56 resultados para Methylphenidate


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L’émergence de l’utilisation du méthylphénidate (MPH; Ritalin) par des étudiants universitaires afin d’améliorer leur concentration et leurs performances universitaires suscite l’intérêt du public et soulève d’importants débats éthiques auprès des spécialistes. Les différentes perspectives sur l’amélioration des performances cognitives représentent une dimension importante des défis sociaux et éthiques autour d’un tel phénomène et méritent d’être élucidées. Ce mémoire vise à examiner les discours présents dans les reportages internationaux de presse populaire, les discours en bioéthique et en en santé publique sur le thème de l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate. Cette recherche a permis d’identifier et d’analyser des « lacunes » dans les perspectives éthiques, sociales et scientifiques de l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate pour accroître la performance cognitive d’individus en santé. Une analyse systématique du contenu des discours sur l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate pour accroître la performance cognitive a identifié des paradigmes divergents employés pour décrire l’utilisation non médicale du méthylphénidate et discuter ses conséquences éthiques. Les paradigmes « choix de mode de vie », « abus de médicament » et « amélioration de la cognition » sont présents dans les discours de la presse populaire, de la bioéthique et de la santé publique respectivement. Parmi les principales différences entre ces paradigmes, on retrouve : la description de l’utilisation non médicale d’agents neuropharmacologiques pour l’amélioration des performances, les risques et bénéfices qui y sont associés, la discussion d’enjeux éthiques et sociaux et des stratégies de prévention et les défis associés à l’augmentation de la prévalence de ce phénomène. La divergence de ces paradigmes reflète le pluralisme des perceptions de l’utilisation non médicale d’agents neuropharmacologiques Nos résultats suggèrent la nécessité de débats autour de l’amélioration neuropharmacologique afin de poursuivre l’identification des enjeux et de développer des approches de santé publique cohérentes.


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We argue that impulsiveness is characterized by compromised timing functions such as premature motor timing, decreased tolerance to delays, poor temporal foresight and steeper temporal discounting. A model illustration for the association between impulsiveness and timing deficits is the impulsiveness disorder of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD have deficits in timing processes of several temporal domains and the neural substrates of these compromised timing functions are strikingly similar to the neuropathology of ADHD. We review our published and present novel functional magnetic resonance imaging data to demonstrate that ADHD children show dysfunctions in key timing regions of prefrontal, cingulate, striatal and cerebellar location during temporal processes of several time domains including time discrimination of milliseconds, motor timing to seconds and temporal discounting of longer time intervals. Given that impulsiveness, timing abnormalities and more specifically ADHD have been related to dopamine dysregulation, we tested for and demonstrated a normalization effect of all brain dysfunctions in ADHD children during time discrimination with the dopamine agonist and treatment of choice, methylphenidate. This review together with the new empirical findings demonstrates that neurocognitive dysfunctions in temporal processes are crucial to the impulsiveness disorder of ADHD and provides first evidence for normalization with a dopamine reuptake inhibitor.


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Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be treated with stimulant medication such as methylphenidate. Although effective, methylphenidate can cause serious side-effects, including suppressed appetite, growth retardation and sleep problems. A drug holiday is a deliberate interruption of pharmacotherapy for a defined period of time and for a specific clinical purpose, for example for appeasing side-effects. Whilst some international guidelines recommend introducing drug holidays in ADHD treatment, this is not practised routinely. Our aim was to examine the views and experiences of planned drug holidays from methylphenidate with adults who have responsibility for treatment decisions in children and adolescents with ADHD. Method: In-depth interviews were carried out. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) practitioners (n=8), General Practitioners (n=8), teachers (n=5), and mothers of children with ADHD (n=4) were interviewed in a UK setting. Interview transcripts were analysed using grounded theory. Results: Methylphenidate eases the experience of the child amid problems at home and at school and once started is mostly continued long-term. Some families do practise short-term drug holidays at weekends and longer-term ones during school holidays. The decision to introduce drug holidays is influenced by the child’s academic progress, the parents’ ability to cope with the child, as well as medication beliefs. Trialling a drug holiday is thought to allow older children to self-assess their ability to manage without medication when they show signs of wanting to discontinue treatment prematurely. Conclusions: Planned drug holidays could address premature treatment cessation by enabling adolescents to assess repercussions under medical supervision.


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Objective: To analyze from a health sector perspective the cost-effectiveness of dexamphetamine (DEX) and methylphenidate (MPH) interventions to treat childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), compared to current practice.

Method: Children eligible for the interventions are those aged between 4 and 17 years in 2000, who had ADHD and were seeking care for emotional or behavioural problems, but were not receiving stimulant medication. To determine health benefit, a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was performed for DEX and MPH, and the effect sizes were translated into utility values. An assessment on second stage filter criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'feasibility' and 'acceptability to stakeholders') is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Simulation modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the incremental costeffectiveness ratio (ICER), which is calculated in cost (in A$) per DALY averted.

The ICER for DEX is A$4100/DALY saved (95% UI: negative to A$14 000) and for MPH is A$15 000/DALY saved (95% UI: A$9100-22 000). DEX is more costly than MPH for the government, but much less costly for the patient.

MPH and DEX are cost-effective interventions for childhood ADHD. DEX is more cost-effective than MPH, although if MPH were listed at a lower price on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme it would become more cost-effective. Increased uptake of stimulants for ADHD would require policy change. However, the medication of children and wider availability of stimulants may concern parents and the community.


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Methylphenidate (MPH) is a widely prescribed psychostimulant for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recently, some studies have addressed the genotoxic potential of the MPH, but the results have been contradictory. Hence, the present study aimed to investigate the index of cerebral and peripheral DNA damage in young and adult rats after acute and chronic MPH exposure.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The prevalence of prescribed use of methylphenidate (MPH) and its correlates are not well-known in Brazil. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of prescribed use of MPH and its correlates in a sample of Brazilian college students. Methods: Twelve-thousand seven hundred and eleven college students filled out a drug use questionnaire. They were divided into two groups based on the lifetime use of MPH: MPH users (MPHU) and MPH non-users (MPHNU). Quasi-binomial regression models were carried out in order to evaluate the correlation among MPHU and other variables. Results: A lifetime use of MPH was reported from 0.9% of college students (MPHU). Being from the Midwest (PR = 4.8, p < 0.01) and South (PR = 5.2, p < 0.05), living in students housing (PR = 5.8, p < 0.001), prescribed use of amphetamines (PR = 8.9, p < 0.001) and benzodiazepines (< 3 weeks: PR = 4.4, p < 0.001; >= 3 weeks: PR = 6.7, p < 0.001), and harmful use of alcohol (PR = 4.0, p < 0.05) were correlated with MPHU. Discussion: The association of alcohol and drug use with prescribed use of MPH among college students suggests the importance of screening drinking patterns and use of other drugs among students with ADHD symptoms. Cesar ELR, et al. / Rev Psiq Clin. 2012; 39(6):183-8


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Abstract Background The present study examined absolute alpha power using quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) in bilateral temporal and parietal cortices in novice soldiers under the influence of methylphenidate (MPH) during the preparatory aiming period in a practical pistol-shooting task. We anticipated higher bi-hemispheric cortical activation in the preparatory period relative to pre-shot baseline in the methylphenidate group when compared with the control group because methylphenidate has been shown to enhance task-related cognitive functions. Methods Twenty healthy, novice soldiers were equally distributed in control (CG; n = 10) and MPH groups 10 mg (MG; n = 10) using a randomized, double blind design. Subjects performed a pistol-shooting task while electroencephalographic activity was acquired. Results We found main effects for group and practice blocks on behavioral measures, and interactions between group and phases on electroencephalographic measures for the electrodes T3, T4, P3 and P4. Regarding the behavioral measures, the MPH group demonstrated significantly poorer in shooting performance when compared with the control and, in addition, significant increases in the scores over practice blocks were found on both groups. In addition, regarding the electroencephalographic data, we observed a significant increase in alpha power over practice blocks, but alpha power was significantly lower for the MPH group when compared with the placebo group. Moreover, we observed a significant decrease in alpha power in electrodes T4 and P4 during PTM. Conclusion Although we found no correlation between behavioral and EEG data, our findings show that MPH did not prevent the learning of the task in healthy subjects. However, during the practice blocks (PBs) it also did not favor the performance when compared with control group performance. It seems that the CNS effects of MPH demanded an initial readjustment period of integrated operations relative to the sensorimotor system. In other words, MPH seems to provoke a period of initial instability due to a possible modulation in neural activity, which can be explained by lower levels of alpha power (i.e., higher cortical activity). However, after the end of the PB1 a new stabilization was established in neural circuits, due to repetition of the task, resulting higher cortical activity during the task. In conclusion, MPH group performance was not initially superior to that of the control group, but eventually exceeded it, albeit without achieving statistical significance.


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Ritalin® (methylphenidate) is an amphetamine-like prescription stimulant commonly used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults. Recently, the recreational use of Ritalin has increased, particularly among young adults. Well-known symptoms of intoxication include signs of sympathetic nervous stimulation, such as agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, hypertension, headache, tremor, and dizziness. This case report describes oral dyskinesia as a rare presentation of Ritalin intoxication, with the review of pathophysiology and some epidemiological data.


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Behavioral sensitization is defined as the subsequent augmentation of the locomotor response to a drug following repeated administrations of the drug. It is believed to occur due to alterations in the motive circuit in the brain by stressors, central nervous system stimulants, and similar stimuli. The motive circuit (or mesocorticolimbic system) consists of several interconnected nuclei that determine the behavioral response to significant biological stimuli. A final target of the mesocorticolimbic system is the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which is a key structure linking motivation and action. In particular, the dopaminergic innervations of the Nac are considered to be essential in regulating motivated states of behavior such as goal-directed actions, stimulus-reward associations and reinforcement by addictive substances. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc in the behavioral sensitization elicited by chronic treatment with methylphenidate (MPD), a psychostimulant that is widely used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The dopaminergic afferents can be selectively destroyed using catecholamine neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In order to determine whether destruction of dopaminergic afferents of the NAc prevents sensitization, I compared locomotor activity in rats that had received infusions of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the NAc with that of control and sham-operated animals. All groups of rats received six days of single daily MPD injections after measuring their pre and post surgery locomotor baseline. Following the consecutive MPD injections, there was a washout period of 4 days, where no injections were given. Then, a rechallenge injection of MPD was given. Behavioral responses after repeated MPD were compared to those after acute MPD to assess behavioral sensitization. Expression of sensitization to MPD was not prevented by 6-OHDA infusion into the NAc. Moreover, two distinct responses were seen to the acute injection of MPD: one group of rats had essentially no response to acute MPD, while the other had an augmented (‘sensitized’-like) acute response. Among rats with 6-OHDA infusions, the animals with diminished acute response to MPD had intact behavioral sensitization to repeated MPD, while the animals with increased acute response to MPD did not exhibit further sensitization to it. This suggests that the acute and chronic effects of MPD have distinct underlying neural circuitries.


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BACKGROUND: Methylphenidate (MPD) is a psychostimulant commonly prescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. The mode of action of the brain circuitry responsible for initiating the animals' behavior in response to psychostimulants is not well understood. There is some evidence that psychostimulants activate the ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). METHODS: The present study was designed to investigate the acute dose-response of MPD (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg) on locomotor behavior and sensory evoked potentials recorded from the VTA, NAc, and PFC in freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes. For locomotor behavior, adult male Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; n = 39) rats were given saline on experimental day 1 and either saline or an acute injection of MPD (0.6, 2.5, or 10.0 mg/kg, i.p.) on experimental day 2. Locomotor activity was recorded for 2-h post injection on both days using an automated, computerized activity monitoring system. Electrophysiological recordings were also performed in the adult male WKY rats (n = 10). Five to seven days after the rats had recovered from the implantation of electrodes, each rat was placed in a sound-insulated, electrophysiological test chamber where its sensory evoked field potentials were recorded before and after saline and 0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg MPD injection. Time interval between injections was 90 min. RESULTS: Results showed an increase in locomotion with dose-response characteristics, while a dose-response decrease in amplitude of the components of sensory evoked field responses of the VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons. For example, the P3 component of the sensory evoked field response of the VTA decreased by 19.8% +/- 7.4% from baseline after treatment of 0.6 mg/kg MPD, 37.8% +/- 5.9% after 2.5 mg/kg MPD, and 56.5% +/- 3.9% after 10 mg/kg MPD. Greater attenuation from baseline was observed in the NAc and PFC. Differences in the intensity of MPD-induced attenuation were also found among these brain areas. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that an acute treatment of MPD produces electrophysiologically detectable alterations at the neuronal level, as well as observable, behavioral responses. The present study is the first to investigate the acute dose-response effects of MPD on behavior in terms of locomotor activity and in the brain involving the sensory inputs of VTA, NAc, and PFC neurons in intact, non-anesthetized, freely behaving rats previously implanted with permanent electrodes.


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Methylphenidate (MPD), commonly known as Ritalin, is the most frequently prescribed drug to treat children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Adolescence is a period of development involving numerous neuroplasticities throughout the central nervous system (CNS). Exposure to a psychostimulant such as MPD during this crucial period of neurodevelopment may cause transient or permanent changes in the CNS. Genetic variability may also influence these differences. Thus, the objective of the present study was to determine whether acute and chronic administration of MPD (0.6, 2.5, or 10.0mg/kg, i.p.) elicit effects among adolescent WKY, SHR, and SD rats and to compare whether there were strain differences. An automated, computerized, open-field activity monitoring system was used to study the dose-response characteristics of acute and repeated MPD administration throughout the 11-day experimental protocol. Results showed that all three adolescent rat groups exhibited dose-response characteristics following acute and chronic MPD administration, as well as strain differences. These strain differences depended on the MPD dose and locomotor index. Chronic treatment of MPD in these animals did not elicit behavioral sensitization, a phenomenon described in adult rats that is characterized by the progressive augmentation of the locomotor response to repeated administration of the drug. These results suggest that the animal's age at time of drug treatment and strain/genetic variability play a crucial role in the acute and chronic effect of MPD and in the development of behavioral sensitization.