8 resultados para Miéville


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar pontos de convergência nas obras de dois autores britânicos, Angela Carter (1940-1992) e China Miéville (1972- ). Os romances a serem estudados são Nights at the circus (1984) e The infernal desire machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972), de Angela Carter, e Perdido Street Station (2000) e The city & the city (2009), de China Miéville, e, como ponto de partida, ambos demonstram elos representativos com a ficção de gênero, evidenciados pelas obras escolhidas. Ao esmiuçar paralelos entre os romances, busca-se em especial dissecar as interseções temáticas e estilísticas, bem como as divergências e contradições que despertem interesse. Entre os temas investigados está a alteridade e o hibridismo ambos autores fazem uso de personagens ex-cêntricos e usam o hibridismo de modo a acentuar a Alteridade reservada ao Outro. Também será examinada a abordagem dos autores à ficção de gênero e o tratamento reservado aos tropos e clichês da Ficção Científica e da Fantasia. Por fim, a pesquisa observará o conceito que ambos compartilham de que discursos podem não ser uma mera reflexão da realidade, mas também criar e moldar o que tomamos por real. A todos os temas são aplicadas a teoria e crítica do pós-modernismo, além do material específico que lida com a ficção especulativa, Fantasia e Ficção Científica


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Step through the looking-glass and where do you go? Inherently, every text exposes the reader to other worlds. However, the fantastic, like no other mode, not only exposes, but explores, explains, and employs other worlds (and how we enter them) to question what is real and unreal, possible and impossible.Using Farah Mendelsohn’s (2008) examination of portal fantasy, this paper argues that when you step into another world you leave something behind and bring something back. This Bakhtinian dialogic will then frame an analysis of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods (2001) and China Miéville’s The City and the City (2009) which explore notions of organic subjectivity, reader expectations, and if gaps actually exist between textual and extra-textual, real and unreal.These atypical, self- reflexive, satirical portal fantasies express how writers position readers (not unlike their protagonists) in alternative conceptual realms, disturbing the everyday, the commonplace realities we often take for granted. As such, both texts and the discursive strategies they use ask: what do we see, or, as may be the case, un-see? Significantly, this paper suggests that, via self-conscious world-building, portal fantasies allow reader and writer the opportunity to inhabit those spaces between textual, ideological, generic, metaphorical, irrational, fantastic worlds.


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Placer une charge au niveau du membre inférieur est une approche sans fondement scientifique, utilisée par les cliniciens, pour renforcer certains muscles clés de la marche. Cette étude a déterminé les modifications du patron de marche lors de l’ajout d’une charge à la cheville parétique ou non parétique chez des personnes ayant une hémiparésie suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral et a comparé les résultats à ceux d’un groupe témoin. Il est supposé qu’une charge placée à la jambe parétique/non dominante (charge ipsilatérale) augmenterait les efforts (moments et puissance) à la hanche parétique/non dominante lors de l’oscillation et qu’une charge placée controlatéralement augmenterait les efforts lors de la phase d’appui principalement pour les abducteurs de hanche stabilisant le bassin dans le plan frontal. La marche avec et sans charge de cinq individus hémiparétiques chroniques et 5 personnes en santé a été analysée en laboratoire par l’enregistrement des forces de réaction du sol et des mouvements des membres inférieurs. Ces informations ont permis de calculer les paramètres temps-distance, les angles à la hanche parétique/non dominante et au tronc, les moments nets, les puissances et le travail mécanique à la hanche parétique/non dominante. Des tests statistiques non-paramétriques ont servi à déterminer l’effet de la condition, avec charge (ipsi- et controlatérale) ou sans charge et à comparer les résultats entre les deux groupes. L’ajout d’une charge n’a pas modifié la vitesse de marche des sujets. Les phases d’appui et d’oscillation étaient rendus plus symétriques par la charge, même si peu de différences apparaissaient dans le plan sagittal avec ou sans la charge. Dans le plan frontal, le moment abducteur de hanche des sujets hémiparétiques a diminué avec la charge controlatérale, tandis qu'il a augmenté chez les sujets en santé. L’utilisation d’une stratégie posturale ou dynamique au tronc pourrait expliquer la différence de l’effet de la charge sur le moment abducteur à la hanche. Au vu de ces résultats, il est nécessaire de poursuivre l’évaluation de cette approche de renforcement musculaire spécifique à la tâche avant d’en recommander son utilisation.


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To evaluate cross-cultural learning among Thai staff and host students from the Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University (MU) and Australian guest students from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Deakin University (DU), who participated in a study tour.

Descriptive exploratory evaluation.

Key stakeholders were invited to participate resulting in a convenience sample of seven MU staff, five MU and 22 DU students. Data were collected using mixed methods. Qualitative data were theme analysed and quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Main findings:
The semi-structured interviews with MU staff, focus group with MU students and free response questions in the online survey with DU students indicated the themes of enhanced and valuable cross-cultural learning and relationship building, the challenges of different social behaviours and the importance of tolerance and acceptance. In the online survey, over 77% (n = 17) of DU students reported high satisfaction with their cross-cultural learning on the study tour. The online survey included the validated Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity scale short form (M-GUD-S). All Australian students reported seeking diversity of contact (X ± SD = 23.1 ± 4.4), relativistic appreciation (X ± SD = 24.7 ± 3.9), and comfort with differences (X ± SD = 26.2 ± 3.0), indicating high levels of openness to cultural diversity and similarity on the M-GUD-S. 

Conclusion and recommendations:
This study provides an example of an evaluated study tour emphasising cross-cultural relationship building. Findings indicate that nursing education should include opportunities for intercultural exchange among nursing students. Nurses require excellent skills in cross-cultural nursing and relating to meet the future global challenges to health care over the next millennium.


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"Time" has been much less widely studied in psychology and related disciplines than has "space". This book offers theoretical and empirical insights into the study of time-related perception, memory, identity, learning, and reasoning. With carefully selected chapters by a truly international and interdisciplinary team of authors, this book provides an unterstanding of time and mind that goes beyond psychophysiology and experimental psychology to encompass wider phenomena, both social and eduational. By providing a philosophical basis for understanding how the mind "graps" the concept of time and the timing of behavior in a cultural context, this unique book should help promote a cross-fertilization of research on this important dimension, which ist so often neglected in cognitive and sociocultural research.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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[Julie Miéville]. Mit einem pädagog. Vorw. von Prof. Zyro