999 resultados para Microbial flora


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Diarrhoea is a common complication observed in critically ill patients. Relationships between diarrhoea, enteral nutrition and aerobic intestinal microflora have been disconnectedly examined in this patient cohort. This research used a two-study, observational design to examine these associations. Higher diarrhoea incidence rates were observed when patients received enteral tube feeding, had abnormal serum blood results, received multiple medications and had aerobic microflora dysbiosis. Further, significant aerobic intestinal microflora changes were observed over time in patients who experienced diarrhoea. These results establish a platform for further work to improve the intestinal health of critically ill patients.


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Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) was carried out from gastro intestinal tract of beluga and Persian sturgeon at international sturgeon research institute and PCR has been used for bacteria Identification. Two species of LAB including Enterococcus seriolicida and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were isolated from Gastrointestinal tract (GI) of persian sturgeon in this study and the counts of Leu. mesenteroides (4.63×102 CFU/gr of GI) was significantly higher than other species. Lactobacillus curvatus, Lactococcus raffinolactis, Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus sp. were also isolated from GI of beluga and maximum counts was belonged to Lb. curvatus (4.63×102 CFU/gr of GI) in this species. Dominant species were lyophilized and adding to the water since start of mix feeding of sturgeon with different counts including 2×109, 5×109 and 9×109 CFU/gr of live food, 4 times a day. The results revealed that the maximum and minimum growth rate and protease, amylase, and lipase activity in beluga was gained by using of Lb. curvatus with total viable count of 9×10 9 CFU/gr of live food and Leu. mesenteroides with total viable count of 9×109 CFU/gr of live food. According to the results of this study, the maximum and minimum growth rate and protease, amylase, and lipase activity in Persian sturgeon was gained by using of Leu. mesenteroides with total viable count of 2×10 9 CFU/gr of live food and Lb. curvatus with total viable count of 9×109 CFU/gr of live food. Histological study showed that gastrointestinal development was same during larva rearing in control and other treatments but the size of liver was bigger in treatments that received nonspecific LAB in both species. According to the results, positive effects of using dominant specific LAB bacteria for larviculture of sturgeon has been proved in this study.


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The thesis deals with the bacterial flora of the Cochin backwaters. Sediment and the prawns caught from these backwaters in quantitative and qualitative terms, their growth in relation to temperature, their susceptibility to various antibiotics, their role in terms of food for juvenile prawns and the presence of bacteria of public health significance. According to the researcher such a comprehensive study would be of some relevance to shell-fish processing industries apart from its academic value. The effect of antibiotics on the bacteria and the utility of bacteria as food for the juvenile prawns are studied and presented in different chapters.


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Changes in the levels of female sex hormones during the menstrual cycle may cause cyclic differences in subgingival bacterial colonization patterns. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle cause changes in the oral microbiota. METHODS: Bacterial plaque samples were collected in 20 systemically and periodontally healthy women using no hormonal contraceptives (test group) over a period of 6 weeks. Twenty age-matched systemically and periodontally healthy men were assigned to the control group. Samples were processed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization assay, and 74 species were analyzed. RESULTS: No cyclic pattern of bacterial colonization was identified for any of the 74 species studied in women not using hormonal contraceptives. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (previously Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans) (Y4) was common at the beginning of menstruation (mean: 32%) and increased during the following 2 weeks (36%) in women (P <0.05). No cyclic differences in bacterial presence were found among the men (P values varied between 0.14 and 0.98). Men presented with significantly higher bacterial counts for 40 of 74 species (P <0.001), including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa but not Porphyromonas gingivalis (P = 0.15) or Tannerella forsythia (previously T. forsythensis) (P = 0.42). CONCLUSIONS: During a menstruation period, cyclic variation in the subgingival microbiota of periodontally healthy women of child-bearing age who were not using oral hormonal contraceptives could not be confirmed. Male control subjects presented with higher levels of many species but also without a cyclic pattern.


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A flora microbiana humana cujos elementos major são bactérias, tem sido caracterizada como uma componente essencial do corpo humano. A sua importância baseia-se no seu envolvimento benéfico numa variedade de funções metabólicas, imunitárias e antimicrobianas. Os resultados destas funções incluem a homeostasia do organismo humano. Contudo, a flora microbiana humana tem sido associada com o desenvolvimento de numerosas infecções denominadas por infecções endógenas tais como as infecções orais. Estas infecções são comuns nos hospedeiros comprometidos, o que contribui para o aumento do seu significado clínico. Nesta dissertação foi feita uma abordagem à patogénese bacteriana assim como aos passos do processos infecciosos e aos factores de virulência. Foi também feita a associação destes à susceptibilidade do hospedeiro com o propósito de compreender os seus contributos para o desenvolvimento das infecções endógenas. Por outro lado, foram exploradas algumas consequências sistémicas infecciosas (endocardite infecciosa) e não infecciosas (aterosclerose) de infecções orais causadas pela flora bacteriana oral.


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This study aimed to determine the frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection among high risk Brazilian women and evaluate its association with vaginal flora patterns.This was a cross-sectional study, performed in an outpatient clinic of Bauru State Hospital, So Paulo, Brazil. A total of 142 women were included from 2006 to 2008. Inclusion criteria was dyspareunia, pain during bimanual exam, presence of excessive cervical mucus, cervical ectopy or with three or more episodes of abnormal vaginal flora (AVF) in the previous year before enrollment. Endocervical CT testing was performed by PCR. Vaginal swabs were collected for microscopic assessment of the microbial flora pattern. Gram-stained smears were classified in normal, intermediate or bacterial vaginosis (BV), and recognition of Candida sp. morphotypes. Wet mount smears were used for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis and aerobic vaginitis (AV).Thirty-four of 142 women (23.9%) tested positive for CT. AVF was found in 50 (35.2%) cases. The most frequent type of AVF was BV (17.6%). CT was strongly associated with the presence of AV (n = 7, 4.9%, P = 0.018), but not BV (n = 25, 17.6%, P = 0.80) or intermediate flora (n = 18, 12.7%, P = 0.28).A high rate of chlamydial infection was found in this population. Chlamydia infection is associated with aerobic vaginitis.


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Introduction: Denture stomatitis is a common lesion that affects denture wearers. Its multifactorial etiology seems to depend on a complex and poorly characterized biofilm. The purpose of this study was to assess the composition of the microbial biofilm obtained from complete denture wearers with and without denture stomatitis using culture-independent methods.Methods: Samples were collected from healthy denture wearers and from patients with denture stomatitis. Libraries comprising about 600 cloned 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) bacterial sequences and 192 cloned eukaryotic internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences, obtained by polymerase chain reactions, were analyzed.Results: The partial 16S rDNA sequences revealed a total of 82 bacterial species identified in healthy subjects and patients with denture stomatitis. Twenty-seven bacterial species were detected in both biofilms, 29 species were exclusively present in patients with denture stomatitis, and 26 were found only in healthy subjects. Analysis of the ITS region revealed the presence of Candida sp. in both biofilms.Conclusion: The results revealed the extent of the microbial flora, suggesting the existence of distinct biofilms in healthy subjects and in patients with denture stomatitis.


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La salute orale dei soggetti affetti da patologie sistemiche responsabili di disabilità fisiche e/o psichiche, in particolare in età evolutiva, è un obiettivo da perseguire di primaria importanza al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita del bambino e garantirgli un buon inserimento nel contesto sociale. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno individuato i momenti eziopatogenetici delle diverse problematiche che si riscontrano a carico del cavo orale, con una frequenza superiore nei pazienti disabili rispetto alla restante popolazione, attribuendo ai batteri formanti la placca e a quelli con la capacità di indurre un danno parodontale un ruolo chiave. Diversi sono stati i protocolli di prevenzione e terapia proposti nel tempo, costruiti proprio in relazione all’età del soggetto ed alla tipologia della disabilità; tuttavia risulta di fondamentale importanza chiarire il complesso rapporto tra la popolazione microbica orale e l'ospite nello stato di malattia. In un contesto del genere, intento del lavoro di ricerca è proprio quello di portare a termine un progetto di bonifica dentaria su un gruppo di pazienti in età compresa tra i 2 e i 17 anni, affetti da patologie sistemiche e patologie del cavo orale, sulla base di un profilo microbiologico, a partire da tamponi salivari e prelievi parodontali. Stilando il profilo microbiologico del “gruppo campione” e confrontandolo con quello di un gruppo di pazienti di controllo, lo studio si propone di riuscire a delineare i miglioramenti, qualora ci fossero, post terapia odontostomatologica e di riuscire a trovare una base microbiologica alle patologie extra -orali annesse.


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Genomic approaches continue to provide unprecedented insight into the microbiome, yet host immune interactions with diverse microbiota can be difficult to study. We therefore generated a microbial microarray containing defined antigens isolated from a broad range of microbial flora to examine adaptive and innate immunity. Serological studies with this microarray show that immunoglobulins from multiple mammalian species have unique patterns of reactivity, whereas exposure of animals to distinct microbes induces specific serological recognition. Although adaptive immunity exhibited plasticity toward microbial antigens, immunological tolerance limits reactivity toward self. We discovered that several innate immune galectins show specific recognition of microbes that express self-like antigens, leading to direct killing of a broad range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbes. Thus, host protection against microbes seems to represent a balance between adaptive and innate immunity to defend against evolving antigenic determinants while protecting against molecular mimicry.


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Intestinal bacterial flora may induce splanchnic hemodynamic and histological alterations that are associated with portal hypertension (PH). We hypothesized that experimental PH would be attenuated in the complete absence of intestinal bacteria. We induced prehepatic PH by partial portal vein ligation (PPVL) in germ-free (GF) or mice colonized with altered Schaedler's flora (ASF). After 2 or 7 days, we performed hemodynamic measurements, including portal pressure (PP) and portosystemic shunts (PSS), and collected tissues for histomorphology, microbiology, and gene expression studies. Mice colonized with intestinal microbiota presented significantly higher PP levels after PPVL, compared to GF, mice. Presence of bacterial flora was also associated with significantly increased PSS and spleen weight. However, there were no hemodynamic differences between sham-operated mice in the presence or absence of intestinal flora. Bacterial translocation to the spleen was demonstrated 2 days, but not 7 days, after PPVL. Intestinal lymphatic and blood vessels were more abundant in colonized and in portal hypertensive mice, as compared to GF and sham-operated mice. Expression of the intestinal antimicrobial peptide, angiogenin-4, was suppressed in GF mice, but increased significantly after PPVL, whereas other angiogenic factors remained unchanged. Moreover, colonization of GF mice with ASF 2 days after PPVL led to a significant increase in intestinal blood vessels, compared to controls. The relative increase in PP after PPVL in ASF and specific pathogen-free mice was not significantly different. CONCLUSION In the complete absence of gut microbial flora PP is normal, but experimental PH is significantly attenuated. Intestinal mucosal lymphatic and blood vessels induced by bacterial colonization may contribute to development of PH.


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Nutritional practices that promote good health and optimal athletic performance are of interest to athletes, coaches, exercise scientists and dietitians. Probiotic supplements modulate the intestinal microbial flora and offer promise as a practical means of enhancing gut and immune function. The intestinal microbial flora consists of diverse bacterial species that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria are integral to the ontogeny and regulation of the immune system, protection of the body from injection, and maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. The interaction of the gut microbial flora with intestinal epithelial cells and immune cells exerts beneficial effects on the upper respiratory tract, skin and uro-genital tract. The capacity for probiotics to modulate perturbations in immune function after exercise highlight their potential for use in individuals exposed to high degrees of physical and environment stress. Future studies are required to address issues of dose-response in various exercise settings, the magnitude of species-specific effects, mechanisms of action and clinical outcomes in terms of health and performance.


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Any presence of bacterial human pathogen in shrimp products may be of public health concern. This note concludes that Salmonella do not appear to constitute a part of the microbial flora where shrimp culture is practiced in Thailand. Vibrio cholerae 01, the cause of cholera are rarely recovered from the environment with no isolates containing genes encoding cholera toxin. Further studies are needed to describe the prevalence of bacterial human pathogens in shrimp culture, especially determination of possible postharvest cross-contamnation with these pathogens


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This study was done in Shahid Kiani Marine Aquaculture Development Center, Choebde, Abadan in order to evaluate the effects of Pediiococcus acidilactici, Lactococcus lactis and vitamin C on growth performance, survival, enzymatic activities and immune responses of L. vannamei during three months. Treatments were included control group, Pediiococcus and Lactococcus treatments which fed with diet containing 1×10P9P cfu gP_1P bacteria and vitamin C. At the end of the experiment, the growth factors, immune parameters, digestive enzymes, intestinal, histology of intestine, carcasses and microbial flora (bacterial total count and lactic acid count) were evaluated. The results indicated that administration of lactobacillus had significant effects on the growth factors as the highest weight, increase specific growth rate, relative growth rate, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency in the shrimps received pediococcus and then Lactococcus (P<0.05). The best immune function was also observed in the shrimps fed by probiotics, so that proteins and hemoglobin̛ hemolymph, phenoloxidase activity and challenged with V. parahaemolyticus showed a statistical difference comparing to the control group and the group received vitamin C (P<0.05). Some digestive enzymes, in pediococcus treatment showed a significant increase when compared to other treatments (P<0.05). Significant changes in bacterial intestinal flora were observed in probiotic groups compared with control and vitamin C groups (P < 0.05). Histological results showed the positive effects of probiotics in the gut (P < 0.05). While these supplements cannot caused to significant impacts on the shrimp carcass composition (P ˃ 0.05). As a result pediococcus group had the best performance among treatments.