999 resultados para Mercat de treball -- Espanya -- 1985-1996


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En el período 1985-1996 la desigualdad de la renta en España se redujo de forma notable, en claro contraste con lo sucedido en otros países avanzados. En este trabajo se profundiza en el impacto que sobre esta reducción en la desigualdad ha ejercido la redistribución del stock de capital humano, uno de los factores que aparecen como más relevantes para explicar tanto la distribución de la renta como sus modificaciones. Las conclusiones obtenidas sugieren que aproximadamente un tercio de la reducción en la desigualdad que se ha producido entre los dos años extremos contemplados (1985 frente a 1996) se debe al comportamiento del capital humano. Otros factores tales como el tamaño de la familia o la participación de ambos cónyuges en el mercado de trabajo, han actuado en el mismo sentido. Finalmente, un elevado porcentaje de mejora en la distribución permanece por explicar y deberá ser objeto de investigaciones futuras.


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Quan analitzem I'evolució del nostre país en el camp educatiu, particularment en el camp de la formació, comprovarem que ha seguit un camí que, almenys en certa mesura, ha anat relacionat amb I'evolució económica i social, sense que aixó hagi d'implicar cap dependencia directa ni una total coordinació: de fet, cada subsistema social té la seva própia dinamica i les seves inercies...


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Els immigrants cobren salaris inferiors que els natius perquè ocupen llocs de treball menys qualificats i treballen en empreses de salaris baixos. En arribar pateixen una degradació ocupacional perquè el seu capital humà no està adaptat al nostre mercat de treball. Així, han d"acceptar feines per a les quals estan sobreeducats i pateixen una penalització salarial molt intensa pels estudis que no poden fer valer. La transferibilitat limitada del capital humà dels immigrants fa que les empreses valorin poc tant els estudis com l"experiència laboral adquirits en origen. Disposar d"una feina a Espanya, però, els permet acumular experiència adaptada a les necessitats de les empreses. Així milloren el capital humà, progressen en termes d"ocupació, redueixen la sobreeducació i augmenten els seus salaris. Ara bé, la millora és lenta i limitada a alguns col·lectius.


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The spatial and temporal variations of Ross River virus infections reported in Queensland, Australia, between 1985 and 1996 were studied by using the Geographic Information System. The notified cases of Ross River virus infection came from 489 localities between 1985 and 1988, 805 between 1989 and 1992, and 1,157 between 1993 and 1996 (X (2)((df = 2)) = 680.9; P < 0.001). There was a marked increase in the number of localities where the cases were reported by 65 percent for the period of 1989-1992 and 137 percent for 1993-1996, compared with that for 1985-1988. The geographic distribution of the notified Ross River virus cases has expanded in Queensland over recent years. As Ross River virus disease has impacted considerably on tourism and industry, as well as on residents of affected areas, more research is required to explore the causes of the geographic expansion of the notified Ross River virus infections.


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Baseado em dados secundários realizou-se análise epidemiológica do tipo ecológico da série histórica da incidência parasitária anual da malária, produção oficial anual garimpeira de ouro e gastos financeiros do Programa de Controle da Malária na Bacia Amazônica relativo ao Estado de Mato Grosso, no período de 1985-1996. Associação positiva e estatisticamente significante (p<0,001) entre produção de ouro e IPA foi observada em análise multivariada, ainda que controlada por gastos financeiros. Esse achado contribui para a elucidação da tendência de redução da malária em MT, observada na última década.


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Income distribution in Spain has experienced a substantial improvement towards equalisation during the second half of the seventies and the eighties; a period during which most OECD countries experienced the opposite trend. In spite of the many recent papers on the Spanish income distribution, the period covered by those stops in 1990. The aim of this paper is to extent the analysis to 1996 employing the same methodology and the same data set (ECPF). Our results not only corroborate the (decreasing inequality) trend found by others during the second half of the eighties, but also suggest that this trend extends over the first half of the nineties. We also show that our main conclusions are robust to changes in the equivalence scale, to changes in the definition of income and to potential data contamination. Finally, we analyse some of the causes which may be driving the overall picture of income inequality using two decomposition techniques. From this analyses three variables emerge as the major responsible factors for the observed improvement in the income distribution: education, household composition and socioeconomic situation of the household head.


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The objective of this study was to identify tuberculosis risk factors and possible surrogate markers among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected persons. A retrospective case-control study was carried out at the HIV outpatient clinic of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte. We reviewed the demographic, social-economical and medical data of 477 HIV-infected individuals evaluated from 1985 to 1996. The variables were submitted to an univariate and stratified analysis. Aids related complex (ARC), past history of pneumonia, past history of hospitalization, CD4 count and no antiretroviral use were identified as possible effect modifiers and confounding variables, and were submitted to logistic regression analysis by the stepwise method. ARC had an odds ratio (OR) of 3.5 (CI 95% - 1.2-10.8) for tuberculosis development. Past history of pneumonia (OR 1.7 - CI 95% 0.6-5.2) and the CD4 count (OR 0.4 - CI 0.2-1.2) had no statistical significance. These results show that ARC is an important clinical surrogate for tuberculosis in HIV-infected patients. Despite the need of confirmation in future studies, these results suggest that the ideal moment for tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis could be previous to the introduction of antiretroviral treatment or even just after the diagnosis of HIV infection.


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En l’estudi que es presenta a continuació pretenem trobar resposta a una qüestió realment complexa, què causa la sobrequalificació universitària a Espanya, especialment durant la última dècada. Entenem per sobrequalificació aquelles persones que tenen una formació superior a la necessària per la feina que duen a terme en el seu lloc de treball.Ens basarem en l’existència d’un desajust entre l’oferta (sistema educatiu) i la demanda de treballadors qualificats, principal causa de la sobrequalificació. D’aquesta manera, estructurarem el treball en dos grans blocs, analitzant l’oferta i la demanda de forma independent. Més concretament, descriurem la situació actual i els factors que originen aquest fenomen.Tot això permetrà al lector entendre què provoca aquesta sobrequalificació amb més detall.


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L’objectiu d’aquest capítol és presentar una anàlisi detallada de les principals qüestions relatives al mercat de treball de Catalunya. En particular, analitzem l’activitat, l’ocupació i l’atur en diferents dimensions. Les variables analitzades són: sexe, nivell d’educació, distribució sectorial, tipus de contracte i temps necessari per trobar la primera feina. En tots els casos, les dades i les dimensions analitzades fan referència als darrers sis anys (1999-2004)


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Se plantea la relaci??n entre el sistema escolar y la vida profesional, entre la educaci??n y el trabajo, entre la econom??a y el sistema educativo. Incluso se plantea la necesidad de responder a la evoluci??n social, econ??mica y t??cnica por parte del sistema escolar. As??, la ense??anza profesional se tiene que articular a partir de las exigencias econ??micas y sociales.


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Crédito del área de ciencias sociales dirigido a alumnos de 12-16 años. Pretende ofrecer al alumno elementos de reflexión y de análisis de algunos aspectos del mundo laboral como: el estudio del mundo laboral y las salidas profesionales. Centra el trabajo en aspectos que tratan la desigualdad en el mundo laboral por razón de sexo, problemática del trabajo doméstico. Se estructura en 2 partes: aspectos del mundo laboral, orientaciones para el acceso al mundo del trabajo.


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AIM: To compare the periodontal conditions of Swiss Army recruits in 2006 with those of previous surveys in 1996 and 1985. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of six hundred and twenty-six Swiss Army recruits were examined for their periodontal conditions, caries prevalence, stomatological and functional aspects of the masticatory system and halitosis. In particular, this report deals with demographic data, the assessment of plaque index (PlI), gingival index (GI) and pocket probing depth (PPD). RESULTS: Two per cent of all teeth were missing, resulting in a mean of 27.44 teeth per subject, and 77% of the missing teeth were the result of pre-molar extractions due to orthodontic indications. The mean PlI and GI were 1.33 and 1.23, respectively. On average, 27% of the gingival units bled on probing. The mean PPD was 2.16 mm (SD 0.64). Only 3.8% of the recruits showed at least one site of PPD > or = 5 mm, and 1.4% yielded more than one site with PPD > or = 5 mm. In comparison with previous, this survey yielded lower bleeding on probing (BOP) percentages than in 1985, but slightly higher scores than in 1996. This may be attributed to increased PlI scores in 2006. However, PPD remained essentially unaltered from 1996 to 2006 after having improved significantly from 1985. CONCLUSION: A significant improvement of the periodontal conditions of young Swiss males was demonstrated to have taken place between 1985 and 1996, but no further changes during the last decade were noticed.