24 resultados para Megaterium


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Siderophore production by Bacillus megaterium was detected, in an iron-deficient culture medium, during the exponential growth phase, prior to the sporulation, in the presence of glucose; these results suggested that the onset of siderophore production did not require glucose depletion and was not related with the sporulation. The siderophore production by B. megaterium was affected by the carbon source used. The growth on glycerol promoted the very high siderophore production (1,182 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass); the opposite effect was observed in the presence of mannose (251 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). The growth in the presence of fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose or sucrose, originated similar concentrations of siderophore (546–842 μmol g−1 dry weight biomass). Aeration had a positive effect on the production of siderophore. Incubation of B. megaterium under static conditions delayed and reduced the growth and the production of siderophore, compared with the incubation in stirred conditions.


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Os agentes quelantes, como é o caso do EDTA, são utilizados numa ampla variedade de indústrias como a indústria têxtil, da pasta de papel, alimentar, de cosméticos ou de detergentes. Contudo, os agentes complexantes sintéticos, habitualmente usados, não são biodegradáveis, pelo que a sua acumulação no meio ambiente constitui motivo de preocupação. Deste modo, existe um interesse crescente na substituição destes compostos por compostos similares biodegradáveis sendo, deste modo, ambientalmente amigáveis. Alguns microrganismos são capazes de produzir moléculas com capacidade de captar metais. Um desses exemplos são os sideróforos: compostos produzidos por bactérias, fungos e plantas gramíneas, com capacidade de formar quelatos muito estáveis com o ferro. A presente dissertação teve como objetivo estudar o efeito de diferentes condições culturais e nutricionais na produção de sideróforo pela bactéria Bacillus megaterium. A avaliação da produção de sideróforo, utilizando o método colorimétrico Chrome Azurol S (CAS), durante o crescimento da bactéria, em meio de cultura deficiente em ferro, na presença de 5 ou de 20 g/L de glucose, mostrou que o início da sua produção ocorre, durante a fase exponencial de crescimento, não está relacionada com a esporulação e não é afetada pela concentração de glucose. Contudo, o crescimento da bactéria na presença de diferentes fontes de carbono (glicerol, frutose, galactose, glucose, manose, lactose, maltose ou sacarose) evidenciou que a produção de sideróforo é afetada pelo tipo de fonte de carbono. O crescimento na presença de glicerol promoveu a maior produção de sideróforo; efeito inverso foi observado na presença de manose. A bactéria B. megaterium, quando crescida na presença de frutose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose ou sacarose, produziu concentrações similares de sideróforo. O aumento da concentração de arginina, no meio de cultura, não aumentou a produção de sideróforo. A agitação apresentou um efeito positivo na produção de sideróforo; o crescimento em condições estáticas atrasou e diminuiu a produção de sideróforo. Em conclusão, o glicerol parece constituir uma fonte de carbono alternativa, aos monossacáridos e dissacáridos, para a produção de sideróforo. A agitação apresenta um efeito positivo na produção de sideróforo pela bactéria B. megaterium ATCC 19213.


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A soil microorganism identified as Bacillum megaterium was found to produce several antibiotics substances after growth for 20 h at 37A degrees C in a mineral culture medium. Analysis both by electron spray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) identified these substances as lipopeptides. Predominant peaks at m/z 1,041 and m/z 1,065 revealed ions which are compatible with surfactins and lichenysins, respectively. Two other ions m/z 1,057 and m/z 1,464 were further studied by collision-induced dissociation (CID) unveiling an iturin A at the first and fengycins A and B at the second m/z peaks. The CID spectrum of the m/z 1,464 ion also suggests the existence of fengycins A and B variants in which Ile was changed to Val in the position 10 of the peptide moiety. Raw mixtures of all these compounds were also assayed for antibiotic features. The data enlighten the unusual diversity of the lipopeptide mixture produced by a sole Bacillus species.


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Bioplastics are polymers (such as polyesters) produced from bacterial fermentations that are biodegradable and nonhazardous. They are produced by a wide variety of bacteria and are made only when stress conditions allow, such as when nutrient levels are low, more specifically levels of nitrogen and oxygen. These stress conditions cause certain bacteria to build up excess carbon deposits as energy reserves in the form of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). PHAs can be extracted and formed into actual plastic with the same strength of conventional, synthetic-based plastics without the need to rely on foreign petroleum. The overall goal of this project was to select for a bacteria that could grow on sugars found in the lignocellulosic biomass, and get the bacteria to produce PHAs and peptidoglycan. Once this was accomplished the goal was to extract PHAs and peptidoglycan in order to make a stronger more rigid plastic, by combing them into a co-polymer. The individual goals of this project were to: (1) Select and screen bacteria that are capable of producing PHAs by utilizing the carbon/energy sources found in lignocellulosic biomass; (2) Maximize the utilization of those sugars present in woody biomass in order to produce optimal levels of PHAs. (3) Use room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) in order to separate the cell membrane and peptidoglycan, allowing for better extraction of PHAs and more intact peptidoglycan. B. megaterium a Gram-positive PHA-producing bacterium was selected for study in this project. It was grown on a variety of different substrates in order to maximize both its growth and production of PHAs. The optimal conditions were found to be 30°C, pH 6.0 and sugar concentration of either 30g/L glucose or xylose. After optimal growth was obtained, both RTILs and enzymatic treatments were used to break the cell wall, in order to extract the PHAs, and peptidoglycan. PHAs and peptidoglycan were successfully extracted from the cell, and will be used in the future to create a new stronger co-polymer. Peptidoglycan recovery yield was 16% of the cells’ dry weight.


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Oviposition attractants could be used for monitoring as well as controlling mosquitoes by attracting them to lay eggs at chosen sites. In the present study, culture filtrates of seven bacterial species were tested for their attractancy against gravid females of Culex quinquefasciatus. When their oviposition active indices (OAI) were studied, the culture filtrates of Bacillus cereus and Pseudomonas fluorescens exhibited oviposition attractancy (OAI = >0.3) at 100 ppm and the OAI were respectively 0.70 and 0.47. Culture filtrates of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis (wild type), B. t. var. israelensis (mutant) and B. sphaericus showed attractancy at 2000 ppm with OAI of respectively 0.71, 0.59 and 0.68. However, the OAI of B. megaterium as well as Azospirillum brasilense was 0.13 (at 2000 ppm), which was less than 0.3 required to be considered them as attractants. When the oviposition attractancy of the bacterial culture filtrates were compared with that of a known oviposition attractant, p-cresol (at 10 ppm), the culture filtrates of B. t. var. israelensis (wild type) and B. cereus were found to be more active than p-cresol, respectively with 64.2 and 54.3% oviposition.


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Embora estudos recentes relatem a utilização de RCPC (Rizobactérias Promotoras de Crescimento de Plantas) no Brasil, raríssimos trabalhos avaliam a presença natural dessas espécies bacterianas no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de RPCP em duas amostras de solo sob diferentes tipos de manejo, através da construção e do seqüenciamento de bibliotecas de DNA metagenômico. Utilizaram-se oligonucleotídeos específicos para amplificação da região hipervariável do espaço intergênico dos genes ribossomais 16S-23S de DNA extraído de diferentes solos, sob Eucalyptus sp. e sob mata. Os fragmentos obtidos foram inseridos em vetor e clonados. As bibliotecas geraram 495 clones, que foram seqüenciados e identificados através de comparações realizadas pelo software Blast. O solo sob Eucalyptus sp. apresentou maior número de RPCP do que sob mata. Os filos Actinobacteria e Proteobacteria eram maiores no solo sob Eucalyptus sp., estando o filo Firmicutes ausente no solo sob mata. Somente oito espécies diferentes de RPCP foram detectadas: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Bradyrhizobium elkanii, Bradyrhizobium sp., Frankia sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens e Pseudomonas gladioli. O trabalho forneceu valiosos dados sobre a presença de RPCP em solos com espécies florestais e sua possível utilização em reflorestamentos, assim como para o melhor conhecimento desses microrganismos nos solos do Brasil.


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O feijão-caupi Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp. é a principal cultura de subsistência do semiárido brasileiro, sendo fonte de proteínas de baixo custo, notadamente, para populações carentes. A produção dessa cultura no Nordeste é baixa devido à não utilização de insumos agrícolas - entre eles, o fertilizante nitrogenado. Por outro lado, bactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas (BPCPs) vêm sendo estudadas, de forma a maximizar a fixação de N2, disponibilizar nutrientes como P ou fito-hormônios e inibir doenças. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram verificar a viabilidade da coinoculação das sementes de feijão-caupi usando Paenibacillus, Brevibacillus e, ou, Bacillus e Bradyrhizobium-caupi; caracterizar as estirpes quanto à produção de ácido indol acético (AIA) e solubilização de fosfato; e avaliar o sinergismo entre os microrganismos como alternativa para otimizar a FBN. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em laboratório e em casa de vegetação do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA), utilizando o feijão-caupi cv. "IPA - 206". As estirpes utilizadas foram: Bacillus sp. - 449, 450, 451, 461 e ANBE 31; B. cereus - 440; B. subtilis - 438, 441, 454, 455 e 459; B. pumilus - 444, 445 e 448; B. megaterium - 462; Brevibacillus brevis - 447; Paenibacillus brasilensis - 24, 172 e 177; P. graminis - MC 04.21, MC 22.13 e BR 60106; P. polymyxa - S21; e P. durus - RBN4. Os microrganismos não apresentaram capacidade para produzir AIA nem solubilizar fosfato. Ocorreu sinergismo das estirpes de Bacillus sp. (449) e Bacillus pumilus (444) coinoculadas com a estirpe de Bradyrhizobium sp. (BR 3267) no feijão-caupi.


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Diseases induced by Rhizoctonia solani, like damping-off and root and stem rot on soybean (Glycine max), are a serious problem around the world. The addition of some organic material to soil is an alternative control for these diseases. In this study, benzaldehyde and dried powders of kudzu (Pueraria lobata), velvetbean or mucuna (Mucuna deeringiana), and pine bark (Pinus spp.) were used in an attempt to improve soybean plant growth and to reduce the disease R. solani (AG-4) causes on soybean. Benzaldehyde (0.1-0.4 mL/kg of soil) and velvetbean (25-100 g/kg) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced mycelial growth of R. solani in laboratory tests. In greenhouse experiments, the percentage of non-diseased plants was higher in treatments with pine bark and velvetbean (50-100 g/kg). In soil treated with kudzu (r²=0.91) or velvetbean (r²=0.94), increasing rates of these amendments tended to increase plant fresh mass. In microplot field conditions, soil amended with velvetbean (r²=0.85) and pine-bark (r²=0.61) significantly reduced disease on soybean. Numbers of Bacillus megaterium (r²=0.87) and Trichoderma hamatum (r²=0.92) and hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate (r²=0.91) were higher in soil amended with increasing rates of velvetbean, indicating an increase in microbial activity. From this study it is concluded that dried powders of velvetbean and pine bark added to soil can reduce Rhizoctonia-induced disease on soybean.


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Southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii) of soybean (Glycine max) is an important disease throughout the world. Some soil amendments can reduce disease levels by improving soil microbial activity. The main goals of this study were to investigate the effects of soil amendments such as dried powders of kudzu (Pueraria lobata), velvetbean (Mucuna deeringiana), and pine bark (Pinus taeda), on soil microbial population and disease caused by S. rolfsii on soybean. Pine bark, velvetbean (mucuna) and kudzu (25 g kg-1) added to soil were effective in reducing disease incidence [non-amended (NA) ~ 39%; amended (A) ~ 2 to 11%)]. Bacillus megaterium was the bacteria most frequently isolated in soils with velvetbean or kudzu (NA ~ log 5.7 CFU g-1 of dried soil; A ~ log 6.2). Soils with velvetbean and kudzu stimulated increase in population of Enterobacter aerogenes (NA ~ log 3; A ~ log 5.1-5.8). Pseudomonas putida population was higher in A than in NA (NA ~ log 4; A ~ log 5.5), and was negatively correlated (r = -0.83, P = 1%) to disease incidence. Soil amended with kudzu and pine bark stimulated increases in populations of Trichoderma koningii (NA ~ log 1.6; A ~ log 2.9) and Penicillium citreonigrum (NA ~ log 1.3; A ~ log 2.6), respectively. Penicillium herquei soil population increased with addition of kudzu (NA ~ log 1.2; A, ~ log 2.5). These microorganisms are antagonists of soil-borne pathogens. Powders of velvetbean, kudzu, and pine bark can increase antagonistic population in soil and reduce disease.


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A mancha-aquosa, causada por Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac) causa grandes prejuízos à cultura do melão. O controle dessa doença foi estudado in vivo, com microbiolização de sementes de melão Amarelo infectadas, com líquidos fermentados de Bacillus subtilis R14, B. megaterium pv. cerealis RAB7, B. pumilus C116 e Bacillus sp. MEN2, com e sem células bacterianas. O mecanismo de ação dos isolados foi estudado in vitro pelo método de difusão em ágar e os compostos bioativos parcialmente caracterizados por testes de hemólise e atividade surfactante. Nos testes in vivo, não houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos com e sem células, indicando que o controle ocorreu devido à presença de compostos bioativos produzidos durante as fermentações. Todos os tratamentos diferiram da testemunha sem diferir entre si (P=0,05%). B. megaterium pv. cerealis RAB7 proporcionou redução da incidência (89,1%) e do índice de doença (92,7%), elevou o período de incubação da mancha-aquosa de 9,8 para 11,9 dias e reduziu a AACPD de 3,36 para 0,17. In vitro, todos isolados apresentaram antibiose contra Aac e os compostos bioativos foram parcialmente caracterizados como lipopeptídeos.


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Dans cette étude, nous avons isolé et cultivé des bactéries intimement liées aux spores du champignon mycorhizien Glomus irregulare prélevées dans la rhizosphère de plants d’Agrostis stolonifera L. récoltés dans un sol naturel. Le séquençage des 29 morphotypes isolés a révélé la présence de seulement sept taxons bactériens (Variovorax paradoxus, Microbacterium ginsengiosoli, Sphingomonas sp., Bacillus megaterium, B. simplex, B. cereus et Kocuria rhizophila). Des isolats de chacun de ces sept taxons ont ensuite été cultivés in vitro sur le mycélium de G. irregulare afin d’observer par microscopie leur capacité à croitre et à s’attacher au mycélium en absence d’éléments nutritifs autres que ceux fournis par le champignon. Tous les isolats, sauf B. cereus, ont été capables de bien croitre dans le système expérimental et de s’attacher au mycélium en formant des structures ressemblant à des biofilms sur la surface du champignon. Toutefois, B. simplex formait ces structures plus rapidement, soit en 15 jours, alors que les autres isolats les ont formés après 30 jours (K. rhizophila et B. megaterium) ou 45 jours (V. paradoxus, M. ginsengiosoli et Sphingomonas sp.). D’autre part, la technique PCR-DGGE a permis d’analyser la diversité bactérienne associée aux spores. La diversité des taxons associés aux spores de G. irregulare qu’il a été possible d’isoler et de cultiver in vitro a été nettement moindre que celle qui était présente sur la surface des spores, alors que la biodiversité bactérienne totale du sol a été encore beaucoup plus élevée. Les bactéries associées aux champignons mycorhiziens jouent probablement un rôle important dans la capacité des plantes à résister aux stress biotiques et abiotiques auxquels elles sont soumises.


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Spores from a number of different Bacillus species are currently being used as human and animal probiotics, although their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Here we describe the isolation of 237 presumptive gut-associated Bacillus spp. isolates that were obtained by heat and ethanol treatment of fecal material from organically reared broilers followed by aerobic plating. Thirty-one representative isolates were characterized according to their morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties as well as partial 16S rRNA gene sequences and screening for the presence of plasmid DNA. The Bacillus species identified included B. subtilis, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, B. clausii, B. megaterium, B. firmus, and species of the B. cereus group, whereas a number of our isolates could not be classified. Intrinsic properties of potential importance for survival in the gut that could be advantageous for spore-forming probiotics were further investigated for seven isolates belonging to five different species. All isolates sporulated efficiently in the laboratory, and the resulting spores were tolerant to simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions. They also exhibited antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of bacteria, including food spoilage and pathogenic organisms such as Bacillus spp., Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes. Importantly, the isolates were susceptible to most of the antibiotics tested, arguing that they would not act as donors for resistance determinants if introduced in the form of probiotic preparations. Together, our results suggest that some of the sporeformers isolated in this study have the potential to persist in or transiently associate with the complex gut ecosystem.


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The ccpA gene was inactivated in the polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)-producing strain Bacillus sp. MA3.3 in order to reduce glucose catabolite repression over pentoses and develop improved bacterial strains for the production of PHB from lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Mutant Bacillus sp. MSL7 Delta CcpA are unable to grow on glucose and ammonia as sole carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Supplementation of glutamate as the nitrogen source or the substitution of the carbon source by xylose allowed the mutant to partially recover its growth performance. RT-PCR showed that CcpA stimulates the expression of the operon (gltAB), responsible for ammonia assimilation via glutamate in Bacillus sp. MA3.3. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the supplementation of xylose or glutamate was capable of stimulating gltAB operon expression independently of CcpA. In PHB production experiments in mineral media, it has been observed that the glucose catabolite repression over the pentoses was partially released in MSL7. Although the carbohydrate consumption is faster in the ccpA mutant, the biomass and PHB biosynthesis are lower, even with supplementation of glutamate. This is attributed to an increase of acetyl-CoA flux towards the tricarboxylic acid cycle observed in the mutant. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Free-living amoebae of the genus Acanthamoeba are widely distributed in soil and water collections, where trophozoites (vegetative, multiplicative stages) feed mainly by phagocytosis and thus control bacterial populations in the environment. Here, we examined the growth, encystment and survival of Acanthamoeba castellanii receiving different bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter cloacae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, Micrococcus luteus, and Staphylococcus aureus) in nonnutrient saline. All bacteria assayed induced a dose-dependent proliferative response, in most cases maximized with a bacterial dose of 1 x 10(9) mL(-1); except for M. luteus, trophozoites grew better with viable than with heat-killed bacteria. In addition, Acanthamoeba growth was improved by adding bacteria on alternate days. Single-dose experiments indicated a temporal association between the growth of trophozoite and bacterial consumption, and higher consumption of M. luteus, E. coli and P. aeruginosa, bacterial species that allowed the highest trophozoite yields. Long-term Acanthamoeba-bacteria incubation revealed that encystment was significantly delayed by almost all the bacteria assayed (including S. aureus, which elicited a poor growth response) and that the presence of bacteria markedly increased cyst yield; final cyst recovery clearly depended on both the dose and the type of the bacterium given, being much higher with E. coli, M. luteus and P. aeruginosa.