311 resultados para Menu


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Lower energy and protein intakes are well documented in patients on texture modified diets. In acute hospital settings, the provision of appropriate texture modified foods to meet industry standards is essential for patient safety and nutrition outcomes. The texture modified menu at an acute private hospital was evaluated in accordance with their own nutritional standards (NS) and Australian National Standards (Dietitians Association of Australia and Speech Pathology Australia, 2007). The NS documents portion sizes and nutritional requirements for each menu. Texture B and C menus were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively over 9 days of a 6 day cyclic menu for breakfast (n=4), lunch (n=34) and dinner (n=34). Results indicated a lack of portion control, as specified by the NS, across all meals including breakfast (65–140%), soup (55–115%), meat (45–165%), vegetables (55–185%) and desserts (30–300%). Dilution factors and portion sizes influenced the protein and energy availability of Texture B & C menus. While the Texture B menu provided more energy, neither menu met the NS. Limited dessert options on the Texture C menu restricted the ability of this menu to meet protein NS. A lack of portion control and menu items incorrectly modified can compromise protein and energy intakes. Strategies to correct serving sizes and provision of alternate protein sources were recommended. Suggestions included cost-effectively increasing the variety of foods to assist protein and energy intake and the procurement of standardised equipment and visual aids to assist food preparation and presentation in accordance with texture modified guidelines and the NS.


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There are limited studies that describe patient meal preferences in hospital; however this data is critical to develop menus that address satisfaction and nutrition whilst balancing resources. This quality study aimed to determine preferences for meals and snacks to inform a comprehensive menu revision in a large (929 bed) tertiary public hospital. The method was based on Vivanti et al. (2008) with data collected by two final year dietetic students. The first survey comprised 72 questions, achieved a response rate of 68% (n = 192), with the second more focused at 47 questions achieving a higher response rate of 93% (n = 212). Findings showed over half the patients reporting poor or less than normal appetite, 20% describing taste issues, over a third with a LOS >7 days, a third with a MST _ 2 and less than half eating only from the general menu. Soup then toast was most frequently reported as eaten at home when unwell, and whilst most reported not missing any foods when in hospital (25%), steak was most commonly missed. Hot breakfasts were desired by the majority (63%), with over half preferring toast (even if cold). In relation to snacks, nearly half (48%) wanted something more substantial than tea/coffee/biscuits, with sandwiches (54%) and soup (33%) being suggested. Sandwiches at the evening meal were not popular (6%). Difficulties with using cutlery and meal size selection were identified as issues. Findings from this study had high utility and supported a collaborative and evidenced based approach to a successful major menu change for the hospital.


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We present a new technique called‘Tilt Menu’ for better extending selection capabilities of pen-based interfaces.The Tilt Menu is implemented by using 3D orientation information of pen devices while performing selection tasks.The Tilt Menu has the potential to aid traditional onehanded techniques as it simultaneously generates the secondary input (e.g., a command or parameter selection) while drawing/interacting with a pen tip without having to use the second hand or another device. We conduct two experiments to explore the performance of the Tilt Menu. In the first experiment, we analyze the effect of parameters of the Tilt Menu, such as the menu size and orientation of the item, on its usability. Results of the first experiment suggest some design guidelines for the Tilt Menu. In the second experiment, the Tilt Menu is compared to two types of techniques while performing connect-the-dot tasks using freeform drawing mechanism. Results of the second experiment show that the Tilt Menu perform better in comparison to the Tool Palette, and is as good as the Toolglass.


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Fish provides more than 4.5 billion people with at least 15 % of their average per capita intake of animal protein. Fish's unique nutritional properties make it also essential to the health of billions of consumers in both developed and developing countries. Fish is one of the most efficient converters of feed into high quality food and its carbon footprint is lower compared to other animal production systems. Through fish-related activities (fisheries and aquaculture but also processing and trading), fish contribute substantially to the income and therefore to the indirect food security of more than 10 % of the world population, essentially in developing and emergent countries. Yet, limited attention has been given so far to fish as a key element in food security and nutrition strategies at national level and in wider development discussions and interventions. As a result, the tremendous potential for improving food security and nutrition embodied in the strengthening of the fishery and aquaculture sectors is missed. The purpose of this paper is to make a case for a closer integration of fish into the overall debate and future policy about food security and nutrition. For this, we review the evidence from the contemporary and emerging debates and controversies around fisheries and aquaculture and we discuss them in the light of the issues debated in the wider agriculture/farming literature. The overarching question that underlies this paper is: how and to what extent will fish be able to contribute to feeding 9 billion people in 2050 and beyond?


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As preocupações médicas com a alimentação e o seu equilíbrio remontam à Antiguidade, mas apenas a partir do século XVII começaram a ser equacionadas numa perspectiva mais científica e de maior rigor. No período seiscentista, esta questão é retomada, por exemplo, por dois médicos de renome originários dos Países Baixos, Luís Nunes (1553 – 1645) e Willem Piso (1611 – 1678), que escreveram em latim, a língua habitual para a difusão do conhecimento e ciência à época, e de quem podemos consultar tratados de importância inquestionável, pertença do Fundo Antigo da Biblioteca Municipal de Tavira. Referimo-nos, especificamente, ao Ichtyophagia (Antuérpia, 1616), único exemplar sinalizado em Portugal, e ao De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica. Libri quatuordecim (Amesterdão, 1658), de que existe cópia microfilmada na Biblioteca Nacional, e cuja primeira parte, livro terceiro, logo na abertura, refere explicitamente os peixes ad humanos usus producantur (p. 47), i.e., apresentados na perspectiva da sua utilização pelo homem. A apologia de uma alimentação cuja dieta deve compreender o consumo de peixe é, em nosso entender, um dos motivos que atravessam ambos os textos. Esta comunicação pretende contribuir para a divulgação pública do conteúdos algo olvidados, numa época em que nunca se falou tanto da importância da alimentação no contexto duma educação para a saúde, e ao mesmo tempo enfatizar o valor patrimonial das obras referidas, alertando para a necessidade imperiosa de preservar espólios documentais que integram espécimes como os que aqui se referem. A relevância historiográfica destas obras, que inauguram a defesa científica de hábitos alimentares equilibrados, alicerçando um discurso inovador, numa época de profunda mutação histórica e cultural, imposta pelas contacto com as realidades exóticas do Novo Mundo.


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The menu, with wine list from the Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Ordinary of the Clifton House hotel in Niagara Falls, Ont. Also includes handwritten additions or alterations to the printed menu. The proprietors of the hotel were D.H. Bromley & Co. The Clifton House hotel was built in 1833 and destroyed by fire in 1896. It was known as the finest hotel on the Canadian side of the falls. Oakes Garden Theatre marks its location today.


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A menu for a dinner with Julia Child 4 November, 1993. The list of invites includes: Julia Child, John Honderich, Josh Josephson, Marion Kane, Franco Prevedello, Bonnie Stern, Michael Vaughn, Margaret Visser, Donald Ziraldo. Also, handwritten on top left corner of menu: " To Donald Julia Child"


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A menu from the airline KLM World Business Class, featuring the wine of Inniskillin, specifically the Chardonnay Reserve 1994.


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A drink and dessert menu from the Four Seasons Hotel, Chinzan-So, Tokyo, Japan that features Inniskillin Icewine.


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A menu from a dinner given by The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney and Mrs. Mila Mulroney during a visit by the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giulio Andreotti. The dinner was held March 8, 1992 at The Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto and features Inniskillin wines.


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A menu from the Hotel Des Reservoirs with the date 9 June. There are some handwritten comments that include "Versailles" and "Note: One wing of this hotel occupied by German delegates to Peace Conference".


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A menu from the dinner of the Investiture of the Order of Canada.


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This 6-minute video is the fifth in a series introducing the new features of Blackboard 9. It shows the new default course menu items and shows how to adapt these after rolling over an existing course.