979 resultados para Metabolism of the nitrogen
Increasing levels of atmospheric ammonia from anthropogenic sources have become a serious problem for natural vegetation. Short-term effects of different ammoniacal sources on the N metabolism of Tillandsia pohliana, an atmospheric bromeliad, were investigated. One-year-old, aseptically grown plants were transferred to a modified Knudson medium lacking N for three weeks. Plants were subsequently transferred to Knudson media supplemented with 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mM of N in the forms of NH3 or NH4+ as the sole N source. The activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH-NADH) were determined after 40 h. The GS activity was stimulated significantly by increasing the levels of the gaseous form. The GDH-NADH activity increased significantly under increasing N concentrations with NH3, while no significant differences were observed with NH4+ as a N source. These results may reflect a faster NH3 absorption by T. pohliana compared to NH4+ uptake. The increased activity of GDH-NADH in NH3 treatment may play a role in protecting the cells from the toxic effects of increased endogenous level of free ammonium. A raise in the concentration of N, especially in the form of NH3, greatly increased the content of free amino acids and soluble proteins. A possible utilisation of T. pohliana to evaluate the changes of atmospheric gaseous ammonia is proposed.
The aim of the present study was to analyse whether offspring of mature Quercus ilex trees grown under life-long elevated pCO2 show alterations in the physiological response to elevated pCO2 in comparison with those originating from mature trees grown at current ambient pCO2. To investigate changes in C- (for changes in photosynthesis, biomass and lignin see Polle, McKee & Blaschke Plant, Cell and Environment 24, 1075–1083, 2001), N-, and S-metabolism soluble sugar, soluble non-proteinogenic nitrogen compounds (TSNN), nitrate reductase (NR), thiols, adenosine 5′-phosphosulphate (APS) reductase, and anions were analysed. For this purpose Q. ilex seedlings were grown from acorns of mother tree stands at a natural spring site (elevated pCO2) and a control site (ambient pCO2) of the Laiatico spring, Central Italy. Short-term elevated pCO2 exposure of the offspring of control oaks lead to higher sugar contents in stem tissues, to a reduced TSNN content in leaves, and basipetal stem tissues, to diminished thiol contents in all tissues analysed, and to reduced APS reductase activity in both, leaves and roots. Most of the components of C-, N- and S-metabolism including APS reductase activity which were reduced due to short-term elevated pCO2 exposure were recovered by life-long growth under elevated pCO2 in the offspring of spring oaks. Still TSNN contents in phloem exudates increased, nitrate contents in lateral roots and glutathione in leaves and phloem exudates remained reduced in these plants. The present results demonstrated that metabolic adaptations of Q. ilex mother trees to elevated pCO2 can be passed to the next generation. Short- and long-term effects on source-to-sink relation and physiological and genetic acclimation to elevated pCO2 are discussed.
Seagrass ecosystems are expected to benefit from the global increase in CO2 in the ocean because the photosynthetic rate of these plants may be Ci-limited at the current CO2 level. As well, it is expected that lower external pH will facilitate the nitrate uptake of seagrasses if nitrate is cotransported with H+ across the membrane as in terrestrial plants. Here, we investigate the effects of CO2 enrichment on both carbon and nitrogen metabolism of the seagrass Zostera noltii in a mesocosm experiment where plants were exposed for 5 months to two experimental CO2 concentrations (360 and 700 ppm). Both the maximum photosynthetic rate (Pm) and photosynthetic efficiency (a) were higher (1.3- and 4.1-fold, respectively) in plants exposed to CO2-enriched conditions. On the other hand, no significant effects of CO2 enrichment on leaf growth rates were observed, probably due to nitrogen limitation as revealed by the low nitrogen content of leaves. The leaf ammonium uptake rate and glutamine synthetase activity were not significantly affected by increased CO2 concentrations. On the other hand, the leaf nitrate uptake rate of plants exposed to CO2-enriched conditions was fourfold lower than the uptake of plants exposed to current CO2 level, suggesting that in the seagrass Z. noltii nitrate is not cotransported with H+ as in terrestrial plants. In contrast, the activity of nitrate reductase was threefold higher in plant leaves grown at high-CO2 concentrations. Our results suggest that the global effects of CO2 on seagrass production may be spatially heterogeneous and depend on the specific nitrogen availability of each system. Under a CO2 increase scenario, the natural levels of nutrients will probably become limiting for Z. noltii. This potential limitation becomes more relevant because the expected positive effect of CO2 increase on nitrate uptake rate was not confirmed.
The structural complexity of the nitrogen sources strongly affects biomass production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes in filamentous fungi. Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus nidulans were grown in media containing glucose or starch, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids), peptides (peptone) and protein (gelatin). In glucose, when the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, for both microorganisms, higher biomass production occurred upon supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone and gelatin). With a close to neutrality pH, biomass accumulation was lower only in the presence of the ammonium salt. When grown in starch, biomass accumulation and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes (amylolytic and proteolytic) by Fusarium also depended on the nature of the nitrogen supplement and the pH. When the initial pH was adjusted to 5.0, higher growth and higher amylolytic activities were detected in the media supplemented with peptone, gelatin and casamino acids. However, at pH 7.0, higher biomass accumulation and higher amylolytic activities were observed upon supplementation with peptone or gelatin. Ammonium sulfate and casamino acids induced a lower production of biomass, and a different level of amylolytic enzyme secretion: high in ammonium sulfate and low in casamino acids. Secretion of proteolytic activity was always higher in the media supplemented with peptone and gelatin. Aspergillus, when grown in starch, was not as dependent as Fusarium on the nature of nitrogen source or the pH. The results described in this work indicate that the metabolism of fungi is regulated not only by pH, but also by the level of structural complexity of the nitrogen source in correlation to the carbon source.
Biomass and ethanol production by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains were strongly affected by the structural complexity of the nitrogen source during fermentation in media containing galactose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low galactose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations altered patterns of galactose utilisation were observed. Biomass accumulation and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source and were different for baking and brewing ale and lager strains. Baking yeast showed improved galactose fermentation performance in the medium supplemented with casamino acids. High biomass production was observed with peptone and casamino acids for the ale brewing strain, however high ethanol production was observed only in the presence of casamino acids. Conversely, peptone was the nitrogen supplement that induced higher biomass and ethanol production for the lager brewing strain. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. The results with galactose differed from those obtained with glucose and maltose which indicated that supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, suggesting that sugar catabolite repression has a central role in yeast performance in a medium containing nitrogen sources with differing levels of structural complexity.
The structural complexity of the nitrogen source strongly affects both biomass and ethanol production by industrial strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, during fermentation in media containing glucose or maltose, and supplemented with a nitrogen source varying from a single ammonium salt (ammonium sulfate) to free amino acids (casamino acids) and peptides (peptone). Diauxie was observed at low glucose and maltose concentrations independent of nitrogen supplementation. At high sugar concentrations diauxie was not easily observed. and growth and ethanol production depended on the nature of the nitrogen source. This was different for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Sugar concentration had a strong effect on the shift from oxido-fermentative to oxidative metabolism. At low sugar concentrations, biomass production was similar under both peptone and casamino acid supplementation. Under casamino acid supplementation, the time for metabolic shift increased with the glucose concentration, together with a decrease in the biomass production. This drastic effect on glucose fermentation resulted in the extinction of the second growth phase, probably due to the loss of cell viability. Ammonium salts always induced poor yeast performance. In general, supplementation with a nitrogen source in the peptide form (peptone) was more positive for yeast metabolism, inducing higher biomass and ethanol production, and preserving yeast viability, in both glucose and maltose media, for baking and brewing ale and lager yeast strains. Determination of amino acid utilization showed that most free and peptide amino acids present, in peptone and casamino acids, were utilized by the yeast, suggesting that the results described in this work were not due to a nutritional status induced by nitrogen limitation.
The aim of this study was to determine the coefficients of the Goettingen model for Redbro birds and estimate the digestible lysine requirements. To determine the model parameters, three nitrogen balance trials were performed in Periods I (14-28 days), II (42-56 days) and III (70-84 days), using 42 birds per trial. The birds were individually housed and subjected to six diets with increasing levels of nitrogen, with lysine as the limiting amino acid (deficient by 20% in relation to other amino acids). Dietary nitrogen concentrations were 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48 g/kg. A control diet was added to confirm lysine as the first limiting amino acid. Nitrogen balance trials were divided into 5 days of adaptation and two periods of excreta collection, each one of 5 days. The response of the birds to a control diet confirmed that lysine was the first limiting amino acid. The adjustment of the exponential functions between nitrogen retention or excretion and nitrogen intake allowed estimation of parameters of the Goettingen model. The maximum potential for nitrogen retention was 3276, 2585 and 2603 mg/BWkg0.67.day, nitrogen maintenance requirement was 225, 135 and 122 mg/BWkg0.67.day and efficiency of nitrogen utilisation was 313 x 10(-6), 406 x 10(-6) and 415 x 10(-6) in the phases of 14-28, 42-56 and 70-84 days. The digestible lysine intake for Periods I, II and III, based on 60% of the maximum potential for nitrogen retention, was 711, 989 and 1272 mg/day (1.225%, 1.137% and 1.09% of lysine in the diet for a daily feed intake of 58, 87 and 117 g/day), respectively.
Warming and acidification of the oceans as a consequence of increasing CO2-concentrations occur at large scales. Numerous studies have shown the impact of single stressors on individual species. However, studies on the combined effect of multiple stressors on a multi-species assemblage, which is ecologically much more realistic and relevant, are still scarce. Therefore, we orthogonally crossed the two factors warming and acidification in mesocosm experiments and studied their single and combined impact on the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus associated with its natural community (epiphytes and mesograzers) in the Baltic Sea in all seasons (from April 2013 to April 2014). We superimposed our treatment factors onto the natural fluctuations of all environmental variables present in the Benthocosms in so-called delta-treatments. Thereby we compared the physiological responses of F. vesiculosus (growth and metabolites) to the single and combined effects of natural Kiel Fjord temperatures and pCO2 conditions with a 5 °C temperature increase and/or pCO2 increase treatment (1100 ppm in the headspace above the mesocosms). Responses were also related to the factor photoperiod which changes over the course of the year. Our results demonstrate complex seasonal pattern. Elevated pCO2 positively affected growth of F. vesiculosus alone and/or interactively with warming. The response direction (additive, synergistic or antagonistic), however, depended on season and daylength. The effects were most obvious when plants were actively growing during spring and early summer. Our study revealed for the first time that it is crucial to always consider the impact of variable environmental conditions throughout all seasons. In summary, our study indicates that in future F. vesiculosus will be more affected by detrimental summer heat-waves than by ocean acidification although the latter consequently enhances growth throughout the year. The mainly negative influence of rising temperatures on the physiology of this keystone macroalga may alter and/or hamper its ecological functions in the shallow coastal ecosystem of the Baltic Sea.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of seasonal variations on energy metabolism in different tissues of the freshwater crayfish Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869). Crayfish were collected monthly from January 2001 to January 2003 in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a stream and in a culture tank. Haemolymph samples were collected from each crayfish in the field with a syringe, by puncturing the membrane at the base of the chelipeds. Hepatopancreas, gills, and abdominal muscle were removed for determination of free glucose, glycogen, total lipids, and triglycerides. The haemolymph samples were used for determination of glucose, total proteins, total lipids, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in biochemical composition in crayfish collected in the stream compared to the experimental tank during the year, principally in glucose and triglycerides in haemolymph, glycogen and total lipids in all tissues study, and triglycerides only in abdominal muscle. The regular food intake partially modified these seasonal variations of the metabolic pattern. Environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and water temperature) and reproductive period appeared to be the main factors influencing the seasonal patterns of variation in energy metabolism.
Aggregating fetal liver cell cultures were tested for their ability to metabolize xenobiotics using ethoxycoumarin-O-deethylase (ECOD), as marker of phase I metabolism, and glutathione S-transferase (GST), as marker for phase II reactions. Significant basal activities, stable over 14 days in culture were measured for both ECOD and GST activities. The prototype cytochrome P450 inducers, 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC) and phenobarbital (PB), increased ECOD and GST activities reaching an optimum 7 days after culturing, followed by a decline in activity. This decline was partially prevented by 1% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) added chronically to the culture medium. DMSO was also found to induce ECOD activity and to a lesser extent GST activity. Furthermore, it potentiated in a dose-dependent manner the induction of ECOD by PB. The food-borne carcinogen 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) is metabolically transformed through a number of pathways in vivo. It was therefore used to examine the metabolic capacity in fetal and adult liver cell aggregates. Metabolism of MeIQx was mainly through N2-conjugation, resulting in formation of the N2-glucuronide and sulfamate conjugates for non-induced fetal liver cells. These metabolites were also found in large amounts in non-induced adult liver cells. Low levels of cytochrome P450-mediated ring-hydroxylated metabolites were detected in both non-induced fetal and adult liver cells. After induction with arochlor (PCB) or 3-MC, the major pathway was ring-hydroxylation (cytochrome P450 dependent), followed by conjugation to beta-glucuronic or sulfuric acid. The presence of the glucuronide conjugate of N-hydroxy-MeIQx, a mutagenic metabolite, suggested an induction of P450 CYP1A2. The metabolism of MeIQx by liver cell aggregates is very similar to that observed in vivo and suggests that aggregating liver cell cultures are a useful model for in vitro metabolic studies in toxicology.
Six and seven addicts treated with racemic methadone (MTD) were comedicated with fluvoxamine (FLV) and fluoxetine (FLX), respectively. The plasma concentrations of both (R)- (the active enantiomer) and (S)-MTD were increased by FLV, whereas only (R)-MTD concentrations were increased by the addition of FLX. This suggests that cytochrome P450IID6 (CYP2D6), an enzyme that is strongly inhibited by FLX, preferentially metabolizes (R)-MTD, whereas CYP1A2, which is strongly inhibited by FLV, metabolizes both enantiomers. The choice of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in depressive addicted patients treated with MTD and the possible use of FLX or FLV to potentiate the effects of MTD in some cases of therapeutic failure are discussed.
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) has been used in a number of studies to noninvasively assess the temporal changes of lactate in the activated human brain. However, the results have not been consistent. The aim of the present study was to test the sensitivity of 1H-MRS during functional experiments at the highest magnetic field currently available for human studies (7 T). Stability and reproducibility of the measurements were evaluated from LCModel analysis of time series of spectra measured during a visual stimulation paradigm and by examination of the difference between spectra obtained at rest and during activation. The sensitivity threshold to detect concentration changes was 0.2 micromol/g for most of the quantified metabolites. The possible variations of metabolite concentrations during visual stimulation were within the same range (+/-0.2 micromol/g). In addition, the influence of a small line-narrowing effect due to the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) T2* changes on the estimated concentrations was simulated. Quantification of metabolites was, in general, not affected beyond 1% by line-width changes within 0.5 Hz.
Experiments were designed to study in-vivo effects of sodium cyanide on biochemical endpoints in the freshwater fish Labeo rohita. Fish were exposed to two sublethal concentrations (0.106 and 0.064mg/L) for a period of 15 days. Levels of glycogen, pyruvate, lactate and the enzymatic activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), phosphorylase, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (AcP) were assessed in different tissues (liver, muscle and gills). Result indicated a steady decrease in glycogen, pyruvate, SDH, ALP and AcP activity with a concomitant increase in the lactate, phosphorylase, LDH and G6PD activity in all selected tissues. The alterations in all the above biochemical parameters were significantly (p<0.05) time and dose dependent. In all the above parameters, liver pointing out the intensity of cyanide intoxication compare to muscle and gills. Study revealed change in the metabolic energy by means of altered metabolic profile of the fish. Further, these observations indicated that even sublethal concentrations of sodium cyanide might not be fully devoid of deleterious influence on metabolism in L. rohita.
NifA protein activates transcription of nitrogen fixation operons by the alternative sigma54 holoenzyme form of RNA polymerase. This protein binds to a well-defined upstream activator sequence (UAS) located at the -200/-100 position of nif promoters with the consensus motif TGT-N10-ACA. NifA of Azospirillum brasilense was purified in the form of a glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-NifA fusion protein and proteolytic release of GST yielded inactive and partially soluble NifA. However, the purified NifA was able to induce the production of specific anti-A. brasilense NifA-antiserum that recognized NifA from A. brasilense but not from K. pneumoniae. Both GST-NifA and NifA expressed from the E. coli tac promoter are able to activate transcription from the nifHDK promoter but only in an A. brasilense background. In order to investigate the mechanism that regulates NifA binding capacity we have used E. coli total protein extracts expressing A. brasilense nifA in mobility shift assays. DNA fragments carrying the two overlapping, wild-type or mutated UAS motifs present in the nifH promoter region revealed a retarded band of related size. These data show that the binding activity present in the C-terminal domain of A. brasilense NifA protein is still functional even in the presence of oxygen.