905 resultados para Military rule in Argentina


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O objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender por qual motivo e de que forma Brasil e Argentina optaram pela cooperação na área nuclear ainda durante seus governos militares. Segundo a literatura tradicional da área de Relações Internacionais, os ganhos relativos deveriam estar em evidência e, por conseguinte, impediriam a coordenação de posições em uma área tão importante para as estratégias de desenvolvimento e de inserção internacional dos dois países o que não se verificou na prática. Minha dissertação tem como meta entender o porquê. Da finalidade principal, decorrem objetivos específicos. São eles: lançar uma nova percepção acerca das relações Brasil-Argentina, ainda hoje encaradas primordialmente de acordo com padrões de inimizade e de desconfiança; compreender até que ponto as motivações dos países para o domínio da tecnologia nuclear estão relacionados a questões de segurança ou de desenvolvimento nacional; compreender quais foram as bases materiais e ideacionais que permitiram aos dois países integrar-se e, portanto, compartilhar soberania em um tema de high politics; demonstrar que a cooperação não é exclusividade de regimes democráticos; analisar a influência de grupos não políticos na formulação de políticas e do processo decisório; comprovar que não houve corrida armamentista na região ou a intenção de utilizar o aparato nuclear contra o vizinho. O recorte temporal deste trabalho partirá do final dos anos 1964, quando houve coincidência de regimes militares nos dois países, até o ano de 1985, quando a democracia é restaurada no Brasil. O marco temporal não é hermético, já que há referências anteriores a 1964, mormente no tocante à cooperação científica, e após 1985, quando a coordenação nuclear brasileiro-argentina é elevada a um nível superior, com o estabelecimento da ABACC. Na tentativa de responder às perguntas propostas, minha dissertação se baseia na análise de dois atores primordiais: o Estado e as comunidades epistêmicas.


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Research on the Israeli checkpoints in the West Bank has emphasized not only that these checkpoints have dire implications for the Palestinians living there, at the personal, familial, and communal levels, and devastating eff ects on the Palestinian economy, but also that they have far-reaching consequences for the ability of the Palestinians to establish an independent political entity. At the same time, analysis of the Israeli forms of domination over the Palestinians has also stressed the role of a Palestinian governing authority in sustaining the Israeli rule, since the former relieves the latter of its responsibility to care for the occupied Palestinian population. This paper aims to address this apparent contradiction claiming that a comprehensive analysis of Israeli forms of domination requires a spatial examination of the operation of sovereignty with an assessment of governmentalizing arrays. This combined analysis suggests that a Palestinian sovereignty, but one which is emptied of its actual ruling power, is construed at the checkpoints as an epiphenomenon of Israeli apparatuses of control. © 2013 Pion and its Licensors.


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Looking at one site, the Israeli checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian territory, this article seeks to understand the mechanisms by which violence can present itself as justifiable (or justified), even when it materializes within frames presumably set to annul it. We look at the checkpoints as a condensed microcosmos operating within two such frames. One is the prolonged IsraeliPalestinian ‘peace process’ (the checkpoints became a primary technology of control in the period following the beginning of the peace process), and the other is regulatory power (disciplinary and biopower), which in the Foucauldian framework presumably sidelines the violent form which sovereign power takes. We argue that the checkpoints, which dissect the Palestinian occupied territories into dozens of enclaves and which are one of the most effective and destructive means of control within the current stage of occupation, can be seen as more than obstacles in the way of Palestinian movement; we suggest that they also function as corrective technologies that are meant to fail. It is with this failure that violence can appear as justified. In order to show the operation of this embedded failure, we examine one mechanism operating within the checkpoints: ‘the imaginary line’. The imaginary line is both a component within, and an emblem of a mode of control that constantly undoes itself in order to summon violence. Since it is never visibly marked in the physical space, the imaginary line is bound to be unintentionally crossed, thereby randomly rendering Palestinians as ‘transgressors’ of the rule and thus facilitating eruptions of violence by the soldiers stationed at the checkpoints. This article proposes an analysis of this hidden demarcation of space in order to question the different relations between subjects and power which it both assumes and constitutes.


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In order to bring conceptual clarity to a particular dimension of the relationship between the jus ad bellum and the jus in bello regimes, this article explores the independent sources of a military targeting rule in both branches of international law. The aim is not to displace the jus in bello as the ‘lead’ regime on how targeting decisions must be made, or to undermine the traditional separation between these regimes. Rather, conceptual light is shed on a sometimes assumed but generally neglected dimension of the jus ad bellum’s necessity and proportionality criteria that may, in limited circumstances, have significance for our understanding of human protection during war, by covering possible gaps in the jus in bello targeting rules.


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Algunos escritores exiliados a partir de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983) tradujeron ellos mismos sus textos para publicarlos en el país de exilio. Un ejemplo es el de Alicia Partnoy, autora de The Little School. Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina, quien habiendo escrito un testimonio en español sobre su paso por el campo de concentración La Escuelita, ubicado en Bahía Blanca, se dedicó a traducirlo al inglés para su publicación en Estados Unidos en 1986. Sus numerosas ediciones, primero en el extranjero y más tarde en Argentina, lo ubican entre una de las obras más importantes de la narrativa testimonial concentracionaria argentina. Una forma de abordarlo reside en el análisis sobre el proceso y el resultado de la autotraducción, lo cual permite aportar elementos de reflexión acerca de la necesidad de los supervivientes exiliados de dar a conocer su experiencia en el exilio, algo que sobrepasa, incluso, las barreras lingüísticas


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Algunos escritores exiliados a partir de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983) tradujeron ellos mismos sus textos para publicarlos en el país de exilio. Un ejemplo es el de Alicia Partnoy, autora de The Little School. Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina, quien habiendo escrito un testimonio en español sobre su paso por el campo de concentración La Escuelita, ubicado en Bahía Blanca, se dedicó a traducirlo al inglés para su publicación en Estados Unidos en 1986. Sus numerosas ediciones, primero en el extranjero y más tarde en Argentina, lo ubican entre una de las obras más importantes de la narrativa testimonial concentracionaria argentina. Una forma de abordarlo reside en el análisis sobre el proceso y el resultado de la autotraducción, lo cual permite aportar elementos de reflexión acerca de la necesidad de los supervivientes exiliados de dar a conocer su experiencia en el exilio, algo que sobrepasa, incluso, las barreras lingüísticas


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Algunos escritores exiliados a partir de la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983) tradujeron ellos mismos sus textos para publicarlos en el país de exilio. Un ejemplo es el de Alicia Partnoy, autora de The Little School. Tales of Disappearance & Survival in Argentina, quien habiendo escrito un testimonio en español sobre su paso por el campo de concentración La Escuelita, ubicado en Bahía Blanca, se dedicó a traducirlo al inglés para su publicación en Estados Unidos en 1986. Sus numerosas ediciones, primero en el extranjero y más tarde en Argentina, lo ubican entre una de las obras más importantes de la narrativa testimonial concentracionaria argentina. Una forma de abordarlo reside en el análisis sobre el proceso y el resultado de la autotraducción, lo cual permite aportar elementos de reflexión acerca de la necesidad de los supervivientes exiliados de dar a conocer su experiencia en el exilio, algo que sobrepasa, incluso, las barreras lingüísticas


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"The 1990s saw the United Nations, the militaries of key member states, and NGOs increasingly entangled in the complex affairs of disrupted states. Whether as deliverers of humanitarian assistance or as agents of political, social, and civic reconstruction, whether in Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, or East Timor, these actors have had to learn ways of interacting with each other in order to optimize the benefits for the populations they seek to assist. Yet the challenges have proved daunting. Civil and military actors have different organizational cultures and standard operating procedures and are confronted with the need to work together to perform tasks to which different actors may attach quite different priorities."--BOOK JACKET.