968 resultados para Methyl linoleate


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Cereal kernels are known to contain a number of minor components that possess beneficial health attributes. In this thesis rye and wheat were studied as sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and their behaviour in processing were evaluated. Further, enzymatic hydrolysis of these conjugates was studied, as well as the capacity of steryl ferulates to inhibit lipid oxidation at different temperatures. Steryl ferulates were shown to have a strong positive correlation with dietary fibre contents in milling fractions from the outer parts of the kernels obtained from a commercial scale mill. Highest contents of steryl ferulates were found in the bran in both cereals, with the content decreasing once moving towards the inner parts of the kernel. Variation in the contents of steryl ferulates was higher in wheat fractions than rye fractions. Steryl glycosides, on the other hand, had either negative or no correlation with dietary fibre, and the range of the steryl glycoside contents was much narrower than that of steryl ferulates in both cereals. There were significant differences in the sterol compositions of these steryl conjugates when compared with each other or with the total plant sterols in the corresponding fractions. Properties of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides were evaluated after common processing methods and in enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermal and mechanical processing had only minor or no effects on the contents of steryl conjugates from rye and wheat bran. Enzymatic treatments on the other hand caused some changes, especially in the contents of glycosylated sterols. When steryl ferulates extracted from rye or wheat bran were subjected to enzymatic treatments by steryl esterase, significant differences in the rates of hydrolysis were observed between steryl ferulates from different sources with differing sterol compositions. Further, differences were also observed between enzymes from different sources. Steryl glycosides were shown to be hydrolysed by β-glucosidase (cellobiase) from A. niger, but less with β-glucosidases from other sources. Steryl ferulates showed good antioxidant activity at both moderate and high temperatures. In bulk and emulsion systems of methyl linoleate at 40°C steryl ferulates extracted from rye and wheat bran inhibited hydroperoxide formation much more effectively than synthetic steryl ferulates or those extracted from rice (γ-oryzanol), demonstrating that the sterol composition has an effect on the activity. At cooking (100°C) and frying temperatures (180°C) sitostanyl ferulate was shown to inhibit polymer formation significantly and, especially at 100°C, comparably to α-tocopherol. The rate of antioxidant degradation was slower for sitostanyl ferulate, showing higher heat stability than α-tocopherol. When evaluated as a mixture, no synergistic effect was observed between these two antioxidants. The data presented in this thesis provides information that may henceforth be applied when evaluating the intakes of steryl conjugates from cereal sources, as well as their possible influences as minor bioactive components. Wheat and rye both are good sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and, especially with steryl ferulates, what may be lost out to some other cereals on quantity is compensated with quality of the sterol composition.


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A velocidade do som é uma propriedade que vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada em diferentes áreas tecnológicas. Além disso, a velocidade do som é uma propriedade termodinâmica que está associada a outras propriedades do meio como a compressibilidade isentrópica e isotérmica, entre outras. Neste contexto, muitos estudos foram realizados a fim de obter modelos precisos que possam representar fielmente a velocidade do som, sendo observados desvios absolutos médios entre 0,13 e 24,8%. Neste trabalho, um banco de dados de velocidade do som e massa específica à pressão atmosférica de n-alcanos, alcanos ramificados, n-alcenos, aromáticos, alcoóis, éteres e ésteres, foram compilados da literatura aberta. Utilizando estes dados e baseando-se no modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo recentemente proposto, foi desenvolvido um novo modelo por contribuição atômica para predizer a velocidade do som de todas as famílias dos compostos investigados neste trabalho. É mostrado que o modelo proposto é capaz de prever a velocidade do som para os compostos destas famílias com desvios próximos da incerteza experimental calculada a partir de diferentes dados da literatura. Este trabalho também discute o efeito da ramificação das cadeias na constante Wada, ressaltando a importância de novas medições para este tipo de compostos. Além disso, observou-se que a literatura necessita de mais dados experimentais de velocidade do som, à pressão atmosférica e diferentes temperaturas para substâncias puras presentes em biodiesel e bio-óleo de pirólise rápida. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho fornece novos dados experimentais de velocidade do som e massa específica de cinco ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos, também conhecidos como FAMEs, (caprilato de metila, caprato de metila, palmitato de metila, estearato de metila e linoleato de metila), e sete componentes puros presentes em bio-óleo de pirólise à pressão atmosférica, de vários fenóis (fenol, o-, m- e p-cresol), dois éteres fenólicos (2-metoxifenol e eugenol) e um éster fenólico (salicilato de metila), a temperaturas de (288,15-343,15) K. O modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi utilizado para calcular a velocidade do som dos FAMEs estudados neste trabalho, e os desvios foram comparados com o modelo de Wada por contribuição de grupo. O modelo atômico de Wada foi utilizado para prever a velocidade do som dos componentes puros presentes no bio-óleo de pirólise rápida experimentalmente estudados nesta dissertação. Além disso, os dados de massa específica e velocidade de som foram correlacionados com o modelo de Prigogine-Flory-Patterson (PFP). As propriedades foram bem representadas pelo modelo PFP, no entanto, para a velocidade do som o modelo apresenta desvios sistemáticos na dependência com a temperatura. O desempenho do modelo preditivo de Wada atômico foi considerado satisfatório, devido os desvios observados serem compatíveis ou até menores do que os desvios típicos obtidos na literatura com outros modelos correlativos para o cálculo da velocidade do som de outras substâncias


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The characteristic of biodiesel fuel production from transesterification of soybean oil is studied. The reactant solution is the mixture of soybean oil, methanol, and solvent. A new lipase immobilization method, textile cloth immobilization, was developed in this study. Immobilized Candida lipase sp. 99-125 was applied as the enzyme catalyst. The effect of flow rate of reaction liquid, solvents, reaction time, and water content on the biodiesel yield is investigated. Products analysis shows that the main components in biodiesel are methyl sterate, methyl hexadecanoate, methyl oleate, methyl linoleate, and methyl linolenate. The test results indicate that the maximum yield of biodiesel of 92% was obtained at the conditions of hexane being the solvent, water content being 20 wt%, and reaction time being 24 h.


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Triplet-excited riboflavin ((3)RF*) was found by laser flash photolysis to be quenched by polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl esters in tert-butanol/water (7:3, v/v) in a second-order reaction with k similar to 3.0 x 10(5) L mol(-1) s(-1) at 25 degrees C for methyl linoleate and 3.1 x 10(6) L mol(-1) s(-1), with Delta H double dagger = 22.6 kJ mol(-1) and Delta S double dagger = -62.3 J K(-1) mol(-1), for methyl linolenate in acetonitrile/water (8:2, v/v). For methyl oleate, k was <10(4) L mol(-1) s(-1). For comparison, beta-casein was found to have a rate constant k similar to 4.9 x 10(8) L mol(-1) s(-1). Singlet-excited flavin was not quenched by the esters as evidenced by insensitivity of steady-state fluorescence to their presence. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed that electron transfer from unsaturated fatty acid esters to triplet-excited flavins is endergonic, while a formal hydrogen atom transfer is exergonic (Delta G(HAT)degrees = -114.3, -151.2, and -151.2 kJ mol(-1) for oleate, linoleate, and linolenate, respectively, in acetonitrile). The reaction is driven by acidity of the lipid cation radical for which a pK(a) similar to -0.12 was estimated by DFT calculations. Absence of electrochemical activity in acetonitrile during cyclic voltammetry up to 2.0 V versus NHE confirmed that Delta G(ET)degrees > 0 for electron transfer. Interaction of methyl esters with (3)RF* is considered as initiation of the radical chain, which is subsequently propagated by combination reactions with residual oxygen. In this respect, carbon-centered and alkoxyl radicals were detected using the spin trapping technique in combination with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Moreover, quenching of 3RF* yields, directly or indirectly, radical species which are capable of initiating oxidation in unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters. Still, deactivation of triplet-excited flavins by lipid derivatives was slower than by proteins (factor up to 10(4)), which react preferentially by electron transfer. Depending on the reaction environment in biological systems (including food), protein radicals are expected to interfere in the mechanism of light-induced lipid oxidation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work has as main theme optimize the method of determination of fatty acids such as methyl octanoate, methyl palmitate, methyl stearate, methyl oleate, methyl linoleate and methyl linolenate in blood plasma samples from mice. The method proved to be very suitable for the analysis, in which we obtained the following linear coefficients: 0.9992, 0.9989, 0.9996, 0.9995, 0.9999 for methyl linoleate acid, methyl oleate, methyl palmitate, methyl stearate and methyl octanoate, respectively. Esterification of the samples gave good reading of chromatograms of samples without interfering peaks. The results obtained were as expected from the diet of mices


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lipoxygenases are nonheme-iron proteins that catalyze the oxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids to give conjugated diene hydroperoxides. For example, soybean lipoxygenase-1 (SBLO-1) converts linoleate into 13-(S)-hydroperoxy-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoate (13(S)-HPOD). Although the crystal structure of SBLO-1 has been determined, it is still unclear how the substrate binds at the active site. This absence of knowledge makes it difficult to understand the role of the enzyme during catalysis of the reaction. We hypothesize that SBLO-1 binds linoleate ¿tail-first¿, so that the methyl terminus is within a hydrophobic pocket deep within the enzyme. It is believed that the hydrophobic residue phenylalanine-557 at this site has stabilizing interactions with the terminal methyl group on linoleate. To test this hypothesis, we have developed a synthetic pathway that will yield linoleate analogs with longer fatty acid chains by 1 and 2 more carbons at the alkyl terminus. These substrates will be analyzed through kinetic assays done in combination with wild type SBLO-1 and mutants in which we have replaced phenylalanine-557 with valine.


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The development of new materials for water purification is of universal importance. Among these types of materials are layered double hydroxides (LDHs). Non-ionic materials pose a significant problem as pollutants. The interaction of methyl orange (MO) and acidic scarlet GR (GR) adsorption on hydrocalumite (Ca/Al-LDH-Cl) were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (MIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR). The XRD results revealed that the basal spacing of Ca/Al-LDH-MO was expanded to 2.45 nm, and the MO molecules were intercalated with a inter-penetrating bilayer model in the gallery of LDH, with 49o tilting angle. Yet Ca/Al-LDH-GR was kept the same d-value as Ca/Al-LDH-Cl. The NIR spectrum for Ca/Al-LDH-MO showed a prominent band around 5994 cm-1, assigned to the combination result of the N-H stretching vibrations, which was considered as a mark to assess MO- ion intercalation into Ca/Al-LDH-Cl interlayers. From SEM images, the particle morphology of Ca/Al-LDH-MO mainly changed to irregular platelets, with a “honey-comb” like structure. Yet the Ca/Al-LDH-GR maintained regular hexagons platelets, which was similar to that of Ca/Al-LDH-Cl. All results indicated that MO- ion was intercalated into Ca/Al-LDH-Cl interlayers, and acidic scarlet GR was only adsorped upon Ca/Al-LDH-Cl surfaces.