994 resultados para Metà
The Healthy Cities and Agenda 21 programs improve living and health conditions and affect social and economic determinants of health. The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) indicators can be used to assess the impact of social agendas. A data search was carried out for the period 1997 to 2006 to obtain 48 indicators proposed by the United Nations and a further 74 proposed by the technical group for the MDGin Brazil. There is a scarcity of studies concerned with assessing the MDG at the municipal level. Data from Brazilian health information systems are not always consistent or accurate for municipalities. The lack of availability and reliable data led to the substitution of some indicators. The information systems did not always provide annual data; national household surveys could not be disaggregated at the municipal level and there were also modifications on conceptual definitions over time. As a result, the project created an alternative list with 29 indicators. MDG monitoring at the local community can be important to measure the performance of actions toward improvements in quality of life and social iniquities.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate by immunohistochemistry the prognostic meaning of the tumor marker MET (hepatocyte growth factor) in patients submitted to surgical resection due to primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. Patients and Methods: A retrospective study was carried out that included 286 consecutive patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma, submitted to surgical resection at Barretos Cancer Hospital, from 1993 to 2002. The histopathological expression of the MET tumor marker was evaluated using an anti-protein monoclonal antibody against MET by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique. The expression of the tumor marker was semi-quantitative, and the slide samples were independently analyzed by three pathologists unaware of patient clinical and histopathological data. Results: The tumor marker expression was positive in 236 (79%) out of a total of 286 patients. This expression was statistically significantly different between stages I and IV (p=0.004), for overall survival (p=0.009), and for cancer-related mortality rates (p=0.022). However, no association between the tumor marker and recurrence (p=0.89) or disease-free interval (p=0.91) was observed. Conclusion: MET has shown significant expression at advanced stages of the disease, as well as for overall survival and cancer-related mortality rates demonstrating to be a valuable marker for poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients.
Mutations or amplification of the MET proto-oncogene are involved in the pathogenesis of several tumours, which rely on the constitutive engagement of this pathway for their growth and survival. However, MET is expressed not only by cancer cells but also by tumour-associated stromal cells, although its precise role in this compartment is not well characterized. Here we show that MET is required for neutrophil chemoattraction and cytotoxicity in response to its ligand hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Met deletion in mouse neutrophils enhances tumour growth and metastasis. This phenotype correlates with reduced neutrophil infiltration to both the primary tumour and metastatic sites. Similarly, Met is necessary for neutrophil transudation during colitis, skin rash or peritonitis. Mechanistically, Met is induced by tumour-derived tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a or other inflammatory stimuli in both mouse and human neutrophils. This induction is instrumental for neutrophil transmigration across an activated endothelium and for inducible nitric oxide synthase production upon HGF stimulation. Consequently, HGF/MET-dependent nitric oxide release by neutrophils promotes cancer cell killing, which abates tumour growth and metastasis. After systemic administration of a MET kinase inhibitor, we prove that the therapeutic benefit of MET targeting in cancer cells is partly countered by the pro-tumoural effect arising from MET blockade in neutrophils. Our work identifies an unprecedented role of MET in neutrophils, suggests a potential 'Achilles' heel' of MET-targeted therapies in cancer, and supports the rationale for evaluating anti-MET drugs in certain inflammatory diseases.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014
The MET pathway is dysregulated in many human cancers and promotes tumour growth, invasion and dissemination. Abnormalities in MET signalling have been reported to correlate with poor clinical outcomes and drug resistance in patients with cancer. Thus, MET has emerged as an attractive target for cancer therapy. Several MET inhibitors have been introduced into the clinic, and are currently in all phases of clinical trials. In general, initial results from these studies indicate only a modest benefit in unselected populations. In this Review, we discuss current challenges in developing MET inhibitors--including identification of predictive biomarkers--as well as the most-efficient ways to combine these drugs with other targeted agents or with classic chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
L’emissió de GEH generats per processos relacionats amb l’activitat antropogènica ha provocat que la temperatura mitjana de la Terra augmenti, originant el que es coneix com escalfament global. Les possibles conseqüències negatives per al conjunt de la biosfera han portat a l’adopció d’acords internacionals que obliguen als diferents Estats a realitzar Inventaris Nacionals d’Emissions a l’Atmosfera. El CH4, que és exhalat o eructat com a resultat del procés de fermentació entèrica dels remugants, genera un impacte que ha de ser quantificat en els diferents inventaris. En aquest projecte s’ha realitzat l’estimació del CH4 generat per la fermentació entèrica dels bovins a Catalunya. Per aquest objectiu s’han utilitat les equacions explicitades a les directrius del Panel Intergovernamental sobre el Canvi Climàtic (IPCC), així com l’equació de Cambra, L. et al. (2008) per a la determinació del factor de conversió Ym. El resultat final rebaixa les quantitats inventariades tant per l’administració catalana com per l’espanyola.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és determinar la capacitat de segrest de CO2 d’un bosc dels Pirineus, per tal de reduir el seu efecte hivernacle, en relació a l’impacte climàtic que tindrien les emissions de metà de les vaques. La metodologia s’ha basat en estimar la producció de fusta a partir d’inventaris forestals d’un bosc del Pallars Sobirà, i calcular-ne el segrest de CO2. Per altra banda, s’ha estimat bibliogràficament les emissions de metà d’una vaca. A partir de factors de conversió s’ha estimat la superfície de bosc que compensaria l’efecte hivernacle de les emissions de metà d’una vaca durant un any. El valor obtingut és de 0,727 hectàrees de bosc per vaca i any. Amb aquest valor s’ha estimat la superfície de bosc necessària per compensar les emissions de metà de la població de vaques de Catalunya. Aquests resultats són aproximats, donades les diferències en el creixement dels boscos de Catalunya. Aquest estudi dóna una dada comprensible que posa de manifest el concepte de balanç de carboni i els diferents elements que el formen.
Mammary carcinomas developing in SV40 transgenic WAP-T mice arise in two distinct histological phenotypes: as differentiated low-grade and undifferentiated high-grade tumors. We integrated different types of information such as histological grading, analysis of aCGH-based gene copy number and gene expression profiling to provide a comprehensive molecular description of mammary tumors in WAP-T mice. Applying a novel procedure for the correlation of gene copy number with gene expression on a global scale, we observed in tumor samples a global coherence between genotype and transcription. This coherence can be interpreted as a matched transcriptional regulation inherited from the cells of tumor origin and determined by the activity of cancer driver genes. Despite common recurrent genomic aberrations, e.g. gain of chr. 15 in most WAP-T tumors, loss of chr. 19 frequently occurs only in low-grade tumors. These tumors show features of "basal-like" epithelial differentiation, particularly expression of keratin 14. The high-grade tumors are clearly separated from the low-grade tumors by strong expression of the Met gene and by coexpression of epithelial (e.g. keratin 18) and mesenchymal (e.g. vimentin) markers. In high-grade tumors, the expression of the nonmutated Met protein is associated with Met-locus amplification and Met activity. The role of Met as a cancer driver gene is supported by the contribution of active Met signaling to motility and growth of mammary tumor-derived cells. Finally, we discuss the independent origin of low- and high-grade tumors from distinct cells of tumor origin, possibly luminal progenitors, distinguished by Met gene expression and Met signaling.
This booklet aims to increase a child's experience of healthy food from an early age and encourages a positive attitude towards a healthy diet. You and your child can decide together which end of the book to start with - Sally's story or Sammy's story. The idea is that you then read the other story, and finish with the fun, fold-out section in the middle, where Sammy realises the error of his ways and devotes himself to a lifetime of healthy lunches with his new friend Sally!
In this review, we analyse the impact of a population and evolutionary genetics approach on the study of insect behaviour. Our attention is focused on the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and several other insect species. In particular, we explore the relationship between rhythmic behaviours and the molecular evolution of clock and ion channel genes.