73 resultados para Microcomputers.


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The objective of this paper is to discuss some hardware and software features of an experimental network of 8080 and 8085 microcomputers named Micronet. The interprocessor communication in the ring network is established using ring interfaces consisting of universal synchronous-asynchronous receivers-transmitters (USARTs). Another aspect considered is the interfacing of an 8080 microcomputer to a PDP-11/35 minicomputer and the development of the software for the microcomputer-minicomputer link which has been established over a serial line using the USART interface of the microcomputer and the DZ11 module of the minicomputer. This is useful in developing a host-satellite configuration of microcomputers and the minicomputer.


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An important question which has to be answered in evaluting the suitability of a microcomputer for a control application is the time it would take to execute the specified control algorithm. In this paper, we present a method of obtaining closed-form formulas to estimate this time. These formulas are applicable to control algorithms in which arithmetic operations and matrix manipulations dominate. The method does not require writing detailed programs for implementing the control algorithm. Using this method, the execution times of a variety of control algorithms on a range of 16-bit mini- and recently announced microcomputers are calculated. The formulas have been verified independently by an analysis program, which computes the execution time bounds of control algorithms coded in Pascal when they are run on a specified micro- or minicomputer.


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Information technology research over the past two decades suggests that the installation and use of computers fundamentally affects the structure and function of organisations and, m particular, the workers in these organizations. Following the release of the IBM Personal Computer in 1982, microcomputers have become an integral part of most work environments. The accounting services industry, in particular, has felt the impact of this ‘microcomputer revolution’. In Big Six accounting firms, there is almost one microcomputer for each professional accountant employed, Notwithstanding this, little research has been done on the effect of microcomputers on the work outcomes of professional accountants working in these firms. This study addresses this issue. It assesses, in an organisational setting, how accountant’ perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of microcomputers act on their computer anxieties, microcomputer attitudes and use to affect their job satisfaction and job performance. The research also examines how different types of human-computer interfaces affect the relationships between accountants' beliefs about microcomputer utility and ease of use, computer anxiety, microcomputer attitudes and microcomputer use. To attain this research objective, a conceptual model was first developed, The model indicates that work outcomes (job satisfaction and job performance) of professional accountants using microcomputers are influenced by users' perceptions of ease of use and usefulness of microcomputers via paths through (a) the level of computer anxiety experienced by users, (b) the general attitude of users toward using microcomputers, and (c) the extent to which microcomputers are used by individuals. Empirically testable propositions were derived from the model to test the postulated relationships between these constructs. The study also tested whether or not users of different human-computer interfaces reacted differently to the perceptions and anxieties they hold about microcomputers and their use in the workplace. It was argued that users of graphical interfaces, because of the characteristics of those interfaces, react differently to their perceptions and anxieties about microcomputers compared with users of command-line (or textual-based) interfaces. A passive-observational study in a field setting was used to test the model and the research propositions. Data was collected from 164 professional accountants working in a Big Six accounting firm in a metropolitan city in Australia. Structural equation modelling techniques were used to test the, hypothesised causal relationships between the components comprising the general research model. Path analysis and ordinary least squares regression was used to estimate the parameters of the model and analyse the data obtained. Multisample analysis (or stacked model analysis) using EQS was used to test the fit of the model to the data of the different human-computer interface groups and to estimate the parameters for the paths in those different groups. The results show that the research model is a good description of the data. The job satisfaction of professional accountants is directly affected by their attitude toward using microcomputers and by microcomputer use itself. However, job performance appears to be only directly affected by microcomputer attitudes. Microcomputer use does not directly affect job performance. Along with perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, computer anxiety is shown to be an important determinant of attitudes toward using microcomputers - higher levels of computer anxiety negatively affect attitudes toward using microcomputers. Conversely, higher levels of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness heighten individuals' positive attitudes toward using microcomputers. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness also indirectly affect microcomputer attitudes through their effect on computer anxiety. The results show that higher levels of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness result in lower levels of computer anxiety. A surprising result from the study is that while perceived ease of use is shown to directly affect the level of microcomputer usage, perceived usefulness and attitude toward using microcomputers does not. The results of the multisample analysis confirm that the research model fits the stacked model and that the stacked model is a significantly better fit if specific parameters are allowed to vary between the two human-computer interface user groups. In general, these results confirm that an interaction exists between the type of human-computer interface (the variable providing the grouping) and the other variables in the model The results show a clear difference between the two groups in the way in which perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness affect microcomputer attitude. In the case of users of command-line interfaces, these variables appear to affect microcomputer attitude via an intervening variable, computer anxiety, whereas in the graphical interface user group the effect occurs directly. Related to this, the results show that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have a significant direct effect on computer anxiety in command-line interface users, but no effect at all for graphical interface users. Of the two exogenous variables only perceived ease of use, and that in the case of the command-line interface users, has a direct significant effect on extent of use of microcomputers. In summary, the research has contributed to the development of a theory of individual adjustment to information technology in the workplace. It identifies certain perceptions, anxieties and attitudes about microcomputers and shows how they may affect work outcomes such as job satisfaction and job performance. It also shows that microcomputer-interface types have a differential effect on some of the hypothesised relationships represented in the general model. Future replication studies could sample a broader cross-section of the microcomputer user community. Finally, the results should help Big Six accounting firms to maximise the benefits of microcomputer use by making them aware of how working with microcomputers affects job satisfaction and job performance.


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Includes bibliography


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Contiene objetivos, conclusiones y recomendaciones de la Reunion sobre Microcomputacion y Sistemas de Informacion Documentales en America Latina: Problemas, Experiencias y Proyecciones. Incluye ademas, lista de participantes y de siglas de instituciones, redes de informacion y paquetes de programas; resumenes de trabajos presentados; caracteristicas de paquetes de programas revisados y lista de documentos presentados.


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Informe del Taller de capacitacion en el uso de computadoras para bibliotecas y administracion de informacion a los bibliotecarios de los puntos focales de la Red Caribena de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CARSTIN).


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Through this workshop, database experts from the various ministries and the Central Statistical Office (CSO) were introduced to the CREATE and PROCESS modules of the REDATAM software, which could be used for database creation and analysis of data. This workshop was the second in a series of workshops aimed at promoting human-resource and capacity-building at the national and regional levels in the use of the REDATAM software. It also served as a qualifier for a follow-up workshop on the use of the web-publishing application of the software to be held in 2010.


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This work aims at presenting a no-break system for microcomputers using ultracapacitors in replacement of the conventional chemical batteries. We analyzed the most relevant data about average power consumption of microcomputers, electrical and mechanical characteristics of ultracapacitors and operation of no-break power circuits, to propose a configuration capable of working properly with a microcomputer switching mode power supply. Our solution was a sixteen-component ultracapacitor bank, with a total capacitance of 350 F and voltage of 10.8 V, adequate to integrate a low-capacity no-break system, capable of feeding a load of 180 Wh, during 75 s. Our proposed no-break increases the reliability of microcomputers by reducing the probability of user data losses, in case of a power grid failure, offering, so, a high benefit-cost ratio. The replacement of the battery by ultracapacitors allows a quick no-break recharge and low maintenance costs, since these modern components have a lifetime longer than the batteries. Moreover, this solution reduces the environmental impact and eliminates the constant recharge of the energy storage device.


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In this chapter we are going to develop some aspects of the implementation of the boundary element method (BEM)in microcomputers. At the moment the BEM is established as a powerful tool for problem-solving and several codes have been developed and maintained on an industrial basis for large computers. It is also well known that one of the more attractive features of the BEM is the reduction of the discretization to the boundary of the domain under study. As drawbacks, we found the non-bandedness of the final matrix, wich is a full asymmetric one, and the computational difficulties related to obtaining the integrals which appear in the influence coefficients. Te reduction in dimensionality is crucial from the point of view of microcomputers, and we believe that it can be used to obtain competitive results against other domain methods. We shall discuss two applications in this chapter. The first one is related to plane linear elastostatic situations, and the second refers to plane potential problems. In the first case we shall present the classical isoparametric BEM approach, using linear elements to represent both the geometry and the variables. The second case shows how to implement a p-adaptive procedure using the BEM. This latter case has not been studied until recently, and we think that the future of the BEM will be related to its development and to the judicious exploitation of the graphics capabilities of modern micros. Some examples will be included to demonstrate the kind of results that can be expected and sections of printouts will show useful details of implementation. In order to broaden their applicability, these printouts have been prepared in Basic, although no doubt other languages may be more appropiate for effective implementation.


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"January 1983"--Technical report documentation page.