18 resultados para Meis1
The Hoxa9 and Meis1 genes represent important oncogenic collaborators activated in a significant proportion of human leukemias with genetic alterations in the MLL gene. In this study, we show that the transforming property of Meis1 is modulated by 3 conserved domains, namely the Pbx interaction motif (PIM), the homeodomain, and the C-terminal region recently described to possess transactivating properties. Meis1 and Pbx1 interaction domain-swapping mutants are dysfunctional separately, but restore the full oncogenic activity of Meis1 when cotransduced in primary cells engineered to overexpress Hoxa9, thus implying a modular nature for PIM in Meis1-accelerated transformation. Moreover, we show that the transactivating domain of VP16 can restore, and even enhance, the oncogenic potential of the Meis1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 49 amino acids. In contrast to Meis1, the fusion VP16-Meis1 is spontaneously oncogenic, and all leukemias harbor genetic activation of endogenous Hoxa9 and/or Hoxa7, suggesting that Hoxa gene activation represents a key event required for the oncogenic activity of VP16-Meis1.
BACKGROUND: Hematopoiesis is a paradigm for developmental processes, hierarchically organized, with stem cells at its origin. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) replenish progenitor and precursor cells of multiple lineages, which normally differentiate into short-lived mature circulating cells. Hematopoiesis has provided insight into the molecular basis of tissue homeostasis and malignancy. Malignant hematopoiesis, in particular acute myeloid leukemia (AML), results from impaired development or differentiation of HSCs and progenitors. Co-overexpression of HOX and TALE genes, particularly the HOXA cluster and MEIS1, is associated with AML. Clinically relevant models of AML are required to advance drug development for an aging patient cohort.
RESULTS: Molecular analysis identified altered gene, microRNA, and protein expression in HOXA9/Meis1 leukemic bone marrow compared to normal controls. A candidate drug screen identified the c-Met inhibitor SU11274 for further analysis. Altered cell cycle status, apoptosis, differentiation, and impaired colony formation were shown for SU11274 in AML cell lines and primary leukemic bone marrow.
CONCLUSIONS: The clonal HOXA9/Meis1 AML model is amenable to drug screening analysis. The data presented indicate that human AML cells respond in a similar manner to the HOXA9/Meis1 cells, indicating pre-clinical relevance of the mouse model.
Les leucémies myéloïdes aigües résultent d’un dérèglement du processus de l’hématopoïèse et regroupent des maladies hétérogènes qui présentent des profils cliniques et génétiques variés. La compréhension des processus cellulaires responsables de l’initiation et du maintien de ces cancers permettrait de développer des outils thérapeutiques efficaces et ciblés. Au cours des dernières années, une quantité croissante d’anomalies génétiques reliées au développement de leucémies ont été corrélées à une expression anormale des gènes HOX et de leurs cofacteurs MEIS et PBX. Des modèles expérimentaux murins ont confirmé le rôle direct joué par ces protéines dans le développement de leucémies. En effet, la protéine MEIS1 collabore avec HOXA9 dans la leucémogenèse et requiert pour ce faire trois domaines distincts. Deux de ces domaines sont conservés chez PREP1, un membre de la même classe d’homéoprotéine que MEIS1. En utilisant une approche de gain-de-fonction, j’ai confirmé l’importance du rôle joué par le domaine C-terminal de MEIS1 dans l’accélération des leucémies induites par HOXA9. J’ai également montré que l’activité de ce domaine était corrélée avec une signature transcriptionnelle associée à la prolifération cellulaire. J’ai ensuite réalisé un criblage à haut débit afin d’identifier des antagonistes de l’interaction MEIS-PBX, également essentielle à l’accélération des leucémies HOX. À cette fin, j’ai développé un essai de transfert d’énergie de résonance de bioluminescence (BRET) permettant de détecter la dimérisation MEIS-PBX dans les cellules vivantes. Plus de 115 000 composés chimiques ont été testés et suite à une confirmation par un essai orthogonal, une vingtaine de molécules ont été identifiées comme inhibiteurs potentiels. Ces composés pourront être rapidement testés sur la prolifération de cellules leucémiques primaires dans un contexte d’étude préclinique. Finalement, deux approches protéomiques complémentaires ont permis d’identifier des partenaires potentiels de MEIS1 et PREP1. La catégorisation fonctionnelle de ces candidats suggère un nouveau rôle pour ces homéoprotéines dans l’épissage de l’ARN et dans la reconnaissance de l’ADN méthylé.
Vertebrate limbs grow out from the flanks of embryos, with their main axis extending proximodistally from the trunk. Distinct limb domains, each with specific traits, are generated in a proximal-to-distal sequence during development. Diffusible factors expressed from signalling centres promote the outgrowth of limbs and specify their dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. However, the molecular mechanism by which limb cells acquire their proximodistal (P-D) identity is unknown. Here we describe the role of the homeobox genes Meis1/2 and Pbx1 in the development of mouse, chicken and Drosophila limbs. We find that Meis1/2 expression is restricted to a proximal domain, coincident with the previously reported domain in which Pbx1 is localized to the nucleus, and resembling the distribution of the Drosophila homologues homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd); that Meis1 regulates Pbx1 activity by promoting nuclear import of the Pbx1 protein; and that ectopic expression of Meis1 in chicken and hth in Drosophila disrupts distal limb development and induces distal-to-proximal transformations. We suggest that restriction of Meis1/Hth to proximal regions of the vertebrate and insect limb is essential to specify cell fates and differentiation patterns along the P-D axis of the limb.
E2a-Pbx1 is a chimeric transcription factor oncoprotein produced by the t(1;19) translocation in human pre-B cell leukemia. Class I Hox proteins bind DNA cooperatively with both Pbx proteins and oncoprotein E2a-Pbx1, suggesting that leukemogenesis by E2a-Pbx1 and Hox proteins may alter transcription of cellular genes regulated by Pbx–Hox motifs. Likewise, in murine myeloid leukemia, transcriptional coactivation of Meis1 with HoxA7/A9 suggests that Meis1–HoxA7/9 heterodimers may evoke aberrant gene transcription. Here, we demonstrate that both Meis1 and its relative, pKnox1, dimerize with Pbx1 on the same TGATTGAC motif selected by dimers of Pbx proteins and unidentified partner(s) in nuclear extracts, including those from t(1;19) pre-B cells. Outside their homeodomains, Meis1 and pKnox1 were highly conserved only in two motifs required for cooperativity with Pbx1. Like the unidentified endogenous partner(s), both Meis1 and pKnox1 failed to dimerize significantly with E2a-Pbx1. The Meis1/pKnox1-interaction domain in Pbx1 resided predominantly in a conserved N-terminal Pbx domain deleted in E2a-Pbx1. Thus, the leukemic potential of E2a-Pbx1 may require abrogation of its interaction with members of the Meis and pKnox families of transcription factors, permitting selective targeting of genes regulated by Pbx–Hox complexes. In addition, because most motifs bound by Pbx–Meis1/pKnox1 were not bound by Pbx1–Hox complexes, the leukemic potential of Meis1 in myeloid leukemias may involve shifting Pbx proteins from promoters containing Pbx–Hox motifs to those containing Pbx–Meis motifs.
During limb development, expression of the TALE homeobox transcription factor Meis1 is activated by retinoic acid in the proximal-most limb bud regions, which give rise to the upper forelimb and hindlimb. Early subdivision of the limb bud into proximal Meis-positive and distal Meis-negative domains is necessary for correct proximo-distal (P-D) limb development in the chick, since ectopic Meis1 overexpression abolishes distal limb structures, produces a proximal shift of limb identities along the P-D axis, and proximalizes distal limb cell affinity properties. To determine whether Meis activity is also required for P-D limb specification in mammals, we generated transgenic mice ectopically expressing Meis1 in the distal limb mesenchyme under the control of the Msx2 promoter. Msx2:Meis1 transgenic mice display altered P-D patterning and shifted P-D Hox gene expression domains, similar to those previously described for the chicken. Meis proteins function in cooperation with PBX factors, another TALE homeodomain subfamily. Meis-Pbx interaction is required for nuclear localization of both proteins in cell culture, and is important for their DNA-binding and transactivation efficiency. During limb development, Pbx1 nuclear expression correlates with the Meis expression domain, and Pbx1 has been proposed as the main Meis partner in this context; however, we found that Pbx1 deficiency did not modify the limb phenotype of Msx2:Meis1 mice. Our results indicate a conserved role of Meis activity in P-D specification of the tetrapod limb and suggest that Pbx function in this context is either not required or is provided by partners other than Pbx1.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
The cDNAs and genes of two different types of leucine- rich repeat-containing proteins from grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus) were cloned. Homology search revealed that the two genes, designated as GC-GARP and GC-LRG, have 37% and 32% deduced aminoacid sequence similarities with human glycoprotein A repetitions predominant precursor ( GARP) and leucine-rich alpha2-glycoprotein (LRG), respectively. The cDNAs of GC-GARP and GC-LRG encoded 664 and 339 amino acid residues, respectively. GC-GARP and GC-LRG contain many distinct structural and/or functional motifs of the leucine- rich repeat (LRR) subfamily, such as multiple conserved 11-residue segments with the consensus sequence LxxLxLxxN/CxL ( x can be any amino acid). The genes GC-GARP and GC-LRG consist of two exons, with 4,782 bp and 2,119 bp in total length, respectively. The first exon of each gene contains a small 5'-untranslated region and partial open reading frame. The putative promoter region of GC-GARP was found to contain transcription factor binding sites for GATA-1, IRF4, Oct-1, IRF-7, IRF-1, AP1, GATA-box and NFAT, and the promoter region of GC-LRG for MYC-MAX, MEIS1, ISRE, IK3, HOXA9 and C/EBP alpha. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GC-GARP and mammalian GARPs were clustered into one branch, while GC-LRG and mammalian LRGs were in another branch. The GC-GARP gene was only detected in head kidney, and GC-LRG in the liver, spleen and heart in the copepod ( Sinergasilus major)- infected grass carp, indicating the induction of gene expression by the parasite infection. The results obtained in the present study provide insight into the structure of fish LRR genes, and further study should be carried out to understand the importance of LRR proteins in host - pathogen interactions.
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder affecting nearly 15% of the general population. Ironically, RLS can be described as the most common condition one has never heard of. It is usually characterised by uncomfortable, unpleasant sensations in the lower limbs inducing an uncontrollable desire to move the legs. RLS exhibits a circadian pattern with symptoms present predominantly in the evening or at night, thus leading to sleep disruption and daytime somnolence. RLS is generally classified into primary (idiopathic) and secondary (symptomatic) forms. Primary RLS includes sporadic and familial cases of which the age of onset is usually less than 45 years and progresses slowly with a female to male ratio of 2:1. Secondary forms often occur as a complication of another health condition, such as iron deficiency or thyroid dysfunction. The age of onset is usually over 45 years, with an equal male to female ratio and more rapid progression. Ekbom described the familial component of the disorder in 1945 and since then many studies have been published on the familial forms of the disorder. Molecular genetic studies have so far identified ten loci (5q, 12q, 14p, 9p, 20p, 16p, 19p, 4q, 17p). No specific gene within these loci has been identified thus far. Association mapping has highlighted a further five areas of interest. RLS6 has been found to be associated with SNPs in the BTBD9 gene. Four other variants were found within intronic and intergenic regions of MEIS1, MAP2K5/LBXCOR1, PTPRD and NOS1. The pathophysiology of RLS is complex and remains to be fully elucidated. Conditions associated with secondary RLS, such as pregnancy or end-stage renal disease, are characterised by iron deficiency, which suggests that disturbed iron homeostasis plays a role. Dopaminergic dysfunction in subcortical systems also appears to play a central role. An ongoing study within the Department of Pathology (University College Cork) is investigating the genetic characteristics of RLS in Irish families. A three generation RLS pedigree RLS3002 consisting of 11 affected and 7 unaffected living family members was recruited. The family had been examined for four of the known loci (5q, 12q, 14p and 9p) (Abdulrahim 2008). The aim of this study was to continue examining this Irish RLS pedigree for possible linkage to the previously described loci and associated regions. Using informative microsatellite markers linkage was excluded to the loci on 5q, 12q, 14p, 9p, 20p, 16p, 19p, 4q, 17p and also within the regions reported to be associated with RLS. This suggested the presence of a new unidentified locus. A genome-wide scan was performed using two microsatellite marker screening sets (Research Genetics Inc. Mapping set and the Applied Biosystems Linkage mapping set version 2.5). Linkage analysis was conducted under an autosomal dominant model with a penetrance of 95% and an allele frequency of 0.01. A maximum LOD score of 3.59 at θ=0.00 for marker D19S878 indicated significant linkage on chromosome 19p. Haplotype analysis defined a genetic region of 6.57 cM on chromosome 19p13.3, corresponding to 2.5 Mb. There are approximately 100 genes annotated within the critical region. Sequencing of two candidate genes, KLF16 and GAMT, selected on the assumed pathophysiology of RLS, did not identify any sequence variant. This study provides evidence of a novel RLS locus in an Irish pedigree, thus supporting the picture of RLS as a genetically heterogeneous trait.
The Hox family are master transcriptional regulators of developmental processes, including hematopoiesis. The Hox regulators, caudal homeobox factors (Cdx1-4), and Meis1, along with several individual Hox proteins, are implicated in stem cell expansion during embryonic development, with gene dosage playing a significant role in the overall function of the integrated Hox network. To investigate the role of this network in normal and aberrant, early hematopoiesis, we employed an in vitro embryonic stem cell differentiation system, which recapitulates mouse developmental hematopoiesis. Expression profiles of Hox, Pbx1, and Meis1 genes were quantified at distinct stages during the hematopoietic differentiation process and compared with the effects of expressing the leukemic oncogene Tel/PDGFRß. During normal differentiation the Hoxa cluster, Pbx1 and Meis1 predominated, with a marked reduction in the majority of Hox genes (27/39) and Meis1 occurring during hematopoietic commitment. Only the posterior Hoxa cluster genes (a9, a10, a11, and a13) maintained or increased expression at the hematopoietic colony stage. Cdx4, Meis1, and a subset of Hox genes, including a7 and a9, were differentially expressed after short-term oncogenic (Tel/PDGFRß) induction. Whereas Hoxa4-10, b1, b2, b4, and b9 were upregulated during oncogenic driven myelomonocytic differentiation. Heterodimers between Hoxa7/Hoxa9, Meis1, and Pbx have previously been implicated in regulating target genes involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) expansion and leukemic progression. These results provide direct evidence that transcriptional flux through the Hox network occurs at very early stages during hematopoietic differentiation and validates embryonic stem cell models for gaining insights into the genetic regulation of normal and malignant hematopoiesis.
The cytogenetically normal subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (CN-AML) is associated with Intermediate risk which complicates therapeutic options. Lower overall HOX/TALE expression appears to correlate with more favorable prognosis/better response to treatment in some leukemias and solid cancer. The functional significance of the associated gene expression and response to chemotherapy is not known. Three independent microarray datasets obtained from large patient cohorts along with quantitative PCR validation was used to identify a four gene HOXA/TALE signature capable of prognostic stratification. Biochemical analysis was used to identify interactions between the four encoded proteins and targeted knockdown used to examine the functional importance of sustained expression of the signature in leukemia maintenance and response to chemotherapy. An eleven HOXA/TALE code identified in an Intermediate risk (n=315) compared to a Favourable group of patients (n=105) was reduced to a four gene signature of HOXA6, HOXA9, PBX3 and MEIS1 by iterative analysis of independent platforms. This signature maintained the Favorable/Intermediate risk partition and where applicable, correlated with overall survival in CN-AML. We further show that cell growth and function is dependent on maintained levels of these core genes and that direct targeting of HOXA/PBX3 sensitizes CN-AML cells to standard chemotherapy. Together the data support a key role for HOXA/TALE in CN-AML and demonstrate that targeting of clinically significant HOXA/PBX3 elements may provide therapeutic benefit to these patients.
The incidence of refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is on the increase due in part to an aging population that fails to respond to traditional therapies. High throughput genomic analysis promises better diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic intervention based on improved patient stratification. Relevant pre-clinical models are urgently required to advance drug development in this area. The collaborating oncogenes, HOXA9 and MEIS1, are frequently co-overexpressed in cytogenetically normal AML (CN-AML) and a conditional transplantation mouse model was developed that demonstrated oncogene-dependency and expression levels comparable to CN-AML patients. Integration of gene signatures obtained from the mouse model and a cohort of CN-AML patients using statistically significant connectivity Map (sscMap) analysis identified Entinostat as a drug with the potential to alter the leukemic condition towards the normal state. Ex vivo treatment of leukemic cells, but not age-matched normal bone marrow controls, with Entinostat validated the gene signature and resulted in reduced viability in liquid culture, impaired colony formation and loss of the leukemia initiating cell. Furthermore, in vivo treatment with Entinostat resulted in prolonged survival of leukemic mice. This study demonstrates that the HDAC inhibitor Entinostat inhibits disease maintenance and prolongs survival in a clinically relevant murine model of cytogenetically normal AML. © 2013 AlphaMed Press
Les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) sont rares, mais indispensables pour soutenir la production des cellules matures du sang, un tissu en constant renouvellement. Deux caractéristiques principales les définissent; la propriété d’auto-renouvellement (AR), ou la capacité de préserver leur identité cellulaire suivant une division, et la multipotence, ce potentiel de différentiation leur permettant de générer toutes les lignée hématopoïétiques. De par leurs attributs, les CSH sont utilisée en thérapie cellulaire dans le domaine de la transplantation. Une organisation tissulaire hiérarchique est aussi préservée dans la leucémie, ou cancer du sang, une masse tumorale hétérogène devant être maintenue par une fraction de cellules au potentiel prolifératif illimité, les cellules souches leucémiques (CSL). Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit visent à explorer les bases moléculaires de l’AR, encore mal définies. Certains membres de la famille des facteurs de transcription à homéodomaine HOX sont impliqués dans la régulation de l’hématopoïèse normale, et leur dérégulation peut contribuer à la transformation leucémique. En particulier, la surexpression du gène Hoxb4 dans les CSH influence leur destin cellulaire, favorisant des divisions d’auto-renouvellement et leur expansion en culture et in vivo. En général, les CSH s’épuisent rapidement lorsque maintenue hors de leur niche ex vivo. Différents facteurs interagissent avec les HOX et modulent leur liaison à l’ADN, dont la famille des protéines TALE (Three Amino acid Loop Extension), comme MEIS1 et PBX1. En utilisant une stratégie de surexpression combinée de Hoxb4 et d’un anti-sens de Pbx1 dans les CSH, générant ainsi des cellules Hoxb4hiPbx1lo, il est possible de majorer encore d’avantage leur potentiel d’AR et leur expansion in vitro. Les CSH Hoxb4hiPbx1lo demeurent fonctionnellement intactes malgré une modulation extrême de leur destin cellulaire en culture. Les niveaux d’expressions de facteurs nucléaires, seules ou en combinaison, peuvent donc s’avérer des déterminants majeurs du destin des CSH. Afin d’identifier d’autres facteurs nucléaires potentiellement impliqués dans le processus d’AR des CSH, une stratégie permettant d’évaluer simultanément plusieurs gènes candidats a été élaborée. Les progrès réalisés en termes de purification des CSH et de leur culture en micro-puits ont facilité la mise au point d’un crible en RNAi (interférence de l’ARN), mesurant l’impact fonctionnel d’une diminution des niveaux de transcrits d’un gène cible sur l’activité des CSH. Les candidats sélectionnés pour cette étude font partie du grand groupe des modificateurs de la chromatine, plus précisément la famille des histones déméthylases (HDM) contenant un domaine catalytique Jumonji. Ce choix repose sur la fonction régulatrice de plusieurs membres de complexes méthyl-transférases sur l’AR des CSH, dont l’histone méthyl-transférases MLL (Mixed Lineage Leukemia). Cette stratégie a aussi été utilisée dans le laboratoire pour étudier le rôle de facteurs d’asymétrie sur le destin des CSH, en collaboration. Ces études ont permis d’identifier à la fois des régulateurs positifs et négatifs de l’activité des CSH. Entre autre, une diminution de l’expression du gène codant pour JARID1B, une HDM de la lysine 4 de l’histone H3 (H3K4), augmente l’activité des CSH et s’accompagne d’une activation des gènes Hox. En conclusion, divers déterminants nucléaires, dont les facteurs de transcription et les modificateurs de la chromatine peuvent influencer le destin des CSH. Les mécanismes sous-jacents et l’identification d’autres modulateurs de l’AR demeurent des voies à explorer, pouvant contribuer éventuellement aux stratégies d’expansion des CSH ex vivo, et l’identification de cibles thérapeutiques contre les CSL. Mots-clés : cellules souches hématopoïétiques, Hoxb4, Pbx1, auto-renouvellement, histone déméthylases, RNAi
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)