980 resultados para Middle-sized city


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The feasibility of an inexpensive wastewater treatment system is evaluated in this study. An integrated biological pond system was operated for more than 3 years to purify the wastewater from a medium-sized city, Central China. The experiment was conducted in 3 phases with different treatment combinations for testing their purification efficiencies. The pond system was divided into 3 functional regions: influent purification, effluent upgrading and multi-utilization. These regions were further divided into several zones and subzones. Various kinds of aquatic organisms, including macrophytes, algae, microorganisms and zooplankton, were effectively cooperating in the wastewater treatment in this system. The system attained high reductions of BOD5, COD, TSS, TN, TP and other pollutants. The purification efficiencies of this system were higher than those of most traditional oxidation ponds or ordinary macrophyte ponds. The mutagenic effect and numbers of bacteria and viruses declined significantly during the process of purification. After the wastewater flowed through the upgrading zone, the concentrations of pollutants and algae evidently decreased. Plant harvesting did not yield dramatic effects on reductions of the main pollutants, though it did significantly affect the biomass productivity of the macrophytes. The effluent from this system could be utilized in irrigation and aquaculture. Some aquatic products were harvested from this system and some biomass was utilized for food, fertilizer, fodder and some other uses. The wastewater was reclaimed for various purposes.


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Neueste Entwicklungen in Technologien für dezentrale Energieversorgungsstrukturen, erneuerbare Energien, Großhandelsenergiemarkt, Mini- und Mikronetze, verteilte Intelligenz, sowie Informations- und Datenübertragungstechnologien werden die zukünftige Energiewelt maßgeblich bestimmen. Die derzeitigen Forschungsbemühungen zur Vernutzung aller dieser Technologien bilden die Voraussetzungen für ein zukünftiges, intelligentes Stromnetz. Dieses neue Konzept gründet sich auf die folgenden Säulen: Die Versorgung erfolgt durch dezentrale Erzeugungsanlagen und nicht mehr durch große zentrale Erzeuger; die Steuerung beeinflusst nicht mehr allein die Versorgung sondern ermöglich eine auch aktive Führung des Bedarf; die Eingabeparameter des Systems sind nicht mehr nur mechanische oder elektrische Kenngrößen sondern auch Preissignale; die erneuerbaren Energieträger sind nicht mehr nur angeschlossen, sondern voll ins Energienetz integriert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit fügt sich in dieses neue Konzept des intelligenten Stromnetz ein. Da das zukünftige Stromnetz dezentral konfiguriert sein wird, ist eine Übergangsphase notwendig. Dieser Übergang benötigt Technologien, die alle diese neue Konzepte in die derzeitigen Stromnetze integrieren können. Diese Arbeit beweist, dass ein Mininetz in einem Netzabschnitt mittlerer Größe als netzschützende Element wirken kann. Hierfür wurde ein neues Energiemanagementsystem für Mininetze – das CMS (englisch: Cluster Management System) – entwickelt. Diese CMS funktioniert als eine von ökonomischorientierte Betriebsoptimierung und wirkt wie eine intelligente Last auf das System ein, reagierend auf Preissignale. Sobald wird durch eine Frequenzsenkung eine Überlastung des Systems bemerkt, ändert das Mininetz sein Verhalten und regelt seine Belastung, um die Stabilisierung des Hauptnetzes zu unterstützen. Die Wirksamkeit und die Realisierbarkeit des einwickelten Konzept wurde mit Hilfe von Simulationen und erfolgreichen Laborversuchen bewiesen.


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Physical activity has been scientifically discussed as fundamental in the process of healthy ageing. Hence, this study aimed at determining the factors that influence older people to perform physical activities. The complete IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) was applied to a population-based sample consisting of 364 elderly persons in the city of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Days of physical activity performed by the older people were considered by taking into account household and leisure activities. Models for count data were fitted by including socio-demographic variables as well as those related to life satisfaction. It was shown that housework physical-activity performance is associated with female, who predominantly showed to be more active in all levels. Male seemed to be more predisposed to perform lighter recreation, sports and leisure-time physical activities, such as walking. Additionally, poor schooling showed to be decisive for not performing physical activities both at home and during leisure.


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Historic neighbourhoods have usually shaped on an organic structure in regard to their residents’ requirements. Due to the limitations in mobility, historical neighbourhoods were usually able to perform as a small city comprising all the elements required for satisfying physical, social, and cultural needs. This paper seeks to explore the patterns of social life in the traditional settlements in Shiraz and investigate the elements that have shaped the social life of these neighbourhoods. Exploring the social structure of historic neighbourhoods may introduce new approaches to the design of contemporary suburbs and neighbourhoods in terms of their vitality and social life. A review of the literature and comparing it to the historical core in Shiraz shows that there are five contributing factors to the social life of historic neighbourhoods in Shiraz, including density, human scale development, walkability, mixed land-use and qualities of public spaces. Exploring the features of public places and communal facilities indicates that the fine social performance of these settlements is rooted in their compatibility and adaptability to the environment, the residents’ requirements and culture.


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A cidade de Marabá vem passando por um intenso processo de transformações, como resultado do avanço da urbanização, de forte atuação do Estado e de novas dinâmicas econômicas, demográficas e espaciais que contribuíram para a atual condição de Marabá, como “cidade média de fronteira”, na Amazônia Oriental brasileira. Tal condição se revela a partir de uma centralidade urbana desta cidade em relação ao sudeste paraense, como espaço funcional que tende a atender demandas por comércio e serviços, bem como, pela condição de espaço de decisão no que tange a estratégias governamentais, de agentes econômicos e contraestratégias dos movimentos sociais. Assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar qual a importância da formação socioespacial para entender a centralidade atual de Marabá. Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem teórico-metodológica interescalar, levando em consideração as escalas intra-urbana e interurbana, bem como, as dimensões da realidade social. A opção por esta perspectiva teóricometodológica decorreu da necessidade de se conceber reflexões que levem em consideração o movimento de contradições inerentes ao processo de produção do espaço de Marabá.


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Introduction: sexually transmitted diseases (DST) can represent an important impact on teenager’s health due its consequences. Objective: to identify the perception and knowledge of teenagers about DST, its transmission forms and contraception. Methods: it was made a cross-sectional study type investigation, with 136 teenager students from a Technical Education Public Institution in a middle-sized city. It was used a tested instrument, self answered, with opened and closed questions about theme and sociodemographic data. The same data were stored and analyzed by Program Epi Info version 3.5.1. Results: 97,1% affirmed to know male condoms, 89,0% oral contraceptives, 87,5% female condoms, 74,3% postcoital contraceptives, 47,8% natural family planning methods, 41,9% hormonal injection, 33,1% intrauterine devices, 31,6% coitus interruptus and 1,5% other contraceptive methods. According with them, the information was gave principally on high school (46,1%), by friends or partners (20,3%), doctor (10,9%), television (10,2%). In relation to DST, 98,5% affirmed that diseases can be transmitted during coitus. The aids (91,2%) and herpes (72,8%) were the most cited diseases. Just 31,6% of teenagers affirmed that run the risk to acquire some DST, and 88,4% of them, due no use of condoms, 30,2% due their partner make relation with other people, 18% due have many sexual partners and 9,3% due other causes. Conclusion: even teenagers knowing many contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted diseases, the teenagers have not prevented theirselves yet. It’s necessary that the high school reinforce the use of contraceptive methods, because the school is an important source of educative information on health area.


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The aim of present work is the interpretation of a Coca Cola soft drink advertising image that is shown on a billboard in the city of Presidente Prudente, in São Paulo state. The billboard shows a scene of the video titled Happiness Factory which was presented on television in 2008. Decoding this kind of image, which is integrated to the theoretical and methodical option, favors the visual perception of shapes and their meanings as a reading of the image and the inclusion of the studies of phenomenology of cultural geography to the social reality could reveal some other dimensions, such as the symbolic, the imaginary, the aesthetic ones.This fact will contribute to widen the social trait of Geography and it represents our object of study.The reading will be done after some reflexion on the function of an external advertisement, that is, within the urban context of Presidente Prudente when refering to billboard being studied. It will also be discussed the importance of becoming a critical reader when interpreting advertising messages presented by the communication means in general.


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This article introduces a study concerning parents regulations regarding their child’s participation in social activities. The aim of the study is to examine how many pupils who are not allowed to participate in social activities and some educational elements at school, as for example sports and study tours. The ethnicity and gender perspectives are central for the questions. The implicit aim is to compare the situation among boys and girls with immigrant background in relation to boys and girls with Swedish background. The study contains a quantitative survey among 1193 children, 13 to 15 years old, living in a Swedish middle-sized city. The result from the analysis shows that most of the children are allowed to participate in the activities. However, regarding parental consent to participating in activities the results show that children with immigrant background experience restrictions to a larger extent than others. This result concerns in particular girls with immigrant background. Other significant findings in this study indicate that low-educated parents or/and religious parents have more restrictive norms considering pupils participating in social activities, especially for immigrant girls.


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Noise is the most frequent type of occupational exposure and can lead to both auditory and extra-auditory dysfunction as well as increasing the risk of work accidents. The purpose of this study was to estimate the attributable fraction of work accidents related to occupational noise exposure in a medium-sized city in Southeast Brazil. In this hospital-based case-control study, including 600 cases and 822 controls, the odds ratio of work accidents (controlled for several covariables) was obtained classifying occupational noise exposure into four levels and determining the prevalence at each level. Based on these data, the calculated attributable fraction was 0.3041 (95%CI: 0.2341-0.3676), i.e., 30% of work accidents in the study area were statistically associated with occupational noise exposure. The authors discuss the causes of this association and the implications for the prevention of work accidents.


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Para a compreensão da cidade de Juiz de Fora na contemporaneidade, devemos lançar um olhar no seu passado, foi quando se estabeleceram as bases históricas que a tornaram uma cidade polarizada com grande importância na Zona da Mata Mineira. Cidade de porte médio, de fácil acesso através de rodovias e ferrovias, se localiza próximo às grandes metrópoles nacionais: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte. Juiz de Fora caracteriza-se por significativas alterações que não só afetaram seu antigo espaço urbano, mas também determinaram uma nova configuração, e tem sido foco de atração de grandes empreendimentos da construção civil, de instituições de ensino superior, de eventos culturais e artísticos, de investimentos em geral, ocasionando um crescimento econômico em diversos setores, principalmente de serviços e do imobiliário. Reunindo, fatos históricos e empíricos, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com a reflexão sobre o planejamento estratégico e sua aplicação em uma cidade média mineira que seguiu a ótica catalã. Baseou-se na premissa do processo de globalização na qual as grandes cidades se encontram, isto é, transformar a cidade em protagonistas nas relações do mundo atual. Tendo como objetivo a análise do planejamento urbano atual de Juiz de Fora, através das intervenções urbanísticas, seu processo de crescimento e suas problemáticas urbanas. Mas, também, identificar os elementos centrais na produção do espaço: discutir o planejamento estratégico da cidade; suas ações; os serviços essenciais dentro do espaço urbano do município e como tudo isso afeta a população local. Juiz de Fora vem repetindo o modelo e o discurso dominante das grandes cidades capitalistas, marcado pela lógica do mercado e pela apropriação diferencial da riqueza e consequentemente gerando um consumo diferenciado. O espaço da cidade passa a ser vendido e torna-se foco da atuação de diferentes atores, com objetivos diversos. Apresentaremos dois exemplos concretos: o primeiro está situado na região Leste da cidade uma das mais pobres que é o Alto Três Moinhos, caracterizando-se em um bairro de população carente; o outro está situado na região Central da cidade que é o bairro Dom Bosco, caracteriza-se por ser um bairro carente que está localizado ao meio de grandes intervenções urbanísticas da cidade. Diante desse contexto, suscitando o debate entre o discurso e a realidade que nos leva a uma reflexão para o delineamento do quadro da política urbana atual do município.


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An efficient passenger road transport system is a boon to any city and an inefficient one its bane. Passenger bus transport operation involves various aspects like passenger convenience, profitability of operation and social, technological and environmental factors. The author’s interest in this area was aroused when he conducted a traffic survey of Trivandrum City in 1979. While some studies on the performance of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation in specific areas like finance, inventory control etc. have already been made, no study has been made from the operational point of view. The study is also the first one of its kind in dealing with the transportation problems for a second order city like Trivandrum. The objective of this research study is to develop a scientific basis for analysing and understanding the various operational aspects of urban bus transport management like assessing travel demand, depot location, fleet allocation, vehicle scheduling, maintenance etc. The operation of public road transportation in Trivandrum City is analysed on the basis of this theoretical background. The studies made have relevance to any medium sized city in India or even abroad. If not properly managed, deterioration of any public utility system is a natural process and it adversely affects the consumers, the economy and the nation. Making any system more efficient requires careful analysis, judicious decision making and proper implementation. It is hoped that this study will throw some light into the various operational aspects of urban passenger road transport management which can be of some help to make it perform more efficiently


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