977 resultados para Melt Processing


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A laboratory scale twin screw extruder has been interfaced with a near infrared (NIR) spectrometer via a fibre optic link so that NIR spectra can be collected continuously during the small scale experimental melt state processing of polymeric materials. This system can be used to investigate melt state processes such as reactive extrusion, in real time, in order to explore the kinetics and mechanism of the reaction. A further advantage of the system is that it has the capability to measure apparent viscosity simultaneously which gives important additional information about molecular weight changes and polymer degradation during processing. The system was used to study the melt processing of a nanocomposite consisting of a thermoplastic polyurethane and an organically modified layered silicate.


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Superconducting thick films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy (Bi-2212) on single-crystalline (100) MgO substrates have been prepared using a doctor-blade technique and a partial-melt process. It is found that the phase composition and the amount of Ag addition to the paste affect the structure and superconducting properties of the partially melted thick films. The optimum heat treatment schedule for obtaining high Jc has been determined for each paste. The heat treatment ensures attainment of high purity for the crystalline Bi-2212 phase and high orientation of Bi-2212 crystals, in which the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate. The highest Tc, obtained by resistivity measurement, is 92.2 K. The best value for Jct (transport) of these thick films, measured at 77 K in self-field, is 8 × 10 3 Acm -2.


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Graphene, due to its outstanding properties, has become the topic of much research activity in recent years. Much of that work has been on a laboratory scale however, if we are to introduce graphene into real product applications it is necessary to examine how the material behaves under industrial processing conditions. In this paper the melt processing of polyamide 6/graphene nanoplatelet composites via twin screw extrusion is investigated and structure–property relationships are examined for mechanical and electrical properties. Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) with two aspect ratios (700 and 1000) were used in order to examine the influence of particle dimensions on composite properties. It was found that the introduction of GNPs had a nucleating effect on polyamide 6 (PA6) crystallization and substantially increased crystallinity by up to 120% for a 20% loading in PA6. A small increase in crystallinity was observed when extruder screw speed increased from 50 rpm to 200 rpm which could be attributed to better dispersion and more nucleation sites for crystallization. A maximum enhancement of 412% in Young's modulus was achieved at 20 wt% loading of GNPs. This is the highest reported enhancement in modulus achieved to date for a melt mixed thermoplastic/GNPs composite. A further result of importance here is that the modulus continued to increase as the loading of GNPs increased even at 20 wt% loading and results are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions for modulus enhancement. Electrical percolation was achieved between 10–15 wt% loading for both aspect ratios of GNPs with an increase in conductivity of approximately 6 orders of magnitude compared to the unfilled PA6.


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In this paper, the processing and characterization of Polyamide 6 (PA6) / graphite nanoplatelets
(GNPs) composites is reported. PA6/GNPs composites were prepared by melt-mixing using an
industrial, co-rotating, intermeshing, twin-screw extruder. A bespoke screw configuration was used
that was designed in-house to enhance nanoparticle dispersion into a polymer matrix. The effects of
GNPs type (xGnP® M-5 and xGnP® C-500), GNPs content, and extruder screw speed on the bulk
properties of the PA6/GNPs nanocomposites were investigated. Results show a considerable
improvement in the thermal and mechanical properties of PA6/GNPs composites, as compared with
the unfilled PA6 polymer. An increase in crystallinity (%Xc) with increasing GNPs content, and a
change in shape of the crystallization exotherms (broadening) and melting endotherms, both suggest a
change in the crystal type and perfection. An increase in tensile modulus of as much as 376% and
412% was observed for PA6/M-5 xGnP® and PA6/C-500 xGnP® composites, respectively, at filler
contents of 20wt%. The enhancement of Young’s modulus and yield stress can be attributed to the
reinforcing effect of GNPs and their uniform dispersion in the PA6 matrix. The rheological response
of the composite resembles that of a ‘pseudo-solid’, rather than a molten liquid, and analysis of the
rheological data indicates that a percolation threshold was reached at GNPs contents of between 10–
15wt%. The electrical conductivity of the composite also increased with increasing GNPs content,
with an addition of 15wt% GNPs resulting in a 6 order-of-magnitude increase in conductivity. The
electrical percolation thresholds of all composites were between 10–15wt%.


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Given the growing interest in thermal processing methods, this study describes the use of an advanced rheological technique, capillary rheometry, to accurately determine the thermorheological properties of two pharmaceutical polymers, Eudragit E100 (E100) and hydroxypropylcellulose JF (HPC) and their blends, both in the presence and absence of a model therapeutic agent (quinine, as the base and hydrochloride salt). Furthermore, the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of the cooled extrudates produced using capillary rheometry were characterised using Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) thereby enabling correlations to be drawn between the information derived from capillary rheometry and the glass transition properties of the extrudates. The shear viscosities of E100 and HPC (and their blends) decreased as functions of increasing temperature and shear rates, with the shear viscosity of E100 being significantly greater than that of HPC at all temperatures and shear rates. All platforms were readily processed at shear rates relevant to extrusion (approximately 200–300 s−1) and injection moulding (approximately 900 s−1). Quinine base was observed to lower the shear viscosities of E100 and E100/HPC blends during processing and the Tg of extrudates, indicative of plasticisation at processing temperatures and when cooled (i.e. in the solid state). Quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) increased the shear viscosities of E100 and HPC and their blends during processing and did not affect the Tg of the parent polymer. However, the shear viscosities of these systems were not prohibitive to processing at shear rates relevant to extrusion and injection moulding. As the ratio of E100:HPC increased within the polymer blends the effects of quinine base on the lowering of both shear viscosity and Tg of the polymer blends increased, reflecting the greater solubility of quinine within E100. In conclusion, this study has highlighted the importance of capillary rheometry in identifying processing conditions, polymer miscibility and plasticisation phenomena.


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Composites of Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) and Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) were processed using a twin screw extruder under different extrusion conditions. The effects of screw speed, feeder speed and GNP content on the electrical, thermal and mechanical properties of composites were investigated. The inclusion of GNPs in the matrix improved the thermal stability and conductivity by 2.7% and 43%, respectively. The electrical conductivity improved from 10−11 to 10−5 S/m at 150 rpm due to the high thermal stability of the GNPs and the formation of phonon and charge carrier networks in the polymer matrix. Higher extruder speeds result in a better distribution of the GNPs in the matrix and a significant increase in thermal stability and thermal conductivity. However, this effect is not significant for the electrical conductivity and tensile strength. The addition of GNPs increased the viscosity of the polymer, which will lead to higher processing power requirements. Increasing the extruder speed led to a reduction in viscosity, which is due to thermal degradation and/or chain scission. Thus, while high speeds result in better dispersions, the speed needs to be optimized to prevent detrimental impacts on the properties.


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Thermoplastic starch (TPS) from industrial non-modified corn starch was obtained and reinforced with natural strands. The influence of the reinforcement on physical-chemical properties of the composites obtained by melt processing has been analyzed. For this purpose, composites reinforced with different amounts of either sisal or hemp strands have been prepared and evaluated in terms of crystallinity, water sorption, thermal and mechanical properties. The results showed that the incorporation of sisal or hemp strands caused an increase in the glass transition temperature (T-g) of the TPS as determined by DMTA. The reinforcement also increased the stiffness of the material, as reflected in both the storage modulus and the Young's modulus. Intrinsic mechanical properties of the reinforcing fibers showed a lower effect on the final mechanical properties of the materials than their homogeneity and distribution within the matrix. Additionally, the addition of a natural latex plasticizer to the composite decreased the water absorption kinetics without affecting significantly the thermal and mechanical properties of the material. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Metallocene catalyzed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE) is a new generation of olefin copolymer. Based on the more recently developed metallocene-type catalysts, m-LLDPE can be synthesized with exactly controlled short chain branches and stereo-regular microstructure. The unique properties of these polymers have led to their applications in many areas. As a result, it is important to have a good understanding of the oxidation mechanism of m-LLDPE during melt processing in order to develop more effective stabilisation systems and continue to increase the performance of the material. The primary objectives of this work were, firstly, to investigate the oxidative degradation mechanisms of m-LLDPE polymers having different comonomer (I-octene) content during melt processing. Secondly, to examine the effectiveness of some commercial antioxidants on the stabilisation of m-LLDPE melt. A Ziegler-polymerized LLDPE (z-LLDPE) based on the same comonomer was chosen and processed under the same conditions for comparison with the metallocene polymers. The LLDPE polymers were processed using an internal mixer (torque rheometer, TR) and a co-rotating twin-screw extruder (TSE). The effects of processing variables (time, temperature) on the rheological (MI, MWD, rheometry) and molecular (unsaturation type and content, carbonyl compounds, chain branching) characteristics of the processed polymers were examined. It was found that the catalyst type (metallocene or Ziegler) and comonomer content of the polymers have great impact on their oxidative degradation behavior (crosslinking or chain scission) during melt processing. The metallocene polymers mainly underwent chain scission at lower temperature (<220°C) but crosslinking became predominant at higher temperature for both TR and TSE processed polymers. Generally, the more comonomers the m-LLDPE contains, a larger extent of chain scission can be expected. In contrast, crosslinking reactions were shown to be always dominant in the case of the Ziegler LLDPE. Furthermore, it is clear that the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of all LLDPE became broader after processing and tended generally to be broader at elevated temperatures and more extrusion passes. So, it can be concluded that crosslinking and chain scission are temperature dependent and occur simultaneously as competing reactions during melt processing. Vinyl is considered to be the most important unsaturated group leading to polymer crosslinking as its concentration in all the LLDPE decreased after processing. Carbonyl compounds were produced during LLDPE melt processing and ketones were shown to be the most imp0l1ant carbonyl-containing products in all processed polymers. The carbonyl concentration generally increased with temperature and extrusion passes, and the higher carbonyl content fonned in processed z-LLDPE and m-LLDPE polymers having higher comonomer content indicates their higher susceptibility of oxidative degradation. Hindered phenol and lactone antioxidants were shown to be effective in the stabilization of m-LLDPE melt when they were singly used in TSE extrusion. The combination of hindered phenol and phosphite has synergistic effect on m-LLDPE stabilization and the phenol-phosphite-Iactone mixture imparted the polymers with good stability during extrusion, especially for m-LLDPE with higher comonomer content.