosophy both atheistic and materialistic. These two misunderstandings date back to the first time the Ethics was published, immediately following Spinoza's death. In an attempt to not only address these accusations, but as well to clear up any misunderstandings surrounding them, this thesis will be split into four chapters that are divided into two main parts. The first half will deal with the question of whether or not Spinoza is an atheist. The second half will deal with the question of whether or not Spinoza is a materialist. In so doing this thesis will establish and defend the position that it is a misreading to characterize Spinoza's philosophy as atheistic and materialistic.


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Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity


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Pygmalion (1913), by George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), has many studies in literary criticism. However, this study brings a new interpretation to Shaw s play based on Harold Bloom s theory and methodology, that is, the anxiety of influence and the dialectic of revisionism. Through the analysis of poetic influence and the dialectic of love, we can see that Pygmalion represents an apophrades in relation to William Shakespeare s The Taming of the Shrew (1593) and Ovid s myth of Pygmalion and Galatea in Metamorphosis (c. 14), which creates a family romance between the three stories. Shaw s play surpasses The Taming of the Shrew when it shows the possibility of the relation between this parent poem and Ovid s myth, which it is also its parent poem, and because it represents a strong misreading of Shakespeare s play as well as of Ovid s myth.


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In this dissertation, we analyze, in a comparative perspective, the link between the short stories: Dama da Noite‟ and O Rapaz mais triste do mundo‟, of Caio Fernando Abreu. In order to reveal, analyze and establish relevant dialogues with Queer Theory, it‟s important, above all, make a misreading guided in the discursive contextuality of postmodern literature. In order to justify and clarify the many issues that arises in the emblematic relationships of characters that are present in the text and in the cultural context, historically and socially. It also highlights the utterance comparative value identified in the works, given the peculiarities of each one of them, not being possible to classify them as `figures of language` with which the comparison can be cited as an example. In this case, they serve to inspire the ways that may lead us to a better understanding of the parallels created between a world of the binary value and adjectives suggested by society and so well portrayed in the ideas and writings of Caio Fernando Abreu