992 resultados para Melnikov-holmes-marsden (mhm) Integrals


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Chaotic orientations of a top containing a fluid filled cavity are investigated analytically and numerically under small perturbations. The top spins and rolls in nonsliding contact with a rough horizontal plane and the fluid in the ellipsoidal shaped cavity is considered to be ideal and describable by finite degrees of freedom. A Hamiltonian structure is established to facilitate the application of Melnikov-Holmes-Marsden (MHM) integrals. In particular, chaotic motion of the liquid-filled top is identified to be arisen from the transversal intersections between the stable and unstable manifolds of an approximated, disturbed flow of the liquid-filled top via the MHM integrals. The developed analytical criteria are crosschecked with numerical simulations via the 4th Runge-Kutta algorithms with adaptive time steps.


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The non-linear motions of a gyrostat with an axisymmetrical, fluid-filled cavity are investigated. The cavity is considered to be completely filled with an ideal incompressible liquid performing uniform rotational motion. Helmholtz theorem, Euler's angular momentum theorem and Poisson equations are used to develop the disturbed Hamiltonian equations of the motions of the liquid-filled gyrostat subjected to small perturbing moments. The equations are established in terms of a set of canonical variables comprised of Euler angles and the conjugate angular momenta in order to facilitate the application of the Melnikov-Holmes-Marsden (MHM) method to investigate homoclinic/heteroclinic transversal intersections. In such a way, a criterion for the onset of chaotic oscillations is formulated for liquid-filled gyrostats with ellipsoidal and torus-shaped cavities and the results are confirmed via numerical simulations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It has become clear over the last few years that many deterministic dynamical systems described by simple but nonlinear equations with only a few variables can behave in an irregular or random fashion. This phenomenon, commonly called deterministic chaos, is essentially due to the fact that we cannot deal with infinitely precise numbers. In these systems trajectories emerging from nearby initial conditions diverge exponentially as time evolves)and therefore)any small error in the initial measurement spreads with time considerably, leading to unpredictable and chaotic behaviour The thesis work is mainly centered on the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear and nonintegrable dissipative dynamical systems. It is found that completely deterministic nonlinear differential equations describing such systems can exhibit random or chaotic behaviour. Theoretical studies on this chaotic behaviour can enhance our understanding of various phenomena such as turbulence, nonlinear electronic circuits, erratic behaviour of heart and brain, fundamental molecular reactions involving DNA, meteorological phenomena, fluctuations in the cost of materials and so on. Chaos is studied mainly under two different approaches - the nature of the onset of chaos and the statistical description of the chaotic state.


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A planar polynomial differential system has a finite number of limit cycles. However, finding the upper bound of the number of limit cycles is an open problem for the general nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigated a class of Liénard systems of the form x'=y, y'=f(x)+y g(x) with deg f=5 and deg g=4. We proved that the related elliptic integrals of the Liénard systems have at most three zeros including multiple zeros, which implies that the number of limit cycles bifurcated from the periodic orbits of the unperturbed system is less than or equal to 3.


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Cognitive obstacles that arise in the teaching and learning of scalar line integrals, derived from cognitive aids provided to students when first learning about integration of single variable functions are described. A discussion of how and why the obstacles cause students problems is presented and possible strategies to overcome the obstacles are outlined.


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An exact expression for the calculation of gaussian path integrals involving non-local potentials is given. Its utility is demonstrated by using it to evaluate a path integral arising in the study of an electron gas in a random potential.


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The topic of this dissertation lies in the intersection of harmonic analysis and fractal geometry. We particulary consider singular integrals in Euclidean spaces with respect to general measures, and we study how the geometric structure of the measures affects certain analytic properties of the operators. The thesis consists of three research articles and an overview. In the first article we construct singular integral operators on lower dimensional Sierpinski gaskets associated with homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund kernels. While these operators are bounded their principal values fail to exist almost everywhere. Conformal iterated function systems generate a broad range of fractal sets. In the second article we prove that many of these limit sets are porous in a very strong sense, by showing that they contain holes spread in every direction. In the following we connect these results with singular integrals. We exploit the fractal structure of these limit sets, in order to establish that singular integrals associated with very general kernels converge weakly. Boundedness questions consist a central topic of investigation in the theory of singular integrals. In the third article we study singular integrals of different measures. We prove a very general boundedness result in the case where the two underlying measures are separated by a Lipshitz graph. As a consequence we show that a certain weak convergence holds for a large class of singular integrals.


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Dynamic systems involving convolution integrals with decaying kernels, of which fractionally damped systems form a special case, are non-local in time and hence infinite dimensional. Straightforward numerical solution of such systems up to time t needs O(t(2)) computations owing to the repeated evaluation of integrals over intervals that grow like t. Finite-dimensional and local approximations are thus desirable. We present here an approximation method which first rewrites the evolution equation as a coupled in finite-dimensional system with no convolution, and then uses Galerkin approximation with finite elements to obtain linear, finite-dimensional, constant coefficient approximations for the convolution. This paper is a broad generalization, based on a new insight, of our prior work with fractional order derivatives (Singh & Chatterjee 2006 Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 183-206). In particular, the decaying kernels we can address are now generalized to the Laplace transforms of known functions; of these, the power law kernel of fractional order differentiation is a special case. The approximation can be refined easily. The local nature of the approximation allows numerical solution up to time t with O(t) computations. Examples with several different kernels show excellent performance. A key feature of our approach is that the dynamic system in which the convolution integral appears is itself approximated using another system, as distinct from numerically approximating just the solution for the given initial values; this allows non-standard uses of the approximation, e. g. in stability analyses.


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Based on the recently found closed-form expressions of the Boltzmann collision integrals in a rigid-sphere gas for multi-Maxwellian distributions, a few typical sets of contour surfaces of the integrals in the space of molecular velocities are presented. These show graphically the tendency toward equilibrium under the influence of collisions. A brief preliminary comparison with Monte Carlo results is also given.


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The gain and loss integrals in the Boltzmann equation for a rigid sphere gas are evaluated in closed form for a distribution which can be expressed as a linear combination of Maxwellians. Application to the Mott-Smith bimodal distribution shows that the gain is also bimodal, but the two modes in the gain are less pronounced than in the distribution. Implications of these results for simple collision models in non-equilibrium flow are discussed.


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Monte Carlo simulation methods involving splitting of Markov chains have been used in evaluation of multi-fold integrals in different application areas. We examine in this paper the performance of these methods in the context of evaluation of reliability integrals from the point of view of characterizing the sampling fluctuations. The methods discussed include the Au-Beck subset simulation, Holmes-Diaconis-Ross method, and generalized splitting algorithm. A few improvisations based on first order reliability method are suggested to select algorithmic parameters of the latter two methods. The bias and sampling variance of the alternative estimators are discussed. Also, an approximation to the sampling distribution of some of these estimators is obtained. Illustrative examples involving component and series system reliability analyses are presented with a view to bring out the relative merits of alternative methods. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anderson localization is known to be inevitable in one-dimension for generic disordered models. Since localization leads to Poissonian energy level statistics, we ask if localized systems possess `additional' integrals of motion as well, so as to enhance the analogy with quantum integrable systems. We answer this in the affirmative in the present work. We construct a set of nontrivial integrals of motion for Anderson localized models, in terms of the original creation and annihilation operators. These are found as a power series in the hopping parameter. The recently found Type-1 Hamiltonians, which are known to be quantum integrable in a precise sense, motivate our construction. We note that these models can be viewed as disordered electron models with infinite-range hopping, where a similar series truncates at the linear order. We show that despite the infinite range hopping, all states but one are localized. We also study the conservation laws for the disorder free Aubry-Andre model, where the states are either localized or extended, depending on the strength of a coupling constant. We formulate a specific procedure for averaging over disorder, in order to examine the convergence of the power series. Using this procedure in the Aubry-Andre model, we show that integrals of motion given by our construction are well-defined in localized phase, but not so in the extended phase. Finally, we also obtain the integrals of motion for a model with interactions to lowest order in the interaction.


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A set of hypersingular integral equations of a three-dimensional finite elastic solid with an embedded planar crack subjected to arbitrary loads is derived. Then a new numerical method for these equations is proposed by using the boundary element method combined with the finite-part integral method. According to the analytical theory of the hypersingular integral equations of planar crack problems, the square root models of the displacement discontinuities in elements near the crack front are applied, and thus the stress intensity factors can be directly calculated from these. Finally, the stress intensity factor solutions to several typical planar crack problems in a finite body are evaluated.