35 resultados para Microsporum
Ribosomal phosphoproteins of Microsporum canis labelled in vivo were characterised by two-dimensional and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A small subunit protein, S6, was the only phosphoprotein identified in 40S and 80S in basic-acidic two-dimensional gels. Three different forms of phosphorylated S6 were also observed in 40S subunit. On SDS gels five phosphoproteins were identified in 80S; of these three were present in 40S and two in 60S. S6 was the only basic phosphoprotein, while the other four were acidic.
The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.
The characteristics of an in vitro polyuridylic acid dependent amino acid incorporating system prepared from germinating macroconidia of Microsporum canis are described. The incorporation of 14C-phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine is dependent on S-30 extract, adenosine triphosphate, magnesium ions and polyuridylic acid. Incorporation is slightly enhanced by yeast transfer ribonucleic acid and pyruvate kinase. The system is highly sensitive to ribonuclease, puromycin and miconazole (an antifungal agent), moderately sensitive to sodium fluoride and much less sensitive to phenethylalcohol, cycloheximide, chloramphenicol and deoxyribonuclease. Cell-free extract from ungerminated conidia has less capacity to synthesize the protein and during germination a marked increase in the protein synthetic activity is observed. The results from experiments wherein ribosomes and S-100 fraction from germinated and ungerminated spores are interchanged, revealed that the defect in the extract from the ungerminated spore is in the ribosomes.
Native and derived ribosomal particles from the mycelial cells of Microsporum canis grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide were compared by CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. Since the buoyant densities of ribonucleoprotein complexes are dependent on the protein-RNA ratio, they reflect the composition of these particles. The native monosomes from cells grown in the presence and absence of cycloheximide had a buoyant density of 1.585 g/cc. The native 60S subunits showed a density of 1.540 g/cc from cells grown in both presence and absence of cycloheximide, while the derived subunits showed a density of 1.610 g/cc. The derived 40S subunits had a density of 1.550 g/cc while the native 40S showed a major species of density 1.535 g/cc with three other minor species ranging in densities from 1.450-1.390 g/cc. The mycelia grown in the presence of cycloheximide showed an increased proportion of native 40S subunits in the density range of 1.450-1.390 g/cc, indicating that the drug enhances factor binding to native ribosomal subunits in M. canis.
Comunica-se o quarto relato de infecção humana por Microsporum nanum (M. nanun) no Brasil. Trata-se de criança de 9 meses de idade, apresentando há um mês lesões cutâneas dorsais compatíveis com tinea corporis. As lesões foram frustas, regredindo espontaneamente após um mês. A investigação epidemiológica na área de origem do caso índice identificou suínos infectados por Microsporum nanum, sugerindo ser esta a fonte de infecção.
É comunicado o segundo caso de infecção humana por Microsporum nanum no Brasil. A investigação epidemiológica visando determinar a fonte de infecção não obteve sucesso. O padrão dermatológico das lesões foi o de Tinea corporis clássica.
The present study evaluated in vitro susceptibility testing of dermatophytes isolates from healthy cattle and soil samples against three antifungal agents and three topical veterinarian drugs. Itraconazole and terbinafine showed a higher in vitro fungicidal activity than fluconazole. The veterinarian drugs LEPECID (R) and iodine 5% were more active in vitro than the UNGUENTO (R) spray. All drugs showed fungicidal activity against Microsporum gypseum, and they may be considered as efficient agents for the topical treatment of dermatophytoses in cattle.
INTRODUCTION: Microsporum canis is the most common cause of canine and feline dermatophytosis and thus has an important zoonotic role. OBJECTIVES: the aim of this study was to determine the antifungal action of medicinal plant extracts and of eucalyptus oil against pathogenic fungus Microsporum canis. METHODS: the extracts were prepared by mixing 300 g of previously washed leaves with 450 mL of distilled water. Then the material was triturated, filtered, sterilized and conserved at 10 + 2 oC. Fifteen milliliters of sterilized medium Sabouraud dextrose (Difco) at a temperature of 55 + 1 oC was added in Petri dishes containing the extracts in one, two, three, four and five mm concentrations. The fungus was inoculated once the medium was solidified. The inoculated dishes were maintained in B.O.D. incubator at 36 ± 0,5 oC until the fungus developed in the controls. RESULTS: the extracts from Punica granatum, Mangifera indica and Eucalyptus spp reduced the growth of fungus, but the extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and Calendula spp leaves and flowers boosted the growth of fungus. The other extracts and the eucalyptus oil neither show any fungicidal action nor encourage mycelium growth. CONCLUSIONS: the use of most tested extracts and eucalyptus oil is not suitable for the treatment of Microsporum canis dermatophytosis due to lack of inhibitory effects. The extracts from Cymgopogom nardus, Tagetes minuta, Ruta graviolens, Cyperus rotundus, Annona moricata and from of Calendula spp leaves and flowers help the development of the fungus making clear that phytotherapy should be properly used, otherwise it can worsen the problem. However; extracts from Mangifera indica, Punica granatum and Eucalyptus spp. can be used as fungistatic.
A survey of Microsporum gypseum was conducted in soil samples in different geographical regions of Brazil. The isolation of dermatophyte from soil samples was performed by hair baiting technique and the species were identified by morphology studies. We analyzed 692 soil samples and the recuperating rate was 19.2%. The activities of keratinase and elastase were quantitatively performed in 138 samples. The sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA was performed in representatives samples. M. gypseum isolates showed significant quantitative differences in the expression of both keratinase and elastase, but no significant correlation was observed between these enzymes. The sequencing of the representative samples revealed the presence of two teleomorphic species of M. gypseum (Arthroderma gypseum and A. incurvatum). The enzymatic activities may play an important role in the pathogenicity and a probable adaptation of this fungus to the animal parasitism. Using the phenotypical and molecular analysis, the Microsporum identification and their teleomorphic states will provide a useful and reliable identification system.
A survey of Microsporum gypseum was conducted in soil samples in different geographical regions of Brazil. The isolation of dermatophyte from soil samples was performed by hair baiting technique and the species were identified by morphology studies. We analyzed 692 soil samples and the recuperating rate was 19.2%. The activities of keratinase and elastase were quantitatively performed in 138 samples. The sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA was performed in representatives samples. M. gypseum isolates showed significant quantitative differences in the expression of both keratinase and elastase, but no significant correlation was observed between these enzymes. The sequencing of the representative samples revealed the presence of two teleomorphic species of M. gypseum (Arthroderma gypseum and A. incurvatum). The enzymatic activities may play an important role in the pathogenicity and a probable adaptation of this fungus to the animal parasitism. Using the phenotypical and molecular analysis, the Microsporum identification and their teleomorphic states will provide a useful and reliable identification system.
N-[2-Naphthyl]-glycine hydrazide has been shown for the first time as a potent inhibitor of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (EC of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. At a concentration of 10 to the power -9 M, the compound shows maximum inhibition of the enzyme, the inhibition being less at higher concentrations. It is suggested that the novel type of inhibition pattern may be due to hydrophobic interactions occurring between the molecules of the compound at higher concentrations. The finding that there is a shift in the max of the compound could also account for this phenomenon. The effect of this compound was also tested on DNA-dependent RNA polymerases from an eukaryotic fungus, Microsporum canis. At a concentration of 10 to the power-9 M it inhibits RNA polymerase II (32 percent) but not RNA polymerases I and III.
Cycloheximide-ribosome interactions from sensitive and resistant organisms were studied by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. The two methyl resonances of cycloheximide upon interaction with ribosomes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed preferential broadening. Comparison of cycloheximide line broadening as effected by ribosomes from S. cerevisiae (sensitive) and Microsporum canis (resistant) revealed that less cycloheximide is bound to the M. canis ribosomes. From the decrease in line broadening observed with increasing temperature it may be concluded that cycloheximide-ribosome interaction is a fast exchange reaction. Tetracycline did not compete with cycloheximide for binding site(s) on the ribosomes of S. cerevisiae.
El presente estudio de caso, se realizó para la valoración de la presencia de la dermatofitosis en especies caninas, siendo las especies más comunes Microsporum y Trichopyton. El estudio se realizó en la Clínica “Emergencias Veterinarias” ubicada en el casco urbano de Managua” para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo se realizó el diagnóstico clínico tomando en cuenta el historial de los pacientes, sintomatología y lesiones: pústula, pápula, eritema, descamación, costra, alopecia, pelo quebradizo, foliculítis así como factores predisponente: factores ambientales, humedad, ph, edad, raza, sexo, individuo, realizando el diagnóstico por laboratorio en tres pacientes. Las muestras fueron remitidas al laboratorio veterinario con los siguientes estudios clínicos ; Raspado de piel por KoH al 10% Y 20%, determinaron la presencia de estructuras micóticas asociadas a hifas y levaduras en el caso N°1, estructuras asociadas a artrosporas e hifas en el caso N°2, y estructuras asociadas a hifas y levaduras en el caso N°3, además se realizó un control de crecimiento de contaminantes en agar Sabouraud con glucosa al 2%, donde se observó por caracterización macroscópica el crecimiento de contaminantes en mayor abundancia en el caso N°3. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se procesaron las muestras en Dermatofitos Test Medium (Urano Test Dermatofitos) donde se observó que el caso N°1 y caso N°3 dieron negativo a DTM, el caso N°2 resulto ser positivo y se prosiguió a la caracterización microscópica del agente por tinción de contraste, donde se identificó al Microsporum gypseum como el agente causal de la lesión y como factores predisponentes se verificaron los ambientales y la edad del paciente, la aplicación de tratamiento fue de forma tópico y sistémico a través de fungicida o fungistático , baño con clorhexidina y miconazol 1 vez a la semana por 6 semanas , ketoconazol en tableta a una dosis de 10 mg /kg/día por 30 días , dándola en la comida para conseguir un ph gástrico acido, regulador del sistema inmune (caseína) 1 tableta al día por 30 días, vitamina ADɜE intramuscular . Palabras claves: Canino; Dermatofitos; Microsporum; Trichophyton; Raspado de piel; Cultivo micotico.
Survey of Fungal infestation of some species of fish in Tagwai Dam Minna was carried out from March to June 2002. Fungi were isolated from the scale/skin, gills and fins. Twenty-one fungi species were identified from 18 species of fish microbial growth was measured by direct cell count using Stuart colony counter. Most of the fungi encountered were of the mould group and infestation occurred among all the species sampled. The infestation was predominantly by Aspergillus species and the scale/skin was most widely affected. The study showed the identified fungi in order of frequency to be as follows. Aspergillius niger. Rrhizopus spp. Mmucor spp Aspergilus flavum. Aspergillus parasitous. Aspergillus fumigatus, Microsporum canis. Penicillum virridicalumand Fusarium spp respectively. Aspergillus niger occurred on all the species of fish sampled. Barrilius spa and Chrysichrhy auratus longifilis had significantly higher (P<0.05) mean fungal load on their fins and gills. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the mean fungal load in different parts of the body of other fish species sampled