964 resultados para Milho - Cultivo - Adubos e fertilizantes


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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The focus of this research study were gas exchange between soil and atmosphere of nitrous oxide (N2O) between different fertilization treatments Corn The research, conducted in the experimental field Dedelow - Brandenburg / Germany, analyzed three different fertilization treatments, aiming to quantify GHE emissions, to identify the influence of the residue of biogas in the release of these gases process in agricultural soils in search for a solution fertilization less harmful to the environment and the greenhouse effect , based on the comparison of three treatments: organic fertilization, mineral fertilization and no fertilization. It was found through the analysis of the measurements that the first was the one which issued N2O, showing that even though coming from the residue of biogas , when returned to the soil, it becomes harmful to the environment and global warming . The cultivation of energy crops can lower or raise the emissions of greenhouse gases, so it is necessary for further research on this question not only in Germany , where such research is in continuity, but also in Brazil, a pioneer in the introduction to his energy matrix of a biofuel produced from cane sugar


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Traditionally in no-tillage systems, fertilization is done to the catch crop. In general nutrient cycling in crop systems has not been treated as an important tool in the process of nutrient supplying for plants. The type and the condition in which vegetable residuesis decomposed can affect the efficiency of nutrient cycling.This study assessed the effect of anticipated nitrogen fertilization in crop-livestock systems on cultivated cornproduction, rate ofnutrient release from plant residue, and theN-minerallevels of soil. The study was carried out in the city Abelardo Luz (SC) in a Clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was N Fertilization Time: in the N-Pasture level, nitrogen (200 kg ha-1 N) and N-Grains level, no nitrogen was applied. The second factor was the Grazing Height, characterized by two sward heights of oat at 15 cm (Low Height Pasture) and at 30 cm (High Height Pasture). Corn hybrid ‘Máximus’ was sowed in 10thOctober, 31 days after the removal of animals. In the twelve resulting plots from the combination of treatments on pasture phase (N Fertilization Time x Grazing Height) rates of N-fertilizer (0, 100, 200 e 300 Kg ha-1 of N) as urea were allocated in the split plot.We conclude that anticipated N fertilization of winter cover crop pasture to provide high-quality forage and carry-over N to the subsequent corn crop and may eventually replace side drees nitrogen fertilization on corn and can improve overall N fertilizer efficiency use in integrated crop-livestock systems.The rate of K release from plant residues is very fast, releasing large quantities in the first days after plant desiccation.Despite of considerably high nitrogen dose used in both the pasture and at the grain crop it was not observed nitrate leaching risks during the study period.


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Semeadura do milho; Controle de plantas daninhas; Consorciacao milho-feijao; Adubacao e calagem; Cultivares de milho para o Brasil; Principais pragas da cultura do milho; Armazenamento; Comercializacao.


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Métodos culturais; Adubação e calagem; Cultivares de milho para o Brasil; Secagem e Armazenamento; Comercialização.


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Estudou-se o consórcio de milho com adubos verdes: Cajanus cajam, Stizolobium aterrimum, Crotalaria spectabilis e Dolichos lablab, e avaliou-se os efeitos das relações entre comunidade infestante, milho e legumiinosas. Os tratamentos estudados foram: (i) milho em monocultivo mantido no limpo; (ii) milho em monocultivo mantido no mato; (iii) consórcio de milho com leguminosas em semeadura simultânea; (iv) cultivo consorciado de milho com leguminosas semeadas 21 dias após o milho. Brachiaria plantaginea foi a principal planta daninha da área experimental. A produção de matéria seca pelas plantas de milho foi afetada pela presença das plantas daninhas e leguminosas quando a semeadura do milho e leguminosas foi simultânea. A produção de matéria seca pelas leguminosas foi maior quando semeadas 21 dias após o milho. C. espectabilis foi a leguminosa menos apta para conviver no consórcio. Stizolobium aterrimum foi a leguminosa com maior produção de matéria seca, nos dois sistemas de consórcio, a que menos afetou as plantas de milho e, quando semeada simultaneamente ao milho reduziu a densidade de plantas daninhas em relação ao milho em monocultivo. A altura de plantas, a altura de inserção da primeira espiga e a produtividade de milho foram reduzidas pela presença de plantas daninhas e leguminosas quando a semeadura foi simultânea à do milho. As leguminosas reduziram a população de plantas daninhas sem afetar as plantas de milho e nem sua produtividade, quando semeadas 21 dias após o milho.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)