979 resultados para Mercury poisoning


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Where direct experimental research into a causal hypothesis of a disease is impossible due to ethical and practical considerations, epidemiological inference is the accepted route to establishing cause. Therefore, to examine the autism as mercury poisoning hypothesis, this paper reviews the existing scientific literature within the context of established epidemiological criteria and finds that the evidence for a causal relationship is compelling. Exposure to mercury (via vaccines and maternal dental amalgam) in utero and during infant years is confirmed; mercury poisoning is known to cause symptoms consistent with autism; animal modeling supports the link and, critically, mercury levels are higher in both the urine and blood of autistic children than in non-autistic peers. Analogous to epidemiological evidence of the smoking–lung cancer relationship, a mercury–autism relationship is confirmed. The precautionary principle demands that health professionals not take an action if there is suspicion that the action may cause severe or lifelong health effects: it does not require certainty. Therefore, given the severity, devastating lifelong impact and extremely high prevalence of autism, it would be negligent to continue to expose pregnant and nursing mothers and infant children to any amount of avoidable mercury.


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There is consensus worldwide that the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector is comprised of individuals who are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty, lacking the necessary financial and technological means to improve their standards of living. Minimal work, however, has been undertaken to identify the very factors behind miners' plight, which inevitably vary from country to country. This paper uses a case study of Ghana to argue that an increased dependence upon mercury for amalgamation In artisanal gold-mining communities is one such-albeit overlooked-"agent of poverty". There is mounting empirical evidence which suggests that dealings with the monoponistic middlemen who supply mercury, purchases of costly medicines to remedy ailments caused by mercury poisoning, and a lack of appropriate safeguards and alternatives to amalgamation, are preventing gold miners from improving their practices and livelihoods. The solution to the problem lies in breaking this cycle of dependency, which can be achieved by providing miners with robust support services, mercury-free technologies and education. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Context and objective: Records of contact with mercury (Hg) exist for more than 3500 years and several problems related to the use of this element can be noticed. Considering inexistence of current reports about it, quality of life perception evaluation was studied in people chronically intoxicated by mercury in an industrial environment. Design and setting: This is a cross-sectional descriptive observational study. Information from 47 urban-industrial workers from lamps manufacturing in São Paulo, clinically diagnosed as intoxicated by mercury and currently followed by the Occupational Health Service of Faculdade de Medicine da Universidade de São Paulo, with average age of 41.7 years old, was considered. Methods: SF36 questionnaire application was performed, with inferences tested by χ-square proof, by Spearman linear correlation and Mann-Whitney non-parametric test, adopting p < 0.05 as significant level. Results: In the eight domains, observed medians are 40% for physical functioning; 0 for physical function; 30% for body pain; 30% for general health; 22.2% for vitality; 50% for social functioning; 0 for emotional role and 36% for mental health. Correlation between age and SF36 domains does not reveal statistical significance, except for physical functioning, indicating that lower scores presented by older people in this domain are not followed by changes on other ones. Conclusions: Values obtained in people chronically intoxicated by mercury are actually lower, in the motor and mental scope components. Some instruments domains are higher for men than for women. Older ages are inversely associated to good performance in physical function domain. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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The mercury rejected in the water system, from mining operations and lixiviation of soils after deforestation, is considered to be the main contributors to the contamination of the ecosystem in the Amazon Basin. The objectives of the present study were to examine cytogenetic functions in peripheral lymphocytes within a population living on the banks of the Tapajós River with respect to methylmercury (MeHg) contamination, using hair mercury as a biological indicator of exposure. Our investigation shows a clear relation between methylmercury contamination and cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes at levels well below 50 micrograms/gram, the level at which initial clinical signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning occur. The first apparent biological effect with increasing MeHg hair level was the impairment of lymphocyte proliferation measured as mitotic index (MI). The relation between mercury concentration in hair and MI suggests that this parameter, an indicator of changes in lymphocytes and their ability to respond to culture conditions, may be an early marker of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in humans and should be taken into account in the preliminary evaluation of the risks to populations exposed in vivo. This is the first report showing clear cytotoxic effects of long-term exposure to MeHg. Although the results strongly suggest that, under the conditions examined here, MeHg is both a spindle poison and a clastogen, the biological significance of these observations are as yet unknown. A long-term follow-up of these subjects should be undertaken.


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Mercury is neurotoxic, and numerous studies have confirmed its ototoxic effect. However, the diagnosis and follow-up of mercury exposure require understanding the pathophysiology of the chemical substance. Based on a systematic literature review, this study aimed to demonstrate whether mercury is ototoxic and to analyze its mechanism of action on the peripheral and central auditory system, in order to contribute to the diagnosis and follow-up of exposure. This was a systematic review of studies published on the effects of mercury exposure on the auditory system. The full text of the studies and their methodological quality were analyzed. The review identified 108 studies published on the theme, of which 28 met the inclusion criteria. All the articles in the analysis showed that mercury exposure is ototoxic and produces peripheral and/or central damage. Acute and long-term exposure produces irreversible damage to the central auditory system. Biomarkers were unable to predict the relationship between degree of mercury poisoning and degree of lesion in the auditory system.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Two recent studies, from France (Nataf et al., 200614. Nataf, R., Skorupka, C., Amet, L., Lam, A., Springbett, A. and Lathe, R. 2006. Porphyrinuria in childhood autistic disorder: Implications for environmental toxicity. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 214: 99–108. [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references) and the United States (Geier & Geier, 20079. Geier, D. A. and Geier, M. R. 2007. A prospective study of mercury toxicity biomarkers in autistic spectrum disorders. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, A, 70: 1723–1730. [Taylor & Francis Online], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references), identified atypical urinary porphyrin profiles in children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These profiles serve as an indirect measure of environmental toxicity generally, and mercury (Hg) toxicity specifically, with the latter being a variable proposed as a causal mechanism of ASD (Bernard et al., 20012. Bernard, S., Enayati, A., Redwood, L., Roger, H. and Binstock, T. 2001. Autism: A novel form of mercury poisoning. Med. Hypoth., 56: 462–471. [CrossRef], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references; Mutter et al., 200515. Mutter, J., Naumann, J., Schneider, R., Walach, H. and Haley, B. 2005. Mercury and autism: Accelerating evidence?. Neuroendocrinol. Lett., 26: 439–446. [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] View all references). To examine whether this phenomenon occurred in a sample of Australian children with ASD, an analysis of urinary porphyrin profiles was conducted. A consistent trend in abnormal porphyrin levels was evidenced when data was compared with those previously reported in the literature. The results are suggestive of environmental toxic exposure impairing heme synthesis. Three independent studies from three continents have now demonstrated that porphyrinuria is concomitant with ASD, and that Hg may be a likely xenobiotic to produce porphyrin profiles of this nature.


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O emprego de mercúrio metálico nos processos de extração do ouro libera toneladas de mercúrio ao meio ambiente, provocando um aumento considerável nas concentrações presentes. Com a finalidade de prevenir a exposição humana a concentrações excessivas, o que poderá resultar em graves episódios de intoxicação mercurial, bem como avaliar a possibilidade de sedimentos tornarem-se fontes potenciais de contaminação para os seres vivos, é de fundamental importância a monitorização do mercúrio em diversos compartimentos ambientais. Efetuou-se a padronização de uma metodologia analítica para determinação de mercúrio total em amostras de água, sólidos em suspensão e sedimentos de corpos aquáticos para monitorização ambiental do xenobiótico. Posteriormente, foram analisadas amostras oriundas de regiões garimpeiras, com vistas a avaliar o desempenho do método em amostras reais e efetuar levantamento preliminar sobre a contaminação mercurial na área de estudo.


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O mercúrio é um perigoso metal e uma importante fonte de contaminação ambiental no Brasil e sobretudo na Amazônia. O principal órgão-alvo deste metal é o SNC onde causa danos que podem levar aos sintomas clássicos: ataxia, parestesia, disartria e alterações no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso de crianças. A contaminação mercurial nos rios amazônicos aumenta a quantidade encontrada nos peixes, principalmente os que estão no topo da cadeia alimentar, expondo dessa forma a populações ribeiras à intoxicação mercurial, uma vez que o peixe é um elemento central na dieta dessas populações. Por isso, é fundamental o monitoramento periódico dos níveis de mercúrio nas espécies de peixes consumidas nessa região. Nosso trabalho se propôs a identificar os níveis de metilmercúrio e mercúrio inorgânico nas espécies de peixes mais consumidas pelas populações ribeirinhas da região do Tapajós e comparálos com os níveis encontrados em peixes da mesma espécie obtidos na região de Belém. Além disso, realizar uma comparação com os resultados obtidos por Dos Santos et al. (2000) e analisando os nível atuais e os antigos. Os peixes foram coletados no mercado municipal de Itaituba, no Tapajós, e no mercado do Ver-o-peso, em Belém. Amostras de músculo de cada peixe foram liofilizadas e analisadas pela Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Espanha) para quantificação do metilmercúrio e do mercúrio inorgânico. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho mostraram que somente os peixes piscívoros da região do Tapajós apresentam níveis de metilmercúrio acima do limite preconizado pela OMS (0,5 μg/g). Em todos todos os grupos do estudo, os níveis de mercúrio inorgânico estão bem abaixo deste limite. A espécie mais contaminada foi a Brachyplatystoma flavicans (dourada) chegando a ultrapassar até cinco vezes o limite de tolerância da OMS. Com nossos dados, pode-se dizer que os peixes da região do Tapajós continuam atualmente expostos a altas concentrações de mercúrio. As espécies não-piscívoras tiveram baixas concentrações de mercúrio orgânico, sendo aptas para consumo humano. O presente estudo apoia a importância do monitoramento continuado dos ambientes considerados expostos e não expostos na Amazônia. O conhecimento originado por este monitoramento fomentará definitivamente o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção e de ações governamentais perante o problema da contaminação mercurial na Amazônia.


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Domestic coal combustion has had profound adverse effects on the health of millions of people worldwide. In China alone several hundred million people commonly burn raw coal in unvented stoves that permeate their homes with high levels of toxic metals and organic compounds. At least 3,000 people in Guizhou Province in southwest China are suffering from severe arsenic poisoning. The primary source of the arsenic appears to be consumption of chili peppers dried over fires fueled with high-arsenic coal. Coal samples in the region were found to contain up to 35,000 ppm arsenic. Chili peppers dried over high-arsenic coal fires adsorb 500 ppm arsenic on average. More than 10 million people in Guizhou Province and surrounding areas suffer from dental and skeletal fluorosis. The excess fluorine is caused by eating corn dried over burning briquettes made from high-fluorine coals and high-fluorine clay binders. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed during coal combustion are believed to cause or contribute to the high incidence of esophageal and lung cancers in parts of China. Domestic coal combustion also has caused selenium poisoning and possibly mercury poisoning. Better knowledge of coal quality parameters may help to reduce some of these health problems. For example, information on concentrations and distributions of potentially toxic elements in coal may help delineate areas of a coal deposit to be avoided. Information on the modes of occurrence of these elements and the textural relations of the minerals and macerals in coal may help predict the behavior of the potentially toxic components during coal combustion.


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Includes bibliographical references (Garrison-Morton (5th ed.) 2387).


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Fresh water and fish are important to the people who live in the Lake Victoria region therefore the quality of the water and fish is of major importance (Johnson & Odada, 1996). It is well known that dirty water and spoilt fish can lead to poor health and lower standards of living, and that quality can be affected by the pollution in the environment. Even though Lake Victoria is very large, it is relatively shallow and the water remains in the lake basin for a long time (Bootsma & Hecky, 1993). There are a number of environmental issues in Lake Victoria, including water hyacinth~over-population and increased farming causing problems with the lake ecosystem. All these factors combine to keep contaminants within the lake for long time, which will lead to gradually increasing concentrations in the lake. Pollution is a term that covers a wide variety of chemicals and physical changes and their adverse effects on the environment. Here we focus on contaminants, which are unwanted chemicals introduced to the environment. Contaminants include a very wide variety of chemicals, both man-made and natural, for example, mercury, pesticides and herbicides, heavy metals, and natural plant and algae toxins. Many contaminants do not always lead to adverse effects immediately, but can gradually induce long-term problems leading to chronic illnesses and physical damage. A few contaminants have very rapid impacts resulting in immediately obvious changes such as death or injury. Sources of contaminants are varied. Contaminants can get in the lake by the way of agricultural treatment of crops near the lake, industrial effluent, intentional introduction such as fish poisoning byfishermen, natural sources such as heavy metals from particular types of rocks, and even some plants naturally release their toxins. Contaminant sources are not always found near Lake Victoria.


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Amalgam has been used as a filling material for over 150 years. Mercury, copper, and zinc are present in restoration. The aim of this study was to compare mercury, copper, and zinc concentrations in extracted human teeth with amalgam restorations and teeth without restorations. Thirty-two teeth, 15 restored with dental amalgam and 17 without restorations, were chemically analyzed in an Optima 3300 DV (Perkin Elmer) plasma emission spectrometer. Mercury, copper, and zinc were found in human teeth regardless of the presence of amalgam restorations. The highest mercury concentrations were found in the coronary portions of the teeth with amalgam restorations. Copper concentrations were very high. Zinc concentrations in the teeth without restoration were lower than those seen in the coronary portion of the teeth with restorations. © 2009 Heldref Publications.


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Visual field losses associated with mercury (Hg) exposure have only been assessed in patients exposed to methylmercury. Here we evaluate the automated visual field in 35 ex-workers (30 males; 44.20+/-5.92 years) occupationaly exposed to mercury vapor and 34 controls (21 males; 43.29+/-8.33 years). Visual fields were analyzed with the Humphrey Field Analyzer II (model 750i) using two tests: the standard automated perimetry (SAP, white-on-white) and the short wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP, blue-on-yellow) at 76 locations within a 27 degrees central visual field. Results were analyzed as the mean of the sensitivities measured at the fovea, and at five successive concentric rings, of increasing eccentricity, within the central field. Compared to controls, visual field sensitivities of the experimental group measured using SAP were lower for the fovea as well as for all five eccentricity rings (p<0.05). Sensitivities were significantly lower in the SWAP test (p<0.05) for four of the five extra-foveal eccentricity rings; they were not significant for the fovea (p = 0.584) or for the 15 degrees eccentricity ring (p = 0.965). These results suggest a widespread reduction of sensitivity in both visual field tests. Previous reports in the literature describe moderate to severe concentric constriction of the visual field in subjects with methylmercury intoxication measured manually with the Goldman perimeter. The present results amplify concerns regarding potential medical risks of exposure to environmental mercury sources by demonstrating significant and widespread reductions of visual sensitivity using the more reliable automated perimetry. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.