1000 resultados para Meyer (Johann Konrad), bourgmestre de Schaffhouse. inscription dans un album (1583)


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Vanden Brugge (Jan Isaac), dit Pontanus. Album amicorum (1591-1627)


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Ficino (Marsiglio). Livre de la vie saine, Livre de la vie longue, trad. par Jehan Beaufilz (1542, n. s.)


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Cette étude examine dans une perspective narratologique le fonctionnement de la sérialité dans les planches de la bande dessinée Little Nemo in Slumberland, qui sont tiraillées entre l'autonomisation de l'épisode et l'inscription dans un récit plus vaste. Les implications du rythme hebdomadaire de parution y sont envisagées du point de vue des niveaux de temporalité ainsi que des principes de segmentation en épisodes et de liage entre ceux-ci. Des seuils sont repérés dans cette série dont le traitement varie sur le plan de la narrativité et des relations instaurées entre le texte des récitatifs et les images. La diversité de ces régimes fait la richesse de cette oeuvre, et montre comment McCay a su exploiter les possibilités de son moyen d'expression, notamment en privéligiant pour ses représentations oniriques et spectaculaires une logique mondaine qui, comme on l'explique ici, n'est pas sans parenté avec les univers actuels de jeux vidéo.


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Congrès de l’Association de Sociologues de Langue Française, Comité de Recherche n° 21 « Transactions Sociales », Istambul


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Thèse pour obtenir le grade de DOCTEUR DE L' UNIVERSITÉ PARIS XII, Discipline: Urbanisme Aménagement


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BACKGROUND: First hospitalisation for a psychotic episode causes intense distress to patients and families, but offers an opportunity to make a diagnosis and start treatment. However, linkage to outpatient psychiatric care remains a notoriously difficult step for young psychotic patients, who frequently interrupt treatment after hospitalisation. Persistence of symptoms, and untreated psychosis may therefore remain a problem despite hospitalisation and proper diagnosis. With persisting psychotic symptoms, numerous complications may arise: breakdown in relationships, loss of family and social support, loss of employment or study interruption, denial of disease, depression, suicide, substance abuse and violence. Understanding mechanisms that might promote linkage to outpatient psychiatric care is therefore a critical issue, especially in early intervention in psychotic disorders. OBJECTIVE: To study which factors hinder or promote linkage of young psychotic patients to outpatient psychiatric care after a first hospitalisation, in the absence of a vertically integrated program for early psychosis. Method. File audit study of all patients aged 18 to 30 who were admitted for the first time to the psychiatric University Hospital of Lausanne in the year 2000. For statistical analysis, chi2 tests were used for categorical variables and t-test for dimensional variables; p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. RESULTS: 230 patients aged 18 to 30 were admitted to the Lausanne University psychiatric hospital for the first time during the year 2000, 52 of them with a diagnosis of psychosis (23%). Patients with psychosis were mostly male (83%) when compared with non-psychosis patients (49%). Furthermore, they had (1) 10 days longer mean duration of stay (24 vs 14 days), (2) a higher rate of compulsory admissions (53% vs 22%) and (3) were more often hospitalised by a psychiatrist rather than by a general practitioner (83% vs 53%). Other socio-demographic and clinical features at admission were similar in the two groups. Among the 52 psychotic patients, 10 did not stay in the catchment area for subsequent treatment. Among the 42 psychotic patients who remained in the catchment area after discharge, 20 (48%) did not attend the scheduled or rescheduled outpatient appointment. None of the socio demographic characteristics were associated with attendance to outpatient appointments. On the other hand, voluntary admission and suicidal ideation before admission were significantly related to attending the initial appointment. Moreover, some elements of treatment seemed to be associated with higher likelihood to attend outpatient treatment: (1) provision of information to the patient regarding diagnosis, (2) discussion about the treatment plan between in- and outpatient staff, (3) involvement of outpatient team during hospitalisation, and (4) elaboration of concrete strategies to face basic needs, organise daily activities or education and reach for help in case of need. CONCLUSION: As in other studies, half of the patients admitted for a first psychotic episode failed to link to outpatient psychiatric care. Our study suggests that treatment rather than patient's characteristics play a critical role in this phenomenon. Development of a partnership and involvement of patients in the decision process, provision of good information regarding the illness, clear definition of the treatment plan, development of concrete strategies to cope with the illness and its potential complications, and involvement of the outpatient treating team already during hospitalisation, all came out as critical strategies to facilitate adherence to outpatient care. While the current rate of disengagement after admission is highly concerning, our finding are encouraging since they constitute strategies that can easily be implemented. An open approach to psychosis, the development of partnership with patients and a better coordination between inpatient and outpatient teams should therefore be among the targets of early intervention programs. These observations might help setting up priorities when conceptualising new programs and facilitate the implementation of services that facilitate engagement of patients in treatment during the critical initial phase of psychotic disorders.


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Cet article a pour objectif de décrire l'expérience d'un groupe d'accueil pour les frères et soeurs d'enfants hospitalisés en néonatoloyie. Cet événement représente un facteur de stress et suscite d'importantes angoisses chez les parents. Sensibles et perméables au vécu parental, les frères et soeurs peuvent éprouver une difficulté à se représenter ce qui se déroule autour d'eux. Leur offrir un lieu de parole avec leurs parents se révèle important et permet de préparer la rencontre avec le nouveau-né hospitalisé. Il s'agit d'un espace permettant de nouvelles représentations du bébé, pour la fratrie et pour les parents.


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In this article, we analyze a multilingual interaction in a students' working group and hypothesize a correlation between management of languages in interaction and leadership. We consider Codeswitching as one of the most relevant observables in multilingual interaction and attempt to analyze how it is used by speakers. After a brief presentation of three theoretical and analytical conceptions of Code-switching in interaction (Auer, Mondada & Myers Scotton), we define Code-switching as an interactional, strategical, multilingual resource exploited by speakers to achieve various interactionaland non interactional goals. We then show in two CA-like analysis how multilingual strategical resources occur in the interactional practices of the analyzed working group, and how they are exploited by speakers in order to organize interaction, work, tasks, and to construct one's leadership.We also consider the metadiscourses of the students about their own practices and multilingualism in general, in order to confront them to their actual multilingual practices. We draw the hypothesis that discrepancies observed between metadiscourses and practices can be explained through the development of (meta)discourses showing a unilingual conception in describing multilingual practices.


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Dans l'environnement actuel fortement évolutif, les questions relatives à la formation continue sont plus que jamais essentielles. Nombre de publications les abordent toutefois uniquement sous un angle prescriptif, sans considérer le comportement réel du personnel en matière de formation continue. La recherche dont il est question dans cet article vise à mettre en évidence les stratégies que les agents publics suisses mettent en oeuvre, au sein d'organisations soumises à une managérialisation croissante, pour atteindre leurs propres objectifs de formation. Sur la base des analyses effectuées, la conclusion esquisse certains enjeux plus fondamentaux relatifs à l'avenir de la formation continue dans les services publics suisses, enjeux à notre sens largement transposables au sein d'autres pays de l'OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques).