948 resultados para Methyl-parathion
This paper describes the development and evaluation of a sequential injection method to automate the determination of methyl parathion by square wave adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry exploiting the concept of monosegmented flow analysis to perform in-line sample conditioning and standard addition. Accumulation and stripping steps are made in the sample medium conditioned with 40 mmol L-1 Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 10) in 0.25 mol L-1 NaNO3. The homogenized mixture is injected at a flow rate of 10 mu Ls(-1) toward the flow cell, which is adapted to the capillary of a hanging drop mercury electrode. After a suitable deposition time, the flow is stopped and the potential is scanned from -0.3 to -1.0 V versus Ag/AgCl at frequency of 250 Hz and pulse height of 25 mV The linear dynamic range is observed for methyl parathion concentrations between 0.010 and 0.50 mgL(-1), with detection and quantification limits of 2 and 7 mu gL(-1), respectively. The sampling throughput is 25 h(-1) if the in line standard addition and sample conditioning protocols are followed, but this frequency can be increased up to 61 h(-1) if the sample is conditioned off-line and quantified using an external calibration curve. The method was applied for determination of methyl parathion in spiked water samples and the accuracy was evaluated either by comparison to high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection, or by the recovery percentages. Although no evidences of statistically significant differences were observed between the expected and obtained concentrations, because of the susceptibility of the method to interference by other pesticides (e.g., parathion, dichlorvos) and natural organic matter (e.g., fulvic and humic acids), isolation of the analyte may be required when more complex sample matrices are encountered. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A low-cost electrochemical method was developed for the determination of trace-level of methyl parathion (MP) based on the properties of graphite-modified basal plane pyrolytic graphite electrode (graphite-bppg). A combination of graphite-bppg with square-wave voltammetric (SWV) analysis resulted in an original, sensitive and selective electrochemical method for determination of MP pesticide in drinking water. The electrode was constructed and the electrochemical behavior of MP was studied. Immobilization is achieved via film modification from dispersing graphite powder in deionized water and through pipeting a small volume onto the electrode surface allowing the solvent to volatilize. The strong affinity of the graphite modifier for the phosphorous group of the MP allowed the deposition of a significant amount of MP in less than 60 seconds. The cyclic voltammetric results indicate that the graphite-bppg electrode can enhance sensitivity in current intensity towards the quasi-reversible redox peaks of the products of the cathodic reduction of the nitro group at negative potential (peak I = 0.077 V and peak II = –0.062 V) and that the cathodic irreversible peak (peak III = –0.586 V) in comparison with bare bppg electrode and is also adsorption controlled process. Under optimized conditions, the concentration range and detection limit for MP pesticide are respectively 79.0 to 263.3 mmol L-1 and 3.00 mmol L-1. The proposed method was successfully applied to MP determination in drinking water and the performance of this electrochemical sensor has been evaluated in terms of analytical figures of merit.
The use of pesticides has been the main strategy to prevent ectoparasites that threaten aquaculture productivity. The non regulated use of such chemicals may lead to damage in aquatic ecosystems that receive the ponds effluents, compromising environmental and consumers' health. With the aim of evaluate the use of pesticides in aquacultural practices developed in Mogi-Guacu catchment, fish farm and fee fishing owners were interviewed. Eighty-nine enterprises were visited, and was verified that about 40% uses pesticide during management practices in recent years. The diflubenzuron, methyl parathion, trichlorfon and triflumuron were the pesticides most used. In addition to the interviews, samples were taken in 3 enterprises localized in Socorro, SP (Peixe River sub-catchment) which had a pesticide usage history. It was not detected residues of the pesticides diflubenzuron, methyl parathion and dichlorvos in any water, sediments nor fishes samples from tow distinct seasons (lower and high fishing seasons). On fact, non-detected pesticides residues corroborate with the fish farmers statement to deny recently pesticide usage during management practices. Nevertheless, the lack of chemotherapeutics usage criteria and the potential hazardous due to these practices were discussed.
Many potentially harmful pesticides for both human health and the environment are used in Brazilian Amazon. However, no scientific datum on pesticide usage is presently available for this region. Consequently, it is difficult to assess which substances arc used and in which quantities. As an important premise for future work on pesticide contamination in the county of Santarém (State of Pará, Brazil), a survey was conducted in order to qualify and quantify the use of some pesticides in this region. This investigation was made between January and March 1997 and August and October 1998 and revealed use of several organophosphates, synthetic pyrethroids and carbamates insecticides. Furthermore, many herbicides and fungicides were listed. These pesticides are used for agriculture, domestic, and sanitary programs. This paper also provides a first estimation of quantities of some insecticides commonly used in agriculture (chlorpyrifos, malathion, metamidophos and methyl-parathion). The annual consumption for these four compounds is estimated at ca. 1 910 kg. Organophosphate insecticide consumption in the county of Santarém seems to be lower than the Brazilian average in terms of «per capita» and «per agricultural area» consumptions. Nevertheless, this county uses toxic substances on sensitive environments such as floodplains (várzeas), making relevant a thorough study on the potential contamination of this environment and its biota.
Trace levels of three organophosphate insecticides (OPI) were detected in eight fish species from the region of Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil. Individual concentrations of OPI in fish ranged from less than the detection limit to 2,1 ppb. Mean concentrations of chlorpyrifos, malathion, and methyl-parathion were 0,3 ± 0,3, 0,1 ± 0,1, and 0,3 ± 0,3 ppb, respectively. Pellona flavipinnis, the largest and fattest piscivorous species analyzed, was the most contaminated. Since an inhabitant of this Amazonian region consumes 220 g of fish per day on average, ingested doses of chlorpyrifos, malathion, and methyl-parathion may reach up to 308, 220, and 462 ng·d-1, respectively. Compared to acceptable daily intakes (ADI), quantities of OPI absorbed via fish consumption on a daily basis are far below deleterious levels. We estimated that even considering the highest OPI contents detected, the average daily fish consumption of anadult of 60 kg would have to increase by ca. 1 950, 5 450, and 2 600 times to reach ADI of chlorpyrifos, malathion, and methyl-parathion, respectively. Neither fish diet nor fish lipid content enabled us to completely explain the interspecific differences observed.
The introduction of culture-independent molecular screening techniques, especially based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, has allowed microbiologists to examine a facet of microbial diversity not necessarily reflected by the results of culturing studies. The bacterial community structure was studied for a pesticide-contaminated site that was subsequently remediated using an efficient degradative strain Arthrobacter protophormiae RKJ100. The efficiency of the bioremediation process was assessed by monitoring the depletion of the pollutant, and the effect of addition of an exogenous strain on the existing soil community structure was determined using molecular techniques. The 16S rRNA gene pool amplified from the soil metagenome was cloned and restriction fragment length polymorphism studies revealed 46 different phylotypes on the basis of similar banding patterns. Sequencing of representative clones of each phylotype showed that the community structure of the pesticide-contaminated soil was mainly constituted by Proteobacteria and Actinomycetes. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed only nonsignificant changes in community structure during the process of bioremediation. Immobilized cells of strain RKJ100 enhanced pollutant degradation but seemed to have no detectable effects on the existing bacterial community structure.
A matrix solid phase dispersion and gas chromatography-mass selective detection method for the simultaneous determination of monocrotophos, methyl parathion, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in okra is described. Analyses of 2 g of fortified okra (0.05-0.75 mg kg-1) showed an average recovery of 96.2% (71.4-128.4%) and average relative standard deviation of 11.7% (1.4-37.1%). The cypermethrin recovery at the lower level was above 130%. The limit of detection ranged from 0.02 to 0.15 mg kg-1. The procedure was applied to the okra samples and has found 0.56 mg kg-1 of cypermethrin-cis, 0.75 mg kg-1 of cypermethrin-trans and 2.71 mg kg-1 of deltamethrin.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work determined the efficacy of the insecticide methyl parathion and the natural pesticide azadirachtin present in the aqueous extract of dry neem leaves (AEDNL) to Anacanthorus penilabiatus (Monogenoidea) control in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). The efficacy of methyl parathion was evaluated in an experiment consisting of six treatments (0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mg methyl parathion/L water) and five exposure times (2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h). The efficacy of azadirachtin present in AEDNL was assessed in an experiment consisting of seven treatments (0,0; 25; 50; 75; 100; 125; e 150 mL/L water) and five exposure times (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h). The efficacy of methyl parathion increased with increasing concentration and exposure time. The highest control efficacy was obtained with a concentration of 7 mg methyl parathion/L at all exposure times. In this treatment, the highest efficacies were observed at 16 and 24 h of exposure, with a control rate of 96.2 and 97.0%, respectively. For the AEDNL, the highest control efficacy (89.2%) was obtained with a concentration of 2.9 mg/L after 120 h of exposure. The efficacy in the treatments employing 1.47 and 1.18 mg/L was 83.9 and 82.5%, respectively, after 120 h of exposure. Methyl parathion presented a higher efficacy in the control of A. penilabiatus than the AEDNL. The AEDNL was moderately effective in the control of the parasite.
Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de inseticidas em insetos predadores em cultura de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.), instalaram-se, em 1993-1994, dois experimentos, um no campo, e outro, em laboratório. No experimento realizado no campo, os tratamentos foram: Fipronil 200 SC (75 g/ha de i.a.); Fipronil 800 WDG (64, 80 e 100 g/ha de i.a.); Endosulfan 350 CE (700 g/ha de i.a.); e testemunha. em laboratório, além das formulações à base de Fipronil foi utilizado o Paration metílico 600 CE (480 g/ha de i.a.). Fipronil foi seletivo para os artrópodes predadores (Scymnus sp., Geocoris ventralis, Cycloneda sanguinea e Doru lineare) no campo, e a Cycloneda sanguinea (L.), em laboratório, e pode ser recomendado em programas de manejo integrado de pragas na cultura do algodoeiro para o controle de Alabama argillacea (Rueb.), e Anthonomus grandis Boh. Endosulfan foi seletivo em relação a Scymnus sp., Geocoris ventralis Thomazini e Doru lineare (Eschs) no campo, com uma redução dos insetos inferior a 30%, e o Paration metílico não foi seletivo para C. sanguinea em laboratório.
We report for the first time the attack of the walking stick Tetanorhynchus leonardosi (Mello-Leitão) (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) on young eucalyptus, Eucalyptus urophylla, in Brazil. The upper third of the trees was attacked (apical meristems and new leaves). During the hottest hours of the day the insects were found sheltered between leaves on the median third of the plants, and feeding when temperatures were milder. The attack was heterogeneous in the stand, being more concentrated when it was neighbouring an area of native 'Cerrado' vegetation. Mean defoliation was 5.8%, with an average of 5.2% of plants with apical meristems cut by the walking sticks. An application of Methyl Parathion was not effective against the pest. Apparently plants older than 6 months were less attacked by the insects, that preferred 3-month old trees. The reduction of native vegetation may explain the dispersion of T. leonardosi from its native host plants to the exotic eucalyptus.
Exposure to agrichemicals can have deleterious effects on fish, such as disruption of the hypothalamus-pituitary-inter-renal axis (HPI) that could impair the ability of fish to respond to stressors. In this study, fingerlings of the teleost jundiá (Rhamdia quelen) were used to investigate the effects of the commonly used agrichemicals on the fish response to stress. Five common agrichemicals were tested: the fungicide - tebuconazole, the insecticide - methyl-parathion, and the herbicides - atrazine, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate. Control fishes were not exposed to agrichemicals and standard stressors. In treatments 2-4, the fishes were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (16.6%, 33.3%, and 50% of the LC50) of each agrichemical for 96 h, and at the end of this period, were subjected to an acute stress-handling stimulus by chasing them with a pen net. In treatments 5-7 (16.6%, 33.3%, and 50% of the LC50), the fishes were exposed to the same concentrations of the agrichemicals without stress stimulus. Treatment 8 consisted of jundiás not exposed to agrichemicals, but was subjected to an acute stress-handling stimulus. Jundiás exposed to methyl-parathion, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate presented a decreased capacity in exhibiting an adequate response to cope with stress and in maintaining the homeostasis, with cortisol level lower than that in the control fish (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the results of this study clearly demonstrate that the acute exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of methyl-parathion, atrazine + simazine, and glyphosate exert a deleterious effect on the cortisol response to an additional acute stressor in the jundiá fingerlings. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Indiscriminate and inappropriate use of pesticides in agriculture has been pointed out for increasing health problems and environmental damage. Considering that water resources are the principal destiny of those compounds after application, the present study presents optimization and validation of two simple and effi cient analytical methods for pesticides quantifi cation in both surface and groundwater. Were selected the pesticides more commonly used at Dourados (MS - Brazil), region with intense agricultural activity. Pesticides were preconcentrated by solid-phase extraction using C18 (500 mg) cartridges and then divided in two groups for elution and quantifi cation: 2.4-D and 2.4-DCP were eluted with methanol and quantifi ed by high performance liquid chromatography with ultra-violet detector (HPLC-UV) while atrazine, DIA, DEA, trifl uralin and methyl parathion were eluted with ethylacetate (1:1, v/v) and quantifi ed by gas chromatography with thermionic specifi c detector (GC-TSD). The methods showed satisfactory accuracy (76-107%) and precision (<12%) for the substances analyzed at the fortifi ed levels selected for the study, except for DIA (<51%). Study of pesticide stability also presented good results: C18 cartridges could be stored for at least for 21 days at -20ºC with no signs of the compounds degradability. Both methods limits of quantifi cation of the pesticides (0.22 - 0.48 μg L-1) are in accordance to the levels currently established by the Brazilian national legislation for pesticides in water. Although only the pesticide 2.4-D has been detected in two distinct collection points in the study period of time, this work warns for the requirement of systematical analysis of pesticides presence in water destined to human consume, principally in areas of intense agriculture activity. Such monitoring can provide subsidies for public environmental policies.