18 resultados para Misgurnus anguillicaudatus


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Artificial interspecific hybrids between large scale loach P. dabryanus and tetraploid pond loach M. anguillicaudatus (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes) are viable. To detect the occurrence of possible natural hybridization, genetic analyses by using microsatellite markers were performed for natural populations of large scale loach and pond loach, the reciprocal laboratory hybrids, and "supposed hybrids" with ambiguous morphology. The fertility of the artificial hybrids was also tested. At one diagnostic microsatellite (Mac50), one out of 20 "supposed hybrids" was identified to be F-1 hybrid between the two loach species because it had the same genotype as that of the laboratory hybrids. The triploid hybrids between the two species were confirmed to be female-sterile. The results show that rare hybridization has occurred between diploid large scale loach and tetraploid pond loach in nature although it may have little effect in genetic introgression. This study is helpful for fish conservation and encourages further investigation on natural hybridization and introgression of loaches.


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The aim of this study was to determine the lowest concentration of nocodazole and colchicine to arrest blastomere division during the cleavage stage of loach embryos and to assess the reversibility and toxicity of the treatments in the treated embryos. Eight-cell loach embryos were incubated for 4, 8, 12, or 16 h in 1/10x Holtfreter supplemented with either nocodazole, an inhibitor of tubulin polymerization, or colchicine, an inhibitor of tubulin assembly. Complete arrest of cell cycle was observed, at a colchicine concentration of 0.996 mM and at a nocodazole concentration of 0.275 muM, respectively (the lowest effective concentration). No major morphological alteration in chromatin was observed. Reversibility and toxicity of both agents were dose and exposure period dependent. For both agents, prolonging cleavage arrest for more than 4 h (at the effective concentrations) is detrimental to development of embryos. Nocodazole treatment was less cytotoxic, whereas the concentrations of colchicine which induce cleavage arrest were detrimental to development beyond the blastula stage. Toxic effects beyond the blastula stage could be minimized for both agents by reducing the period of treatment and concentration.


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The solutions commonly used to dilute or cryopreserve sperm are commonly composed of salts, buffers and cryoprotectants, which may affect gametes and subsequent fertilization success. Here, we have evaluated the effects of several cryoprotectants (methanol; MeOH, dimethyl sulfoxide; DMSO and dimethyl acetamide; DMA at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 and 1%) and different ions (potassium, calcium and magnesium at concentrations of 1.25, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM) as sperm diluents upon sperm motility and fertilization success in the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus sperm. Our results demonstrated that DMSO (at 1%) decreased sperm motility while calcium and magnesium ions (from 2.5 mM) induced sperm aggregation and reduced sperm motility. Reduced fertilization rates were observed with potassium (from 1.25 mM), calcium (at 10 mM), magnesium (at 10 mM), DMA (at 1%), and DMSO (at 1%). We conclude that specific ions and cryoprotectants, and their relative concentrations caused effect upon loach gametes. These data are important to consider for the preparation of sperm diluents and activating solutions in order to manage gamete quality for artificial propagation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In gene-banking, primordial germ cells (PGCs), which are embryonic precursor cells of germ cells, are useful for cryopreservation because PGCs have a potential to differentiate into both eggs and sperm via germ-line chimera. Here, we have established vitrification methods for PGCs cryopreservation using 12- to 17-somite stage embryos in loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, which were dechorionated, removed their yolk and injected with green fluorescent protein (GFP) -nos1 3'UTR mRNA to visualize their PGCs. In order to optimize cryopreservation medium for vitrification, the toxicity of cryoprotectants was analyzed. Different concentrations (2, 3, 4, 5 m) of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), methanol (MeOH), ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG) as cryoprotectants were tested. Then, 5 m DMSO showed significantly-high toxicity. Based on this information, combinations called DMP (2 m (14.2% [v/v]) DMSO, 2 m (8.1% [v/v]) MeOH and 2 m (14.4% [v/v]) PG), DP (2 m (14.2% [v/v]) DMSO and 4 m (28.7% [v/v]) PG) and DE (2.1 m (15% [v/v]) DMSO and 2.7 m (15% [v/v]) EG) were evaluated for their toxicities and efficacy of PGCs cryopreservation using two types of equilibration step: direct immersion of cryopreservation media (one-step) and serial exposure to half and full concentration of cryopreservation media (two-step). Viable PGCs were obtained from post-thaw embryos which were cryopreserved by DP and DE with both 1- and 2-step equilibrations. Despite DP showing the highest toxicity, it gave the highest survival rate of embryonic cells after cryopreservation. When PGCs recovered from vitrified embryos were transplanted into host embryos at the blastula stage, the transplanted PGCs were able to migrate to a host genital ridge similarly as endogenous PGCs. It suggests that our methods could be useful to create a germ-line chimera for the production of gametes from PGCs of cryopreserved embryos.


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测量了乌鳢口裂形态,以泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)作为饵料鱼,估算了不同规格乌鳢的摄食率,研究了饵料鱼大小对乌鳢捕食的影响。乌鳢口宽(MW,cm)、口高(MH,cm)和口面积(MA,cm2)与其全长(TL,cm)的回归方程分别为:MW=1.65e0.0242TL;MH=1.64e0.022TL;MA=2.12e0.0462TL。当水温保持在22~23℃时,4个规格组的乌鳢对泥鳅的摄食率无显著的差别(ANOVA,P>0.05),均值为1.68%。乌鳢对泥鳅的捕食具有明显的大小


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<正>生长激素(GH)是由中腺垂体分泌的多功能激素,对动物生长的促进效应已无可置疑.将冠以小鼠重金属螯合蛋白(MT-1)基因启动顺序的人生长激素(hGH)基因重组质粒pMThGH显微注射到红鲫(Carassius auratus auratus)和泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)的受精卵内,获得了第一批转基因鱼,并进一步证实了转移基因的整合、表达、传代及转GH基因鱼的快速生长效应.由于鱼类自然群体中也存在个别的快速生长个体,对转GH基因鱼快速生


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以机械方法挑去泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)×大鳞副泥鳅(Paramisgurnus dabryanus)(♀)属间杂交受精卵的雌核,得到泥鳅雄核发育单倍体胚胎。将这种单倍体胚胎的囊胚细胞核移植到大鳞副泥鳅去核卵中,获得了243个原肠胚胎,其染色体鉴定表明,29.6%的核移植体的染色体发生了加倍。在另一实验组中,从769个核移植卵得到了5尾2cm以上的个体。尾鳍染色体鉴定、肌肉LDH同工酶电泳和形态鉴别表明,这5尾核移植体为泥鳅雄核发育纯合二倍体。


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Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) are now emerging ubiquitous contaminants due to their wide usage, persistence and toxicities. To investigate the bioaccumulative characteristics of HBCDs, sediments, Winkle (Littorina littorea), crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) were collected from two streams near an E-waste dismantling site in China. and HBCD exposure test was then conducted on Chinese rare minnow. The concentration of HBCDs was 14 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments, 186. 377 and 1791 ng g(-1) lipid weight in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. gamma-HBCD was found to be the dominant diastereoisomer in the sediments (63% of total HBCDs). However, alpha-HBCD was selectively accumulated in the biotic samples and contributed to 77%, 63% and 63% of total HBCDs in winkle, crucian carp and loach, respectively. Moreover, an enrichment of (-)-enantiomers of alpha- and gamma-HBCD were found in the winkle. The reverse results were observed in the crucian carp and loach. Similar observations of diastereoisomeric and enantiomeric composition were obtained in Chinese rare minnow with those found in the crucian carp and loach. These results indicate that the freshwater species from the streams are contaminated by HBCDs. alpha-HBCD can be selectively accumulated in organisms and the accumulative characteristics are enantioselective among species. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The family Cyprinidae is one of the largest fish families in the world, which is widely distributed in East Asian, with obvious difference in characteristic size among species. The phylogenetic analysis of cyprinid taxa based on the functionally important genes can help to understand the speciation and functional divergench of the Cyprinidae. The c-myc gene is an important gene regulating individual growth. In the present study, the sequence variations of the cyprinid c-myc gene and their phylogenetic significance were analyzed. The 41 complete sequences of the c-myc gene were obtained from cyprinids and outgroups through PCR amplification and clone. The coding DNA sequences of the c-myc gene were used to infer molecular phylogenetic relationships within the Cyprinidae. Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Catostomidae), Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cobitidae) and Hemimyzon sinensis (Homalopteridae) were assigned to the outgroup taxa. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian retrieved similar topology. Within the Cyprinidae, Leuciscini and Barbini formed the monophyletic lineage respectively with high nodal supports. Leuciscini comprises Xeno-cyprinae, Cultrinae, East Asian species of Leuciscinae and Danioninae, Gobioninae and Acheilognathinae, and Barbini contains Schizothoracinae, Barbinae, Cyprininae and Labeoninae. Danio rerio, D. myersi and Rasbora trilineata were supposed to separate from Leuciscinae and Barbini and to form another lineage, The positions of some Danioninae species were still unresolved. Analyses of both amino acid variation with parsimony information and two high variation regions indicated that there is no correlation between variations of single amino acid or high variation regions and characteristic size of cyprinids. In,addition, the species with smaller size were usually found to be basal within clades in the tree, which might be the results of the adaptation to the primitive ecology and survival pressure.


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Procedures to improve somatic cell nuclear transplantation in fish were evaluated. We reported effects of nonirradiated recipient eggs, inactivated recipient eggs, different combinations between recipient eggs and donor cells, duration of serum starvation, generation number, and passage number of donor cells on developmental rates of nuclear transplant (NT) embryos. Exposure to 25,000 R of gamma-rays inactivated recipient eggs. Single nucleus of cultured, synchronized somatic cell from gynogenetic bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) was transplanted into nonirradiated or genetically inactivated unfertilized egg of gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). There was no significant difference in developmental rate between nonirradiated and inactivated recipient eggs (27.27% vs. 25.71%, respectively). Chromosome count showed that 70.59% of NT embryos contained 48 chromosomes. It showed that most NT embryos came from donor nuclei of bighead carp, which was supported by microsatellite analysis of NT embryos. But 23.53% of NT embryos contained more than 48 chromosomes. It was presumed that those superfluous chromosomes came from nonirradiated recipient eggs. Besides, 5.88% of NT embryos were chimeras. Eggs of blunt-snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) and gibel carp were better recipient eggs than those of loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (25% and 18.03% vs. 8.43%). Among different duration of serum starvation, developmental rate of NT embryos from somatic nuclei of three-day serum starvation was the highest, reaching 25.71% compared to 14.14% (control), 20% (five-day), and 21.95% (seven-day). Cultured donor cells of less passage facilitated reprogramming of NT embryos than those of more passage. Recloning might improve the developmental rate of NT embryos from the differentiated donor nuclei. Developmental rate of fourth generation was the highest (54.83%) and the lowest for first generation (14.14%) compared to second generation (38.96%) and third generation (53.01%). (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Resting metabolism was measured in immature mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi weighing 42.1-510.2 g and Chinese snakehead Channa argus weighing 41.5-510.3 g at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degreesC. Heat increment of feeding was measured in mandarin fish weighing 202.0 (+/-14.0) g and snakehead weighing 200.8 (+/-19.3) g fed swamp leach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus at 1% body weight per day at 28 degreesC. In both species, weight exponent in the power relationship between resting metabolism and body weight was not affected by temperature. The relationship between resting metabolism and temperature could be described by a power function. The temperature exponent was 1.39 in mandarin fish and 2.10 in snakehead (P < 0.05), indicating that resting metabolism in snakehead increased with temperature at a faster rate than in mandarin fish. Multiple regression models were used to describe the effects of body weight (W, g) and temperature (T, C) on the resting metabolism (R-s, mg O-2/h): In R-s = - 5.343 + 0.772 In W + 1.387 In T for the mandarin fish and In R-s = -7.863 + 0.801 ln W + 2.104 In T for the Chinese snakehead. The proportion of food energy channelled to heat increment was 8.7% in mandarin fish and 6.8% in snakehead. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Using a nuclear transplantation approach, the integration and expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene in the embryogenesis of transgenic leach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Cantor) have been studied. The GFP gene expression is first observed at the gastrula stage, which is consistent with the initiation of cell differentiation of fish embryos. The time course of the foreign gene expression is correlated with the regulatory sequences. The expression efficiency also depends on the gene configuration: the expression of pre-integrating circular plasmid at early embryos is higher than that of the linear plasmid. The integration of the GFP gene is first detected at the blastula stage and lasts for quite a long period. When two types of different plasmids are co-injected into fertilized eggs, the behavior of their integration and expression is not identical.


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The fishes of the present study were collected in the headwater streams of the Sorocaba, Paranapanema and Ribeira de Iguape river basins during the dry period in 2010. A total of 2892 fishes, grouped in 53 species, were captured. The composition of the ichthyofauna captured in the streams of Sorocaba and Paranapanema river basin was greatly similar. On the other hand, the fish fauna of the streams of Ribeira de Iguape river basin were quite different from the ones captured in the others basins, with the occurrence of endangered species (Isbrueckerichthys epakmos and I. duseni) and exotic species (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). The previous list of fish for the Sorocaba river basin increased with the addition of seven species of Characiformes, one Gymnotiformes and four Siluriformes. © 2012 Check List and Authors.