185 resultados para Metropole


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Das Projekt RuhrCampusOnline zielt darauf ab, hochschulübergreifende Lehre für die Partnerhochschulen der Universitätsallianz Metropole Ruhr (UAMR) auf der Basis von Blended-Learning-Arrangements zu implementieren. Der Beitrag stellt die strategische Bedeutung dieses Vorhabens für die Universitäten im Ruhrgebiet dar und beschreibt die Organisation und Vorgehensweise im Projekt. Ziel ist es, einen Pool von Kursen zu implementieren, die einen hohen Online-Anteil haben, und von Studierenden hochschulübergreifend genutzt werden. Über die Internet-Plattform RCO werden diese Kurse sichtbar gemacht, das Belegen der Veranstaltung realisiert und der Austausch von Leistungspunkten unterstützt. Der Beitrag stellt erste Erfahrungen nach einem Jahr Projektlaufzeit vor. (DIPF/ Orig.)


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv


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O rápido crescimento demográfico nas grandes cidades gera conseqüências em zonas que geralmente não estão preparadas para a brusca ampliação. Em um espaço intensamente ocupado e sem planejamento proliferam problemas que comprometem profundamente a qualidade de vida da população.  A análise e diagnóstico da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) é delineada com base na utilização de sistemas de geoprocessamento (SIG) e produtos de sensoriamento remoto. A análise envolve a descrição quantitativa e qualitativa dos diversos eixos temáticos (vegetação, recursos hídricos, uso e ocupação do solo e clima urbano) visando o estudo do clima urbano e sua relação com a qualidade ambiental. Um banco de dados de atributos espaciais integrou as técnicas de geoprocessamento através do uso de imagens de alta resolução. O eixo temático clima urbano contemplará o uso de séries temporais de imagens do TM e ETM+/LANDSAT no infravermelho termal para a identificação da configuração das ilhas de calor. A análise de dióxido de carbono será realizada com a distribuição espacial da intensidade de tráfego urbano de São Paulo, bem como através de dados das Instituições Ambientais e o produto final pode contribuir no subsídio às políticas públicas locais.


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Objective To estimate the magnitude and characteristics of the injury burden in South Africa within a global context. Methods The Actuarial Society of South Africa demographic and AIDS model (ASSA 2002) – calibrated to survey, census and adjusted vital registration data – was used to calculate the total number of deaths in 2000. Causes of death were determined from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System profile. Injury death rates and years of life lost (YLL) were estimated using the Global Burden of Disease methodology. National years lived with disability (YLDs) were calculated by applying a ratio between YLLs and YLDs found in a local injury data source, the Cape Metropole Study. Mortality and disability-adjusted life years’ (DALYs) rates were compared with African and global estimates. Findings Interpersonal violence dominated the South African injury profile with age-standardized mortality rates at seven times the global rate. Injuries were the second-leading cause of loss of healthy life, accounting for 14.3% of all DALYs in South Africa in 2000. Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are the leading cause of injury in most regions of the world but South Africa has exceedingly high numbers – double the global rate. Conclusion Injuries are an important public health issue in South Africa. Social and economic determinants of violence, many a legacy of apartheid policies, must be addressed to reduce inequalities in society and build community cohesion. Multisectoral interventions to reduce traffic injuries are also needed. We highlight this heavy burden to stress the need for effective prevention programmes.


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This chapter examines what Parpart and Zalewski (2008) label 'the man question' in terms of the rural. That is, 'how masculinity comes to be "made" as a continuing process within the social context' of rural places and spaces (Kerfoot and Knights 1993: 662). Our understanding of masculinities as discursively produced, relational, multiple and changing is given empirical force through a case study of the annual resource conference, Diggers and Dealers. The conference, held in the remote mining town of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia since 1992, is today the largest international meeting for the resource sector, attracting over 2000 attendees. Through an analysis of 120 texts related to the conference from 2006 to the present, including media repotis, blogs and conference programs and speeches, we demonstrate how, what is essentially a corporate event, is imported into the rural and constructed through the intersecting discourses of rurality, masculinity and heterosexuality. That is, though the first such meeting may have taken place spontaneously in Kalgoorlie, the delegates, and the 'skimpy' barmaids who serve patrons in their underwear or sometimes topless and are seen as central to the event, are flown into town for the conference. Kalgoorlie, as a working mining community on the edge of the deseti, provides both spectacle and conditions for the enactment of frontier masculinity not possible in the metropole.


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Disconnector switch operation in GIS generates VFT voltages in the system. It is important, for insulation co-ordination purposes, to obtain accurate VFT V-t data for typical gap geometries found in GIS. This paper presents experimentally obtained VFT V-t data for a 180/1 lOmm co-axial gap. The VFT has a time to first peak of 35 ns and a oscillation frequency of 13,6 MHz. Due to the location of the voltage divider in a compartment adjacent to the gap, a correction factor of 1.1 is used to relate the measured breakdown voltage to that in the gap. Positive polarity VFT V-t data is presented for 1, 2, 3 and 4 bar absolute and negative polarity VFT data for 3 and 4 bar absolute. Two methods of generating the VFT's are used. The first is to power up the test transformer at power frequency. The second is to generate a switching impulse by discharging a capacitor into the primary of the test transformer.


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As James Scott’s Seeing Like a State attests, forests played a central role in the rise of the modern state, specifically as test spaces for evolving methods of managing state resources at a distance, and as the location for grand state schemes. Together, such ambitions necessitated both the elimination of local understandings of forest management – to be replaced by centrally controlled scientific precision – and a narrowing of state vision. Forests thus began to be conflated with trees (and their timber) alone. All other aspects of the forest, both human and non-human, were ignored. Through the lens of the 18th and early 19th century New Forest in southern England, this paper examines the impact of government attempts to shift the focus of state forests from being remnant medieval hunting spaces to spaces of income generation through the creation of vast sylvicultural plantations. This state scheme not only reworked the relationship between the metropole and the provinces – something effected through systematic surveys and novel bureaucratic procedures – but also dramatically impacted upon the biophysical and cultural geographies of the forest. By equating forest space with trees alone, the British state failed to legislate for the actions of both local commoners and non-human others in resisting their schemes. Indeed, subsequent oppositions proved not only the tenacity of commoners in protecting their livelihoods but also the destructive power of non-human actants, specifically rabbits and mice. The paper concludes that grand state schemes necessarily fail due to their own internal illogic: the narrowing of state vision creates blind spots in which human and non-human lives assert their own visions.


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Notre analyse de l’imposante toile de Francisco Goya L’Assemblée de la Compagnie Royale des Philippines dite La Junte des Philippines (1815) vise à sortir cette œuvre de l’isolement où les études antérieures l’ont en grande partie maintenue. Nous désirons réinsérer ce tableau au cœur des dynamiques artistiques et économiques mondiales à l’orée du XIXe siècle. Le regard lucide que nous portons sur le tableau de Goya s’appuie sur une approche historique issue de la pensée postcoloniale actuelle. Par un renversement de perspective depuis la salle de réunion vers l’empire espagnol, nous plaçons l’œuvre dans une trame de relations mondiales entre la métropole et ses colonies. La Junte des Philippines révèle alors un point de vue particulier sur l’impérialisme espagnol en déclin. Loin d’être close sur elle-même, l’œuvre articule une série de thématiques qui répondent aux exigences artistiques de l’époque, notamment de la bourgeoisie libérale. Le traitement qu’opère La Junte de la commémoration d’une rencontre d’actionnaires met au jour une conception visuelle du capitalisme mercantile et financier présent en Espagne et en Angleterre. L’intrigue artistique que déploie Goya possède une signification d’envergure historique qui contribue à la valeur d’actualité de La Junte des Philippines.


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Ce mémoire retrace une comprehension experientielle des conséquences et des effets des differentes appelations en lien à l'étiquette de « déportés » attribuées aux immigrés haïtiens expulsés des États-Unis d'Amerique notamment au regard du processus de stigmatisation et de marginalisation.


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Die Stadt-Umland-Problematik ist kein neues oder für die Metropolregion Hamburg spezifisches Thema, sondern eine der klassischen, bundesweiten raumordnungspolitischen Fragestellungen. Unter den Vorzeichen der aktuellen und künftigen demografischen Entwicklung, einer globalen Standortkonkurrenz und immer engerer öffentlicher Finanzspielräume geht es allerdings heute weniger um die Steuerung eines quantitativen Flächenwachstums, sondern vielmehr um die offensive und qualitative Entwicklung und Einbindung aller regionalen Potenziale. Klassische Planungsinstrumente stoßen dabei zunehmend an ihre Grenzen. In dieser Publikation werden die Möglichkeiten neuartiger Formen kooperativer Strukturen umfassend aufgezeigt. Dies geschieht sowohl in einer Gegenüberstellung bisher bekannter Ansätze von stadt-regionalen Kooperationen wie auch, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des ländergrenzenübergreifenden Aspektes, anhand der Metropolregion Hamburg. Diese wird auf die siedlungsstrukturelle, regionalplanerische sowie politische Ausgangssituationen eingehend untersucht sowie die daraus resultierenden Stärken und Schwächen aufgezeigt und bewertet. Aufbauend auf diese Untersuchung wird für die Metropolregion Hamburg ein möglicher Ansatz stadtregionaler Kooperation, das Modell der Nachbarschaftsforen, vorgestellt, die möglichen Handlungsfelder sowie -konflikte benannt und auf einen spezifischen Teilraum der Region angewendet.