822 resultados para Metal-mechanic production sector


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A quantitative and qualitative review of the cultural industries in Manchester at the end of the 1990s


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Metal powder in the range of 10-100 microns is widely employed in the production of Raney nickel type catalysts for hydrogenation reactions and hydrogen fuel cell manufacture. In this presentation we examine the modelling of powder production in a gas atomisation vessel using CFD techniques. In a fully coupled Lagrangian-Eulerian two phase scheme, liquid meal particles are tracked through the vessel following atomisation of a liquid nickel-aluminium stream. There is full momentum, heat and turbulence transport between particles and surrounding argon gas and the model predicts the position of solidification depending on particle size and undercooled condition. Maps of collision probability of particles at different stages of solidification are computed, to predict the creation of satellite defects, or to initiate solidification of undercooled droplets. The model is used to support experimental work conducted under the ESA/EU project IMPRESS.


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The fisheries sector in the course of the last three decades have been transformed from a developed country to a developing country dominance. Aquaculture, the farming of waters, though a millennia old tradition during this period has become a significant contributor to food fish production, currently accounting for nearly 50 % of global food fish consumption; in effect transforming our dependence from a hunted to a farmed supply as for all our staple food types. Aquaculture and indeed the fisheries sector as a whole is predominated in the developing countries, and accordingly the development strategies adopted by the sector are influenced by this. Aquaculture also being a newly emerged food production sector has being subjected to an increased level of public scrutiny, and one of the most contentious aspects has been its impacts on biodiversity. In this synthesis an attempt is made to assess the impacts of aquaculture on biodiversity. Instances of major impacts on biodiversity conservation arising from aquaculture, such as land use, effluent discharge, effects on wild populations, alien species among others are highlighted and critically examined. The influence of paradigm changes in development strategies and modern day market forces have begun to impact on aquaculture developments. Consequently, improvements in practices and adoption of more environmentally friendly approaches that have a decreasing negative influence on biodiversity conservation are highlighted. An attempt is also made to demonstrate direct and or indirect benefits of aquaculture, such as through being a substitute to meet human needs for food, particularly over-exploited and vulnerable fish stocks, and for other purposes (e.g. medicinal ingredients), on biodiversity conservation, often a neglected entity.


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Includes bibliography


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Estudos têm mostrado que a intensificação do efeito estufa nos últimos anos vem ocasionando um aumento do aquecimento global com reflexos no clima que, por conseguinte, podem comprometer a vida no planeta. Tal intensificação se dá em função do acréscimo na concentração dos gases de efeito estufa proveniente de atividades antrópicas. Esta pesquisa visa quantificar a contribuição das emissões de gases do efeito estufa, lançados por uma empresa do setor metal-mecânico, situada no município do Rio de Janeiro RJ, além de propor cenários nos quais tais emissões podem ser compensadas. A quantificação foi concretizada através da utilização de metodologia elaborada pelo IPCC. A proposta de compensação das emissões se deu através da substituição de combustíveis utilizados em veículos, implantação de produção de energia por sistema fotovoltaico, biodigestão de efluentes domésticos e reflorestamento. A justificativa da pesquisa baseia-se na contribuição para a mitigação da intensificação do efeito estufa, do aquecimento global e das mudanças climáticas, o que conseqüentemente pode colaborar para a conservação da vida na Terra. Do total de emissões lançadas na atmosfera pela empresa em estudo, no ano de 2008, foi obtido um valor de 422 toneladas de CO2 equivalente, sendo 177 toneladas pelo consumo de combustíveis dos meios de transporte, 87 toneladas pelos resíduos gerados, 2,2 toneladas pelos efluentes gerados, 8,81 toneladas por consumo de energia elétrica e 148 toneladas por processos industriais internos. No cenário onde se contempla as medidas mitigadoras, tais emissões são reduzidas a 349 toneladas de CO2 equivalente. Caso seja empregado o reflorestamento como única forma de neutralização total de emissões da empresa em estudo, faz-se necessária a recuperação vegetal de uma área com 1,33 hectares de extensão. Esta alternativa pode se mostrar vantajosa em curto prazo por não acarretar maiores modificações na rotina dos processos industriais. No entanto, caso a Metal Master opte apenas pelo reflorestamento e mantenha o padrão de emissões semelhante ao ano de 2008, ao longo dos anos, será necessária uma vasta extensão de território reflorestado em relação aos valores pré-estabelecidos. Este fato denota a importância de modificações no ambiente industrial, de modo a permitir a neutralização em longo prazo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper examines the changing production ecology of British pre-school television in light of developments since the mid-1990s and the specific role played by the BBC. Underpinning the research is the perception that pre-school television is characterised by a complex set of industry relationships and dependencies that demands content which needs to satisfy a wide range of international circumstances and commercial prerogatives. For the BBC this has created tension between its public service goals and commercial priorities. Pre-school programming began in Britain in 1950, but it was not until the mid-1990s that Britain emerged as a leading producer of pre-school programming worldwide with government/industry reports regularly identifying the children’s production sector as an important contributor to exports. The rise of pre-school niche channels (CBeebies, Nick Junior, Playhouse Disney), audience fragmentation and the internationalisation and commercialisation of markets have radically altered the funding base of children’s television and the relationships that the BBC enjoys with key players. The international success of much of its pre-school programming is based on the relationships it enjoys with independent producers who generate significant revenues from programme-related consumer products. This paper focuses on the complex and changing relationships between the BBC, independent producers, and financiers, that constitute the production ecology of pre-school television and shape its output. Within the broader setting of cultural production and global trends the paper investigates the following questions: 1) In the light of changes to the sector since the mid-1990s, what makes pre-school television significant both generally and as an ideal public service project? 2) What is the nature of the current funding crisis in British children’s television and what implications does this crisis have for the BBC’s involvement in pre-school television? 3) How is the Corporation reacting to and managing the wider commercial, cultural, regulatory and technological forces that are likely to affect its strategies for the commissioning, production and acquisition of pre-school content?


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El sector piscicultor en el Huila presenta un potencial para el departamento y el país que debe ser explotado, buscando el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas sostenibles que lleven al crecimiento, expansión y desarrollo en general del sector. El presente trabajo pretende explorar diferentes estrategias que pueden ayudar al desarrollo de estas ventajas competitivas. Realizando una evaluación de diferentes factores que influyen en el sector de acuerdo con el Diamante de la competitividad de Michael Porter y explorando la cadena de valor de las empresas del sector, generamos un análisis de Debilidades, Oportunidades, Fortalezas y Amenazas (análisis DOFA) para generar una visión de las estrategias a seguir en la generación de valor. Luego de explorar las posibles estrategias que podría seguir el sector, encontramos unos puntos que se vuelven común denominador: la generación de marca para el reconocimiento de los productos en los consumidores finales y el desarrollo valor agregado a través de nuevos productos o llegando a nuevos segmentos de mercado. Teniendo en cuenta las experiencias internacionales que han tenido otros sectores, es recomendable que las empresas del sector piscicultor del departamento del Huila generen espacios de cooperación (a manera de clúster) en los cuales se tengan objetivos enfocados en la generación ventajas competitivas para todo el sector y el fortalecimiento de una marca que sea reconocida internacionalmente.


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Esta dissertação propõe um método de trabalho para a implantação de um sistema de Planejamento Fino da Produção baseado na Teoria das Restrições. É apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre Planejamento e Controle da Produção, destacando a abordagem da Teoria das Restrições. É realizado um estudo sobre ferramentas computacionais de Planejamento Fino da Produção e suas particularidades. A seguir é desenvolvido o método de trabalho, que foi seguido de sua aplicação prática em uma empresa industrial do ramo metal-mecânico. O estudo apresenta as modificações no sistema de Planejamento e Controle da Produção da empresa, que foi adequado as práticas e princípios da Manufatura Sincronizada. As melhorias decorrentes da implantação podem ser constatadas através dos resultados divulgados. Este trabalho explora as particularidades e dificuldades da implementação desta ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão, e discute aspectos referentes às mudanças na “filosofia” de produção impostas pela sincronização da manufatura.


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Peru agricultural exports have increased in recent years due to (i) free trade agreements with many countries (United States, Canada, European Union, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Chile, among others), (ii) an increasing international demand for healthy products, (iii) country´s economic development and (iv) more private investments in this sector (Velazco 2012). Also, if we can compare among Peru three main regions (Coast, Andean highlands and the Jungle), It is the Coast (western region) that has a developed agricultural production due to unique weather conditions, private investments, public infrastructure, transport costs and quality of land (Gomez, 2008). This country development is also related to the production of non-traditional products for export like asparagus, artichokes, capsicums, bananas, grapes, among others; produced by agro industrial companies and small farmers and that are mainly labor intensive (Gomez, 2008 and Velazco, 2012). This very successful export diversification and self-discovery process was the result of a combination of strong natural comparative advantages (mainly excellent agro climatic conditions) and a significant innovation effort. It meant the introduction and expansion of new products and markets, the entry of new firms, and experimental research and the adoption of new techniques and process technologies developed abroad (in irrigation, crop management, post-harvesting, sanitary control, storage and packing) to produce high-quality, niche (gourmet) and higher value-added products, in line with consumer trends in sophisticated food markets. In products such as asparagus, mango, organic coffee and capsicums, Peru has become a leading world exporter (OECD). For this reason one of the government main tasks for the next years is to meet urgent agriculture producer’s needs in the areas of technological Innovation and business management (MINAG). In this context, this thesis analyzes the applicability of a new technology – the mechatronic arms – specifically to capsicums production sector in Peru. We chose Capsicums production sector (paprika, chilli pepper) because is mainly labor intensive and is the sector where my family company (DIROSE SAC) operates. This innovation consists in a 40 arms mechatronic combine, and it was first created in order to improve the efficiency on the labor intensive phase of harvest for this kind of agriculture products. It is estimated that a laborer with brief training operating the machine would be equivalent to 40 people that not only would work during daytime, but also on the night shift as well. Also, using this new technology can allow a company to make additional crops that would increase their yields and annual revenues. This thesis was developed as a business plan to make this new product available for other agriculture companies that operates in the capsicums production sector in Peru; however, this new technology has the potential to be modified in order to be available to other kind of agriculture products, in Peru and other countries.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)