14 resultados para Microstimulation intraspinale


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Accumulator models that integrate incoming sensory information into motor plans provide a robust framework to understand decision making. However, their applicability to situations that demand a change of plan raises an interesting problem for the brain. This is because interruption of the current motor plan must occur by a competing motor plan, which is necessarily weaker in strength. To understand how changes of mind get expressed in behavior, we used a version of the double-step task called the redirect task, in which monkeys were trained to modify a saccade plan. We microstimulated the frontal eye fields during redirect behavior and systematically measured the deviation of the evoked saccade from the response field to causally track the changing saccade plan. Further, to identify the underlying mechanisms, eight different computational models of redirect behavior were assessed. It was observed that the model that included an independent, spatially specific inhibitory process, in addition to the two accumulators representing the preparatory processes of initial and final motor plans, best predicted the performance and the pattern of saccade deviation profile in the task. Such an inhibitory process suppressed the preparation of the initial motor plan, allowing the final motor plan to proceed unhindered. Thus, changes of mind are consistent with the notion of a spatially specific, inhibitory process that inhibits the current inappropriate plan, allowing expression of the new plan.


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Le récepteur B1 des kinines (RB1) joue un rôle important dans l'inflammation et la nociception. Les sites de liaison du RB1 sont augmentés dans la moelle épinière et le ganglion de la racine dorsale (GRD) chez le rat après la ligature partielle du nerf sciatique (LPNS). Dans ce modèle classique de douleur neuropathique, le traitement aigu avec des antagonistes sélectifs du RB1 renverse l'hyperalgésie thermique mais non pas l’allodynie. Cette étude vise à définir dans ce modèle de LPNS: 1- les effets de traitements aigu et chronique avec des antagonistes du RB1 sur l’hyperalgésie thermique et les allodynies tactile et au froid; 2- la contribution du TRPV1 et du stress oxydatif dans la composante de la douleur neuropathique associée au RB1; 3- l’expression du RB1 au niveau de la moelle épinière lombaire, le GRD et le nerf sciatique par RT-PCR quantitatif (Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction); 4- la localisation cellulaire du RB1 dans la moelle épinière lombaire par microscopie confocale. L’hyperalgésie thermique et les allodynies tactile et au froid ont été mesurées par le réflexe de retrait de la patte arrière après l’application à la surface plantaire d’une source radiante de chaleur (méthode Hargreaves), de filaments de Von Frey et d’une goutte d’acétone qui produit une sensation de froid par évaporation. Nous avons montré, dans un premier temps, que l'hyperalgésie thermique et les allodynies tactile et au froid sont renversées par un traitement chronique avec l’antagoniste du RB1, SSR240612, administré par gavage à raison de 10 mg /kg/jr entre le 15 e et le 20 e jour après la ligature du nerf sciatique et par un traitement antioxydant, la N-acétyl-L-cystéine, administrée par gavage à la dose de 1g/kg/jr, 4jours précédant la ligature et pendant les 2 semaines après la ligature. Un traitement aigu avec le ii SSR240612 (10 mg/kg) ou avec un antagoniste du RB1 qui ne traverse pas la barrière hémato-encéphalique, le R-954 (2mg/kg, s.c.), n’a bloqué que l’hyperalgésie thermique. Dans un second temps, l’antagoniste du TRPV1, le SB366791, administré à raison de 1 mg/kg/jr par voie sous-cutanée du j-1 au j-14 a renversé l’allodynie tactile et l’hyperalgésie thermique. De plus, nous avons noté deux semaines après la LPNS, des augmentations significatives des niveaux d'ARNm du RB1 dans la moelle épinière lombaire, le nerf sciatique et le GRD du côté ipsilatéral à la ligature. Ces augmentations ont été renversées par le traitement avec la N-acétyl-L-cystéine et l’antagoniste du TRPV1. Le RB1 a été localisé au niveau des fibres de type C avec le marquage au CGRP (Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide) et au niveau de la microglie utilisant le marquage au Iba-1 dans la moelle épinière lombaire des rats ayant subi une LPNS, 2 semaines plus tôt. Au terme de cette étude, nous avons suggéré que la surexpression du RB1 sur les fibres de type C contribuerait à l’hyperalgésie thermique alors que le RB1 sur la microglie dans la moelle épinière contribuerait aux allodynies tactile et au froid dans le modèle LPNS chez le rat. Le stress oxydatif pourrait être impliqué dans l’induction du RB1. Bien que le rôle du TRPV1 semble plutôt limité à la douleur thermique, il pourrait cependant agir via le RB1 sur les fibres de type C.


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We examined the effects of eye position on saccades evoked by electrical stimulation of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) of rhesus monkeys. Microstimulation evoked saccades from sites on the posterior bank, floor, and the medial bank of the IPS. The size and direction of the eye movements varied as a function of initial eye position before microstimulation. At many stimulation sites, eye position affected primarily the amplitude and not the direction of the evoked saccades. These "modified vector saccades" were characteristic of most stimulation-sensitive zones in the IPS, with the exception of a narrow strip located mainly on the floor of the sulcus. Stimulation in this "intercalated zone" evoked saccades that moved the eyes into a particular region in head-centered space, independent of the starting position of the eyes. This latter response is compatible with the stimulation site representing a goal zone in head-centered coordinates. On the other hand, the modified vector saccades observed outside the intercalated zone are indicative of a more distributed representation of head-centered space. A convergent projection from many modified vector sites onto each intercalated site may be a basis for a transition from a distributed to a more explicit representation of space in head-centered coordinates.


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The visual system is a remarkable platform that evolved to solve difficult computational problems such as detection, recognition, and classification of objects. Of great interest is the face-processing network, a sub-system buried deep in the temporal lobe, dedicated for analyzing specific type of objects (faces). In this thesis, I focus on the problem of face detection by the face-processing network. Insights obtained from years of developing computer-vision algorithms to solve this task have suggested that it may be efficiently and effectively solved by detection and integration of local contrast features. Does the brain use a similar strategy? To answer this question, I embark on a journey that takes me through the development and optimization of dedicated tools for targeting and perturbing deep brain structures. Data collected using MR-guided electrophysiology in early face-processing regions was found to have strong selectivity for contrast features, similar to ones used by artificial systems. While individual cells were tuned for only a small subset of features, the population as a whole encoded the full spectrum of features that are predictive to the presence of a face in an image. Together with additional evidence, my results suggest a possible computational mechanism for face detection in early face processing regions. To move from correlation to causation, I focus on adopting an emergent technology for perturbing brain activity using light: optogenetics. While this technique has the potential to overcome problems associated with the de-facto way of brain stimulation (electrical microstimulation), many open questions remain about its applicability and effectiveness for perturbing the non-human primate (NHP) brain. In a set of experiments, I use viral vectors to deliver genetically encoded optogenetic constructs to the frontal eye field and faceselective regions in NHP and examine their effects side-by-side with electrical microstimulation to assess their effectiveness in perturbing neural activity as well as behavior. Results suggest that cells are robustly and strongly modulated upon light delivery and that such perturbation can modulate and even initiate motor behavior, thus, paving the way for future explorations that may apply these tools to study connectivity and information flow in the face processing network.


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This work was developed in the context of the MIT Portugal Program, area of Bioengineering Systems, in collaboration with the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal. The project entitled Dynamics of serotonergic neurons revealed by fiber photometry was carried out at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal and at the Champalimaud Research Programme, Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal


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Bien que la plasticité ipsilesionnelle suite à un accident vasculo-cérébral (AVC) soit bien établie, la réorganisation du cortex contralésionnel et son effet sur la récupération fonctionnelle restent toujours non élucidés. Les études publiées présentent des points de vue contradictoires sur le rôle du cortex contralésionnel dans la récupération fonctionnelle. La taille de lésion pourrait être le facteur déterminant la réorganisation de ce dernier. Le but principal de cette étude fut donc d’évaluer l’effet des AVC de tailles différentes dans la région caudal forelimb area (CFA) du rat sur la réorganisation physiologique et la récupération comportementale de la main. Suite à une période de récupération spontanée pendant laquelle la performance motrice des deux membres antérieurs fut observée, les cartes motrices bilatérales du CFA et du rostral forelimb area (RFA) furent obtenues. Nous avons trouvé que le volume de lésion était en corrélation avec le niveau de récupération comportementale et l’étendue de la réorganisation des RFA bilatéraux. Aussi, les rats ayant de grandes lésions avaient des plus grandes représentations de la main dans le RFA de l’hémisphère ipsilésionnel et un déficit de fonctionnement plus persistant de la main parétique. Dans l’hémisphère contralésionnel nous avons trouvé que les rats avec des plus grandes représentations de la main dans le RFA avaient des lésions plus grandes et une récupération incomplète de la main parétique. Nos résultats confirment l’effet du volume de lésion sur la réorganisation du cortex contralésionnel et soulignent que le RFA est l’aire motrice la plus influencée dans le cortex contralésionnel.


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Despite their relevance for locomotion and social interaction in everyday situations, little is known about the cortical control of vertical saccades in humans. Results from microstimulation studies indicate that both frontal eye fields (FEFs) contribute to these eye movements. Here, we present a patient with a damaged right FEF, who hardly made vertical saccades during visual exploration. This finding suggests that, for the cortical control of exploratory vertical saccades, integrity of both FEFs is indeed important.


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Electrophysiological experiments were performed on 96 male New Zealand white rabbits, anesthetized with urethane. Glass electrodes, filled with 2M NaCl, were used for microstimulation of three fiber pathways projecting from "limbic" centers to the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH). Unitary and field potential recordings were made in the VMH after stimulation.^ Stimulation of the lateral portion of the fimbria, which carries fibers from the ventral subiculum of the hippocampal formation, evokes predominantly an inhibition of neurons medially in the VMH, and excitation of neurons located laterally.^ Stimulation of the dorsal portion of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the cortical nucleus of the amygdala, also produces predominantly an inhibition of cells medially and excitation laterally.^ Stimulation of the ventral component of the stria terminalis, which carries fibers from the medial nucleus of the amygdala, evokes excitation of cell medially, with little or no response seen laterally.^ Cells recorded medially in the VMH received convergent inputs from each of the three fiber systems: inhibition from fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation, excitation from ventral stria stimulation.^ The excitatory unitary responses recorded medially to ventral stria stimulation and laterally to fimbria and dorsal stria stimulation were subjected to a series of threshold stimulus intensities. From these tests it was determined that each of these three projections terminates monosynaptically on VMH neurons.^ The evidence for convergence upon single VMH neurons of projections from the amygdala and the hippocampal formation suggests this area of the brain to be important for integration of information from these two limbic centers. The VMH has been implied in a number of behavioral states: eating, reproduction, defense and aggression; it has further been linked to control of the anterior pituitary. These data provide a functional circuit through which the amygdaloid complex and the hippocampal formation can channel information from higher cortical centers into a hypothalamic area capable of coordinating behavioral and hormonal responses. ^


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Primary motor cortex (M1) is involved in the production of voluntary movement and contains a complete functional representation, or map, of the skeletal musculature. This functional map can be altered by pathological experiences, such as peripheral nerve injury or stroke, by pharmacological manipulation, and by behavioral experience. The process by which experience-dependent alterations of cortical function occur is termed plasticity. In this thesis, plasticity of M1 functional organization as a consequence of behavioral experience was examined in adult primates (squirrel monkeys). Maps of movement representations were derived under anesthesia using intracortical microstimulation, whereby a microelectrode was inserted into the cortex to electrically stimulate corticospinal neurons at low current levels and evoke movements of the forelimb, principally of the hand. Movement representations were examined before and at several times after training on behavioral tasks that emphasized use of the fingers. Two behavioral tasks were utilized that dissociated the repetition of motor activity from the acquisition of motor skills. One task was easy to perform, and as such promoted repetitive motor activity without learning. The other task was more difficult, requiring the acquisition of motor skills for successful performance. Kinematic analysis indicated that monkeys used a consistent set of forelimb movements during pellet extractions. Functional mapping revealed that repetitive motor activity during the easier task did not produce plastic changes in movement representations. Instead, map plasticity, in the form of selective expansions of task-related movement representations, was only produced following skill acquisition on the difficult task. Additional studies revealed that, in general, map plasticity persisted without further training for up to three months, in parallel with the retention of task-related motor skills. Also, extensive additional training on the small well task produced further improvements in performance, and further changes in movement maps. In sum, these experiments support the following three conclusions regarding the role of M1 in motor learning. First, behaviorally-driven plasticity is learning-dependent, not activity-dependent. Second, plastic changes in M1 functional representations represent a neural correlate of acquired motor skills. Third, the persistence of map plasticity suggests that M1 is part of the neural substrate for the memory of motor skills. ^


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Recent experiments using electrical and N-methyl-d-aspartate microstimulation of the spinal cord gray matter and cutaneous stimulation of the hindlimb of spinalized frogs have provided evidence for a modular organization of the frog’s spinal cord circuitry. A “module” is a functional unit in the spinal cord circuitry that generates a specific motor output by imposing a specific pattern of muscle activation. The output of a module can be characterized as a force field: the collection of the isometric forces generated at the ankle over different locations in the leg’s workspace. Different modules can be combined independently so that their force fields linearly sum. The goal of this study was to ascertain whether the force fields generated by the activation of supraspinal structures could result from combinations of a small number of modules. We recorded a set of force fields generated by the electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve in seven frogs, and we performed a principal component analysis to study the dimensionality of this set. We found that 94% of the total variation of the data is explained by the first five principal components, a result that indicates that the dimensionality of the set of fields evoked by vestibular stimulation is low. This result is compatible with the hypothesis that vestibular fields are generated by combinations of a small number of spinal modules.


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Cortical representational plasticity has been well documented after peripheral and central injuries or improvements in perceptual and motor abilities. This has led to inferences that the changes in cortical representations parallel and account for the improvement in performance during the period of skill acquisition. There have also been several examples of rapidly induced changes in cortical neuronal response properties, for example, by intracortical microstimulation or by classical conditioning paradigms. This report describes similar rapidly induced changes in a cortically mediated perception in human subjects, the ventriloquism aftereffect, which presumably reflects a corresponding change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. The ventriloquism aftereffect describes an enduring shift in the perception of the spatial location of acoustic stimuli after a period of exposure of spatially disparate and simultaneously presented acoustic and visual stimuli. Exposure of a mismatch of 8° for 20–30 min is sufficient to shift the perception of acoustic space by approximately the same amount across subjects and acoustic frequencies. Given that the cerebral cortex is necessary for the perception of acoustic space, it is likely that the ventriloquism aftereffect reflects a change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. Comparisons between the responses of single cortical neurons in the behaving macaque monkey and the stimulus parameters that give rise to the ventriloquism aftereffect suggest that the changes in the cortical representation of acoustic space may begin as early as the primary auditory cortex.


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Fine finger and hand movements in humans, monkeys, and rats are under the direct control of the corticospinal tract (CST). CST lesions lead to severe, long-term deficits of precision movements. We transected completely both CSTs in adult rats and treated the animals for 2 weeks with an antibody that neutralized the central nervous system neurite growth inhibitory protein Nogo-A (mAb IN-1). Anatomical studies of the rubrospinal tracts showed that the number of collaterals innervating the cervical spinal cord doubled in the mAb IN-1- but not in the control antibody-treated animals. Precision movements of the forelimb and fingers were severely impaired in the controls, but almost completely recovered in the mAb IN-1-treated rats. Low threshold microstimulation of the motor cortex induced a rapid forelimb electromyography response that was mediated by the red nucleus in the mAb IN-1 animals but not in the controls. These findings demonstrate an unexpectedly high capacity of the adult central nervous system motor system to sprout and reorganize in a targeted and functionally meaningful way.