982 resultados para Minor surgery
Isoflurane is a volatile halogenated anesthetic used especially for anesthesia maintenance whereas propofol is a venous anesthetic utilized for anesthesia induction and maintenance, and reportedly an antioxidant. However, there are still controversies related to isoflurane-induced oxidative stress and it remains unanswered whether the antioxidant effects occur in patients under propofol anesthesia.Taking into account the importance of better understanding the role of anesthetics on oxidative stress in anesthetized patients, the present study was designed to evaluate general anesthesia maintained with isoflurane or propofol on antioxidant status in patients who underwent minimally invasive surgeries.We conducted a prospective randomized trial in 30 adult patients without comorbidities who underwent elective minor surgery (septoplasty) lasting at least 2 h admitted to a Brazilian tertiary hospital.The patients were randomly allocated into 2 groups, according to anesthesia maintenance (isoflurane, n = 15 or propofol, n = 15). Peripheral blood samples were drawn before anesthesia (baseline) and 2-h after anesthesia induction.The primary outcomes were to investigate the effect of either isoflurane or propofol anesthesia on aqueous plasma oxidizability and total antioxidant performance (TAP) by fluorometry as well as several individual antioxidants by high-performance liquid chromatography. As secondary outcome, oxidized genetic damage (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine, known as 8-oxo-Gua) was investigated by the comet assay.Both anesthesia techniques (isoflurane or propofol) for a 2-h period resulted in a significant decrease of plasma α-tocopherol, but not other antioxidants including uric acid, carotenoids, and retinol (P > 0.05). Propofol, in contrast to isoflurane anesthesia, significantly increased (P < 0.001) anti-inflammatory/antioxidant plasma γ-tocopherol concentration in patients. Both anesthesia types significantly enhanced hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and TAP, with no significant difference between them, and 8-oxo-Gua remained unchanged during anesthesia in both groups. In addition, both anesthetics showed antioxidant capacity in vitro.This study shows that anesthesia maintained with either propofol or isoflurane increase both hydrophilic and total antioxidant capacity in plasma, but only propofol anesthesia increases plasma γ-tocopherol concentration. Additionally, both types of anesthetics do not lead to oxidative DNA damage in patients without comorbidities undergoing minimally invasive surgery.
Objective:to describe the behavior of children during the instructional session of therapeutic play (ITP) in the preoperative period and to verify the behavior presented by them during the perioperative period. Methods: Exploratory descriptive study with a quantitative approach, developed in a large private hospital in Sao Paulo, in which the behaviors presented by 30 children between three and five years old, undergoing minor surgery were seen at the hospital during the session of TP and in the surgical center, from admission to awaken from anesthesia. Results: Most children participated in the ITP session (21; 70%), entered the surgical room spontaneously (22; 73.3%) without resisting mother separation (24; 80%), collaborating with the anesthetic procedure (16; 53.3%) and quietly awakening from anesthesia (26; 87%). Conclusion: The use of ITP led the child to understand the surgical procedure, making it less traumatic.
BACKGROUND: To study the 'metabolic profile' of different surgical procedures and correlate it with pertinent surgical details and postoperative complications. METHODS: We conducted a prospective pilot study of 70 patients, ten for each of the seven following groups: (1) laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (2) incisional hernia repair, (3) laparoscopic and (4) open colon surgery, (5) upper gastrointestinal, (6) hepatic, and (7) pancreatic resections. Biochemical assessment included white blood cell count (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP), glucose, triglycerides (TG), albumin (Alb), and pre-albumin (Pre-Alb), from the day before surgery until 5 days thereafter. Biological markers were compared for major versus minor surgery groups, which were defined on a clinical basis. Univariable analysis was used to identify risk factors for postoperative complications and p < 0.05 was the significance threshold. RESULTS: Common findings in all surgery groups were the acute inflammatory response (↑: WBC, CRP, ↓: TG, Alb, pre-Alb). Using cut-off values of 240 min operative (OR) time and 300 ml estimated blood loss (EBL), laparoscopic cholecystectomy, incisional hernia repair, and laparoscopic colectomy could be distinguished from open colectomy, upper gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreas resections. In a biochemical level, increased CRP and reduced postoperative Alb levels were highly discriminative of all types of 'major surgery.' Significant risk factors for postoperative complications were age, male gender, malignancy, longer OR time, higher blood loss, high CRP, and low Alb levels. CONCLUSIONS: Biochemically, CRP and Alb levels can help quantify the magnitude of the surgical trauma, which is correlated with adverse outcomes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective and design: The effects of anesthetics on cytokine release in patients without comorbidities who undergo minor surgery are not well defined. We compared inflammatory cytokine profiles in adult patients undergoing minimally invasive surgery who received isoflurane or propofol anesthesia. Methods: Thirty-four patients without comorbidities undergoing minor surgery were randomly assigned to receive an inhaled anesthetic (isoflurane; n = 16) or an intravenous anesthetic (propofol; n = 18). Blood samples were drawn before premedication and anesthesia (T1), 120 min after anesthesia induction (T2), and on the first post-operative day (T3). Plasma concentrations of interleukins (IL-) 1β, 6, 8, 10 and 12 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α were measured using flow cytometry. Results: The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 was increased in the isoflurane group at T2 and T3 compared to T1 (P < 0.01). In the propofol group, IL-6 and IL-8 were significantly increased at T3 compared to T1. However, there were no significant differences in cytokine concentrations between the isoflurane and propofol groups. Conclusion: An inflammatory response occurred earlier in patients who received an inhaled agent compared with an intravenous anesthetic, but no differences in plasma cytokine profiles were evident between isoflurane and propofol anesthesia in patients without comorbidities undergoing minimally invasive surgeries. © 2013 Springer Basel.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
AIM: First to assess coagulation changes after surgery in children below 6 months of age. Second to detect differences attributable to the extent of surgery and postoperative infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood counts, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Ht), prothrombine time (PT), activated partial thromboplastine time (aPTT) and thrombelastography (TEG) were studied pre- and 2+/-1/2 d postoperatively. Patients were divided in 3 groups. I: minor surgery without access to the abdomen or thorax (n=51); II: abdominal or thoracic interventions (n=24); III: abdominal surgery with postoperative sepsis (n=11). RESULTS: Preoperative values of Hb, Ht and INR were related to the age of the infant. Postoperatively clot strength and formation rate increased in gr. I (p<0.05). In gr. II, clot formation was initiated earlier (p<0.05) even though PT decreased (p<0.05). In group III, patients postoperatively developed a tendency for hypocoagulability in all TEG-parameters, but not in plasmatic coagulation. Postoperative TEG measurements were significantly inferior in gr. III when compared to gr. I and II. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest activation of whole blood coagulation in the uncomplicated postoperative period despite of a decrease in plasmatic coagulation. In sepsis, only thrombelastography, but not plasmatic coagulation was affected.
BACKGROUND: To test the hypothesis that reduced responsiveness to adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) stimulation before elective major abdominal surgery is associated with an increased incidence of postoperative complications. METHODS: A low-dose (1 microg) ACTH test was performed the day before surgery, during the operation, on the first postoperative day, and before discharge from the hospital in 77 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery (age 62 [47;69] yrs [median, quartiles]; 30 female). Thirty-one patients undergoing minor, non-abdominal surgery (mostly inguinal hernia repair) (age 57 [40;66] yrs; 14 female) served as controls with minor surgical stress. A stimulated plasma cortisol concentration >or=500 nmol/l or an increment of >or=200 nmol/l in response to 1 microg ACTH was defined as normal. Scores for surgical stress and comprehensive risk, postoperative complications, and length of hospital stay (LOS) were assessed. RESULTS: On the day before major abdominal surgery, basal and stimulated plasma cortisol were 242 (165;299) nmol/l and 497 (404;568) nmol/l, respectively. Eighteen (23%) patients had an abnormal ACTH test, and 7 of these (39%) had complications versus 25 (42%) of the 59 patients with normal ACTH tests (P = .992). Surgical stress, comprehensive risk, and intra- and postoperative basal cortisol levels were higher and the response to ACTH stimulation smaller in patients with major abdominal compared to minor surgery. The peri-operative course of ACTH responses was not associated with complications or LOS in abdominal surgery patients. CONCLUSION: In patients scheduled for abdominal surgery, pre-operatively reduced adrenal response to stimulation with 1 microg ACTH is common but not associated with postoperative complications.
v. I. General pathology. Morbid processes. Injuries in general. Complications of injuries. Injuries of regions. 1881.--v. 2. Diseases of organs of special sense. Diseases of circulatory system. Diseases of digestive tract. Diseases of genito-urinary organs. 1881.--v. 3. Diseases of the respiratory organs. Diseases of the bones, joints, and muscles. Diseases of the nervous system. Gunshot wounds. Operative and minor surgery. Miscellaneous subjects. 1882.
The author gives the clinical records of 20 patients, 14 of which were treated during 17 months, and the rest much less. The method used for treatment was the ecclectical preferred by the A. since many years , in which he associates electricity with minor surgery, chaulmestrol (pure or with 0.5 p. c. iodine or 4 p. c. creosote) and other auxilliary curative agents. The chaulmoogra derivatives were used daily as nostrils tamponage (2 p.c. mentholated or thymolated ester), periodically by injections inside the enlarged lymph nodes and nerve abscesses, and twice weekly by subcutaneous infiltrations (MUIR method) 5 c.c. each, and chaulmoogra soap tablets per os. The galvanocauterisation session was once per week, on active leprotic lesions, followed by painting with 30 p. c. trichloracetic acid solution. All 20 patients were bacilliferous before treatment, and became stronger positive after some months treatment. At the end 14 negativated and 6 remained positive and sometimes bacilli being very scanty. 16 out of 20 gave interesting serological reactions, viz.: Wassermann, Stern, Kahn. Rubino, Witebsky and Gaté (Formol-gel) positive in 5; Stern, Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann and Kahn negative in 2; Stern. Kahn, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann anticomplementary in 1; Wassermann. Stern, Kahn, Rubino and Gaté negative in 1. in the beginning, and a few months later Stern. Witebsky and Gaté becoming positive; Stern. Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and anticomplementary W. in 1; Stern, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann. Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann, Stern, Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky 3 times anticomplemantary and strongly positive Gaté in 1; Wassermann and Gaté positive in 1; Stern and Rubino positive in 1 and Stern test negative in one. In 7 cases high Formol-gel were associated with a high sedimentation index. Many cases had very high S.I. being a false measure of the severity of the disease; others remained very high notwithstanding the great improvement of the disease. All patients with more than 12 months treatment became practically symptom free. Lepra reaction amongst them was rare and always started by embolic rash, being controlled by destruction of such skin lesions by galvanocauterisation. In a few cases the lepromata infiltrated with "Subintrol" (a 3 p. c. special chaulmoogra soap prepared by Dr. ASTROGILDO MACHADO) were completely destroyd and never relapsed. In October 1946 Dr. ERNEST MUIR saw here a few cases treated by the author's method and suggested the combination of Diasone with galvanocauterisation which is being done now with satifactory results. The second part of this paper, reporting many leprosy cases treated by the so-called ecclectical method, which are symptom free and negativated since five to ten years, will be published as soon as the sulfone-therapy be summarised in some reliable scientific report to be compared with.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
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