10 resultados para Mgh2


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A systematic investigation was performed on the hydrogen storage properties of mechano-chemically prepared MgH2/Single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) composites. It is found that the hydrogen absorption capacity and hydriding kinetics of the composites were dependent on the addition amount of SWNTs as well as milling time. A 5 wt.% addition of SVVNTs is optimum to facilitate the hydrogen absorption and desorption of MgH2. The composite MgH2/5 wt.% SWNTs milled for 10h can absorb 6.7 wt.% hydrogen within about 2 min at 573 K, and desorb 6 wt.% hydrogen in about 5 min at 623 K. Prolonging the milling time over 10 h leads to a serious degradation on hydrogen storage property of the MgH2/SWNT composite, and property/structure investigations suggest that the property degradation comes from the structure destruction of the SWNTs. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogen bonds formed through the interaction between a high electronic density center (lone electron pairs, π or pseudo-π bonds) and proton donors cause important electronic and vibrational phenomena in many systems. However, it was demonstrated that proton donors interact with hydrides, such as alkali and alkaline earth metals (BeH2, MgH2, LiH and NaH), what yields a new type of interaction so-called dihydrogen bonds. The characterization of these interactions has been performed at light of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM), by which the electronic densities ρ are quantified and the intermolecular regions are characterized as closed-shell interactions through the analysis of the Laplacian field ∇2ρ.


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We use a combination of ab initio calculations and statistical mechanics to investigate the substitution of Li+ for Mg2+ in magnesium hydride (MgH2) accompanied by the formation of hydrogen vacancies with positive charge (with respect to the original ion at the site). We show that the binding energy between dopants and vacancy defects leads to a significant fraction of trapped vacancies and therefore a dramatic reduction in the number of free vacancies available for diffusion. The concentration of free vacancies initially increases with dopant concentration but reaches a maximum at around 1 mol % Li doping and slowly decreases with further doping. At the optimal level of doping, the corresponding concentration of free vacancies is much higher than the equilibrium concentrations of charged and neutral vacancies in pure MgH2 at typical hydrogen storage conditions. We also show that Li-doped MgH2 is thermodynamically metastable with respect to phase separation into pure magnesium and lithium hydrides at any significant Li concentration, even after considering the stabilization provided by dopant-vacancy interactions and configurational entropic effects. Our results suggest that lithium doping may enhance hydrogen diffusion hydride but only to a limited extent determined by an optimal dopant concentration and conditioned to the stability of the doped phase.


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L'utilizzo dell'idrogeno come vettore energetico è uno dei temi, riguardanti la sostenibilità energetica, di maggior rilievo degli ultimi anni. Tuttavia ad oggi è ancora in corso la ricerca di un sistema che ne permetta un immagazzinamento efficiente. Il MgH2 costituisce un valido candidato per la produzione di sistemi per lo stoccaggio di idrogeno allo stato solido. In questa tesi, per migliorare le proprietà cinetiche e termodinamiche di cui questo sistema, sono stati sintetizzati dei campioni nanostrutturati composti da Mg-Ti attraverso la tecnica Inert Gas Condensation. I campioni così ottenuti sono stati analizzati dal punto di vista morfologico e composizionale, mediante la microscopia elettronica a scansione, la microanalisi e la diffrazione di raggi X. Tali analisi hanno mostrato che le dimensioni delle nanoparticelle sono comprese tra i 10-30 nm e che la tecnica IGC permette una distribuzione uniforme del titanio all'interno della matrice Mg. Le misure di caratterizzazione per l'assorbimento reversibile di idrogeno sono state effettuate attraverso il metodo volumetrico, Sievert. I campioni sono stati analizzati a varie temperature (473K-573K). Cineticamente la presenza di titanio ha provocato un aumento della velocità delle cinetiche sia per i processi di desorbimento che per quelli di assorbimento ed ha contribuito ad una diminuzione consistente delle energie di attivazione di entrambi i processi rispetto a quelle note in letteratura per il composto MgH2. Dal punto di vista termodinamico, sia le pressioni di equilibrio ottenute dalle analisi PCT a diverse temperature, che l'entalpia e l'entropia di formazione risultano essere in accordo con i valori conosciuti per il sistema MgH2. All'interno di questo lavoro di tesi è inoltre presentata un'analisi preliminare di un campione analizzato con la tecnica Synchrotron Radiation-Powder X Ray Diffraction in situ, presso la facility MAX-lab (Svezia), all’interno dell’azione COST, MP1103 per la ricerca di sistemi per lo stoccaggio di idrogeno allo stato solido.


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Nel presente lavoro viene descritto come è stata ottimizzata, a livello software e hardware, la procedura di controllo della pressione in uno strumento manometrico utilizzato per la misura della quantità di idrogeno assorbita e desorbita da parte di metalli. Dopo una breve introduzione sulle caratteristiche dell'idrogeno che lo rendono così appetibile dal punto di vista energetico, viene esposta la teoria alla base del processo di formazione di idruri metallici. Vengono dunque descritte le due principali tecniche di caratterizzazione di questi sistemi, ovvero le cinetiche e le isoterme pressione-composizione (PCI), e il metodo di misura adottato, ovvero quello volumetrico. Successivamente si passa alla descrizione delle componenti hardware del sistema, per poi soffermarsi sull'analisi dettagliata dell'algoritmo del software implementato, spiegando i problemi affrontati e le soluzioni adottate, riportando anche alcune formule utili ricorrenti. Infine, vengono esposti i risultati ottenuti da misure di cinetiche e PCI per il sistema MgH2 (idruro di magnesio).


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The low index Magnesium hydride surfaces, MgH2(001) and MgH2(110), have been studied by ab intio Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. It was found that the MgH2(110) surface is more stable than MgH2(001) surface, which is in good agreement with the experimental observation. The H-2 desorption barriers vary depending on the crystalline surfaces that are exposed and also the specific H atom sites involved-they are found to be generally high, due to the thermodynamic stability of the MgH2, system, and are larger for the MgH2(001) surface. The pathway for recombinative desorption of one in-plane and one bridging H atom from the MgH2(110) surface was found to be the lowest energy barrier amongst those computed (172 KJ/mol) and is in good agreement with the experimental estimates. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various Mg/carbon and Mg/noncarbon composite systems were prepared by mechanical milling and their hydrogen storage behaviors were investigated. It was found that all the carbon additives exhibited prominent advantage over the noncarbon additives, such as BN nanotubes (BNNTs) or asbestos in improving the hydrogen capacity and dehydriding/hydriding kinetics of Mg. And among the various carbon additives, purified single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) exhibited the most prominent catalytic effect on the hydrogen storage properties of Mg. The hydrogen capacities of all Mg/C composites at 573 K reached more than 6.2 wt.% within 10 min, about 1.5 wt.% higher than that of pure MgH2 at the identical operation conditions. Under certain operation temperatures, H-absorption/desorption rates of Mg/carbon systems were over one order of magnitude higher than that of pure Mg. Furthermore, the starting temperature of the desorption reaction of MgH2 has been lowered to 60 K by adding SWNTs. On the basis of the hydrogen storage behavior and structure/phase investigations, the possible mechanism involved in the property improvement of Mg upon adding carbon materials was discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the adsorption of H-2 molecules on a Ti-doped Mg(0001) surface. We find that two hydrogen molecules are able to dissociate on top of the Ti atom with very small activation barriers (0.103 and 0.145 eV for the first and second H-2 molecules, respectively). Additionally, a molecular adsorption state of H-2 above the Ti atom is observed for the first time and is attributed to the polarization of the H-2 molecule by the Ti cation. Our results parallel recent findings for H-2 adsorption on Ti-doped carbon nanotubes or fullerenes. They provide new insight into the preliminary stages of hydrogen adsorption onto Ti-incorporated Mg surfaces.


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Fossil fuels constitute a significant fraction of the world's energy demand. The burning of fossil fuels emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Therefore, the limited availability of fossil fuel resources and the environmental impact of their use require a change to alternative energy sources or carriers (such as hydrogen) in the foreseeable future. The development of methods to mitigate carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere is equally important. Hence, extensive research has been carried out on the development of cost-effective technologies for carbon dioxide capture and techniques to establish hydrogen economy. Hydrogen is a clean energy fuel with a very high specific energy content of about 120MJ/kg and an energy density of 10Wh/kg. However, its potential is limited by the lack of environment-friendly production methods and a suitable storage medium. Conventional hydrogen production methods such as Steam-methane-reformation and Coal-gasification were modified by the inclusion of NaOH. The modified methods are thermodynamically more favorable and can be regarded as near-zero emission production routes. Further, suitable catalysts were employed to accelerate the proposed NaOH-assisted reactions and a relation between reaction yield and catalyst size has been established. A 1:1:1 molar mixture of LiAlH 4, NaNH2 and MgH2 were investigated as a potential hydrogen storage medium. The hydrogen desorption mechanism was explored using in-situ XRD and Raman Spectroscopy. Mesoporous metal oxides were assessed for CO2 capture at both power and non-power sectors. A 96.96% of mesoporous MgO (325 mesh size, surface area = 95.08 ± 1.5 m2/g) was converted to MgCO 3 at 350°C and 10 bars CO2. But the absorption capacity of 1h ball milled zinc oxide was low, 0.198 gCO2 /gZnO at 75°C and 10 bars CO2. Interestingly, 57% mass conversion of Fe and Fe 3O4 mixture to FeCO3 was observed at 200°C and 10 bars CO2. MgO, ZnO and Fe3O4 could be completely regenerated at 550°C, 250°C and 350°C respectively. Furthermore, the possible retrofit of MgO and a mixture of Fe and Fe3O 4 to a 300 MWe coal-fired power plant and iron making industry were also evaluated.