1000 resultados para Mendocinian literature


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Ya desde su primera novela publicada (Barbarie, 1927), el novelista mendocino Carlos Alberto Arroyo se inscribe en una línea de especial relevancia dentro de nuestras letras provinciales: la que responde a una intencionalidad política, nutrida por las complejas alternativas de la historia lugareña, a tal punto que un vasto sector de su obra podría ser denominada "la saga de la Mendoza lencinista". Lo sucesos narrados en La furia de los vencidos giran alrededor de la Revolución del '30 y su repercusión en el ambiente político mendocino, en particular dentro del círculo de una tradicional familia mendocina, los Ansay, cuya casa es el escenario de gran parte de la acción. Sucesivas polaridades espaciales inscritas en los pasajes descriptivos tienden a resaltar el valor simbólico de la casa como ámbito de acción en La furia de los vencidos: la verticalidad que se establece a través del concepto de "clase" como estrato dirigente de la sociedad, respaldada en el ejercicio del poder político; la dialéctica entre el adentro y el afuera, vale decir, la intimidad familiar opuesta al espacio de actuación pública y la idea de lo cerrado, manifiesta en la construcción de un espacio doméstico, asociado a lo femenino -hortus conclusus descripto con una tópica consagrada por la tradición- son otras tantas equivalencias del actuar de los personajes, sometidos a una coyuntura de transformación social que influye de manera decisiva en su destino.


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Minotauroamor, obra favorita de Abelardo Arias, es una novela que se presenta ante el lector organizada en dos planos. Esta estructura ha sido claramente marcada ya desde el nivel tipográfico: la mayor parte de la obra está escrita en un tipo normal y algunos párrafos, en bastardilla o cursiva. Precisamente estos párrafos son los que se separan, aparentemente, del relato principal, narrando otra historia, con otros personajes, acciones y ejes espacio-temporales. Por muchos años fue común que los lectores eligieran ignorar este otro relato, de menor extensión, ya que el texto principal resulta perfectamente legible sin él. Sin embargo, esta lectura empobrece la obra, razón por la cual este trabajo se propone demostrar, a partir del análisis de los rasgos que unen y diferencian estos dos planos de la novela, que el significado total es más que la suma del significado de cada parte y, evidentemente, más que el significado de una parte.


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El análisis del discurso en Minotauroamor de Abelardo Arias, permite al lector acceder a una serie de conceptos acerca del hombre y de las realidades que le conciernen: el amor, la amistad, la belleza, el arte, el poder, entre otros. Si bien estos planteos alcanzan a todos los personajes, los mismos son focalizados, especialmente, en relación con los dos protagonistas: el Minotauro y Teseo. De hecho, Abelardo Arias ha declarado que lo que le impulsó a escribir esta novela fue, precisamente, un interrogante vital que lo asediaba: cuál era la verdadera condición del hombre moderno. El escritor mendocino parecía advertir, ya en ese entonces, una marcada degradación de los valores que han sido sostén de nuestra cultura e intenta despertar la conciencia de sus coetáneos a través de estas magníficas páginas. Es por ello que, en el presente trabajo, no sólo nos proponemos demostrar el enorme valor literario de la novela abelardariana y la riqueza de su contenido sino también señalar el vínculo que se establece entre los personajes con el concepto subyacente de “hombre normal". De este modo tratamos de dilucidar de qué modo, en este espacio literario, se proyectan las ideas sustentadas por el reconocido escritor mendocino. Con tal finalidad, se señalan, sucintamente, las coincidencias y modulaciones que se dan entre el mito original y la recreación que de él hace el autor mendocino para centrarnos en el análisis de los fragmentos que tienen como tema sustancial la “diagnosis" del hombre. Para este enfoque tomo en consideración un estudio de Alfonso López Quintás -Diagnosis del hombre actual-, publicado el mismo año de la obra que nos ocupa, y que plantea -desde otro lenguaje-, las mismas inquietudes que advertimos en el autor mendocino.


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En los volúmenes de cuentos Las mil y una noches argentinas y El loro adivino, Juan Draghi Lucero, escritor mendocino (1897-1994), recupera los códigos culturales de la sociedad cuyana del siglo XIX. En el espacio de la escritura de estos cuentos a los que considero texto artístico único, se entrama un código oral que les sirve de cañamazo y los semantiza al inscribirlos en la virtualidad del acto de contar para un auditorio. De este modo, el escritor construye un sistema equivalente al de la lengua oral natural, hecho que coloca los cuentos en la frontera de confluencia de dos lenguajes no traducibles uno en otro: el escrito y el oral. La creolización de la escritura activa en el lector la memoria cultural regional anclada en la oralidad, códigos en los que se transmitieron los saberes de la comunidad criolla que fundaron la cuyanidad en el siglo XIX.


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This paper compares perceptions of integrated marketing communication (IMC) to establish whether consumers perceive integration in the same way as the literature. It begins by reviewing the literature to identify shared assumptions about integration and factors thought to contribute to the integration of marketing communication and, in an experiment, compares these with the perceptions of consumers. Many of the shared assumptions in the literature have been supported by the findings of this study. Integration has been demonstrated to be both a strategy and a tactic. The strategic side is part of a management process and is unable to be observed by consumers from the marketing communication output. Consumers can, however, identify the tactics and are able to recall a number of integration factors such as logo, corporate colours and image. Consumers in the total message integration groups perceived the messages they received as more integrated than those in partial integration or no integration groups.


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The objective of the project “Value Alignment Process for Project Delivery” is to provide a catalyst and tools for reform in the building and construction industry to transform business-as-usual performance into exceptional performance. The outcomes of this project will be beneficial to not only the construction industry, but to the community as a whole because a more sophisticated industry can deliver more effective use of assets, financing, operating and maintenance of facilities to suit the community’s needs. The research project consists of a study into best practice project delivery and the development of a suite of products, resources and services to guide project teams towards the best approach for a specific project. These resources will be focused on promoting the principles that underlie best practice project delivery, rather than on identifying a particular delivery system. The need for such tools and resources becomes more and more acute as the environment within which the construction industry operates becomes more and more complex, and as business and political imperatives shift to encompass or represent diverse stakeholder interests. To this end, this literature review looks at why it is essential to achieve transformation in the Australian construction industry in the context of its importance to the Australian economy. It seeks to investigate the concepts of ‘alignment’ and value’ as they pertain to construction industry processes and relationships. It comprehensively reviews drivers of project excellence and best practice project delivery principles and looks at how clients approach selection of project delivery systems. It critiques existing project delivery strategies and gives an overview of recent best practice initiatives. The literature review represents a milestone against the Project Agreement and forms a foundation document for this research project


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This report reviews the most recent literature on construction innovation with the aim of highlighting the primary influences on innovation in the building and construction industry.


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This research aims to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of the construction & demolition waste and precast concrete supply chains through the development, trial and evaluation of an innovative public sector supply chain management strategy. The long-term goals are to improve competitive behaviour and market sector performance and improve business process efficiency and effectiveness of public sector program delivery by influencing policy development, changing organisational behaviour and implementation development to achieve more economic and environmental sustainable markets.


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There are many studies that reveal the nature of design thinking and the nature of conceptual design as distinct from detailed or embodiment design. The results can assist in our understanding of how the process of design can be supported and how new technologies can be introduced into the workplace. Existing studies provide limited information about the nature of collaborative design as it takes place on the ground and in the actual working context. How to provide appropriate and effective of support for collaborative design information sharing across companies, countries and heterogeneous computer systems is a key issue. As data are passed between designers and the computer systems they employ, many exchanges are made. These exchanges may be used to establish measures of the benefits that new support systems can bring. Collaboration support tools represent a fast growing section of the commercial software market place and a reasonable range of products are available. Many of them offer significant application to design for the support of distributed meetings by the provision of video and audio communications and the sharing of information, including collaborative sketching. The tools that specifically support 3D models and other very design specific features are less common and many of those are in prototype stages of development. A key question is to find viable ways of combining design information visualisation support with the collaboration support technologies that can be seen today. When collaborating, different views will need to be accessible at different times to all the collaborators. The architects may want to explain some ideas on their model, the structural engineers on their model and so on. However, there are issues of ownership when the structural engineer wants to manipulate the architect’s model and vice versa. The modes of working, synchronous or asynchronous may have a bearing as in a synchronous session there is control of what is happening.


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Recent developments in networked three dimensional (3D) virtual worlds, and the proliferation of high bandwidth communications technology, have the potential to dramatically improve collaboration in the construction industry. This research project focuses on the early stages of a construction project in which the models for the project are developed and revised. The project investigates three aspects of collaboration in virtual environments: 1. The processes that enable effective collaboration using high bandwidth information communication technology (ICT); 2. The models that allow for multiple disciplines to share their views in a synchronous virtual environment; 3. The generic skills used by individuals and teams when engaging with high bandwidth information communication technology. The third aspect of the project, listed above, led by the University of Newcastle, explores the domain of People and the extent to which they contribute to the effectiveness of virtual teams. This report relates, primarily, to this aspect.


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Realistic estimates of short- and long-term (strategic) budgets for maintenance and rehabilitation of road assessment management should consider the stochastic characteristics of asset conditions of the road networks so that the overall variability of road asset data conditions is taken into account. The probability theory has been used for assessing life-cycle costs for bridge infrastructures by Kong and Frangopol (2003), Zayed et.al. (2002), Kong and Frangopol (2003), Liu and Frangopol (2004), Noortwijk and Frangopol (2004), Novick (1993). Salem 2003 cited the importance of the collection and analysis of existing data on total costs for all life-cycle phases of existing infrastructure, including bridges, road etc., and the use of realistic methods for calculating the probable useful life of these infrastructures (Salem et. al. 2003). Zayed et. al. (2002) reported conflicting results in life-cycle cost analysis using deterministic and stochastic methods. Frangopol et. al. 2001 suggested that additional research was required to develop better life-cycle models and tools to quantify risks, and benefits associated with infrastructures. It is evident from the review of the literature that there is very limited information on the methodology that uses the stochastic characteristics of asset condition data for assessing budgets/costs for road maintenance and rehabilitation (Abaza 2002, Salem et. al. 2003, Zhao, et. al. 2004). Due to this limited information in the research literature, this report will describe and summarise the methodologies presented by each publication and also suggest a methodology for the current research project funded under the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation CRC CI project no 2003-029-C.