823 resultados para Melancholy Psychoanalysis (Freud)


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O objetivo deste trabalho estudar a melancolia em duas vias: uma primeira via que chamaremos histrico-investigativa e que estudar esse conceito na filosofia antiga (Aristteles) que carrega o legado direto da medicina hipocrtica, e estudar ainda a trajetria da melancolia na psiquiatria moderna. Em outras palavras, estudar a forma como a melancolia foi construida como uma afeco do corpo nesses dois momentos histricos fundamentais do termo. Uma segunda via analisar o papel fundamental da construo do conceito de melancolia no interior e ao longo da obra de Freud, tanto na sua funo de delimitao de um campo propriamente psicanaltico de reflexo sobre essa doena, como nas suas relaes de vizinhana conceitual (onde esto envolvidos alguns dos conceitos mais fundamentais da obra freudiana)


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The use of mythology as a resource in the construction of Freudian thought and contributions relevant to the use of these outbreaks are of relevance to the development of psychoanalytic studies. This is primarily to discuss the design and conceptualization of myth and mythology, the following route through the Freudian and understand the various arguments used by the author to connect the mythology in the construction of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic thought, trying to highlight the aspects of this connection and opportunities for reflection and understanding of psychoanalytic concepts that the mythological narratives provide.


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The use of mythology as a resource in the construction of Freudian thought and contributions relevant to the use of these outbreaks are of relevance to the development of psychoanalytic studies. This is primarily to discuss the design and conceptualization of myth and mythology, the following route through the Freudian and understand the various arguments used by the author to connect the mythology in the construction of psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic thought, trying to highlight the aspects of this connection and opportunities for reflection and understanding of psychoanalytic concepts that the mythological narratives provide.


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"Las cinco cartas imaginarias a Freud recogidas en este libro son su columna vertebral y los efectos que producirn en la comunidad psicoanaltica estn an por verse. Pero las cartas no agotan los aportes de esta obra. Alberto Fergusson, mdico, psiquiatra y psicoanalista, tiene toda una historia vital dedicada al estudio y el tratamiento de pacientes psicticos. En los aos ochenta cre el Instituto de Autorrehabilitacin Acompaada, inspirado en las premisas del freudomarxismo de la Escuela de Frankfurt y en el mal llamado "movimiento antipsiquitrico" (mal llamado en la medida en que no se opone a la psiquiatra, sino ms bien a una mala prctica psiquitrica) y en los trabajos y experiencias de Laing, Cooper, Basaglia y Szasz. La materializacin de los conceptos del Instituto se produjo en una singular experiencia denominada Fungrata, pero conocida en el mundo acadmico y profesional como "La granja". Esa institucin, pionera en nuestro pas, sigue produciendo asombro en varias partes del mundo por haber llegado, desde ya hace dcadas, adonde muchos otros dispositivos dedicados a la intervencin psicosocial con pacientes psicticos hoy aspiran llegar". (Extracto del "prlogo") Miguel Gutirrez-Pelez


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This thesis consists of a 46,000 word polyphonic novella, Unravel, and an exegesis, Picking at Scabs: the Underside of Grief. The works are companion pieces, sitting side-by-side, and together they plumb the complex depths of loss and its resultant disorder, painful longing, and sorrow. The novella, representing 75% of the work and creative practice, is a multilayered work, which scrapes at the potent unspeakability of the presence of absence in the lives of its chief protagonists, Hana and Guy. As the novella progresses, loss is unraveled to reveal the interplay of remembering and forgetting, past and present and the ways in which these knotty fibres are connected with the strands of memory, trauma, silence, and the uncanny. Each of these threads is woven into the novella and as they plait together, loosen and fray, they expose the mystery, lies and secrets at the core of the novella. The exegesis, which comprises 25% of the thesis, picks at loss to uncover and loosen a complex and worn tangle of knots and loops. In this way, the exegesis and creative work are constantly in dialogue and while neither provides all the answers, both stretch the yarn to reveal an enthusiasm of practice.


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Dans Mortuaires, une pice de thtre en fragments, deux soeurs se rencontrent dans une chambre d'htel; Jiji, la plus vieille, vient de retrouver les cendres de leur mre, morte dix ans auparavant; elle voudrait enterrer l'urne dfinitivement, alors que la plus jeune, Ge, tient la garder prs d'elle. Ce sera l'occasion pour les soeurs de faire valoir leur propre dsir et de clbrer la morte, de reprendre contact avec ce qui reste d'elle dans leur mmoire. Le texte se prsente sous forme de mini-scnes sans continuit, bien qutant toutes relies, comme un dialogue interrompu, une crmonie rejouant la mise en pices du corps. La fragmentation de la mmoire constitue le projet esthtique de la pice, dont le ressort dramatique tourne autour du souvenir endeuill et du corps mort. La mort-vivance comme motif d'criture dans Aurlia de Grard de Nerval est un essai portant sur le rapport qu'entretient Nerval avec les morts dans le rcit, ceux-ci constituant son moteur d'criture. Au moyen de thories telles que la psychanalyse (Freud, Jackson), la sociologie (Muray) et la thorie de la lecture (Picard), il sera dmontr que Nerval, dans Aurlia, se fait spirite en faisant revenir les morts au moyen du rve. L'criture se pose comme un lieu de rencontre entre les vivants et les morts, un espace dans lequel chacun doit se faire mort-vivant pour aller retrouver l'autre. Les frontires se brouillent et il devient difficile pour Nerval, ainsi que pour le lecteur, de distinguer le rve de la ralit.


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This dissertation analyses, within a psychoanalytical e literary perspective, the enigma of blindness in Graciliano Ramos s work. The approach takes into account, mainly, the narratives of Histrias de Alexandre (Alexandre s tales) and Infncia (Childhood memories) as both books speak of the same theme: the injured eye. The writer s work is scourged so that a broaden symbolism regarding the hurt eye can be found. The subject is discussed from three significant elements: fragmentation, helplessness and melancholy; all these form the creative aesthetic of Graciliano, merging into a single object. Fragmentation representing the internal shattered world of his characters, which is reflected in the environment; helplessness, directly related to feelings of rejection; and melancholy, characterized by a strong feeling of emptiness. The theme of isolation and loss is discussed based on Mourning and melancholy, by Freud, and other theorizers. There is also a brief dialogue with the Romantic and philosophical theories, which tries to explain the melancholic condition in the individual before moments of distress. Such theories are the support for the understanding of the helplessness of the hero in Graciliano Ramoss literature and for the assumption that the blindness in the mistreated boy of the book Infncia could be the language of the traumatic aspect that colors the entire text of the writer. As matter of fact, it constitutes in the lost object represented in the anguish of the author s characters


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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O tema desta Dissertao o suicdio como conseqncia da identificao com a me morta. Trata-se de uma pesquisa terica fundamentada na teoria psicanaltica, que recorre anlise do personagem Richard Brown, do filme As Horas, para ilustrar o argumento terico de que a revivescncia da identificao com a me morta pode ser um fator desencadeante do suicdio do melanclico na vida adulta. Inicialmente procura explicitar o conceito de me morta, caracterizada como uma me que mesmo quando est presente mostra-se ausente nos cuidados e no investimento amoroso ao filho em funo de sua depresso. Assim, para a criana, a imagem materna ser a de uma me sem vida, de uma me morta. Mostra a identificao com a me morta como sada psquica para a situao traumtica proveniente do desinvestimento amoroso maternal. A criana na relao com esta me vive uma catstrofe psquica chamada por Green de trauma narcisista, o que vai determinar o destino do investimento libidinal, objetal e narcisista do sujeito. Assim sendo, considera-se a melancolia como uma psicopatologia manifestada na vida adulta pelo sujeito subjugado pelo complexo da me morta. O estudo da melancolia no texto Luto e Melancolia, de Freud, fornece subsdios para se compreender os processos do mundo interior daqueles que querem dar cabo sua prpria existncia. A melancolia evidencia o embate entre o Eu e o Supereu nos papis de acusado e acusador. Mostra que o Supereu se torna sdico ao cobrar perfeio do Eu masoquista empobrecido narcisicamente pela identificao com a me morta. Quando chega s raias do sadismo esse embate leva o Eu, identificado com a me morta, a desejar eliminar o objeto mau introjetado numa parte do Eu, para resgatar o seu valor narcsico idealizado. Aponta o suicdio como a sada psquica encontrada pelo melanclico para livrar-se da identificao com a me morta. Conclui que no suicdio os conflitos inconscientes manifestados na vida adulta so revivescncias dos contedos psquicos registrados na infncia. No caso estudado em questo, a revivescncia da identificao com a me morta teria sido o fator desencadeante do suicdio de Richard Brown na vida adulta.


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Up to the present day, Sabina Spielrein has been seen as a means to deeper understanding of Freud and Jung and, in particular, the relationship between these two great men. This is also the reason why her scholarly achievements after her 1912 essay "Destruction as the Cause of Coming Into Being are hardly taken into account. This study shows that Spielrein's main research work was in the areas of child analysis and developmental psychologythat is, beyond the work and the persons of Freud and Jungand that she made numerous significant contributions to the field, so many of them ahead of her time.


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The dissertation deals with the prose texts of the Finnish writer Timo K. Mukka, renowned for his depictions of his native Lapland. This research concerns the creation of world view in Mukka s prose, which is approached by studying what Mikhail Bakhtin calls generic change. Such genre change is the most characteristic feature of Mukka s prose. His prose is permeated with two genres in particular and changes between them: the ballad-like, archaistic and romantic prose-poem style and naturalistic, even grotesque expressions. In addition, these genres are associated with sublime and grotesque styles so that generic change tends to involve also stylistic changes in Mukka s prose. This study probes the tension-filled interrelationships between the ballad and naturalistic prose by examining the discourse of Mukka s characters. It is shown that these characters invariably find themselves in what Bakhtin calls the chronotope of the threshold; that is, the plots of Mukka s novels and short stories depict situations in which the characters are faced with decisions and deeds that will profoundly impact their lives. The discourse of the threshold affects the characters speech by filling it with dialogical dimensions. This makes their communication ethically loaded and polyphonic. This study is based on Mikhail Bakhtin s theory of the novel and international Bakhtin s studies. I also take into consideration the theoretical developments of Bakhtin s work; for example, the concept of ressentiment, adapted from the Bakhtin scholar Michel Andr Bernstein, plays an important role. In order to explicate on the psychology of Mukka s characters such as melancholy, abjection, sadism, and taboo I use the concepts familiar from Freudian psychoanalysis. The corpus of my research consists of the following texts: the long prose texts Maa on syntinen laulu. Balladi (1964), Tabu (1965), Tlt jostakin. Romaani (1965), Laulu Sipirjan lapsista. Romaani (1966), Ja kesn hein kuolee. Kertomus sairaudesta (1968) ja Kyyhky ja unikko (1970) and the short story collections Koiran kuolema (1967) ja Lumen pelko (1970), and with Tabu published short story Sankarihymni , the short story Katkelma laajemmasta laulelmasta from the collection Rakastaa: Kaksitoista novellia rakkaudesta (1965) and also the short stories which were published in various Finnish journals: Yt (1965), Liisa (1967), Tytt (1967) ja Nin hetki sitten ketun (1970). I pay particular attention to the novel Maa on syntinen laulu, because it expresses the generic change characteristic of Mukka s world view in a specifically clear and lively way. The dissertation is in Finnish. Key words: Timo K. Mukka, world view, genre change, ballad, naturalism, grotesque realism, Mikhail Bakhtin, dialogism, polyphony, chronotope, sublime, grotesque, ressentiment, Sigmund Freud, melancholy, taboo, abject, sadism, reduced laughter, modern parody.


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O objetivo da dissertao abordar a teoria causal do mental de Freud e seu uso na explicao do conflito psquico. destacada a dupla dimenso da causalidade psquica freudiana que oscila de uma causalidade mecanicista a uma causalidade intencional. Considera-se que a forma mais coerente de defender a tese da causalidade psquica descrev-la como intencional, usando o vocabulrio psicolgico. Para dar suporte a essa idia, a concepo estrita da causalidade sustentada por Wittgenstein dispensada, e a idia de causa mental em Davidson endossada como aquela que pode ser mais facilmente articulvel s hipteses freudianas. A questo analisada em trs momentos da obra freudiana. Na primeira tpica, Freud usa um vocabulrio hbrido, descrevendo o psiquismo tanto em termos de causa racionais quanto em termos de causas intencionais. Na segunda tpica, o psiquismo assume, cada vez mais, uma descrio intencional, e a causa a-racional da energia pulsional, inicialmente apresentada como um motor do psiquismo, d um lugar a angstia como um afeto intencional que obriga o eu a encontrar uma soluo para os conflitos psquicos.


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A psicanlise e a arte sempre se atraram. Freud e Lacan se utilizam muito da literatura, das artes plsticas, da msica e do teatro para a ilustrao de importantes conceitos psicanalticos. Esta dissertao tem a inteno de mostrar a relao da psicanlise com a literatura, sobretudo, da psicanlise com a poesia. Atravs da obra do poeta e escritor portugus Teixeira de Pascoaes (1877-1952), o principal representante do saudosismo e uma das mais proeminentes figuras da cultura portuguesa do sculo XX, e do poeta brasileiro Manoel de Barros, considerado por muitos, o maior poeta brasileiro vivo, ratificaremos como a literatura foi fundamental para a construo do corpus terico de Freud e Lacan e de outros grandes autores da psicanlise. Usaremos a poesia de Pascoaes e Barros para exemplificarmos conceitos como a pulso, o inconsciente e a sublimao, este ltimo, inacabado pelo pai da psicanlise. Mostraremos tambm, como a obra dos dois poetas, de alguma forma, se encontram