13 resultados para Microheterogeneity
A comparison of kDNA restriction-endonuclease fragment patterns from strains representing selected Endotrypanum zymodemes was done by schizodeme analysis. As the degree of heterogeneity within mini-circles varied among species or strains of Endotrypanum, the fingerprint obtained with each of the restriction enzymes was unique for each of these parasites. The data have revealed that this trypanosomatid genus is much more complex than it was originally thought to be.
The flavoprotein (R)-(+)-mandelonitrile lyase (MDL; EC, which plays a key role in cyanogenesis in rosaceous stone fruits, occurs in black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) homogenates as several closely related isoforms. Biochemical and molecular biological methods were used to investigate MDL microheterogeneity and function in this species. Three novel MDL cDNAs of high sequence identity (designated MDL2, MDL4, and MDL5) were isolated. Like MDL1 and MDL3 cDNAs (Z. Hu, J.E. Poulton [1997] Plant Physiol 115: 1359–1369), they had open reading frames that predicted a flavin adenine dinucleotide-binding site, multiple N-glycosylation sites, and an N-terminal signal sequence. The N terminus of an MDL isoform purified from seedlings matched the derived amino acid sequence of the MDL4 cDNA. Genomic sequences corresponding to the MDL1, MDL2, and MDL4 cDNAs were obtained by polymerase chain reaction amplification of genomic DNA. Like the previously reported mdl3 gene, these genes are interrupted at identical positions by three short, conserved introns. Given their overall similarity, we conclude that the genes mdl1, mdl2, mdl3, mdl4, and mdl5 are derived from a common ancestral gene and constitute members of a gene family. Genomic Southern-blot analysis showed that this family has approximately eight members. Northern-blot analysis using gene-specific probes revealed differential expression of the genes mdl1, mdl2, mdl3, mdl4, and mdl5.
Cadmium is known to be a toxic agent that accumulates in the living organisms and present high toxicity potential over lifetime. Efforts towards the development of methods for microanalysis of environmental samples, including the determination of this element by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) techniques, have been increasing. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (UBS) is an emerging technique dedicated to microanalysis and there is a lack of information dealing with the determination of cadmium. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of LIBS for cadmium detection in soils. The experimental setup was designed using a laser Q-switched (Nd:YAG, 10 Hz, lambda = 1064 nm) and the emission signals were collimated by lenses into an optical fiber Coupled to a high-resolution intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD)-echelle spectrometer. Samples were cryogenically ground and thereafter pelletized before LIBS analysis. Best results were achieved by exploring a test portion (i.e. sampling spots) with larger surface area, which contributes to diminish the uncertainty due to element specific microheterogeneity. Calibration curves for cadmium determination were achieved using certified reference materials. The metrological figures of merit indicate that LIBS can be recommended for screening of cadmium contamination in soils. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S-RNases are the stylar products of the self-incompatibility (S)-locus in solanaceous plants (including Nicotiana alata), and as such, are involved in the prevention of self-pollination. All cDNA sequences of S-RNase products of functional S-alleles contain potential N-glycosylation sites, with one site being conserved in all cases, suggesting that N-glycosylation is important in self-incompatibility. In this study, we report on the structure and localization of the N-glycans on the S-7-allele RNase of N, alata, A total of nine N-glycans, belonging to the high-mannose- and xylosylated hybrid-classes, were identified and characterized by a combination of electrospray-ionization mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS), H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and methylation analyses. The glycosylation pattern of individual glycosylation sites was determined by ESI-MS of the glycans released from isolated chymotryptic glycopeptides, All three N-glycosylation sites showed microheterogeneity and each had a unique complement of N-glycans, The N-glycosylation pattern of the S-7-RNase is significantly different to those of the S-1- and S-2-RNases.
Alpha1-Acid glycoprotein (AAG) or orosomucoid was purified to homogeneity from human plasma by a separate two-step method using chromatography on immobilized Cibacron Blue F3G-A to cross-linked agarose and chromatography on hydroxyapatite. The conditions for the pre-purification of AAG by chromatography on immobilized Cibacron Blue F3G-A were first optimized using different buffer systems with different pH values. The overall yield of the combined techniques was 80% and ca. 12 mg of AAG were purified from an initial total amount of ca. 15 mg in a ca. 40 ml sample of human plasma. This method was applied to the purification of AAG samples corresponding to the three main phenotypes of the protein (FI*S/A, F1/A and S/A), from individual human plasma previously phenotyped for AAG. A study by isoelectric focusing with carrier ampholytes showed that the microheterogeneity of the purified F1*S/A, F1/A and S/A AAG samples was similar to that of AAG in the corresponding plasma, thus suggesting that no apparent desialylation of the glycoprotein occurred during the purification steps. This method was also applied to the purification of AAG samples corresponding to rare phenotypes of the protein (F1/A*AD, S/A*X0 and F1/A*C1) and the interactions of these variants with immobilized copper(II) ions were then studied at pH 7, by chromatography on an iminodiacetate Sepharose-Cu(II) gel. It was found that the different variants encoded by the first of the two genes coding for AAG in humans (i.e. the F1 and S variants) interacted non-specifically with the immobilized ligand, whereas those encoded by the second gene of AAG (i.e. the A, AD, X0 and C1 variants) strongly bound to immobilized Cu(II) ions. These results suggested that chromatography on an immobilized affinity Cu(II) adsorbent could be helpful to distinguish between the respective products of the two highly polymorphic genes which code for human AAG.
The 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene has been sequenced in strains of the fish pathogens Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (ATCC 33539) and subsp. piscicida (ATCC 29690), showing that 3 nucleotide positions are clearly different between subspecies. In addition, the 5S rRNA gene plus the intergenic spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes (ITS-2) were amplified, cloned and sequenced for the 2 reference strains as well as the field isolates RG91 (subsp. damselae) and DI21 (subsp. piscicida). A 100% similarity was found for the consensus 5S rRNA gene sequence in the 2 subspecies, although some microheterogeneity was detected as inter-cistronic variability within the same chromosome. Sequence analysis of the spacer region between the 23S and 5S rRNA genes revealed 2 conserved and 3 variable nucleotide sequence blocks, and 4 different modular organizations were found. The ITS-2 spacer region exhibited both inter-subspecies and inter-cistronic polymorphism, with a mosaic-like structure. The EMBL accession numbers for the 23S, 5S and ITS-2 sequences are: P. damselae subsp. piscicida 5S gene (AJ274379), P. damselae subsp. damselae 23S gene (Y18520), subsp. piscicida 23S gene (Y17901), R damselae subsp. piscicida ITS-2 (AJ250695, AJ250696), P. damselae subsp. damselae ITS-2 (AJ250697, AJ250698).
Puroindoline proteins were purified from selected UK-grown hexaploid wheats. Their identities were confirmed on the basis of capillary electrophoresis mobilities, relative molecular mass and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Only one form of puroindoline-a protein was found in those varieties, regardless of endosperm texture. Three allelic forms of puroindoline-b protein were identified. Nucleotide sequencing of cDNA produced by RT-PCR of isolated mRNA indicated that these were the 'wild-type', found in soft wheats, puroindoline-b containing a Gly -> Ser amino acid substitution (position 46) and puroindoline-b containing a Trp -> Arg substitution (position 44). The latter two were found in hard wheats. Microheterogeneity, due to short extensions and/or truncations at the N-terminus and C-terminus, was detected for both puroindoline-a and puroindoline-b. The type of microheterogeneity observed was more consistent for puroindoline-a than for puroindoline-b, and may arise through slightly different post-translational processing pathways. A puroindoline-b allele corresponding to a Leu -> Pro substitution (position 60) was identified from the cDNA sequence of the hard variety Chablis, but no mature puroindoline-b protein was found in this or two other European varieties known to possess this puroindoline-b allele. Wheats possessing the puroindoline-b proteins with point mutations appeared to contain lower amounts of puroindoline protein. Such wheats have a hard endosperm texture, as do wheats from which puroindoline-a or puroindoline-b are absent. Our results suggest that point mutations in puroindoline-b genes may confer hard endosperm texture through accumulation of allelic forms of puroindoline-b proteins with altered functional properties and/or through lower amounts of puroindoline proteins.
Buffalo erythrocytes contain one isozyme of hexokinase that apparently lacks microheterogeneity as shown by chromatographic properties. A single protein band was detected by means of Western blotting using an antibody raised in rabbits against homogeneous rat brain hexokinase I. The native protein has a molecular weight of 200,000 +/- 2880 by gel filtration. Partial purification of erythrocyte hexokinase by a combination of several procedures, including affinity chromatography, which was previously applied successfully to the purifica tion of other mammalian type I hexokinases, produced a partially purified enzyme that showed several contami nants after SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The affinity of buffalo erythrocyte hexokinase for glucose (K-m = 0.012 +/- 0.001 mM) is lower than most other mammal hexokinases type I. It phosphorylates other sugars, with considerably higher K-m values. This isozyme is able to use MgATP but does not use MgGTP, MgCTP or MgUTP. We used inhibition patterns, obtained with products to elucidate enzyme sequential mechanisms. Our results are clearly in agreement with a random sequential mechanism and in disagreement with an ordered sequential mechanism with either glucose or ATP as the obligatory first substrates. The ADP inhibition was of mixed type with both ATP and glucose as substrates. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.
Myoglobin from the burrowing reptile Amphisbaena alba: concentrations and functional characteristics
1. 1. Myoglobin from the subterranean reptile Amphisbaena alba was isolated for measurement of concentrations and physico-chemical properties. 2. 2. The concentrations (averaging 12.1 mg.g-1 wet weight in the temporal muscles and 5.8-6.0 in the muscles that motivate the wedge-shaped head which forms the burrowing tool) far exceed those earlier reported for reptiles and other terrestrial vertebrates. 3. 3. The myoglobin has a low O2 affinity compared to mammals (P50 = 2mmHg at 25°C). In the presence of the same myoglobin O2 tension as in mammals this appears to favour similar in vivo O2 saturations at the lower reptilian body temperature. 4. 4. The temperature sensitivity of P50 reflect a heat of oxygenation, ΔH near -13 kcal· mol-1. The myoglobin is monomeric and thus lacks cooperativity in O2 binding and there is no Bohr effect. 5. 5. The pattern of microheterogeneity is similar to that of myoglobin of terrestrial vertebrates but different to aquatic mammals and reptiles. The major and two minor components exhibit very similar O2 affinities. 6. 6. The concentrations and oxygen-binding characteristics of Amphisbaena myoglobin are discussed with regard to the flow of O2 to the mitochondria during digging activity in hypoxic burrow environments. © 1981.
Introduzione: Le catene N-linked associate al principale sito di N-glicosilazione (Asn297) delle IgG sono di tipo bi-antennario e presentano una grande microeterogeneità in quanto una o entrambe le antenne possono terminare con uno o due residui di acido sialico, galattosio o N-acetilglucosammina ed essere core-fucosilate. Nell’invecchiamento e in malattie infiammatorie aumenta la percentuale di glicani associati alle catene pesanti delle IgG privi del galattosio terminale (IgG-G0). La glicosilazione enzimatica delle proteine è classicamente un processo intracellulare, sebbene recenti studi abbiano messo in evidenza la possibilità di una glicosilazione ecto-cellulare in quanto le piastrine sono ottimi donatori di nucleotidi-zuccheri. Scopo: Misurare le attività delle glicosiltrasferasi ST6Gal1 e B4GalT plasmatiche (potenzialmente responsabili della glicosilazione di proteine plasmatiche) in soggetti di entrambi i sessi e di età compresa tra 5 e 105 anni e correlarle con lo stato di glicosilazione di IgG circolanti (analizzato mediante lectin-blot) e il GlycoAge test, un noto marcatore di invecchiamento, espresso come il logaritmo del rapporto tra gli N-glicani agalattosilati e di-galattosilati associati a glicoproteine plasmatiche. Risultati e conclusioni: I dati ottenuti indicano che: 1) l’attività B4GalT si propone come nuovo marcatore di invecchiamento perché aumenta linearmente con l’età; 2) la ST6Gal1 è maggiormente espressa solo nei bambini e negli over 80; 3) le attività delle due glicosilatransferasi non risultano correlate in modo significativo né tra loro né con il GlycoAge test, indicando che questi tre marcatori siano espressioni di diversi quadri fisio-patologici legati all’invecchiamento; 4) con l’età si ha una predominanza di glicoforme di IgG pro-infiammatorie, ovvero prive dell’acido sialico, del galattosio terminali e del core fucose; 5) l’attività della ST6Gal1 e B4GalT risultano in controtendenza con il grado di sialilazione e galattosilazione delle IgG, indicando quindi che la loro glicosilazione non avviene a livello extracellulare.
Quiescent human B cells are postulated to go through activation and proliferation phases before undergoing differentiative phase for immunoglobulin secretion. The present studies address some of the aspects of activation and proliferation phase of normal human B cells. The definitions of signals responsible for B cell activation and proliferation resulted in the development of a highly specific, reproducible B cell growth factor (BCGF) assay. This BCGF bioassay utilizes activation by rabbit anti-human IgM-antibody. The functional specificity of this assay for measuring BCGF activity was demonstrated by the finding that target B cells proliferated but did not differentiate. The factor specificity was determined by specific absorption of BCGF by anti-IgM activated B cells. This assay was utilized for the studies of T-B cell collaboration and the essential function of monocytes in the production and/or release of B cell growth factor in a syngeneic in vitro system. It is apparent that highly purified T cells are poor producers of BCGF by themselves and require monocytes to secrete significant quantities of BCGF upon PHA stimulation. Macrophage soluble factor, Interleukin 1, is capable of replacing monocyte function for the release of BCGF by activated T cells. In our studies, B cells are incapable to function as accessory cells to replace monocyte function. Normal B cells are also not capable of producing BCGF under our experimental observations. However, the addition of these B cells at an optimum cell density (T:B ratio 1:1) doubles the monocyte dependent release of BCGF by syngeneic T cells. The augmentative role of B cells is expanded to understand the mechanism of BCGF release by T cells. It is observed from our studies that DR antigen of B cell surface is involved in the release of BCGF. The functional difference between DR of B cells and monocytes is observed as IL-1 could replace DR-treated monocytes whereas failed to replace DR-treated B cells for the release of BCGF by T cells. This functional difference may be attributed to the reported microheterogeneity in DR of B cells and monocytes. The addition of irradiated B cells increased the monocyte dependent T cell proliferation, suggesting the increase of T cell pool for BCGF release. In summary, the development of a biological assay specific for B cell growth factor led to the delineation of an interesting role of B cells in the release of its own growth factor by T cells. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^
Orosomucoid (ORM) or alpha-1 acid glycoprotein is an acute phase protein of human plasma whose function is suggested to be the competitive inhibition of cellular recognition by infective agents. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) and immunoblotting have been combined and optimum conditions have been determined for reliable classification of different ORM phenotypes. Addition of 6 M urea in an IEF gel revealed additional microheterogeneity in the ORM system which has not been previously reported. 1,667 individuals from different native ethnic groups of North and South America, Africa and New Guinea have been screened to determine the distribution of ORM alleles. Two common alleles, ORM1*1 and ORM1*2 have been observed and their frequencies were determined. Genetically independent variation consistent with expression of the ORM2 locus was observed in American and African blacks but was not observed in other sampled populations. The population allele frequencies for this new locus were 0.958, 0.025, 0.006, 0.011, for alleles ORM2*1, ORM2*2, ORM2*3, ORM2*4, respectively. Family studies confirm the autosomal codominant inheritance of the phenotypes observed at both ORM loci. ^
Background: A natural glycoprotein usually exists as a spectrum of glycosylated forms, where each protein molecule may be associated with an array of oligosaccharide structures. The overall range of glycoforms can have a variety of different biophysical and biochemical properties, although details of structure–function relationships are poorly understood, because of the microheterogeneity of biological samples. Hence, there is clearly a need for synthetic methods that give access to natural and unnatural homogeneously glycosylated proteins. The synthesis of novel glycoproteins through the selective reaction of glycosyl iodoacetamides with the thiol groups of cysteine residues, placed by site-directed mutagenesis at desired glycosylation sites has been developed. This provides a general method for the synthesis of homogeneously glycosylated proteins that carry saccharide side chains at natural or unnatural glycosylation sites. Here, we have shown that the approach can be applied to the glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin, an important therapeutic glycoprotein with three sites of N-glycosylation that are essential for in vivo biological activity. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins