214 resultados para Mercenary troops


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Este es el objeto de la presente investigación: analizar de qué manera y hasta qué punto el fenómeno EMSP queda cubierto y le son aplicables las normas de derecho internacional humanitario. Para ello, dividimos el trabajo en tres grandes partes. La primera, de carácter introductorio, hace un repaso sobre el fenómeno clásico del mercenarismo y cómo la respuesta que le ha dado el derecho internacional no solo ha sido tardía, sino que no resulta de excesiva utilidad para los modernos contratistas privados. En la segunda parte abordamos el origen, proliferación y funciones de las empresas militares y de seguridad privadas, así como las diferencias que las caracterizan en comparación con el mercenarismo clásico. Asimismo, tratamos de dilucidar cuál debería ser el estatuto jurídico de estas personas en el contexto de su participación en conflictos armados, cuestión que no tiene una respuesta clara y que seguramente se encuentra entre los más claros argumentos a favor de una regulación ad hoc del fenómeno. Finalmente, el segundo capítulo se cierra con un breve análisis de las distintas iniciativas de regulación a las que hemos hecho referencia en el párrafo anterior. La tercera parte del estudio analiza de forma pormenorizada los principios y normas de derecho internacional humanitario que se ven afectadas por la presencia y participación de EMSP en conflictos armados. Tomando como base normativa el derecho humanitario consuetudinario que ha sido identificado por el CICR (Henckaerts y Doswald Beck 2007), y teniendo en cuenta tanto la práctica conocida como las propuestas regulatorias mencionadas, este capítulo identifica los grados de exigibilidad de las principales normas de derecho humanitario a las EMSP. Terminamos con las pertinentes conclusiones, de las que se va a desprender un deber genérico de respeto del derecho internacional humanitario tanto por la empresa como por sus empleados; un principio que solo se exceptúa en aquellas normas de derecho humanitario que solo corresponde aplicar al estado soberano en tanto que tal y que cabe matizar en algunas otras. Observaremos sin embargo que la inmensa mayoría de los principios y normas de derecho internacional humanitario son perfectamente aplicables y deberían ser exigibles a las EMSP y sus empleados.


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Two men on back of Vanguard utility during Labour Day procession 1966, Brisbane, Australia. One is dressed as Uncle Sam. He is leading the other by the nose. The second man is dressed as an Australian soldier. Placards on utility read "Don't be led by the nose - withdraw troops from Vietnam".


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Fort George, situated on the west side of the Niagara River in Niagara-on-the-Lake, served as the headquarters for the Centre Division of the British Army during the War of 1812. On May 25, 1813, the Americans launched an artillery attack on the Fort, destroying most of the buildings. Two days later, the Americans invaded the Town of Niagara and occupied Fort George. They remained in the Fort for almost seven months, but suffered defeats at the Battle of Stoney Creek and Beaver Dams. Only a small number of militia remained stationed at the Fort. Fearing an attack by the British, the Americans retreated back across the Niagara River in December, 1813. The Fort remained in British possession for the rest of the War.


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A letter written by Mahlon Taylor to his uncle, Samuel Clarke, dated at Marcellus [New York], July 26, 1813. Mahlon Taylor writes that he believes the mail he has sent out is not making it past Princeton, as he has not had a reply to any of his sent correspondence. He also writes that he has heard there are 3500 men at Fort George, 1000 are unfit for duty, and that there is skirmishing daily. He comments that the general opinion is that the troops will withdraw from Canada entirely. The letter is signed Mahlon C Taylor and is addressed to Mr. Samuel Clarke, no. 227 South Front Street, Philadelphia.


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In New World primates, mixed-species troops have been reported. Here, we analysed the performance of affiliative and agonistic behaviours of Callithrix jacchus and Callithrix penicillata living in mixed groups. For this purpose, we recorded the interaction of the individuals from two groups located in Bauru city, in the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Our data show that in both groups, affiliative behaviours appeared more frequently than agonistic ones. We concluded that there is cohesion inside the mixed-species troops observed. We suggest that a deeper knowledge about the social behaviour of mixed-species troop species certainly may be useful in projects linked with the management of the impact caused by them.


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The article reflects on the difficult relation between community work against domestic violence and local crime prevention under the conditions of the neoliberal state that cuts down on social benefits and promotes self-help, active citizenship and self-responsibility instead while at the same time restoring the punishing state with its strict regime of law-and-order. The author describes a project Tarantula - she started herself while being a social worker in Hamburg, Germany. Tarantula was aimed at strengthening social networks and the neighbours' willingness to get involved in favour of affected women. Although conceptualized as an emancipatory approach referring to community organizing in the tradition of social movements it is questionable whether and how this can really work in the current situation. At present, the field of crime control is being reconfigured as a result of political and administrative decisions, which, for their part, are based on a new structure of social relations and cultural attitudes. The demolition of the 'welfare state' means the re-coding of the security policy that facilitates the development of interventionist techniques that govern and control individuals through their own ability to act.


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