18 resultados para Microspores
Un enjeu actuel en biotechnologie est d’obtenir des plantes haploïdes doublées par la technique de la culture de microspores isolées (CMI). Pourtant, la CMI génère parfois une proportion importante de plantes albinos, laquelle peut atteindre 100 % chez certains cultivars. Des travaux antérieurs ont indiqué que des remaniements du génome chloroplastique seraient à l’origine de cet albinisme. Afin de mieux comprendre ce processus menant à l’albinisme, nous avons entrepris d’étudier l’intégrité du génome chloroplastique au sein de microspores d’orge et de plantes albinos via une approche de séquençage à grande échelle. L’ADN total extrait de microspores à un stade précoce de la CMI, d’une feuille de la plante-mère (témoin), et de feuilles albinos, a été séquencé et les séquences chloroplastiques ont été analysées. Ceci nous a permis de documenter pour la première fois une diminution de l’ADN chloroplastique chez les microspores. De plus une étude de variations structurales a démontré un abaissement généralisé de la quantité de génomes chloroplastiques chez les microspores. Enfin, d’importants remaniements du génome chloroplastique ont été observés chez les plantes albinos, révélant une forte abondance de génomes chloroplastiques altérés de forme linéaire.
Background: The male germline in flowering plants differentiates by asymmetric division of haploid uninucleated microspores, giving rise to a vegetative cell enclosing a smaller generative cell, which eventually undergoes a second mitosis to originate two sperm cells. The vegetative cell and the sperm cells activate distinct genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to control pollen tube growth and germ cell specification, respectively. Therefore, a comprehensive characterization of these processes relies on efficient methods to isolate each of the different cell types throughout male gametogenesis. Results: We developed stable transgenic Arabidopsis lines and reliable purification tools based on Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) in order to isolate highly pure and viable fractions of each cell/nuclei type before and after pollen mitosis. In the case of mature pollen, this was accomplished by expressing GFP and RFP in the sperm and vegetative nuclei, respectively, resulting in 99% pure sorted populations. Microspores were also purified by FACS taking advantage of their characteristic small size and autofluorescent properties, and were confirmed to be 98% pure. Conclusions: We provide simple and efficient FACS-based purification protocols for Arabidopsis microspores, vegetative nuclei and sperm cells. This paves the way for subsequent molecular analysis such as transcriptomics, DNA methylation analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation, in the developmental context of microgametogenesis in Arabidopsis.
Microspores are described from three representative rock samples from the Billefjorden sandstones of the lower Carboniferous of central Vestspitsbergen. The age of this series is considered to range from Tournaisian to at least Visean and perhaps Namurian. One new genus, Velosporites, and thirteen new species are erected. Several species are shown to resemble previously described Russian, Canadian and Scottish types.
Describes and discusses the stratigraphic value of dispersed microspores from Culm localities, particularly from three of the most complete sections of the Billefjorden sandstones in the region. Two successive microfloral assemblages are distinguished. Correlations can be made locally and with various zones of Europe and North America. One new genus and many new species are represented in the microfloras.
Sections of microspores, some cingulate, one zonate and one saccate, are discussed and illustrated. It is shown that sections aid the elucidation of wall structures; thus diagnoses can be more precisely written and this may eventually remove some classificatory difficulties. A sectioning technique is described.
Second part (and conclusion) of a paper on dispersed microspores from Culm (Carboniferous) localities, mainly in Billefjorden sandstones. Macroscopic lithologic data for samples are appended. "The present study lends considerable support to the view . . . that terrestrial sequences of lower Carboniferous age may be subdivided precisely on the exclusive basis of their microspore content.
Microsporogenesis and pollen development were analyzed in a tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) accession of the forage grass Brachiaria jubata (BRA 007820) from the Embrapa Beef Cattle Brachiaria collection that showed partial male sterility. Microsporocytes and pollen grains were prepared by squashing and staining with 0.5% propionic carmine. The meiotic process was typical of polyploids, with precocious chromosome migration to the poles and laggards in both meiosis I and II, resulting in tetrads with micronuclei in some microspores. After callose dissolution, microspores were released into the anther locule and appeared to be normal. Although each microspore initiated its differentiation into a pollen grain, in 11.1% of them nucleus polarization was not observed, i.e., pollen mitosis I was symmetric and the typical hemispherical cell plate was not detected. After a central cytokinesis, two equal-sized cells showing equal chromatin condensation and the same nuclear shape and size were formed. Generative cells and vegetative cells could not be distinguished. These cells did not undergo the second pollen mitosis and after completion of pollen wall synthesis each gave rise to a sterile and uninucleate pollen grain. The frequency of abnormal pollen mitosis varied among flowers and also among inflorescences. All plants were equally affected. The absence of fertile sperm cells in a considerable amount of pollen grains in this accession of B. jubata may compromise its use in breeding and could explain, at least in part, why seed production is low when compared with the amount of flowers per raceme.
Le gène Solanum chacoense Fertilization-Related Kinase 1 (ScFRK1) code pour une protéine de la famille des MAPKK kinases exprimée spécifiquement dans les ovules. Son transcrit s’accumule principalement dans la zone micropylaire du sac embryonnaire à l’anthèse et diminue rapidement après pollinisation. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle possible avant ou pendant la fécondation. Bien qu'aucune expression ne soit détectée dans le pollen à maturité, la protéine est cependant présente dans les cellules mères de microspores. Des plantes transgéniques sous-exprimant ScFRK1 ne montrent aucun phénotype au niveau des tissus végétatifs, mais présentent de petits fruits dépourvus de graines. L’étude microscopique du gamétophyte femelle révèle que son développement ne progresse pas au-delà du stade de la mégaspore fonctionnelle et une grande proportion de sacs embryonnaires anormaux est corrélée avec une faible expression de ScFRK1. De plus, la production de pollen viable diminue en fonction de la baisse des niveaux d’expression du gène, ce qui pourrait s’expliquer par un problème au cours de la mitose I. Puisque l’intégrité du sac embryonnaire est essentielle au guidage des tubes polliniques, nous avons conçu un système de guidage semi-in vivo permettant d’évaluer la capacité des ovules du mutant ScFRK1 à les attirer. L’attraction est sévèrement affectée dans de telles conditions, ce qui confirme l'implication des cellules de la zone micropylaire comme source attractive. Notre système nous a également permis de démontrer que le guidage est très spécifique à l’espèce et que cette attraction constitue un mécanisme important favorisant la spéciation et la maintenance des barrières interspécifiques dans la reproduction sexuée des végétaux.
A eficiência da técnica de cultura de anteras, em escala comercial, ainda pode ser considerada baixa quando medida em número de plantas duplo-haplóides férteis obtidas para cada antera estabelecida in vitro. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho é pioneiro no estudo detalhado da embriogênese in vitro do micrósporo e do grão de pólen de cevada (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare). Com o objetivo de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da técnica de cultura de anteras foi analisada a embriogênese, com especial ênfase na etapa da indução, através de análises citológicas e histológicas de anteras cultivadas in vitro. Foram analisadas uma cultivar brasileira de cevada, em comparação com linhagens de duas outras cultivares brasileiras, que foram selecionadas, por seleção divergente para maior ou para menor resposta na indução da rota embriogênica e, respectivamente, para menor ou para maior capacidade de regenerar plântulas verdes. Somente foram estabelecidas em cultivo in vitro as anteras que apresentaram micrósporos e pólens jovens, das linhagens selecionadas da cultivar A-05 (S3A22 e S3A23), e da cultivar BR-2(S3B63 e, apenas na cultura de anteras, S3B61), bem como da cultivar MN-599 (nãoselecionada). Para as análises histológicas, foram fixadas, a cada dois dias, duas anteras, correspondentes a cada fileira da mesma espiga, após o início do cultivo in vitro. As anteras em cultivo e respectivas estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em FAA 50%, desidratadas em série etílica e incluídas em hidroxietilmetacrilato. Os blocos de resina polimerizada foram secionados longitudinalmente com 3 mm de espessura. Para as análises citológicas foram fixadas, de cada espiga recém-coletada, três espiguetas sendo uma da base, outra do meio e outra do ápice. Após o pré-tratamento à baixa temperatura (5 °C), porém antes do cultivo in vitro, foram fixadas três anteras (amostras utilizadas como controles). A cada três dias, durante o cultivo, três anteras foram fixadas (até 18 dias). As anteras em cultivo e estruturas multicelulares foram fixadas em Farmer e FAA 50%, transferidas após 24 horas para etanol 70%. Na cultura in vitro das anteras houve diferenças entre uma das linhagens da cultivar A-05 em relação a cultivar MN- 599, na produção inicial de estruturas embriogênicas, diferença que desapareceu na produção total. Entretanto, houve diferenças na formação dos xiii embriões: a cv.MN-599 formou embriões bem diferenciados ao passo que a linhagem S3A22 produziu um número aparentemente menor, sendo que os embriões não eram bem diferenciados. A linhagem S3B63 não apresentou embriões até o final da análise histológica. Considerando que a amostra dessa linhagem, mantida em cultura, formou plantas verdes, pode-se propor que a formação de embriões deve ocorrer posteriormente ao desenvolvimento da cv.MN-599. Cabe destacar que houve diferenças significativas entre as cultivares A-05 e BR-2 quanto à regeneração de plântulas verdes. Esses resultados indicam ter havido maior eficiência da seleção em relação à etapa da regeneração. Com relação às categorias classificatórias dos micrósporos e grãos de pólen, constatou-se que desde o início da análise histológica (2o dia de cultivo in vitro) até o final (34o dia), foram observados micrósporos, o mesmo tendo sido observado na análise citológica. Os grãos de pólen multinucleados ocorreram praticamente em todo o período de cultivo in vitro, em ambas análises; não ocorrendo nos controles da citologia (antes do cultivo); os multinucleados foram observados a partir do 3o dia, enquanto que os multicelulares a partir do 4o dia de cultivo. As estruturas multicelulares foram observadas a partir do 8o dia. A quantidade e o tamanho das estruturas multicelulares foram variáveis ao longo da análise histológica, sendo que do 14o ao 20o dia foram encontradas as de maiores dimensões, resultantes da proliferação celular por mitoses sucessivas. A partir do 22o dia (cultivar MN- 599), a ocorrência de estruturas multicelulares no interior dos lóculos da antera diminuiu, predominando o processo de proliferação externo às anteras. Para as linhagens, a partir do 18o dia foram observadas estruturas multicelulares liberadas das anteras. A análise das estruturas multicelulares permitiu classificá-las em quatro categorias: 1. SFD: Sem forma definida; 2. MAC: meristema apical caulinar; 3. MAR: meristema apical radical embrionário adventício; e 4. Embriões. As estruturas amorfas apareceram em maior número, quando comparadas com as outras categorias. Em síntese: as linhagens selecionadas e a cultivar diferiram não apenas no tempo necessário para a formação dos embriões, mas também no desenvolvimento dos mesmos, que foi mais diferenciado na cultivar MN-599, porém sendo observados mais cedo na linhagem S3A22 e S3A23, do que na cultivar MN-599.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pollen abortion occurs in virtually all species and often does not prejudice reproductive success. However, large numbers of abnormal pollen grains are characteristic of some groups. Among them is Miconia, in which partial and complete male sterility is often related to apomixis. In this study, we compared the morphology of pollen grains over several developmental stages in Miconia species with different rates of male sterility. Our aim was to improve the knowledge of mechanisms that lead to male sterility in this ecologically important tropical group. Routine techniques for microscopy were used to examine anthers in several developmental stages collected from the apomictic species Miconia albicans and M. stenostachya. Both species are completely male sterile since even the pollen grains with apparently normal cytoplasm were not able to develop a pollen tube. Meiosis is a rare event in M. albicans anthers and happens in an irregular way in M. stenostachya, leading to the pollen abortion. M. albicans has more severe abnormalities than M. stenostachya since even the microspores and pollen grain walls were affected. Moreover, in M. stenostachya, most mitosis occurring during microgametogenesis was also abnormal, leading to the formation of bicellular pollen grains with two similar cells, in addition to the formation of pollen grains of different sizes. Notably, abnormalities in both species did not reach the production of Ubisch bodies, suggesting little or no tapetum involvement in male sterility in these two species.
The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.
During spermiogenesis in the water fern, Marsilea vestita, basal bodies are synthesized de novo in cells that lack preexisting centrioles, in a particle known as a blepharoplast. We have focused on basal body assembly in this organism, asking what components are required for blepharoplast formation. Spermiogenesis is a rapid process that is activated by placing dry microspores into water. Dry microspores contain large quantities of stored protein and stored mRNA, and inhibitors reveal that certain proteins are translated from stored transcripts at specific times during development. Centrin translation accompanies blepharoplast appearance, while β-tubulin translation occurs later, during axonemal formation. In asking whether centrin is an essential component of the blepharoplast, we used antisense, sense, and double-stranded RNA probes made from the Marsilea centrin cDNA, MvCen1, to block centrin translation. We employed a novel method to introduce these RNAs directly into the cells. Antisense and sense both arrest spermiogenesis when blepharoplasts should appear, and dsRNA made from the same cDNA is an effective inhibitor at concentrations at least 10 times lower than either of the single-stranded RNA used in these experiments. Blepharoplasts are undetectable and basal bodies fail to form. Antisense, sense, and dsRNA probes made from Marsilea β-tubulin permitted normal development until axonemes form. In controls, antisense, sense, and dsRNA, made from a segment of HIV, had no effect on spermiogenesis. Immunoblots suggest that translational blocks induced by centrin-based RNA are gene specific and concentration dependent, since neither β-tubulin- nor HIV-derived RNAs affects centrin translation. The disruption of centrin translation affects microtubule distributions in spermatids, since centrin appears to control formation of the cytoskeleton and motile apparatus. These results show that centrin plays an essential role in the formation of a motile apparatus during spermiogenesis of M. vestita.
In higher plants, dominant mitochondrial mutations are associated with pollen sterility. This phenomenon is known as cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). It is thought that the disruption in pollen development is a consequence of mitochondrial dysfunction. To provide definitive evidence that expression of an abnormal mitochondrial gene can interrupt pollen development, a CMS-associated mitochondrial DNA sequence from common bean, orf239, was introduced into the tobacco nuclear genome. Several transformants containing the orf239 gene constructs, with or without a mitochondrial targeting sequence, exhibited a semi sterile or male-sterile phenotype. Expression of the gene fusions in transformed anthers was confirmed using RNA gel blotting, ELISA, and light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Immunocytological analysis showed that the ORF239 protein could associate with the cell wall of aberrant developing microspores. This pattern of extracellular localization was earlier observed in the CMS common bean line containing orf239 in the mitochondrial genome. Results presented here demonstrate that ORF239 causes pollen disruption in transgenic tobacco plants and may do so without targeting of the protein to the mitochondrion.