973 resultados para Microstructural analysis


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This paper reports image analysis methods that have been developed to study the microstructural changes of non-wovens made by the hydroentanglement process. The validity of the image processing techniques has been ascertained by applying them to test images with known properties. The parameters in preprocessing of the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images used in image processing have been tested and optimized. The fibre orientation distribution is estimated using fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Hough transform (HT) methods. The results obtained using these two methods are in good agreement. The HT method is more demanding in computational time compared with the Fourier transform (FT) method. However, the advantage of the HT method is that the actual orientation of the lines can be concluded directly from the result of the transform without the need for any further computation. The distribution of the length of the straight fibre segments of the fabrics is evaluated by the HT method. The effect of curl of the fibres on the result of this evaluation is shown.


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The image analysis techniques developed in Part 1 to study microstructural changes in non-woven fabrics are applied to measure the fibre orientation distribution and fibre length distribution of hydroentangled fabrics. The results are supported by strength and modulus measurements using samples from the same fabrics. It is shown that the techniques developed can successfully be used to assess the degree of entanglement of hydroentangled fabrics regardless of their thickness.


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Rationale: Central cannabinoid systems have been implicated in appetite control through the respective hyperphagic and anorectic actions of CB1 agonists and antagonists. The motivational changes underlying these actions remain to be determined, but may involve alterations to food palatability. Objectives: The mode of action of cannabinoids on ingestion was investigated by examining the effects of exogenous and endogenous agonists, and a selective CB1 receptor antagonist, on licking microstructure in rats ingesting a palatable sucrose solution. Methods: Microstructural analyses of licking for a 10% sucrose solution was performed over a range of agonist and antagonist doses administered to non-deprived, male Lister hooded rats. Results: Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (0.5, 1 and 3 mg/kg) and anandamide (1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg) significantly increased total number of licks. This was primarily due to an increase in bout duration rather than bout number. There was a nonsignificant increase in total licks following administration of 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (0.2, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg), whereas administration of the CB1 antagonist SR141716 (1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg) significantly decreased total licks. All drugs, with the exception of anandamide, significantly decreased the intra-bout lick rate. An exponential function fitted to the cumulative lick rate curves for each drug revealed that all compounds altered the asymptote of this function without having any marked effects on the exponent. Conclusions: These data are consistent with endocannabinoid involvement in the mediation of food palatability.


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The widespread introduction of multiphase sheet steels in the automotive industry has led to considerable interest in the fatigue properties of these materials. The different microstructural phases within matelials such as TRIP steels can influence the fatigue behaviour due to the manner in which the cyclic strain is accommodated within these phases. In this study fully reversed straincontrolled fatigue tests were perfonnrmed on a commercially-produced uncoated TRIP 780 steel both in the as-received and 20 % prestrained condition. The pre-strained TRIP steel showed significant cyclic softening at higher strain amplitudes, whereas some initial work hardening was observed at lower strain amplitudes before cyclic softening. The cyclic stabilised strength of the pre-strained TRIP steel was independent of strain amplitude, while the cyclic stabilised strength of the as-received TRIP steel increased with strain amplitude. Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM was used to examine the effect of the cyclic deformation on the microstructure of the different conditions, with the differences in fatigue behaviour explained based on the differences in the deformation structure formed within the steel (i.e. dislocation density and sub-structure and microband formation).


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The fatigue properties of multiphase steels are an important consideration in the automotive industry. The different microstructural phases present in these steels can influence the strain life and cyclic stabilized strength of the material due to the way in which these phases accommodate the applied cyclic strain. Fully reversed strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests have been used to determine the mechanical fatigue performance of a dual-phase (DP) 590 and transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) 780 steel, with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) used to examine the deformed microstructures. It is shown that the higher strain life and cyclic stabilized strength of the TRIP steel can be attributed to an increased yield strength. Despite the presence of significant levels of retained austenite in the TRIP steel, both steels exhibited similar cyclic softening behavior at a range of strain amplitudes due to comparable ferrite volume fractions and yielding characteristics. Both steels formed low-energy dislocation structures in the ferrite during cyclic straining.


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Dactylotrochus cervicornis (= Tridacophyllia cervicornis Moseley, 1881), which occurs in Indo-Pacific waters between 73 and 852 m, was originally described as an astraeid but was later transferred to the Caryophylliidae. Assumed to be solitary, this species has no stolons and only one elongated fossa, and is unique among azooxanthellate scleractinians in often displaying extremely long thecal extensions that are septate and digitiform. Based on both molecular phylogenetic analyses (partial mitochondrial CO1 and 16S rDNA, and partial nuclear 28S rDNA) and morphological characteristics, we propose the transfer of D. cervicornis from the Caryophylliidae to the Agariciidae, making it the first extant representative of the latter family that is solitary and from deep water (azooxanthellate). The basal position of D. cervicornis within the agariciids implied by our analyses strengthens the case for inclusion of fossil species that were solitary, such as Trochoseris, in this family and suggests that the ancestor of this scleractinian family, extant members of which are predominantly colonial and zooxanthellate, may have been solitary and azooxanthellate.


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Several of OPC paste and concrete specimens, with different mix proportions, were cast against CPF and impermeable formwork (IF) and the profiles of pore structure, microhardness and scratch hardness of the cover zone were established. The chloride ingress and the depth of carbonation of the surface zone of concrete cast against CPF and IF were investigated. The main mechanisms controlling the ECR processes and the factors affecting such treatment were critically reviewed. Subsequently, as a means of restoring passivation of steel embedded in carbonated concrete, such HCP specimens were subjected to ECR. The influence of ECR on the chemistry of the pore solution and the microstructure of the surface and the steel/cement past interface zones were also studied. The main findings of this investigation were as follows: (a) The thickness of the microstructure gradient of cover concrete is significantly decreased with increasing period of water curing but is relatively unaffected by curing temperature, w/e ratio and the use of cement replacement materials. (b) The scratch hardness technique was shown to be potentially useful for characterising the microstructure and microhardness gradients of the surface zone. (c) A relationship between the microstructure gradient and mass transport properties of the surface zone was established. (d) The use of CPF resulted in a significant reduction in porosity of both the cement paste matrix and the aggregate/cement paste transition zone, and a marked improvement in the resistance of the surface zone to carbonation and the ingress of chloride ions. (e) The ECR treatment resulted in a marked densification of the pore structure and in changes to the pore solution chemistry and the cement phases of near-surface and steel/cement paste transition zones. This effect was more pronounced with current density, period of treatment and particularly with the use of sodium phosphate as an electrolyte.


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La present tesi proposa una metodología per a la simulació probabilística de la fallada de la matriu en materials compòsits reforçats amb fibres de carboni, basant-se en l'anàlisi de la distribució aleatòria de les fibres. En els primers capítols es revisa l'estat de l'art sobre modelització matemàtica de materials aleatoris, càlcul de propietats efectives i criteris de fallada transversal en materials compòsits. El primer pas en la metodologia proposada és la definició de la determinació del tamany mínim d'un Element de Volum Representatiu Estadístic (SRVE) . Aquesta determinació es du a terme analitzant el volum de fibra, les propietats elàstiques efectives, la condició de Hill, els estadístics de les components de tensió i defromació, la funció de densitat de probabilitat i les funcions estadístiques de distància entre fibres de models d'elements de la microestructura, de diferent tamany. Un cop s'ha determinat aquest tamany mínim, es comparen un model periòdic i un model aleatori, per constatar la magnitud de les diferències que s'hi observen. Es defineix, també, una metodologia per a l'anàlisi estadístic de la distribució de la fibra en el compòsit, a partir d'imatges digitals de la secció transversal. Aquest anàlisi s'aplica a quatre materials diferents. Finalment, es proposa un mètode computacional de dues escales per a simular la fallada transversal de làmines unidireccionals, que permet obtenir funcions de densitat de probabilitat per a les variables mecàniques. Es descriuen algunes aplicacions i possibilitats d'aquest mètode i es comparen els resultats obtinguts de la simulació amb valors experimentals.


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This study examines the cyclic plastic deformation behavior and microstructural development of a dual phase steel in both symmetric and asymmetric cycling in strain and stress control modes. The low-cycle fatigue (LCF) and mean stress relaxation (MSR) tests show very similar fatigue lifetimes. However, fatigue lifetimes reduce and prominent accumulation of directional strain was observed in ratcheting. A microstructural analysis has revealed that the type of cyclic test carried out has a noticeable impact on the substructural development, and this has been correlated with differences in accumulated tensile strain. Electron backscatter diffraction investigation has shown larger in-grain misorientation for ratcheting specimen in comparison with LCF and MSR specimens. The orientation of ferrite grains was found to have very little effect on their substructural development, and strain localization commonly occurred in the ferrite at the ferrite/martensite interface.


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The effect of deformation parameters on the flow behavior of a Ti6Al4V alloy has been studied to understand the deformation mechanisms during hot compression. Cylindrical samples with partially equiaxed grains were deformed in the α+β phase region at different thermo-mechanical conditions. To develop components with tailored properties, the physically based Estrin and Mecking (EM) model for the work hardening/dynamic recovery combined with the Avrami equation for dynamic recrystallization was used to predict the flow stress at varying process conditions. The EM model revealed good predictability up to the peak strain, however, at strain rates below 0.01s-1, a higher B value was observed due to the reduced density of dislocation tangles. In contrast, the flow softening model revealed higher value of constants a and b at high strain rates due to the reduction in the volume fraction of dynamic recrystallization and larger peak strain. The predicted flow stress using the combined EM+Avrami model revealed good agreement with the measured flow stress resulted in very low average absolute relative error value. The microstructural analysis of the samples suggests the formation of coarse equiaxed grains together with the increased β phase fraction at low strain rate leads to a higher flow softening.


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Ti-6Al-7Nb alloys are being evaluated for biomedical applications, in substitution of the more conventional Ti-6Al-7V. Both types of alloys present a microstructure containing the alpha and the beta phases, which result in good compromise for mechanical applications. In the present work Ti-6Al-7Nb alloys were processed by High Pressure Torsion (HPT), varying the number of revolutions and thus the total imposed strain. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results revealed the formation of different crystallographic textures in samples subjected to HPT. Microhardness distribution, across the diameters of the disks, is rather homogeneous for all samples, with higher values for those subjected to 03 and 05 turns. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs have showed that an ultra-fine grained microstructure was obtained in all the samples.