934 resultados para Mental Stress


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Background: Forearm blood flow responses during mental stress are greater in individuals homozygous for the Glu27 allele. A high-fat meal is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent dilatation. We investigated the impact of high-fat ingestion on the muscle vasodilatory responses during mental stress in individuals with the Glu27 allele and those with the Gln27 allele of the beta(2)-adrenoceptor gene. Methods: A total of 162 preselected individuals were genotyped for the Glu27Gln beta(2)-adrenoceptor polymorphism. Twenty-four individuals participated in the study. Fourteen were homozygous for the Gln27 allele (Gln27Gln, 40 +/- 2 years; 64 +/- 2 kg), and 10 were homozygous for the Glu27 allele (Glu27Glu, 40 +/- 3 years; 65 +/- 3 kg). Forearm blood flow was evaluated by venous occlusion plethysmography before and after ingestion of 62 g of fat. Results: The high-fat meal caused no changes in baseline forearm vascular conductance (FVC, 2.2 +/- 0.1 vs. 2.4 +/- 0.2; P = 0.27, respectively), but reduced FVC responses to mental stress (1.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.2 units; P = 0.04). When volunteers were divided according to their genotypes, baseline FVC was not different between groups (Glu27Glu = 2.4 +/- 0.1 vs. Gln27Gln = 2.1 +/- 0.1 units; P = 0.08), but it was significantly greater in Glu27Glu individuals during mental stress (1.9 +/- 0.4 vs. 1.0 +/- 0.3 units; P = 0.04). High-fat intake eliminated the difference in FVC responses between Glu27Glu and Gln27Gln individuals (FVC, 1.3 +/- 0.4 vs. 1.2 +/- 0.4; P = 0.66, respectively). Conclusion: These findings demonstrate that a high-fat meal impairs muscle vasodilatation responses to mental stress in humans. However, this reduction can be attributed to the presence of the homozygous Glu27 allele of the beta(2)-adrenoceptor gene.


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Objectif : Le monoxyde d'azote (NO) régule la pression artérielle en modulant le tonus vasculaire périphérique et l'activité sympathique vasoconstrictrice. La synthèse du NO est altérée dans plusieurs maladies cardiovasculaires importantes. La perte de l'effet vasodilatateur du NO et de son effet freinateur sur la décharge sympathique pourrait entraîner une réponse vasopressive exagérée au stress mental. Méthodes : Nous avons donc comparé les réponses sympathique (activité nerveuse musculaire sympathique) et hémodynamique au stress mental pendant une perfusion isotonique de NaCI et lors de l'administration d'un inhibiteur systémique de la NO- synthase (NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, L-NMMA). Résultats : Le résultat principal est que le stress mental qui pendant la perfusion saline augmente l'activité nerveuse sympathique d'environ 50% et la pression artérielle moyenne d'environ 15%, n'a eu aucun effet sympathoexcitateur et vasopresseur détectable lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA. Ces observations ne sont pas liées à une atteinte généralisée de la réponse hémodynamique et/ou sympathique lors de la perfusion de L-NMMA, car ces réponses étaient conservées lors de l'immersion de la main dans de l'eau glacée. Conclusions : Le stress mental induit des effets vasopresseurs et sympathoexcitateurs chez l'homme qui sont médiés par le NO. Ces résultats laissent penser que, contrairement à ce qui a été généralement supposé, le NO peut dans certaines circonstances augmenter la pression artérielle in vivo.


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OBJECTIVE: Nitric oxide (NO) regulates arterial pressure by modulating peripheral vascular tone and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. NO synthesis is impaired in several major cardiovascular disease states. Loss of NO-induced vasodilator tone and restraint on sympathetic outflow could result in exaggerated pressor responses to mental stress. METHODS: We, therefore, compared the sympathetic (muscle sympathetic nerve activity) and haemodynamic responses to mental stress performed during saline infusion and systemic inhibition of NO-synthase by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) infusion. RESULTS: The major finding was that mental stress which during saline infusion increased sympathetic nerve activity by ~50 percent and mean arterial pressure by ~15 percent had no detectable sympathoexcitatory and pressor effect during L-NMMA infusion. These findings were not related to a generalised impairment of the haemodynamic and/or sympathetic responsiveness by L-NMMA, since the pressor and sympathetic nerve responses to immersion of the hand in ice water were preserved during L-NMMA infusion. CONCLUSION: Mental stress causes pressor and sympathoexcitatory effects in humans that are mediated by NO. These findings are consistent with the new concept that, in contrast to what has been generally assumed, under some circumstances, NO has a blood pressure raising action in vivo.


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The haemodynamic effects of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activations elicited by hypoglycaemia, acute alcohol administration, or insulin can be prevented by a pretreatment with dexamethasone in humans. This suggests a possible role of central corticotropin releasing hormone (GRIT) release. Mental stress activates the SNS, and decreases systemic vascular resistances though a beta-adrenergic-mediated vasodilation thought to involve vascular nitric oxide release. It also increases insulin-mediated glucose disposal, an effect presumably related to vasodilation. In order to evaluate whether activation of SNS by mental stress is glucocorticoid-sensitive, we monitored the haemodynamic and metabolic effects of mental stress during hyperinsulinaemia in healthy humans with and without a 2-day treatment with 8 mg day(-1) dexamethasone. Mental stress decreased systemic vascular resistances by 21.9% and increased insulin-mediated glucose disposal by 2 8.4% without dexamethasone pretreatment. After 2 days of dexamethasone treatment, whole body insulin-mediated glucose disposal was decreased by 40.8%. The haemodynainic effects of mental stress were however, not affected. Mental stress acutely increased insulin-mediated glucose disposal by 28.0%. This indicates that mental stress elicits a stimulation of SNS through dexamethasone-insensitive pathway, distinct of those activated by insulin, alcohol, or hyperglycaemia.


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The effects of the sympathetic activation elicited by a mental stress on insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure (VO(2)) were studied in 11 lean and 8 obese women during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Six lean women were restudied under nonselective beta-adrenergic blockade with propranolol to determine the role of beta-adrenoceptors in the metabolic response to mental stress. In lean women, mental stress increased VO(2) by 20%, whole body glucose utilization ([6,6-(2)H(2)]glucose) by 34%, and cardiac index (thoracic bioimpedance) by 25%, whereas systemic vascular resistance decreased by 24%. In obese women, mental stress increased energy expenditure as in lean subjects, but it neither stimulated glucose uptake nor decreased systemic vascular resistance. In the six lean women who were restudied under propranolol, the rise in VO(2), glucose uptake, and cardiac output and the decrease in systemic vascular resistance during mental stress were all abolished. It is concluded that 1) in lean subjects, mental stress stimulates glucose uptake and energy expenditure and produces vasodilation; activation of beta-adrenoceptors is involved in these responses; and 2) in obese patients, the effects of mental stress on glucose uptake and systemic vascular resistance, but not on energy expenditure, are blunted.


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Since neurovascular control is altered in obese subjects, we hypothesized that weight loss by diet (D) or diet plus exercise training (D + ET) would improve neurovascular control during mental stress in obese women. In a study with a dietary reduction of 600 kcal/day with or without exercise training for 4 months, 53 obese women were subdivided in D (N = 22, 33 ± 1 years, BMI 34 ± 1 kg/m²), D + ET (N = 22, 33 ± 1 years, BMI 33 ± 1 kg/m²), and nonadherent (NA, N = 9, 35 ± 2 years, BMI 33 ± 1 kg/m²) groups. Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was measured by microneurography and forearm blood flow by venous occlusion plethysmography. Mental stress was elicited by a 3-min Stroop color word test. Weight loss was similar between D and D + ET groups (87 ± 2 vs 79 ± 2 and 85 ± 2 vs 76 ± 2 kg, respectively, P < 0.05) with a significant reduction in MSNA during mental stress (58 ± 2 vs 50 ± 2, P = 0.0001, and 59 ± 3 vs 50 ± 2 bursts/100 beats, P = 0.0001, respectively), although the magnitude of the response was unchanged. Forearm vascular conductance during mental stress was significantly increased only in D + ET (2.74 ± 0.22 vs 3.52 ± 0.19 units, P = 0.02). Weight loss reduces MSNA during mental stress in obese women. The increase in forearm vascular conductance after weight loss provides convincing evidence for D + ET interventions as a nonpharmacologic therapy of human obesity.


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To determine the hemodynamic mechanisms responsible for the attenuated blood pressure response to mental stress after exercise, 26 healthy sedentary individuals (age 29 ± 8 years) underwent the Stroop color-word test before and 60 min after a bout of maximal dynamic exercise on a treadmill. A subgroup (N = 11) underwent a time-control experiment without exercise. Blood pressure was continuously and noninvasively recorded by infrared finger photoplethysmography. Stroke volume was derived from pressure signals, and cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance were calculated. Perceived mental stress scores were comparable between mental stress tests both in the exercise (P = 0.96) and control (P = 0.24) experiments. After exercise, the blood pressure response to mental stress was attenuated (pre: 10 ± 13 vs post: 6 ± 7 mmHg; P < 0.01) along with lower values of systolic blood pressure (pre: 129 ± 3 vs post: 125 ± 3 mmHg; P < 0.05), stroke volume (pre: 89.4 ± 3.5 vs post: 76.8 ± 3.8 mL; P < 0.05), and cardiac output (pre: 7.00 ± 0.30 vs post: 6.51 ± 0.36 L/min; P < 0.05). Except for heart rate, the hemodynamic responses and the mean values during the two mental stress tests in the control experiment were similar (P > 0.05). In conclusion, a single bout of maximal dynamic exercise attenuates the blood pressure response to mental stress in healthy subjects, along with lower stroke volume and cardiac output, denoting an acute modulatory action of exercise on the central hemodynamic response to mental stress.


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Abstract Background Forearm blood flow responses during mental stress are greater in individuals homozygous for the Glu27 allele. A high-fat meal is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent dilatation. We investigated the impact of high-fat ingestion on the muscle vasodilatory responses during mental stress in individuals with the Glu27 allele and those with the Gln27 allele of the β2-adrenoceptor gene. Methods A total of 162 preselected individuals were genotyped for the Glu27Gln β2-adrenoceptor polymorphism. Twenty-four individuals participated in the study. Fourteen were homozygous for the Gln27 allele (Gln27Gln, 40 ± 2 years; 64 ± 2 kg), and 10 were homozygous for the Glu27 allele (Glu27Glu, 40 ± 3 years; 65 ± 3 kg). Forearm blood flow was evaluated by venous occlusion plethysmography before and after ingestion of 62 g of fat. Results The high-fat meal caused no changes in baseline forearm vascular conductance (FVC, 2.2 ± 0.1 vs. 2.4 ± 0.2; P = 0.27, respectively), but reduced FVC responses to mental stress (1.5 ± 0.2 vs. 0.8 ± 0.2 units; P = 0.04). When volunteers were divided according to their genotypes, baseline FVC was not different between groups (Glu27Glu = 2.4 ± 0.1 vs. Gln27Gln = 2.1 ± 0.1 units; P = 0.08), but it was significantly greater in Glu27Glu individuals during mental stress (1.9 ± 0.4 vs. 1.0 ± 0.3 units; P = 0.04). High-fat intake eliminated the difference in FVC responses between Glu27Glu and Gln27Gln individuals (FVC, 1.3 ± 0.4 vs. 1.2 ± 0.4; P = 0.66, respectively). Conclusion These findings demonstrate that a high-fat meal impairs muscle vasodilatation responses to mental stress in humans. However, this reduction can be attributed to the presence of the homozygous Glu27 allele of the β2-adrenoceptor gene.


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Nitric oxide (NO) regulates arterial pressure by modulating peripheral vascular tone and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. NO synthesis is impaired in several major cardiovascular disease states. Loss of NO-induced vasodilator tone and restraint on sympathetic outflow could result in exaggerated pressor responses to mental stress.


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Acute mental stress induces a significant increase in plasma interleukin (IL)-6 levels as a possible mechanism for how psychological stress might contribute to atherosclerosis. We investigated whether the IL-6 response would habituate in response to a repetitively applied mental stressor and whether cortisol reactivity would show a relationship with IL-6 reactivity. Study participants were 21 reasonably healthy men (mean age 46+/-7 years) who underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (combination of a 3-min preparation, 5-min speech, and 5-min mental arithmetic) three times with an interval of 1 week. Plasma IL-6 and free salivary cortisol were measured immediately before and after stress, and at 45 and 105 min of recovery from stress. Cortisol samples were also obtained 15 and 30 min after stress. Compared to non-stressed controls, IL-6 significantly increased between rest and 45 min post-stress (p=.022) and between rest and 105 min post-stress (p=.001). Peak cortisol (p=.034) and systolic blood pressure (p=.009) responses to stress both habituated between weeks one and three. No adaptation occurred in diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and IL-6 responses to stress. The areas under the curve integrating the stress-induced changes in cortisol and IL-6 reactivity were negatively correlated at visit three (r=-.54, p=.011), but not at visit one. The IL-6 response to acute mental stress occurs delayed and shows no adaptation to repeated moderate mental stress. The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis may attenuate stress reactivity of IL-6. The lack of habituation in IL-6 responses to daily stress could subject at-risk individuals to higher atherosclerotic morbidity and mortality.


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CONTEXT: There is strong evidence for a physiological hyperreactivity to stress in systemic hypertension, but data on associated or potentially moderating psychological factors are scarce. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to identify psychological correlates of physiological stress reactivity in systemic hypertension. DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional, quasi-experimentally controlled study. Study participants underwent an acute standardized psychosocial stress task combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. SETTING: The study was conducted in the population in the state of Zurich, Switzerland. SUBJECTS: Subjects included 22 hypertensive and 26 normotensive men (mean +/- sem 44 +/- 2 yr). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: We assessed the psychological measures social support, emotional regulation, and cognitive appraisal of the stressful situation. Moreover, we measured salivary cortisol and plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine before and after stress and several times up to 60 min thereafter as well as blood pressure and heart rate. RESULTS: We found poorer hedonistic emotional regulation (HER) and lower perceived social support in hypertensives, compared with normotensives (P < 0.01). Compared with normotensives, hypertensives showed higher cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine secretions after stress (P < 0.038) as well as higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure (P < 0.001). Cortisol reactivity and norepinephrine secretion were highest in hypertensive men with low HER (P < 0.05). In contrast, hypertensives with high HER did not significantly differ from normotensives in both cortisol and norepinephrine secretion after stress. Epinephrine secretion was highest in hypertensives with low social support but was not different between hypertensives with high social support and normotensives. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that both low social support and low HER are associated with elevated stress hormone reactivity in systemic hypertension.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the autonomic functions of patients with erythrophobia. METHODS: Forty patients with a diagnosis of erythrophobia (female/male ratio 18/22) without any other organic lesions and 20 healthy volunteers (female/male ratio 10/10) were assessed. Clinical evaluation was performed using a modified version of semistructured interviews. Autonomic testing was performed by means of spectral analysis of heart rate and continuous blood pressure by sparse discrete Fourier transformation at rest and under mental stress. RESULTS: There were no significant difference between the two samples in age, sex distribution, BMI, resting systolic, or diastolic blood pressure, nor was there a difference in autonomic baseline functioning between the 40 patients with erythrophobia and the control subjects. On the other hand, patients with erythrophobia consistently showed higher pulse rates (88 +/- 20 vs. 78 +/- 9 bpm, p <.05), higher total heart rate power values (8.40 +/- 0.63 vs. 8.07 +/- 1.02 p <.05), higher midfrequency spectral values (7.38 +/- 0.66 vs. 7.02 +/- 1.18, p <.01), higher high-frequency spectral values (6.89 +/- 0.86 vs. 6.48 +/- 1.44, p <.05), and lower baroreceptor sensitivity (8.62 +/- 8.16 vs. 11.65 +/- 4.42, p <.005) than the healthy subjects. ANOVA showed a significant group interaction (p <.0001) between the samples. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for abnormal autonomic functioning in patients with erythrophobia when under mental stress.


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Hypertension is the most prevalent form of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the world, and is known to increase the risk for developing other diseases. Recently, the American Heart Association introduced a new classification of blood pressure, prehypertension (PHT). The criteria for PHT include a systolic of 120-139 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg. It has been observed that individuals with PHT have a higher risk of developing hypertension later in life. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms contributing to PHT in order to possibly prevent hypertension. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils have been suggested as a means of lowering blood pressure. However, little is known on the effects of fish oil in PHT humans. Therefore we conducted two studies. In Study 1 we investigated PHT and normotensive (NT) individuals during a mental stress task. Mental stress is known to contribute to the development of hypertension. In Study 2 PHT and NT subjects were placed in an eight week double-blind placebo controlled study in which subjects consumed 9g/day of either fish oil or placebo (olive oil) in addition to their regular diets. Subjects were tested during a resting baseline (seated and supine), 5 minutes of a mental stress task, and 5 minutes of recovery both pre and post supplementation. We measured arterial pressure (AP), heart rate (HR), muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), and forearm and calf vascular responses. In Study 1 PHT demonstrated augmented AP and blunted vasodilation during mental stress, but MSNA did not change. In Study 2, fish oil did not directly influence blood pressure, MSNA or vascular responses to mental stress. However, it became clear that fish oil had an effect on some but not all subjects (both PHT and NT). Specifically, subjects who experienced a reduced blood pressure response to fish oil also demonstrated a decrease in MSNA and HR during mental stress. Collectively, the investigations in this dissertation had several novel findings. First, PHT individuals demonstrate an augmented pressor and blunted vascular response to mental stress, a response that may be contributing to the development of hypertension. Second, fish oil does not consistently lower resting blood pressure, but the interindividual responses may be related to MSNA. Third, fish oil attenuated the heart rate and MSNA responses and to mental stress in both PHT and NT. In conclusion, we found that there are both similarities and differences in the way PHT and NT individuals respond to mental stress and fish oil.


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Blood coagulation activation might be one mechanism linking acute mental stress with coronary events. We investigated the natural habituation of coagulation responses and recovery to short-term mental stress. Three times with one-week intervals, 24 men (mean age 47 +/- 7 years) underwent the same 13-min stressor (preparation, job interview, mental arithmetic). During each visit venous blood was obtained four times (baseline, immediately post-stress, 45 min of recovery, 105 min of recovery). Eight blood coagulation parameters were measured at weeks one and three. Acute stress provoked increases in von Willebrand factor antigen, fibrinogen, clotting factor FVII activity (FVII:C), FVIII:C, FXII:C (p's < or = 0.019), and D-dimer (N.S.). All coagulation parameters experienced full recovery except FVIII:C (p = 0.022). Stress did not significantly affect activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time. At all time points FVIII:C and FXII:C levels were significantly higher at week one compared to week three (p's < or = 0.041). Before catheter insertion, systolic blood pressure (p = 0.001) and heart rate (p = 0.026) were relatively higher at week one. Unlike the magnitude of systolic blood pressure response to stress (p = 0.007) and of cortisol recovery from stress (p = 0.002), the magnitude of all coagulation responses to stress and the recovery from stress were similar in week one and week three. Sympathetic activation with anticipatory stress best explained increased baseline activity in FVIII and FXII at week one. An incapacity of the coagulation system to adapt to stress repeats is perhaps a consequence of evolution, but might also contribute to increased coronary risk in some individuals, particularly in those with cardiovascular diseases.