989 resultados para Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC)


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Digit speech recognition is important in many applications such as automatic data entry, PIN entry, voice dialing telephone, automated banking system, etc. This paper presents speaker independent speech recognition system for Malayalam digits. The system employs Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC) as feature for signal processing and Hidden Markov model (HMM) for recognition. The system is trained with 21 male and female voices in the age group of 20 to 40 years and there was 98.5% word recognition accuracy (94.8% sentence recognition accuracy) on a test set of continuous digit recognition task.


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This paper investigates the use of mel-frequency deltaphase (MFDP) features in comparison to, and in fusion with, traditional mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features within joint factor analysis (JFA) speaker verification. MFCC features, commonly used in speaker recognition systems, are derived purely from the magnitude spectrum, with the phase spectrum completely discarded. In this paper, we investigate if features derived from the phase spectrum can provide additional speaker discriminant information to the traditional MFCC approach in a JFA based speaker verification system. Results are presented which provide a comparison of MFCC-only, MFDPonly and score fusion of the two approaches within a JFA speaker verification approach. Based upon the results presented using the NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE) dataset, we believe that, while MFDP features alone cannot compete with MFCC features, MFDP can provide complementary information that result in improved speaker verification performance when both approaches are combined in score fusion, particularly in the case of shorter utterances.


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In neuroscience, the extracellular actions potentials of neurons are the most important signals, which are called spikes. However, a single extracellular electrode can capture spikes from more than one neuron. Spike sorting is an important task to diagnose various neural activities. The more we can understand neurons the more we can cure more neural diseases. The process of sorting these spikes is typically made in some steps which are detection, feature extraction and clustering. In this paper we propose to use the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) to extract spike features associated with Hidden Markov model (HMM) in the clustering step. Our results show that using MFCC features can differentiate between spikes more clearly than the other feature extraction methods, and also using HMM as a clustering algorithm also yields a better sorting accuracy.


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Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is playing a very important role in human machine communications. Recent communication systems depend on the brain signals for communication. In these systems, users clearly manipulate their brain activity rather than using motor movements in order to generate signals that could be used to give commands and control any communication devices, robots or computers. In this paper, the aim was to estimate the performance of a brain computer interface (BCI) system by detecting the prosthetic motor imaginary tasks by using only a single channel of electroencephalography (EEG). The participant is asked to imagine moving his arm up or down and our system detects the movement based on the participant brain signal. Some features are extracted from the brain signal using Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient and based on these feature a Hidden Markov model is used to help in knowing if the participant imagined moving up or down. The major advantage in our method is that only one channel is needed to take the decision. Moreover, the method is online which means that it can give the decision as soon as the signal is given to the system. Hundred signals were used for testing, on average 89 % of the up down prosthetic motor imaginary tasks were detected correctly. This method can be used in many different applications such as: moving artificial prosthetic limbs and wheelchairs due to it's high speed and accuracy.


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Malayalam is one of the 22 scheduled languages in India with more than 130 million speakers. This paper presents a report on the development of a speaker independent, continuous transcription system for Malayalam. The system employs Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for acoustic modeling and Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) for feature extraction. It is trained with 21 male and female speakers in the age group ranging from 20 to 40 years. The system obtained a word recognition accuracy of 87.4% and a sentence recognition accuracy of 84%, when tested with a set of continuous speech data.


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Considering that the uncertainty noise produced the decline in the quality of collected neural signal, this paper proposes a signal quality assessment method for neural signal. The method makes an automated measure to detect the noise levels in neural signal. Hidden Markov Models were used to build a classification model that classifies the neural spikes based on the noise level associated with the signal. This neural quality assessment measure will help doctors and researchers to focus on the patterns in the signal that have high signal to noise ratio and carry more information.


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EEG signal is one of the most important signals for diagnosing some diseases. EEG is always recorded with an amount of noise, the more noise is recorded the less quality is the EEG signal. The included noise can represent the quality of the recorded EEG signal, this paper proposes a signal quality assessment method for EEG signal. The method generates an automated measure to detect the noise level of the recorded EEG signal. Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient is used to represent the signals. Hidden Markov Models were used to build a classification model that classifies the EEG signals based on the noise level associated with the signal. This EEG quality assessment measure will help doctors and researchers to focus on the patterns in the signal that have high signal to noise ratio and carry more information. Moreover, our model was applied on an uncontrolled environment and on controlled environment and a result comparison was applied.


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The automatic speech recognition by machine has been the target of researchers in the past five decades. In this period have been numerous advances, such as in the field of recognition of isolated words (commands), which has very high rates of recognition, currently. However, we are still far from developing a system that could have a performance similar to the human being (automatic continuous speech recognition). One of the great challenges of searches for continuous speech recognition is the large amount of pattern. The modern languages such as English, French, Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 500,000 words or patterns to be identified. The purpose of this study is to use smaller units than the word such as phonemes, syllables and difones units as the basis for the speech recognition, aiming to recognize any words without necessarily using them. The main goal is to reduce the restriction imposed by the excessive amount of patterns. In order to validate this proposal, the system was tested in the isolated word recognition in dependent-case. The phonemes characteristics of the Brazil s Portuguese language were used to developed the hierarchy decision system. These decisions are made through the use of neural networks SVM (Support Vector Machines). The main speech features used were obtained from the Wavelet Packet Transform. The descriptors MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient) are also used in this work. It was concluded that the method proposed in this work, showed good results in the steps of recognition of vowels, consonants (syllables) and words when compared with other existing methods in literature


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Secondary tasks such as cell phone calls or interaction with automated speech dialog systems (SDSs) increase the driver’s cognitive load as well as the probability of driving errors. This study analyzes speech production variations due to cognitive load and emotional state of drivers in real driving conditions. Speech samples were acquired from 24 female and 17 male subjects (approximately 8.5 h of data) while talking to a co-driver and communicating with two automated call centers, with emotional states (neutral, negative) and the number of necessary SDS query repetitions also labeled. A consistent shift in a number of speech production parameters (pitch, first format center frequency, spectral center of gravity, spectral energy spread, and duration of voiced segments) was observed when comparing SDS interaction against co-driver interaction; further increases were observed when considering negative emotion segments and the number of requested SDS query repetitions. A mel frequency cepstral coefficient based Gaussian mixture classifier trained on 10 male and 10 female sessions provided 91% accuracy in the open test set task of distinguishing co-driver interactions from SDS interactions, suggesting—together with the acoustic analysis—that it is possible to monitor the level of driver distraction directly from their speech.


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We develop noise robust features using Gammatone wavelets derived from the popular Gammatone functions. These wavelets incorporate the characteristics of human peripheral auditory systems, in particular the spatially-varying frequency response of the basilar membrane. We refer to the new features as Gammatone Wavelet Cepstral Coefficients (GWCC). The procedure involved in extracting GWCC from a speech signal is similar to that of the conventional Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) technique, with the difference being in the type of filterbank used. We replace the conventional mel filterbank in MFCC with a Gammatone wavelet filterbank, which we construct using Gammatone wavelets. We also explore the effect of Gammatone filterbank based features (Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients (GCC)) for robust speech recognition. On AURORA 2 database, a comparison of GWCCs and GCCs with MFCCs shows that Gammatone based features yield a better recognition performance at low SNRs.


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This paper presents speaker normalization approaches for audio search task. Conventional state-of-the-art feature set, viz., Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) is known to contain speaker-specific and linguistic information implicitly. This might create problem for speaker-independent audio search task. In this paper, universal warping-based approach is used for vocal tract length normalization in audio search. In particular, features such as scale transform and warped linear prediction are used to compensate speaker variability in audio matching. The advantage of these features over conventional feature set is that they apply universal frequency warping for both the templates to be matched during audio search. The performance of Scale Transform Cepstral Coefficients (STCC) and Warped Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficients (WLPCC) are about 3% higher than the state-of-the-art MFCC feature sets on TIMIT database.


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Feature-based vocoders, e.g., STRAIGHT, offer a way to manipulate the perceived characteristics of the speech signal in speech transformation and synthesis. For the harmonic model, which provide excellent perceived quality, features for the amplitude parameters already exist (e.g., Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF), Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)). However, because of the wrapping of the phase parameters, phase features are more difficult to design. To randomize the phase of the harmonic model during synthesis, a voicing feature is commonly used, which distinguishes voiced and unvoiced segments. However, voice production allows smooth transitions between voiced/unvoiced states which makes voicing segmentation sometimes tricky to estimate. In this article, two-phase features are suggested to represent the phase of the harmonic model in a uniform way, without voicing decision. The synthesis quality of the resulting vocoder has been evaluated, using subjective listening tests, in the context of resynthesis, pitch scaling, and Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based synthesis. The experiments show that the suggested signal model is comparable to STRAIGHT or even better in some scenarios. They also reveal some limitations of the harmonic framework itself in the case of high fundamental frequencies.


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Presently different audio watermarking methods are available; most of them inclined towards copyright protection and copy protection. This is the key motive for the notion to develop a speaker verification scheme that guar- antees non-repudiation services and the thesis is its outcome. The research presented in this thesis scrutinizes the field of audio water- marking and the outcome is a speaker verification scheme that is proficient in addressing issues allied to non-repudiation to a great extent. This work aimed in developing novel audio watermarking schemes utilizing the fun- damental ideas of Fast-Fourier Transform (FFT) or Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform (FWHT). The Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) the best parametric representation of the acoustic signals along with few other key acoustic characteristics is employed in crafting of new schemes. The au- dio watermark created is entirely dependent to the acoustic features, hence named as FeatureMark and is crucial in this work. In any watermarking scheme, the quality of the extracted watermark de- pends exclusively on the pre-processing action and in this work framing and windowing techniques are involved. The theme non-repudiation provides immense significance in the audio watermarking schemes proposed in this work. Modification of the signal spectrum is achieved in a variety of ways by selecting appropriate FFT/FWHT coefficients and the watermarking schemes were evaluated for imperceptibility, robustness and capacity char- acteristics. The proposed schemes are unequivocally effective in terms of maintaining the sound quality, retrieving the embedded FeatureMark and in terms of the capacity to hold the mark bits. Robust nature of these marking schemes is achieved with the help of syn- chronization codes such as Barker Code with FFT based FeatureMarking scheme and Walsh Code with FWHT based FeatureMarking scheme. An- other important feature associated with this scheme is the employment of an encryption scheme towards the preparation of its FeatureMark that scrambles the signal features that helps to keep the signal features unreve- laed. A comparative study with the existing watermarking schemes and the ex- periments to evaluate imperceptibility, robustness and capacity tests guar- antee that the proposed schemes can be baselined as efficient audio water- marking schemes. The four new digital audio watermarking algorithms in terms of their performance are remarkable thereby opening more opportu- nities for further research.


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The human voice is an important communication tool and any disorder of the voice can have profound implications for social and professional life of an individual. Techniques of digital signal processing have been used by acoustic analysis of vocal disorders caused by pathologies in the larynx, due to its simplicity and noninvasive nature. This work deals with the acoustic analysis of voice signals affected by pathologies in the larynx, specifically, edema, and nodules on the vocal folds. The purpose of this work is to develop a classification system of voices to help pre-diagnosis of pathologies in the larynx, as well as monitoring pharmacological treatments and after surgery. Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC), Mel Frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and the coefficients obtained through the Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) are applied to extract relevant characteristics of the voice signal. For the classification task is used the Support Vector Machine (SVM), which aims to build optimal hyperplanes that maximize the margin of separation between the classes involved. The hyperplane generated is determined by the support vectors, which are subsets of points in these classes. According to the database used in this work, the results showed a good performance, with a hit rate of 98.46% for classification of normal and pathological voices in general, and 98.75% in the classification of diseases together: edema and nodules